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Finley's Adoration

Page 3

by Elizabeth Knox

  I stand like this for a few minutes until I grab the exfoliating soap Finley bought me last week and scrub every orifice of my body. I have no problem getting bloody and bruised for those I care about, but I don’t want to see the reminders of what I’ve done all over myself.

  When I’m done scrubbing clean, I stand under the water and breathe in and out slowly. Showering is always so cathartic for me. It’s like the water washes away all of your tension and negative energy too.

  The creaking of the door causes me to turn my head to the right, and I spot Finley walking into the bathroom. She shuts the door behind her and comes over to the entrance of the shower. “I didn’t expect you home so early.”

  A devilish smirk pulls at her lips. “Wish I’d gotten home earlier.” She strips out of her clothes piece by piece, throwing the clothes wherever the hell she wants, and I literally want to strangle her ‘cause I know I’ll be the one who has to put them in the hamper. She always forgets, and sometimes I swear she’s a man. She does the same stupid shit, like not changing the coffee filter after she uses it or throwing clothes anywhere. But at the end of the day, I love her, unlike I’ve loved any other. She’s brought so much joy in my life, so I’ll deal with the small, little flaws because it means I’m in her bed and she’s in my corner.

  Finley walks slowly into the shower, and as she gets to me, she snakes a hand around my waist and turns me to face her. She takes a step toward me, and I’m forced to dig my back against the jagged stone. She kneels on the floor and pushes my legs apart. “Oh my,” I murmur, and she looks up at me, her eyes telling me just what’s on her mind.

  Finley brings her face closer to my quite literally wet pussy, and I suck in a breath, knowing the way this woman makes me lose my mind time and time again. She wraps her silky lips around my clit and sucks while slithering her hand between my legs and dipping three fingers inside me. She starts out slow with her movements, and then she builds it up until things are hot and heavy. My wetness coats her fingers and I lean my head back against the stone, gnawing on my bottom lip while electricity rolls through my body.

  With Finley, I have the best sex of my life. It’s like she knows right where every button is that I need pressed. She stops sucking on my clit and rolls her tongue against it harshly. While she does, heat rolls through my center, and I grab onto her thick black hair, forcing her face against my pussy.

  “Fin,” I moan her name, my toes rolling while my orgasm starts to take over me. She fucks me with her fingers even harder, and I lose all control. “Finle—fuck!”

  She giggles, and my body shakes. Her mouth and hand quickly become too much for my body to bear, and I try to pull myself away from her mouth, knowing I’ll lose it again, but Finley doesn’t let me go. Instead, she stands, keeps one hand dipped between my legs, and hikes my left leg up over her arm.

  She grabs me by the back of the hair and slams her luscious lips down onto mine. It’s deep, defiant, and sinful as hell. Every bit of this kiss is hot and claiming. It’s not sweet or sensual in the least bit. Jesus, I don’t know if I need to beat a bitch’s ass to have some hot sex like this, but I might need to find another girl to fight, stat.

  Finley keeps kissing me intensely while ramming her fingers into my pussy. She rubs her thumb against my clit, and everything combined throws me into another orgasm. Finley breaks our kiss and breathlessly tells me what she wants. “That’s right, flood my hand with your juices.”

  I dig my nails into her shoulders, and she lets me go, completely lowers my leg down and takes a step out of my grasp. As she backs away, she’s smirking. “Get your ass downstairs. Omen and Ricochet are here. They wanna chat with you.”

  “Did they say what it’s about? I’m . . . I mean, we’re kind of busy.” I raise my brows, giving her a knowing look.

  I’m not sure if people can smile with their eyes, but I feel like Finley can. Maybe her joy just reaches her eyes, but with all her happiness, she cackles. “I’m sure it’s club shit. I promise, baby, we’re not done for the night. Go get your shit handled and come back up here. I’ll have some of our toys out.”

  Finley heads into the bedroom, and I quickly wash my hair before drying it off with a towel and throwing it into a messy bun. I throw on some clothes, put on my cut, and head downstairs. Ricochet and Omen are in our living area sitting across from each other on the couches. “Hey, guys.”

  “Hey there, you look . . . fuck, you’re red as shit.” Ricochet cracks up.

