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A Touch of Murder

Page 27

by Donna Raider

  “The wings you got from me.” Mika smiled teasingly. “The destruction part came from your mother.”

  Leah playfully slapped at Mika’s arm, then hugged her to her. Just like that, the tension disappeared, and the parents began to teach their children.

  Mika looked at the oven clock. “It is almost three. Let’s get some sleep. Tomorrow, take care of any business that needs your attention. Meet back here at six tomorrow night. Your mother and I will begin training our young Jedi.” Mika made a deep, agonizing breathing sound and everyone laughed at her impersonation of Darth Vader.

  “By the way,” Leah said as she scowled at her children. “In the future, if you are going to raid our refrigerator, give us advance warning.”


  Leah moved slightly so she could watch Mika’s face as she slept. Although Mika’s eyes were closed, a slight smile danced on her lips.

  “What are you smiling about?” Leah asked.

  “Back, horsey, back!” Mika burst out laughing. “I love you more than you can even imagine.”

  “Um, you love laughing at me.” Leah grinned, then broke out laughing, too.

  “I have been on this Earth over two thousand years,” Mika said. “I have never met anyone as exciting and glorious as you, my queen. You never cease to surprise and excite me.”

  “Oh, yes,” Leah huffed. “It is very queenly to ride your children’s mother, naked, in front of them. I am just thankful you had on your panties and I was hidden behind you.”

  “That part wasn’t funny.” Mika chuckled. “Just your reaction to the situation. Anyone else would have slipped from my back and run screaming to the bedroom. Do you realize you tightened your legs around my waist and pulled my head backwards just as one does a horse when signaling it to back?”

  “Um,” Leah purred against Mika’s lips, “and you are so well trained.”

  Mika slid her hands firmly down Leah’s body as far as she could reach and slowly caressed her hips, pressing Leah closer to her.

  “I could always be trained a little more.” Mika kissed Leah lightly several times before devouring her lips.


  After they finished dinner, Nana took Hannah, Mark, and the younger children to the game room. The older children and daughters-in-laws followed their parents into Leah’s office.

  “All of us are going to transport to Regina Madre,” Mika informed her children. “Jennifer, if the atmosphere on the planet will support a human, I will immediately come back for you. If possible, we want you to be there. You need to know of what we are capable.”

  “Mika, we’ve never transported that far before,” Adam said. “I’m not certain we can.”

  “Mika is going to ask God to watch over us and to bless our adventure. Form a circle and hold hands,” Leah said. “Don’t let go until I tell you to.”

  Mika prayed and instantly, they found themselves on a green planet. “We are here,” Leah announced.

  Everyone looked around. They were standing in a small clearing surrounded by a tropical rainforest.

  “This is beautiful,” Sara said.

  As they rose high above the planet, the family spotted a forsaken-looking land mass that seemed to cover a fourth of the planet. The entire continent seemed to be a desert. They lowered themselves into the center of the continent.

  “This planet seems to be very much like Earth.” Rachel looked around. She noted there was no vegetation at all in the desert, not even cacti-like plants. She had expected at least a prickly-pear type cactus. Obviously, there were no life forms in this desert.

  She removed an instrument from her backpack and tested the quality of the air. “Jennifer will have no problem breathing here.”

  “I’ll get her.” Mika moved. Sara placed a restraining hand on her arm.

  “Let me, Mika.” Sara smiled. “She is my wife.”

  Within minutes, Sara returned with an astounded Jennifer.

  Mika looked around at her children. “On your honeymoon, did you fly?”

  The newlyweds shook their heads.

  Leah gasped, but said nothing.

  “You have always cautioned us so emphatically about flying,” Adam said. “We were afraid to try it.”

  “Everyone spread your wings,” Mika instructed. “Jennifer, you can either ride Sara’s back or let her hold you in front of her. Leah likes to ride me.”

  As everyone broke into fits of laughter, Mika looked confused. Then she recalled the prior evening.

