Broken Hill Hurt: The Broken Hill High Series (Book 3)

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Broken Hill Hurt: The Broken Hill High Series (Book 3) Page 6

by Sheridan Anne

  “I know,” I sigh, remembering how, before Brooke, he was a bigger player than Jesse. “I’m still rooting for him. You two are so good together.”

  “Yeah,” she scoffs. “I think so too.” I hold onto her a little tighter, hating that she’s feeling so down, but there’s not a lot I can do to take her pain away. Brooke lets out a deep sigh. “I think I’ll go find him. Get it over and done with, then I’m going to go home.”

  “What?” I shriek in outrage. “No, you’re not. You’re going to come over to the drinks table with me, we’re going to make it our bitch, and then we’re going to find the girls and shake our asses. It’s New Year’s. I refuse to let you start your year by breaking up with your boyfriend. You can do that once your killer hangover wears off next month.”

  She gives me a look as if to say ‘no way in hell,’ but I’m not taking no for an answer. I take her hand and drag her along behind me. We make our way through the crowded bodies of nearly every junior and senior from Broken Hill High and probably all of them from Haven Falls Private as well, though, I haven’t seen Josh Henderson so I can add that to the list of bonuses tonight.

  I detour around to the girls and grab Courtney by the wrist who grabs Brylee. Soon enough, we find Elle hooking up with Tyson by one of the many bonfires and we collect her too.

  I stand before the drinks table and line up the shots. “Alright, ladies,” I announce. “Let’s bring this New Year in right.”

  “Hell yeah,” Brylee cheers

  “I’m down for that,” Elle laughs as she picks up her shot.

  Brooke lets out a groan. “Fine.”

  Courtney doesn’t say anything. Her shot is already gone and she’s holding her glass out for another.

  We play catch up and the fireworks quickly fade into the background. Between the five of us, the bottle disappears pretty damn fast and before we know it, the fireworks are finished and we’re barging our way onto the dance floor.

  Courtney screams out her favorite song to the DJ and he happily puts it on.

  We start dancing and by the look on Brooke’s face, the alcohol is pulsing through her system and she’s completely forgotten about how shitty her night could have been.

  At two in the morning, the girls and I collapse down into the grass right at the back of the property, far away from the prying eyes. “I can’t believe we have to go back to school,” Courtney whines as I start to feel the cold seeping into my bones.

  “I know,” I agree. “At least my suspension is over. I can go back to actually sitting among human beings.”

  “Yeah,” she giggles. “I was enjoying spending every day with Puck.”

  Brylee scoffs. “Yeah, I noticed. Thanks for that by the way.”

  Any other day, I’d feel sorry for the poor thing, yet with the alcohol running through my system, I burst into uncontrollable fits of laughter. “Shit, I’m sorry,” I tell Brylee. “I really shouldn’t be laughing at that.”

  “I’m so glad my misery has brought you such joy,” she deadpans.

  “Ugh,” Elle groans. “Let’s go dance again.”

  “No way,” Brooke says, scrunching up her face. “My feet are about to fall off.”

  “I’m in,” Brylee sings as she flies to her feet. “You coming, Court?” she says, turning back around to look down at our friend.

  “Uh huh,” Courtney says as she lays back in the grass and closes her eyes. “I’ll be there in a sec.”

  “Right,” Brylee scoffs as she sashays off with Elle.

  Brooke and I watch on as the girls push their way through all the people to get back to the dance floor. “Thanks for making me enjoy my night,” she tells me as my phone starts vibrating in my pocket.

  “No problem,” I tell her, pulling my phone out. “Have you seen him since then?”

  “Nope,” she says as I check the message.

  Nate – Where are you? You ok?

  I type back as she continues talking.

  Tora – I’m fine. We’re down the back of the property. Near the tree that looks like a dick. I think Court is passed out!

  “It’s been, like, two hours,” she groans. “He’s probably buried balls deep inside some whore cheerleader giving her the ride of her life.”

  “Don’t think like that,” I tell her. “He’s probably passed out somewhere. You saw how drunk he was earlier. There was no way he was going to last all night.”

  “Yeah, I guess,” she mumbles like a little negative Nancy.

  I roll my eyes as Nate pushes his way through the bodies and appears before us. He starts walking towards us with a glorious smirk across his face. “See,” Brooke says. “That’s what I need.”

  “Maxen loves you,” I remind her.

  “Yeah,” she scoffs. “Tell that to the girls he’s currently screwing.”

  “What’s going on over here?” Nate says, cutting off whatever retort I was going to give Brooke.

  “Nothing, we just needed to sit for a while,” I explain before looking across at Courtney. “But apparently, that was a little too much for some people.”

  He shakes his head as he looks down at her. “She’s going to have to build up her stamina if she’s going to keep up with Puck.”

  “Ain’t that the truth,” Brooke scoffs.

  “Come on,” Nate says, reaching down and pulling me up to my feet. “I don’t like you girls all the way out here by yourselves.”

  With that, he bends down and scoops Courtney up into his arms before mumbling some shit about this being Puck’s responsibility.