  Heat floods through my cheeks. “Yeah, well, um, you might be interrupting something.”

  “Shit, some pussy lickin’? When can I get a ticket to the show?” Omen asks.

  “Um, never. Weren’t you on the second floor? What’re you doing here?”

  “Got club shit to handle. I’m goin’ back there as soon as we finish talkin’ to you. Gemini’s waitin’ on me and considerin’ she’s mine for the night . . . times a-wastin’. C’mon, get talkin’. Your VP isn’t gonna sit around waitin’ all night.”

  Well, someone’s a bit eager to get back to Night’s Bliss. Even though Omen is the VP, he’s pretty quiet. One of those guys where you don’t really know what the hell he’s thinking. “Long story short, I’m waiting until mid-terms so I can get to this party. I’ve been super flirty with this guy, who I’m certain is tied to the cult. Until then, I won’t have anything new.”

  “How many leads do you have?” Omen questions.

  “A couple, but I’m following my own first. At least I know the knowledge is legit,” I tell him and look over at Ricochet for a second.

  “Things are a bit stressful up north. We didn’t get everyone in Boston. A lot of them got away before we could do anything. Our main priority was getting Peyton, but now I’m wishin’ we were all smarter about shit.” Ricochet runs a hand over his head. Peyton is Venom’s daughter and basically his step-daughter.

  “Stop doin’ that shit to yourself. We needed to get the kid outta there. She was our priority.” Omen sticks up for Ricochet, making him realize we’re all family and we do what’s needed. Our safety is number one, and everything else can wait.

  “I have things handled here at the moment. I’m doing research and getting as much info as possible. Go out and do your shit guys, I have other stuff to . . . tend to.” Both of the guys snicker lightly and nod, knowing all too well what I’m saying.

  “I trust you, and so does Boss. I’m gonna get back to Night’s Bliss.” Omen’s up and out before I can even take a breath and Ricochet rises from the couch.

  “I’m staying here, so I’m gonna go call Venom and let her know everything is good here.”

  Nodding, Ricochet walks off, and I head back up the stairs, ready for whatever my woman has for me.

  Chapter Five


  Waking up with Ainslee curled up in my arms, a smile forms on my face. Last night, I wore her out with how many orgasms I wrung from her.

  After getting home from Night’s Bliss last night, I needed her when I found her in the shower. I wasn’t in the basement for too long, but it was enough to find out Preacher is being ballsy as hell. He thought he’d send two of his boys in to attempt to snag a girl or two for his stable.

  I know who Preacher really wants and that shit’s not about to happen. He’s not getting her or anyone else, for that matter. It’s why I keep a tight rein on the security for the second and third floor.

  We have the new hires man the door and learn the first floor before moving on to learn the rest. I have a few of them train with Jackson’s crew to learn tactics to restrain and keep the patrons in the club safe. Those SoCo Security Investigation boys don’t play around when it comes to their work. It’s why they help me out with them. Well, that and because my lawyer is Jackson’s cousin and Madison always gets her way.

  Glancing from Ainslee to the baby monitor, I watch Dominic as he waves his arms around in the air while cooing. Smiling, I turn back to Ainslee and kiss her gently. I climb out of bed, put on a pair o
f running shorts, a sports bra, and a tank top. I slip on a pair of running shoes before going to our son’s room.

  “Hey, munchkin,” I murmur, lifting him out of his crib. I change his diaper and put fresh clothes on him. I carry him out of his room, into the kitchen, and make him a bottle. Mornings are for the two of us.

  Once Dominic finishes his bottle, I head to the gym that we built behind the garage. I place Dominic in his swing and get on the treadmill. Sometimes I put him in the stroller, and we go running that way. This morning it’s raining, so treadmill it is.

  I run five miles before moving onto lifting weights.

  Dominic babbles and falls asleep to the motion of the swing.

  Ainslee walks into the gym in nothing but her robe with her hair disheveled. I’m tempted to have some fun here in the gym; however, we have other people here right now, and though I’m sure they’ve seen her in some way, I’m not about to let it happen again.

  I put the weights down and sit on the bench, watching her as she comes in my direction. Ainslee looks to Dominic for a brief second, smiles, and steps over to me. She straddles my lap, and I cup her bare ass under her robe and open my mouth under hers when she kisses me.

