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Power Play: A Romance Collection

Page 56

by Lauren Landish

  It feels like our first real fight, and I think we both showed our cards a bit more than we’d intended. I have this need to be involved in her daily life, but not in the controlling way she thinks. I just want, for once in my life, for someone to fucking pick me first. I want it to be her, and I’m willing to use everything at my disposal to get her to do so, even offering her a job most folks would kill for. But she still thinks I’m in it for the short term, and that’s fair. I haven’t done anything to make her think otherwise since a few dates, even as spectacular as our connection has been, do not exactly make a forever-type relationship. I have to show her, not tell her, but I’m getting impatient and desperate to claim her as mine.

  I hold in a frustrated breath. “Stella is lucky to have you. You’re loyal to her, and that’s rare.” She nods, looking at her hands in her lap.

  Silence falls over the car for a couple of blocks as I steer us toward the downtown shopping district, and Madison finally speaks again. “Where are you taking me?”

  I glance over and see that she’s not upset, she’s not sad. Good, I didn’t fuck up too badly. But she does look like she’s doing a lot of thinking. Join the club, sweetheart. “You’ll see. I think you’ll like it.”

  We arrive at our destination five minutes later, parking in one of the protected parking lots of the shopping district before walking down the treed sidewalk, giving zero fucks that we’re in casual jeans and t-shirts. I stop in front of Meinstein’s Jewelers. “Here we are.”

  Maddie stares at the window for a moment then shakes her head. “Oh, hell no. There’s no way I’m going in a shop like that.”

  “Oh, but you are. New experiences, remember?” I reply, smiling, taking her hand, and guiding her into the store.

  I glance around at the shop, which is perhaps the most high-end jeweler in the tri-state area. Gold and glass dominate everywhere, with eggshell-white walls that only add to the lightness of the room. Inside the glass cases are diamonds, emeralds, rubies . . . anything your heart desires if you’re looking for gemstones.

  The security guard gives us a rather hard look, but before he can approach us, the manager greets us warmly.

  “Mr. Danger!” he says in a British accent. I’ve never cared to learn whether he’s really British or just fakes it for the clientele he serves. “How may I help you?”

  “We’re just looking,” I say. “But I’ll let you know if we see something.”

  “Certainly, sir. Stefania will be happy to assist you with anything you need.” He gestures to a blonde woman who stands back, hands crossed in front of her demurely like she’s at attention, waiting for us to ask something of her.

  Madison turns to me, her eyes wide. “Scott . . . I don’t even want to know what something in this store costs. Why did you bring me here? I thought I’ve made it clear . . .” Madison hisses, uneasiness in her voice as her eyes take in all the beauty around her.

  “You deserve it,” I reply. “But what makes you think we’re here for you?” I smile, giving her a wink. “Been thinking about getting a dick piercing. What do you think?”

  Madison gives me a raised eyebrow, as if she’s trying to figure out whether I’m serious or not. Of course I’m not. That would hurt like fuck, I bet.

  Stefania clears her throat discretely, letting us know that our exchange is being heard and asking if she can be of service, all with one ahem.

  “Yes. I’m looking for some jewelry for my . . .” I pause, looking at Madison, who looks about three seconds short of a heart attack. What is she to me? Forget it. If Madison can say it, I can too. “My girlfriend.”

  There. I said it. It felt good too. Madison gives me a shocked look, surprised that I would lay claim to her in public. But I smile back, letting her know that I meant exactly what I said. Hell, if she’d let, me I’d tattoo my name on her ass or hers on mine, if that was what she wanted. But she wouldn’t allow that, so a bauble will have to do.

  Stefania smiles. “But of course, sir. What might the lady be interested in today?”

  She looks to Madison for guidance, but she’s still staring at me, a total deer in the headlights look on her face, and I reach out, taking her hand. “Maddie, this is for fun, okay? Tell the lady what you’d like.”

  Her mouth opens and closes, her large eyes flitting to the sparkling jewelry, to me, then back to the jewelry again. “I wouldn’t even know where to start.”

