Broken Hill Hurt: The Broken Hill High Series (Book 3)

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Broken Hill Hurt: The Broken Hill High Series (Book 3) Page 4

by Sheridan Anne

  I squint towards the window and see absolutely nothing in the darkness. I know it’s probably the wind or a tree, but I can’t stop thinking about how easily Phoenix had broken in here a few weeks ago.

  A hand appears on the widow titanic style and I stifle a scream as my heart leaps out of my chest. Next to appear, Nate’s face as he laughs like a hyena.

  I push the blankets off my bed and cross the room with a heavy glare. I push open the window, being careful not to knock him off the roof. “What do you think you’re doing?” I scold. “You scared the crap out of me.”

  “I know,” he laughs as he climbs through the window and pulls it closed behind him. He takes my hand and gives me a yank, making me fall into his muscled body. He brings a hand up and runs his knuckles down the side of my face. “I had to see you,” he murmurs.

  I melt. My head tilts into his hand as my heart explodes within me. “You saw me before lunch,” I remind him.

  “That hardly counts,” he tells me as he pulls me along towards the bed. “Come on,” he says. “I’m tired and I refuse to go to sleep until I’ve devoured every inch of your body.”

  Yes, sir.

  Something within me screams that I should complain about being treated like a piece of meat and raise my standards, but when it comes to Nate and his body becoming one with mine, I physically don’t have the strength to say no. “Ok,” I tell him. “But only if you completely blow my mind.”

  A sexy smirk crosses his lips and makes my insides clench. “Don’t I always?”

  Not a second later, he throws me down on the bed and comes crashing down with me. True to his words, he completely blows my mind. Over and over again.

  Chapter 4

  I walk through the halls of Broken Hill High as tired as can be on Tuesday morning. I mean, Nate and I only went to sleep a few hours ago, but it was so worth it. I mean, it’s always exceptional with Nate, but last night, he set my body on fire.

  At some point, we had to stop and when my mind finally sobered, I remembered to ask him what the hell happened with Principal Watkins. He’d told me that Trish absolutely kicked ass in the meeting and he also got away with suspension, though, his time will be served at home where I’m sure he’ll be spending every second working on his Mustang.

  I don’t really understand suspensions. I mean, sure they sound bad and look bad on your school records, but for guys like Nate who have absolutely no intention of going to college, it’s more like taking a holiday.

  From Nate’s explanation, Trish had completely dominated and put Principal Watkins in his place. She apparently started by flaunting her good looks, which I don’t entirely believe, but when that didn’t work, she brought out the big guns and threatened a lawsuit for the negligence of supervision on school property. Without that, I’m almost positive Nate would have been expelled, though I’m sure he’s on a tight leash now. Every move he makes will be watched closely.

  Really, all I got out of him is that I’ll be spending the next week hardly seeing him unless he wants to make a habit of sneaking through my window every night, which I am more than ok with.

  I get to my locker and I feel the eyes of everyone on me. The bruising on my face has completely come out and I’d bet every cent I own that’s what they’re staring at. It’s hideous. I looked like a stranger when I saw my reflection this morning. I mean, I guess that’s the price you pay when you insert yourself into a situation you don’t belong.

  Whispered conversations are heard all around me and I do my best to tune them out as I know they’re only talking about the fight. It’s all anyone has talked about since it happened and it’s driving me insane. I mean, why can’t they talk about Jessica Monroe offering to blow the science teacher for an A in Biology?

  I let out a sigh as I lean against the locker. Maybe it’s a good thing I’ll be locked away from the rest of the world for the next week.

  I look up and down the hall and don’t see Brooke anywhere. She must be running late as usual. There are only a few minutes left before the bell, but I was hoping to at least see some of my friends before I get banished to the office.

  I grab my phone from my bag and slide it into my pocket before shutting the door on my locker. As I turn back around to face up the hall, I see all the cheerleaders making their way down it.