  We walk back down to the massive cabin Maxen’s parents built here and Nate locks Courtney in a spare bedroom before searching out Puck and handing him the key.

  We go to walk back outside when Brooke tugs on my hand, stopping me in the doorway. “I think I’m going to crash,” she tells me. “I’m not really in the partying mood.”

  “Are you sure?” I ask, stepping back into her and making sure she’s alright.

  “Yeah, I’m tired,” she says, looking away.

  I see it for what it is. She’s done for the night. She’s done thinking about Maxen while pretending to have the time of her life for us. “Ok,” I say giving her an encouraging smile. “Remember to lock the door. You don’t know what weirdoes are creeping around here.”

  “I will,” she says before pulling me in tight. “I’ll probably get out of here early tomorrow.”

  “Ok, sure. I’ll come find you if I’m awake early enough.”

  “You mean if you’ve even gone to bed yet?”

  “Yeah,” I laugh. I squeeze her hand and she turns away. “Night,” I call after her. “I love you.”

  “Love you, too,” she says as she disappears around a corner.

  I turn back to Nate and take his hand. “Tell me you found him and whopped his ass?” I demand, finally able to show my real anger about that douchebag hurting my best friend.

  Nate’s face scrunches up in regret. “Sorry,” he says. “Still haven’t seen him, but when I do, I’m going to knock his lights out.”

  “Good,” I grunt. “Now, why don’t you show me what it’s like to celebrate New Year’s as Nate Ryder’s girlfriend.”

  A smirk lifts the corner of those delicious lips. “I’m not sure you can handle that.”

  “Oh, believe me,” I grin. “I can handle anything you’ve got. Bring it on.”

  “You’re going to regret that.”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  I collapse down in the grass beside Nate four hours later and curl into his side as the laughter gets the best of me. It’s just past six in the morning and the sun is peeking over the top of the hills in the distance. It’s been one of the best nights of my life, and even though the chill in the air has had me shivering on and off for the past few hours, it hasn’t managed to bring me down.

  One arm wraps around me and he uses the other to shove behind his head as I use his wide chest as a pillow, though, it’s rock hard, just like the rest of his
sculptured body.

  We could have gone inside and laid in bed like the rest of the couples around here, but the second he mentioned wanting to watch the first sunrise of the year with me, I couldn’t resist, even though my yawns are starting to completely take over me. I mean, what girl in her right mind would deny Nate Ryder of spending time with her? Not me.

  Majority of the partiers have cleared out already but there’s no mistaking the sound of Jesse, Tyson, Puck, and Elle still going strong. I don’t know what happened to Brylee, but I think she dropped off the face of the earth around two hours ago.

  “Did you have a good night?” Nate questions as his fingers run up and down the length of my arm, sending a tickle over my skin.

  I look up at him with a beaming smile. “The best,” I tell him before looking back at the pattern that clouds are making in the rays of sunlight streaming across the morning sky. “I mean, going to a party as your girlfriend sure beats going as the girl you like to pick on.”

  “I bet it does,” he laughs. “But admit it, you liked having a reason to talk to me.”

  “Whatever,” I scoff, playfully smacking his stomach. “I’d dare say it was the other way around. After all, you were the one secretly in love with me all those years, remember?”

  “Believe me, that’s not something I’ll forget anytime soon.”

  “Hey, Nate?” I say quietly.

  “What’s up?”

  “I know you’re obsessed with me on a crazy stalker kind of level, but just so you know, I’m kind of obsessed with you, too.”

  “Ugh, really?” he teases.

  “Shut up.”

  In the blink of an eye, he grabs me and rolls us so he hovers above me. “I fucking love you, Tora Roberts,” he says, smiling down at me as though his world begins and ends with me.

  “Ugh, really?” I mimic.

  He grabs both my hands in just one of his. “Say it back,” he demands.

  I shake my head. “Nu-uh.”

  His lips come down on mine. “Say it back,” he repeats.

  “And what do I get if I do?” I grin.

  His eyes grow hungry and he drops his lips closer to mine. “Anything you want.”

  “I thought you wanted to watch the sunrise?”

  “When will you get it, Tora?” he murmurs. “You are my sunrise.”

  “That was super cheesy.”

  “Have it your way,” he says, pulling back away from me.

  “No, no, no,” I laugh as I hold onto him for dear life. I pull him back down and he watches me from above. “I love you too.”

  “Good,” he whispers before bringing those lips down on mine and giving me his absolute all as we start our New Year in the best, mind-blowing way possible.

  Chapter 7

  I pull into school on a Monday morning and the instant relief that settles over me when I don’t see Nate about to tear someone to shreds is nearly overwhelming. That, combined with the fact that he’s completed his suspension so he’ll actually be here today is putting me in the best mood. I mean, nothing can tear me down today.

  It’s a new year, new me. Well, not really, but that’s just what you’re supposed to say at the beginning of the new year, right? I’d rather not change a damn thing.