  I slip a hand to the front and slide my fingers through her wetness, finding her soaked for me once again. Groaning, I’m about to say to hell with it when someone clears their throat from the doorway.

  Ainslee lifts her mouth from mine, and we both look to the doorway to find both Ricochet and Omen standing there.

  “Do you mind?” I mutter in annoyance.

  “Oh, we don’t mind. You don’t have to stop on our account.” Omen chuckles.

  “Did you two need something?” Ainslee asks, standing from my lap.

  “Naw, we were just checking the gym out. Cedric had told us about it in the kitchen,” Ricochet states.

  Nodding, I stand too. “When do you all head back to New York?” I ask, coming up with an idea. I want Ainslee to know her family is welcome here anytime.

  “We gotta head back tomorrow. Probably head out around noon,” Omen declares.

  “Cool, what if we all have dinner tonight. Mara-Lee is a beast in the kitchen and would love the chance to show off her skills to other people besides us,” I say, wrapping my arm around Ainslee’s waist.

  “Wouldn’t miss it,” Ricochet says, nodding. “Maybe if this rain clears up, we can go for a ride this afternoon,” he suggests.

  “Sounds good to me.” Ainslee nods in agreement. Dominic takes the chance to let everyone know he’s awake by making a high pitch squeal, causing everyone to laugh.

  “Why don’t you go get dressed? I’ve got him and I’ll be in my office. You can come get him in there,” I say, releasing Ainslee and go to pick up Dominic from the swing.

  Ainslee tells her brothers she’ll be back in a few and walks past them. They head back to the kitchen, and I head straight to my office. I need to check on things from the previous night. Make sure everything’s good, and I still need to speak with Cedric about the numbers.

  Stepping into my office, I hold Dominic in my arms and start my computer.

  I’m scanning through emails when Ainslee comes into my office and takes Dominic from me but not before kissing me with longing. “Tonight, we have a repeat of last night,” she whispers against my lips.

  “Hm, I have to agree,” I murmur.

  “I’ll let you get back to work,” she whispers and presses her lips to mine once more.

  When they leave the room, I focus on what needs to be done. Things with Preacher aren’t going to go away.

  Instead, they’re only going to heat up.

  Last night he declared war by sending those fuckers to my club, and I’m not one for losing. I will make Preacher wish he never came to my town. Pain and death are what I’ll bring to his door.

  Finishing up with my emails, I sit back in my chair and let the weight of everything settle further on my shoulders, fully causing them to tighten with tension.

  Tomorrow, I’ll deal with more. The rest of the day, I’m going to make it about my family and those around me.

  Chapter Six


  “Phuck U” by Royal & the Serpent pumps through the stereo as I walk inside the frat house. Red solo cups are being held high as people dance to the beat. Women laugh in the background as they chat in groups. Some have arms wrapped around their backs, obviously flirting with the guys and girls beside them.

  I weave in and out through the house, pushing myself past people, endlessly searching for Victor. I came here to get the man’s attention, so I’m wearing a new two-piece set I bought from Fashion Nova. The top is nothing more than a lace push-up bra, while the bottom is a high-waisted leather skirt. I’ve styled my hair in a long ponytail and applied my makeup on thick, giving a nice purple smoky eye.

  I find Victor sitting on a pleated leather armchair. I walk right up to him and plaster on a fake smile, hold the strap on my clutch purse that’s hanging off my shoulder, and keep moving forward. His eyes lock on mine, and I recognize the initial look of frustration on his face. It’s only there for a split second before it shifts to the façade he’s so good at keeping.

  I had a conversation with Omen, and he told me I needed to do whatever it takes to prove myself to the club, so it’s what I fully intend on doing. The Iron Vex MC is my family. They might not be blood, but they’re the family who chose me. I won’t let them down.

  “Hey, I was hoping I’d find you.” I smile sweetly at Victor, taking a couple steps closer to him. I’m in four-inch strappy high heels too. They show off my legs really well. When I get back home and Finley sees me in this getup, well, I doubt I’ll be in it for long.

  “Hey there,” he replies.