  Half of them give me sideways glances while the other half stare straight ahead as though looking my way is beneath them. One cheerleader though, turns and gives me a smug grin that makes me want to claw it off her face.

  Phoenix Reilly.

  God, I hate her. Though, I guess I’m lucky she’s not actually my half-sister. That would suck like you wouldn’t believe.

  She scoffs as her grin widens like she’s won some kind of challenge, but I guess in her eyes she has. She’s got Caden Ryder living in her home, but what she doesn’t realize is that the boys couldn’t be happier that they got rid of him. He’s her problem now. I don’t doubt she’s going to try and rub it in. It won’t work though, and that’s going to be fun to watch.

  Brooke and Elle walk down the hallway with Brylee and Courtney a few steps behind. A smile graces my lips and Brooke instantly smiles straight back, prompting Elle to look my way as well. I’m about to walk to meet them when to bell rings, telling me to get my ass to the office.

  Damn. I break away from my locker as the girls pick up their pace so they’re not late for their first class of the morning. I get halfway up the hall before turning around and catching Brooke’s eye, I pull out my phone and hold it up, letting her know I’ve got it with me. She nods in understanding and turns her attention back to rifling through her locker while I focus on getting to the office without convincing myself to leave.

  Three hours later, I sit at a desk in a lonely little room, tapping my pencil against my water bottle and listening to the rhythmic sound while wishing I was anywhere but here.

  For the millionth time today, I pull out my phone and silently beg for something to be there. I mean, I’ve already gotten through the work I was assigned and scrolled through days’ worth of posts on my Facebook page. I’ve texted all the girls and both the boys and so far, nothing.

  It’s killing me. I can’t do this for a whole week.

  As I light up the phone, I take everything back as I see one lone text message waiting for me from Jesse. I can’t open it fast enough.

  Jesse – You know in 2069, kids will have to write 69 on everything.

  A burst of laughter comes tearing up my throat and I slap a hand over my mouth and silently shake as my eyes snap to the door, hoping no one is about to come in. When I decide the coast is clear, I work on my response.

  Tora – Are you always an idiot or do you just show off for me?

  He responds almost instantly.

  Jesse - Do your parents realize they’re living proof that two wrongs don’t make a right?

  Tora - Do you ever wonder what life would be like if you had gotten enough oxygen at birth?

  I grin to myself. He can’t possibly beat that.

  Jesse – Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.


  Tora - I'd like to see things from your point of view but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass.

  Jesse - Some babies were dropped on their heads but you were clearly thrown at a wall.

  Tora - Does your ass get jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth?

  Jesse - I could eat a bowl of alphabet spaghetti and shit out a better come back than that.

  Damn it. He’s got me.

  Tora - …

  Tora – Damn you! I cave.

  Jesse – FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  Tora – Well played, sir. Well played.

  I put my phone down and get back to tapping my pencil against my drink bottle. I check the clock on the wall. Twenty minutes before lunch. I can do this.

  When the bell finally rings, I let out a long sigh of relief. I can’t get out of here fast enough
. I grab my phone off the desk and practically run through the door. I leave everything else on the desk, because seriously? Who’s going to steal that crap?

  I push my way through the cafeteria door and smile at all the people. I’ve never been so happy to see them in my life. Though, I’m still a bit depressed that none of the faces belong to Nate.

  I join the line to get myself some food and soon enough Elle joins me. “Hey,” she says as she moves in beside me, ignoring the protests from the people behind me. “How’s your suspension going?”

  “Could be worse,” I shrug as I reach us both a tray.

  “What awful job are they making you do?”

  “Huh?” I grunt, scrunching up my face. “What do you mean? I’ve just been given my usual school work.”

  “What?” she shrieks in outrage. “When I got an in school suspension, I had to do all sorts of bullshit jobs.”

  “Like what?” I scoff, not believing her.

  She raises an eyebrow. “I had to clean up the teacher’s lounge after their dirty ass lunch and vacuum all the classrooms because the cleaner’s son was sick and she couldn’t come.”