  “I guess we will never live that down.” Mika smiled at her wife as Leah climbed onto Mika’s back.

  “I think the back looks more comfortable.” Jennifer looked up at Sara.

  “I have no objection to you riding me.” Sara grinned mischievously.

  Flapping her wings slowly, Mika rose into the sky. She went higher and higher, picking up speed with each powerful stroke of her wings.

  Leah leaned down and whispered into her ear, “I am afraid neither of our children enjoyed their honeymoon as much as I had hoped.”

  “Our first ten days together were pretty mind boggling,” Mika said. “There was no actual flying involved.”

  Leah bit her on the neck and tightened her legs around Mika’s back.

  They soared among the clouds. They passed through rainstorms and rainbows. They flew over the planet’s version of the aurora borealis and returned to their original starting place.

  Leah held her breath at the beauty they encountered. Every time I fly with Mika, she takes me higher and higher. Each time is a new experience. She smiled as she realized the same could be said for the way Mika made love to her.

  Choruses of “wow” and “awesome” came from their children.

  “That was breathtaking!” Jennifer exclaimed.

  “An even more enjoyable experience,” Leah said, “is to float in space wrapped in the soft cocoon of your spouse’s wings.” I so hope I don’t have to draw them a picture, she thought.

  “Okay, let’s play with fire.” Mika grinned. “Queen Mommy, you’re up.”

  Leah stepped forward and held out her hand; a fireball began to grow in it. She snuffed it out. “All you have to do is think it,” she instructed her children. “Try it.”

  Rachel’s fireball materialized instantly. She threw it over a mile away. “Wow!”

  Jacob quickly followed his sister’s example and tossed a huge fireball into the sky.

  Sara and Adam were soon tossing about the burning balls.

  Matt and Regina were awestruck. Having just begun to realize their powers, they had not experimented with them much. It took them a little longer to materialize the fireballs, but when they did, they tossed out five or six in a row.

  “Now do what you just did, only don’t use your hands,” their mother instructed. “Just use your minds. See it happening in your mind’s eye.”

  She watched as her children struggled to launch their fiery missiles without using their hands. After over an hour of working hard, they began to have success. She was pleased when each of them could effortlessly launch a huge fireball.

  “You can also act as human flamethrowers.” Leah demonstrated, casting a flame from her that stretched as far as they could see.

  Even Mika was impressed. “Very impressive, Your Majesty.”

  The children worked another hour and mastered the art of flamethrowing.

  “Watch this, Queen Mommy.” Matt opened his mouth and appeared to be breathing out flames like a dragon.

  Everyone laughed and began trying various versions of Matt’s illusion.

  “Show them your version, Mika.” Leah smiled at Mika.

  Mika unfurled her wings and rose to her full height, breathing fire from her nostrils. She looked like a beautiful, blonde, fire-breathing firedrake.

  “What else can we do, Mommy?” the children chorused.

  Without even flinching, Leah caused a fierce wind to blow across the desert, moving a wall of sand with it. She followed that with a blinding rainstorm.
In the distance, a dark, roaring tornado appeared from nowhere. It ripped across the desert, heading directly toward them. Just before slamming into them, it disappeared. She filled the heavens with thunder and lightning, directing the lightning to strike wherever she wanted. “You can do anything you can visualize. You are only limited by your imaginations.” She smiled as she stole Mika’s line. “Just be certain you are aware of the consequences of your actions.”

  They spent the entire night teaching their children how to use their gifts.

  “I want you to recall the things you have seen and learned today,” Leah said. “Tomorrow night I want you to be prepared to stop them if they are unleashed on you.”


  The eight Crosses walked out of Leah’s study just as Nana was taking the younger family members into the dining room.

  “Oh, good.” Adam and Mika laughed. “We’re in time for breakfast.”