  Stefania, seeing Madison’s uncertainty, gives her a reassuring smile. “How about these earrings? They’d complement your lovely eyes.”

  Madison gasps, taking the offered gold and topaz earrings carefully, like she’s holding precious antiques. “Oh, my God, they’re so beautiful! But I’d be scared to wear them.”

  We keep going, Madison trying to go with something simple and unassuming. I know that in her mind, those are the least expensive items, and she’s trying to find some semblance of compromise with my wild desire to spoil her.

  “What about this?” Madison asks, pointing out a plain platinum braided bracelet. “It looks sturdy.”

  I give the saleswoman a little jerk of my head and she steps away. Leaning in, I take Madison’s hand and lower my voice to a rumble, the same rumble that I know turns her on when we’re alone. “If I wanted you to get a plain band, I’d have taken you to the mall. I want you to get something that’s as beautiful as you, that makes you feel bubbly inside when you look at it and know it’s from me. I want you to get something that makes me feel like you’re mine when I look at it.”

  Madison swallows and nods.

  I cup her cheek, running a thumb across one flawless cheekbone. I turn to Stefania and point out a necklace I noticed Madison fawning over and that would look fantastic on her. “How about this?”

  Stefania smiles, both at my taste and probably at the sales commission that she’s going to earn for this, and takes it out. It’s beautiful, a chocolate diamond pendant the same color as Madison’s eyes hanging from a delicate gold chain. I lift it off the velvet and hold it up before reaching around Madison’s graceful neck to attach it myself.

  “Stunning,” Stefania remarks, her work accent dropping in awe. “I mean . . . it’s flawless.”

  Madison blushes and turns toward the mirror on the back wall. Her breath catches as she sees herself, the necklace around her neck, and me holding her hair up. “That’s . . . that’s not me.”

  “It’s you,” I reassure her. “One hundred percent you.” Her body melts into mine, her back pressing to my front, and I can feel the want in her. She wants me, but she wants this necklace too, wants to be spoiled. She just doesn’t think she should want that. But I can show her, make her see that she deserves all this and more. Show her that I’m serious . . . about her and about us.

  “How much is this?” she asks.

  I’m about to tell her it doesn’t matter when the saleswoman speaks up. “It’s five thousand plus tax, or we do offer payment plans—”

  “I can’t accept this,” Madison interrupts, shaking her head. “I can't. I wouldn’t feel comfortable. That’s more than I make in two months!”

  She reaches up to undo the clasp, and I stop her, holding her fingers still as I lean in. I meet her eyes in the mirror again and speak directly into her ear, my tone not allowing any argument. “You can. And you will. This necklace was made for you, and there’s nobody else in the world who will make this look as good as you do.”

  Her eyes search mine for a moment before letting her hands fall away from her neck.

  I lower my voice so that Stefania can’t hear and murmur in Madison’s ear, “You look amazing, princess. You’re going to look even more amazing when we’re in bed and that necklace is swinging back and forth as you ride me until you come all over my cock.”

  Madison’s breathing quickens, and she turns her head to give me a smile. “Is that all you wanted? You didn’t need a necklace for that.”

  “Hell, I know that, Princess,” I tease, kissing her cheek. “Now, let’s ge
t that wrapped up.”

  As the saleswoman rings up the purchase, I stay back, letting her and Madison gush a little over the necklace. It’s ironic, really, likening her to a diamond. But it’s fitting. I walked inside that honky-tonk, and she was shining so brightly, a diamond in the rough just waiting to be discovered.

  After I pay, instead of turning left to go back to the parking lot, I lead Madison to the right, down another block. “Where are we going now?” she asks, laughing.

  I stop in front of a shop, pulling her close, my voice serious. “I’m about to do something I’ve never done with a woman before in my life. Let’s go inside.”

  “Why are we here?” Madison asks, looking through the window of the dress shop. “You already bought me a dress, Scott. I don’t even have room in my closet for another.”