  I laugh as I reach for a sandwich. “That’s so funny.”

  Elle rolls her eyes. “Yeah, totally funny,” she scoffs as we leave the line and walk towards our table where Brooke and the girls are already sitting. “I swear, if you don’t have to do at least one bullshit job, I’m going to be pissed.”

  “What are you going to be pissed about?” Jesse asks as a heavy arm falls over my shoulder.

  “Just your little sidekick here getting away with murder on her in school suspension,” Elle explains before launching into her spiel about it not being fair that I’m not scrubbing the toilets or scrapping the gum off the underside of all the desks.

  My phone goes off in my pocket as I sit down at the table. Placing my tray down, I dig through my pocket and pull my phone out with a smile, knowing that with both Brooke and Jesse here, that only leaves one other person who’d be texting me right now. And just as I thought, I was right.

  Nate – Sorry, babe. I didn’t hear my phone over the music. How’s your suspension going?

  I get busy texting him back when Jesse nudges my shoulder. “I bet his texts aren’t as good as mine.”

  “No,” I laugh. “Your texts are brutal.”

  “I know,” he laughs. “They were pretty fucking good.”

  I get back to finishing my text and hit send.

  Tora – Boring as bat shit! How’s your holiday?

  Nate – Fucking awesome!

  I roll my eyes and grin.

  Tora – I’m so jealous.

  Nate – I’ll make it up to you tonight.

  Tora – Is that a promise?

  Nate – Always. Enjoy the show.

  My eyebrows pull down as I try to work out what the hell he’s talking about, but a commotion across the room draws my attention. I look up from my phone to find Puck standing up on the table and looking over here as all the students in the room start calling out and cheering. “Oh, no,” Courtney gasps in embarrassment as Puck grins at her.

  “Oi,” Puck yells out as I hold my phone up and start recording. “Shut the fuck up.” Within the space of two seconds, the room falls into silence. Not a single person is stupid enough to ruin this moment for him. I glance across at Courtney to see her cheeks flaming bright red.

  “What the fuck is this daft cunt doing?” Jess groans beside me, embarrassed for his friend.

  “Shut up,” I nudge him. “He’s trying to be romantic.”

  “It ain’t working,” Elle scoffs.

  “Courtney,” Puck starts with the eyes of the whole school on him. “I’ve been trying to figure out a way to do this for the past few weeks and every time I come up with something, I chicken out like a fucking pussy. But not anymore, babe.” Murmurs start all over the room but one fierce look from Jesse, Maxen, or Ty and they all shut up. “You stood by me through some pretty fucked up shit and it’s about time that I start acting like a fucking man and admit, whether you know it or not, that you’re my girl.”

  Tears begin to well in Courtney’s eyes and I silently beg Puck to get to the point before she turns into a sobbing mess in front of the whole school. “Court,” he says. “Be my girlfriend?”

  The confidence of his proposal sounds more like he’s telling her rather than asking, but the fear of rejection hidden behind his eyes tells me he’s shitting bricks right now.

  Courtney stands up and crosses her arms as a cheeky grin takes over her face. She slides her hands into her back pockets as though she doesn’t have a care in the world. “I don’t know,” she says, playing with him. “I heard you liked getting your butthole fingered, and that’s a hard pass for me.”

  He grins back at her challenge as the room looks back and forth between them like a tennis match. “If anyone’s butthole is going to be fingered, it’s going to be yours,” he says. “Now put me out of my fucking misery. Are you going to be my girl?”

  Courtney’s act slips as she lets out a sigh and a smile cuts across her whole face. “Oh, I guess so,” she tells him.

  He does one of those boyish smiles and jumps down from the table. He cuts across the cafeteria and scoops her up into his arms before kissing her deeply as the whole room cheers for them.

  I stop the video and instantly attach it in a new message to Nate.

  Tora – How’d you know he was going to do that?

  Nate – Fucking pussy!! The guy can’t take a piss without telling me.