  Jennifer was exhausted. She ate in silence as the family she had married into laughed and teased one another. No mention was made of their night’s activities.

  Although Amber wasn’t an actual relation of the Cross family, she was exactly like them. When she had unfurled her wings, she had been just as beautiful as Sara, but more mature and at ease with her abilities.

  Only Jennifer and Leah lacked wings. She was in awe of her mother-in-law. The woman was a perfect balance of earth, wind, and fire. Her command of the elements was incredible. The ease with which she wielded her power was amazing and terrifying. Leah was the show while Mika smiled quietly in the background.

  They are all so powerful, Jennifer thought, they could rule the world. Instead, they quietly move through life doing good, working to make the world a better place.

  Sara noticed the tired look on her wife’s face. She chastised herself for not taking her home immediately to rest. She would have to be more cognizant of the fact that Jennifer was mortal and couldn’t maintain the rigorous routine of her family.

  “We’re riding to the river,” Adam said, taking Amber’s hand. “You and Jennifer want to go with us?”

  “No,” Sara replied. “We need to get some sleep.”

  Rachel, Jacob, Regina, and Matt wanted to ride to the river. Sara knew they all wanted to get away together and discuss what had transpired the previous night. Perhaps I can join them after Jennifer falls asleep, she thought.

  “What about you two?” Adam addressed his parents.

  “I think your mother needs to rest,” Mika said.


  “Rachel’s white paper is amazing.” Leah looked up as Mika entered their bedroom. Her hair was still damp from her shower. Leah instantly dried it as Mika pulled on a soft T-shirt

  “I know.” Mika settled beside her on the sofa. “I am still trying to wrap my mind around her discovery. She truly is brilliant.”

  “How do you feel about all of them going on the spacecraft?” Leah asked as she laid Mika’s head in her lap.


  “I don’t like it,” she said, running her fingers through Mika’s soft, blonde hair.

  “After tonight, we will have taught them all we know, and they will be better equipped to handle anything they encounter.” Mika snuggled closer to her, placing her ear against Leah’s stomach.

  “Yes.” Leah continued to read the white paper.

  Mika lay still, listening to the heartbeats of their babies. She gazed up at her wife’s perfect face. She inhaled sharply as Leah’s eyes locked with hers. A slow, sensuous smile shaped Leah’s soft, full lips.

  “I fear you have enchanted me, witch,” Mika murmured as Leah leaned down to kiss her.


  On the hill, Lucas Omen sat astride his horse and watched the Crosses ride toward the river. They were walking their horses as they talked. He wasn’t close enough to hear their conversation. He could tell by their animated gestures and laughter that they were enjoying themselves. He spurred his mount forward, hoping to reach the river when they did. His faithful dog ran ahead of him, eager to help with any task.

  “Looks like your boyfriend found us,” Matt teased his older sister as they watched Lucas ride toward them.

  “He’s not my boyfriend,” Rachel hissed.

  “Hey,” Lucas greeted the group. “I was looking for a cow and her calf and saw y’all.”

  “Y’all.” Jacob grinned. “Is that even a word?”

  “In Texas, it is.” Lucas laughed. “Where are all of you going?” He was careful to use the perfect English used by the Cross family.

  “The river,” Jacob answered. “We’re just riding for fun, so we can help you look for your cow and calf.”

  “The river is where I was headed,” Lucas said. “That is where they always go.”

  Lucas pulled his horse beside Rachel. “I called on you last night, but you were out.”

  “Yes,” she said simply.

  “I wanted to remind you of the street dance, Saturday night.”

  “Oh, yes!” Her blue eyes danced. “My family is planning on attending. We will meet you there.”

  “I was hoping I could take you.” Lucas bowed his head. He could feel the pink blush creeping from his neck to the top of his head.

  “That would be lovely,” she said. “It would be better if all sixteen of us didn’t arrive together.”

  “Lucas,” Jacob yelled as he herded a cow and calf toward the group. “I found your runaways.”