  “We’re here to let you try on evening gowns,” I explain, watching the shock drop over her face. “As for space in your closet, well, if you insist, I’ll keep it in my mine, and you can come visit it anytime. Fuck, you can live in my closet with the dress if you want to. You’ll just have to put up with my swinging dick every morning when I come in to get dressed,” I say, my grin growing larger. The thought of her being in my place, not my closet but in my bed, every morning sounds pretty fucking stellar to me.

  My joke makes Madison smile enough to let me lead her inside, where we’re immediately approached by a saleswoman. She’s about to protest, and considering our attire, I don’t blame her, but when she sees the bag I’m carrying, her scowl turns into a smile. “Well, now, what a lovely couple. Welcome. How can I help you today?”

  Madison is beside herself and doesn’t know where to start. “We’re looking for an evening gown, classic but youthful,” I reply, running down my mental checklist. “Something that will go well with a chocolate diamond.”

  Madison whispers to herself as the manager leads us toward the gown section. I can’t understand what she’s saying, but by the look on her face, she likes what she sees. “I feel like this is the part where I argue? And you make me forget how crazy this is by growling in my ear with your sexy voice until I agree to go along with whatever mad trip you’re on? I’m wasting my time protesting, aren’t I?”

  She’s smiling now. That’s my girl. I lean in closer. “I can still growl for you if you’d like, but you’re a quick learner. You’re gonna thank me when you see how you look in a few minutes,” I reply. “You’ll fit right in.”

  “Right in with who? What’s that supposed to mean?”

  I smile, holding my secret for a little longer. “Nothing. Look around, see what you like.”

  Madison walks with the saleswoman and starts picking out gowns, each one more beautiful than the last. Quickly overwhelmed, I take a seat by the dressing room and watch as they carry in about a half-dozen gowns.

  The first three look amazing on her, and I know Madison would turn heads anywhere we went . . . but there’s nothing in her expression that quite says, ‘I love this!’

  “Okay, what about this?” Madison asks as she steps out in a Valentino dress. It’s . . . perfect. The pale coffee-colored velvet with black lace accents hugs her body like a glove and is just different enough from her new necklace that it’ll stand out. The train isn’t long, but it makes her look like she’s floating as she approaches me in the borrowed high heels.

  “I fucking love that one.” Between the coffee coloring of the dress, her warm skin tone, whiskey eyes, and honey-blonde hair, she’s like a smorgasbord of caramel waiting for me to devour every inch of her. I can’t help but lick my lips, wanting a taste.

  Madison grins, and I know it’s her favorite too. “It’s so beautiful.”

  She walks toward me, my eyes fixed on her, mesmerized by each step. “Okay, honesty time,” she says. “There’s a reason you’re taking me to all these fancy-schmancy places and playing dress-up with me like I’m a paper doll. Time to fess up.”

  Damn . . . just another reason I can’t get enough of her. She could just roll with the indulgences, but not Madison. She knows something’s up, knows I’ve always got a method to my madness. “Because I want you to wear that gown for me in a few days, be my date, and spend the night on my arm, making an evening full of work-related douchebaggery bearable.”

  Her pretty face twists in confusion, making me want to burst out laughing. “Huh?”

  I laugh, getting up and approaching her. “I want you to meet my family. I can assure you they’re not nearly as lovely as Aunt May, but it seems only fair. There’s a dinner coming up for Danger Enterprises, and they’ll all be there.”

  I fill in a few details, at least those I know, as Madison’s face goes slack in shock. “You want me rubbing elbows with billionaires? When it could affect your work?”

  I smile. “I guess that’s one way to put it. I have no doubt you’ll charm them the same way you’ve charmed me.” I kiss her gently, but there’s fire in our every touch, from our lips to my fingertips along her waist. “On second thought, perhaps you shouldn’t charm them quite as much as you have me. I’m a bit of a possessive fucker.” I flash her a cocky smile, hoping she sees the charm.