  I take a seat on the arm of his chair, and Victor looks around the room. I sense he’s uncomfortable, but I have to do what it takes. “You look really nice tonight,” I comment, being obvious as I scan my eyes across his ensemble. He’s not wearing anything special. It’s a simple dress shirt and slacks. Some of the other guys here are wearing the same sort of thing, while others are in jeans and T-shirts.

  Victor glances up and down my ensemble. “And you look . . .” he doesn’t finish his comment before there’s a familiar face coming right up, taking a seat in his lap.

  “Who’s your friend here, honey?” Lacey wraps an arm around Victor’s neck and looks right at me. Danger is in her eyes, and she’s ready to blow shit up. She’s nothing more than a ticking time bomb. She’s wearing a pink dress that stops just above the knee, and a gaudy gold cross hangs from around her neck.

  “This is one of my classmates. Ainslee, this is Lacey, my girlfriend.”


  “Oh, I didn’t realize you were dating anyone.” I make sure to sound disappointed, and Lacey scoffs.

  Victor draws his brows together and grimaces at her, then looks at me. “Yes, it’s very new. I—”

  “Oh, this is such bull crap. You realize she’s playing you, right?” Lacey states, plain as day, looking right at her supposed boyfriend.

  He laughs. “I’m sorry, what?”

  “Ugh, honey, I know this fraud and that’s all she is. She’s a lesbian, dating a woman I used to work for. You know, the one I told you about.” Lacey widens her eyes, and Victor nods.

  “I see, I see.”

  “Yeah, so she adopted a baby with her girlfriend and she’s part of this biker club. They’re actually going after a cult that’s using the word of God as an excuse to kidnap and rape women, even murder them.” Lacey pauses for a moment before looking at me. “Could you imagine such a thing?”

  Victor looks between Lacey and me. While he’s silent, I’m stewing. Lacey is the most stuck-up bitch I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing. She’s gone and inserted herself in a situation she had no business being in the first place. To top it all off, she might be putting not only me but Finley in danger now too.

  “Is what Lacey’s said true?” Victor
questions me.

  I could respond with so many answers, but it won’t matter. Nothing I do will gain this guy’s trust ever again, and all the hard work I’ve done is going down the drain. I shake my head and scoot off the arm of his chair. It’s no use now. He’s going to think whatever he’s going to, even if it is the truth.

  I simply walk away, knowing there’s a high chance I won’t be able to just walk out of this party. Still, I somehow make it to the door, but I don’t make it through it. I’m grabbed by the forearm so hard you’d think a blood pressure cuff is around my wrist. “If you’re trying to best me, it won’t happen. I’m a lot of things, Ainslee, but the one thing I’m not is stupid. I’ll give you this token of advice.” Victor takes a step closer to me and puts his lips against my ear. “Run. Run far away. Run until you think I won’t find you. Then when the moment hits you where you think you’re safe, I’ll be there. I’ll watch, and I’ll wait, and then I’ll strike.”

  Chapter Seven


  Tonight should’ve been business as usual, but alas, it wasn’t. Ainslee went to some party she was invited to at a frat house. I didn’t ask her why she wanted to go because I already know. I might not be a part of the Iron Vex MC or the Devil’s Riot MC, but I’m not an idiot. I know she’s got a lot going on and is doing so much for her club. Ainslee and I have somewhat of an unspoken rule between us. It’s simple really, we just don’t ask about each other’s dealings. I don’t know about being in a club since I’ve never been part of one, but I know you’re never supposed to talk about club business. So, because I love the woman, I don’t push her to give me intel. It works out as long as we don’t have to cross paths.

  There’s been plenty of times I either come home or come back up to the office with blood on my hands or clothes. She’s helped clean me up on several occasions. Ainslee knows what I do. I don’t hide shit about who I am, and I never will. I run a prostitution business, high class at that, but I protect my girls. My job doesn’t stop there. It never has. I’m also a loan shark. I took on that side of things when my cousin Lex killed my sperm donor for what he did to him and his ol’ lady. And tonight, dealing with this side of the business is where the problems are coming from. Swear it gives me a headache every time I deal with the dumbasses who think they can borrow without paying it back. I don’t give money out because it’s growing out of my ass.


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