  The older children joined their parents in their mother’s study. She motioned for them to take a seat.

  “More than you can even imagine, it hurts me to say this.” Leah grimaced. “I am afraid the time has come for us to stop introducing you as our children. People are beginning to question that we have children who look our age. Jennifer, the way you handled introducing yourself and the others at the diner on Sunday was excellent.

  “In the future, you should arrive at places in your own vehicles. We even need to be careful in front of the ranch hands.

  “When you transport somewhere, always do so invisibly. This will give you an opportunity to make certain no one is around when you materialize.

  “Does anyone have any questions before we return to Regina Madre?”

  Everyone shook their heads. They formed a circle, prayed, and were instantly transported to the lush rainforest on Regina Madre.

  “You have the ability to affect anything.” Leah began teaching immediately. A tree withered and died instantly. Just as quickly, it sprang back to life.

  “You are virtually invincible,” their mother continued. “You can contain anything in an impenetrable bubble.” She captured an enormous bird-like creature flying overhead and lowered the bubble to the ground. The fowl tried to break free, pounding at the sides of the bubble with its sharp beak.

  The bubble slowly began to fill with water. Leah lifted the bubble back into the air and burst it. The bird flew away.

  She moved to the center of the circle formed by Mika and children.

  “All of you try to touch me.”

  The children rushed forward, but found they were prevented from reaching their mother by some invisible wall.

  She lowered the wall and froze them in their place. She levitated them into the sky, then gently lowered them to the ground.

  “We have many ways to protect ourselves and others. It is not always necessary to kill others to protect ourselves.”

  “Like you did the terrorists?” Jacob asked.

  “I killed the terrorist for two reasons.” Leah tilted her head slightly. “They were about to behead your brother and I knew they would continue their wanton acts of terrorism, unless I stopped them.

  “We are fairly certain our offspring are immortal, but won’t know for sure until you reach your thirties. If you are immortal, the only way any of you can be killed is if you lose your head.” She frowned. “That can happen a number of ways. Your head can be severed from your body with a sword or other sharp object. It can be removed by one
of those awful bullets that literally explode upon penetration. It can be ripped off by an explosion. So, you are not indestructible.

  “There are numerous ways to stop something from happening.” Leah caused a deluge of water to wash Adam to the ground. She stopped time then moved outside the circle. When it started again, the children swung around, frantically searching for her.

  “You have to decide if you want to simply stop it from happening or make certain it never happens again.

  “Mika and I have discussed our own history and realize that you don’t know all there is to know about us, so if you will take a seat on the ground, we will provide you details.”

  Each of them showed their children the same scenes they had shared with one another. After a four-hour show in their minds, the children were even more in awe of their parents and all they had been through to find one another. They sat in stunned silence as they realized Mika was the Archangel Michael, neither male nor female but an entity that could change sexes. Thus, their large family. They were surprised that Amber had always been with Mika and that they were like siblings.

  They were shocked to learn of their mother’s evil past and all the cruelty to which she had been subjected as a young woman. Tears ran down their cheeks as they watched Mika court her: trying to win her trust, trying to save her.

  They laughed at their parents’ antics when Mika was the lead singer of their oldest brother’s band.

  They smiled when Sara and Adam were born, then groaned when they learned of their mother’s contract with the dark one.

  They gasped as they watched Mika sacrifice herself for her wife and children. They were spellbound as they witnessed their mother ride into Hades to get Mika. They smiled when Leah froze hell and confronted Satan.

  When the show ended, they looked around, exchanging glances with one another. Their eyes came to rest on their parents. Mika was leaning back against a tree with their mother on her lap. They were kissing.

  “Show’s over,” Mika mumbled to her wife.

  She shifted in Mika’s lap to face her children. “Any questions?”

  They stood, shaking their heads. It would take them some time to digest all they had learned today. One thing was certain: their parents were the most amazing people in the world.


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