  Puck and Courtney’s audience gets back to minding their own business and he leads her back to our table as Maxen and Ty make their way across. “I’m just warning you,” Courtney says. “If you put your fingers anywhere near my butt, we’re done.”

  “Trust me, babe,” he says with an excited grin. “You’ll love it.”

  I shake my head and look away. I really don’t want to know whose fingers are going where.

  The door of the cafeteria swings open and an arrogant, smug asshole comes waltzing in as though he’s the fucking king of the free world. “What the hell is he doing here?” I demand to anyone who’ll listen.

  Jesse looks up to Jackson and a pissed off annoyance settles itself onto his face. “He didn’t get a suspension,” he explains. “If he did, he wouldn’t be able to play Thursday night’s game. Apparently, his mom talked Watkins into agreeing to community service or some bullshit like that.”

  “What?” I demand. “He should have been kicked out for that shit.”

  “Come on,” Jesse says as we both watch him sit down beside Phoenix and pull her onto his lap. “Me and Nate have done worse shit than that and just got a slap on the wrist. This school knows nothing about enforcing disciplinary action. It’s a joke.”

  “For the first time, I think I agree with you.”

  “Fuck me,” he gasps, looking horrified. “Are you feeling alright?”

  I roll my eyes and look across at Brooke who I haven’t talked to all day, only something looks off. “I got to pee,” I tell her, knowing she’ll tag along.

  She nods and I loop my arm through hers and lead her outside. “Where are we going?” she questions. “I thought you needed to pee.”

  I shake my head. “Nope. Just wanted to get you alone. What’s going on? You look like someone just punched you in the ovaries.”

  Her face scrunches up with a cringe. “It’s that bad, huh?”

  “No,” I tell her. “I just know you that well.”

  She lets out a heavy sigh and plonks herself down on the grass, pulling me down with her. “Something’s going on with Max,” she says, dropping her bottom lip.

  “What do you mean?” I scoff. “People have pictures of you two all over social media saying #couplegoals and OMG! I wish I had that.”

  Usually, she’d smile at the comments of others drooling over her relationship but all she does is purse her lips and study her hands. “He's lying to me," she tells me in such a low t
one I have to struggle to make out the words.

  No. There’s no way. "What would he possibly be lying to you about? The guy is sickly addicted to you."

  She looks away, unable to meet my eyes. "Last night he told me he had a family dinner, but I saw his mom at the grocery store who said she thought he was with me, and last week he 'forgot' we were going out. He stood me up then made up this bullshit excuse about heading out of town to stay with his Grandmother, but then I heard he was at some party with Tyson."

  "Shit," I sigh, remembering that particular party and how Nate had wanted to go but settled for staying in with me because I had a headache. "I don’t get it,” I say. “He’s crazy in love with you. What do you think is going on? What's your gut tell you?"

  "I don't know," she cries, throwing her hands around in her desperation. "He's distancing himself and I don't know why. I want to forget about it and move on, but I just can't. I love him so much, but he's going to hurt me. I feel it."

  I throw my arms around her and hold on for dear life. “You don’t know that,” I tell her. “Maybe something is going on with him that he’s not ready to talk about.”

  She shakes her head. “No, he’s never held back telling me things about his life.”

  I let out a sigh. “I don’t know, Brooke. Maybe I can ask Nate if he knows what’s going on?”

  She shrugs her shoulders. “I don’t know. I doubt he knows anything.”

  “It’s worth a shot,” I say before getting to my feet. I pull her up behind me and wipe the tears from her face. “Come on,” I tell her. “Pull it together. You don’t want the others to see you like this.”

  “Did my mascara run?” she questions as she wipes carefully under her eyes.

  “No,” I say, taking her hand and leading her back to the cafeteria. “Looks perfect to me.”

  She catches up with me so I’m no longer dragging her and she loops her arm through mine. “Thanks,” she murmurs. “It feels better getting that off my chest.”

  I grin at her. “What are best friends for if not to listening to your mindless chatter?”


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