  “Really? I hadn’t noticed that,” she offers back with a wink, but her face sobers. “Scott, are you sure? I’m not asking for more here, and I know that a work event is major for you, like inviting me into your inner circle. It’s okay if that’s not what you want.” She bites her lip, and I know it cost her to say that, to give me a way out.

  “Let me be clear, Madison. I think we can both agree that neither of us does things we don’t want to, right?” I wait for her to nod uncertainly. “I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want to take you. Actually, I didn’t ask, and I’m not going to. You’re my girlfriend, and I want you there by my side, at this work function and every fucking where else. And I’ll be by your side, at the animal rescue, at Stella’s, and anywhere else you’ll let me go. I want this. I want you.”

  Madison’s eyes are glossy again as she hugs me, but this time I’m ninety-nine percent sure those are tears of joy. At least I fucking hope so. I need a manual.

  From far away, I hear the saleswoman’s crisp voice. “Will that be cash or charge, sir?”

  Chapter 16


  “I still can't believe just how much . . . stuff you bought!” Madison says as we come through the door of my penthouse. “Seriously, George Carlin was right. We’re on a pursuit of stuff.”

  “Yeah, well, for now, let’s put it here,” I grunt, putting the dress down on the quartz countertop in my kitchen. So sleek on the body, but damn if that thing doesn’t take up a huge garment bag like nobody’s business.

  “That works. Like I said, I’ve got no space for any of this at home. And if I drag all this in the door, Tiff is going to be all over me like white on rice. I could do without her questions until I figure out how to explain this.” She sets down the bag that holds her new shoes to match her dress. “If you’re sure you don’t mind keeping it here?”

  I can hear the doubt in her voice. Back and forth, back and forth. She’s like one of the scared puppies she cares for, wanting the love and attention but so scared it’s going to be jerked away. Using that analogy, I verbally approach slowly so as not to scare her jittery nerves.

  “It’s no problem,” I reply before jumping in the deep end with the thoughts that have been on my mind all day. “Maybe . . . you could even bring a few more things over?”

  Madison freezes and turns to me with her eyes clouding. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  “Yeah,” I reply, feeling a little anxious, not sure if she’s going to say yes with a whoop of delight or stomp off and slam the door behind her. I never know with her, although that’s part of the appeal.

  “I like having you here. You make this cold penthouse feel full and lively. You make me feel like that too. I just want more of that, of you.”

  Instead of looking happy, Madison shakes her head, looking sad and maybe a little
scared. “I just . . . I–I don’t know if I can live with a man right now.”

  “Huh?” I ask, a little perplexed. She had no problem staying the night, and we’ve been great most of the day, other than when I overstepped with the job thing. Am I overstepping again? Maybe, but her reaction feels . . . different from that. The job offer made her mad, angry. She seems spooked right now, curling into herself in a small way.

  I brush a wisp of hair behind her ear and place my hands on her hips. “Madison, are you still scared of me? Are you still spooked about that voodoo prediction shit about my scorpion tattoo? Because if so, I can—”

  “It’s not the tattoo,” she interrupts me before taking a deep breath. “It’s . . . you.”

  “Me?” I ask incredulously. “What have I done to frighten you?”

  Madison takes a step away from me and turns around, her arms outstretched. “It’s all of it. You, your status. Your wealth. Your lust for power. It scares me. That tattoo, the Scorpio stuff . . . I don’t really believe in it, if I’m honest, but you are a force of nature, Scott, just like a scorpion, and I don’t know if I’ll survive your sting. You really could burn me to ash so easily, and that is what terrifies me.”

  I don’t really know what to say to that. I know my confidence and drive can be intimidating, but they’re the qualities I take the most pride in. “I’ve always been proud of striving to be my best.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with it,” she adds quickly when she sees the look on my face. “It’s just . . .”

  Her eyes grow distant, and I know it’s something behind her mask, in the corners of her life that she hasn’t shared with me yet, but I feel like I need to know. This could be an obstacle to our future. “What is it?”

  “Nothing,” she says, dabbing at her eyes and trying to put on a smile. “We’re just so different, and I’m a bit of a commitment phobe, that’s all.”


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