  This year is going to be incredible. I feel it in my bones. I have Nate by my side, I have Jesse there, ready and prepared to hit me with any sarcastic comment under the sun, I have my girls, I’ll be graduating senior year, and I have a new and improved relationship with my mom, you know, as we work out how to be us without dad.

  As I said, it’s going to be an incredible year.

  I get out of my car as I see a familiar Range Rover pulling into the parking lot and wait as the boys park it and get out. “Long time no see,” Nate says as he takes my hand.

  “You snuck out my bedroom window an hour ago,” I remind him.

  “I know,” he grins as Jesse barges his way between us and hangs his heavy arms over our shoulders.

  “What’s going on, Torz?” Jesse grins. “Break any hearts lately?”

  “No, but I’ll break some ribs if you don’t get off me,” I tell him.

  “Geez,” he gasps in mock outrage, refusing to remove his arm. “What crawled up your ass this morning?”

  “Nothing,” I say. “I’m actually in a great mood and not even you can ruin that.”

  His grin widens. “Is that a challenge?”

  I roll my eyes as we get up to the top of the school and smile at Nate who opens the door for me. We walk down the hallway and as usual, the students diving through their lockers stop and stare at the Ryder brothers making their grand entrance.

  People walk forward, wanting to say hi while other’s just gawk. You’d think I’d be used to it by now, but I’m starting to think that will never happen. Nate and Jesse’s popularity knows no bounds. It’s ridiculous. I mean, they’re just boys.

  Nate bypasses his locker to continue down to mine which just happens to have Courtney and Puck making out against it, and if it wasn’t for all the people around us, I’d be worried they’d start making babies here too.

  Nate puts a hand up and gives Puck a shove allowing me space to get into my locker. Jesse falls back and chats away with some guys while I spy Brooke out the corner of my eye, jamming her handbag inside her locker.

  I finish what I’m doing and close my locker as Nate gets caught up in some ridiculous conversation with Puck, and from the snippets I caught on to, it sounds as though Puck is trying to convince Nate to race his car on Friday night at the races. Though, I doubt that would happen.

  I make my way over to Brooke. I haven’t seen her since the New Year’s Eve party a few nights ago and she’s hasn’t been responding to my texts. I wanted to give her a little space to mope but I think I’ve given her plenty now. It’s about time she faces the music. “Hey,” I say, leaning up against the locker beside hers.

  “Hey,” she responds without her usual bubbliness as she closes her locker. She leans up against it and rests her head against the cold metal. “Is he here yet?” she asks.

  “I don’t know,” I tell her, looking back down the hallway. “I haven’t seen him.”

  “Yeah,” she grunts. “Either have I.”

  “What do you mean?” I question. “Since the party?”

  She presses her lips together and slowly nods her head. “Yeah.”

  Shit. That’s not good. I reach out and squeeze her hand. “I’m sure-”

  Squealing from down the hallway steals my attention and cuts off what I was about to say as I notice Brylee running down the hall with a slip of paper in her hand and a smile that practically cuts her face in half.

  She barges her way through the students and finally breaks through the other end. “Oh, my God, you guys,” she shrieks as Courtney steps over to us with wide eyes. Brylee holds up the paper and waves it around in front of all our faces, but she moves too fast that we can’t actually see what it is. “I got in,” she squeals in excitement.

  “Got in where?” I demand as I try to catch the piece of paper still flailing around before us.

  “Yale,” she yells, turning the paper around in front of her chest so we can all see it. “I got my acceptance letter.”

  “What?” I squeal.

  Courtney’s eyes widen as she starts jumping up and down. “Holy shit,” she laughs as she throws her arms around Brylee. “Congratulations.”

  Brooke just stares dumbfounded and pinches the letter from her fingers. “Whoa,” she gasps. “You got in.”

  “Didn’t you think I would?” Brylee grins back at her.

  “Oh, I definitely thought you’d get in, I just didn’t think you’ hear back from them so soon. I mean, this makes it so real.”

  “I know,” she agrees. “Senior year is going so fast. We’re already halfway through.”

  “So, you’re definitely going?” Courtney asks her as they finally calm down. “Didn’t you apply to Harvard as well?”

h,” she says. “I’m still waiting to hear from them, but Yale was my top choice. I’ve always pictured myself as a Yale girl.”

  “I’m so happy for you,” I tell her, pulling her in and giving her a tight squeeze.

  “What’s going on?” Nate asks as he comes over with Puck and Jesse.

  “Brylee got into Yale,” Courtney says, stepping back out of the circle to make room for the guys.

  “Shit,” Jesse grunts. “Are you serious?”

  The smile on her face is confirmation enough and brings on another wave of congratulations. I mean, this is a big deal. The rest of us are just hoping to get into the local college to stay close to home while others, like Nate, aren’t even planning on going. Though I’m not going to lie, when the time comes, I’m going to be applying to Harvard Law, you know, considering I kick butt on the LSAT. Geez, just thinking about it terrifies me right down to the core.

  As for Nate though, I’m still working on the whole college thing. He wants to build his own business and he wants to do it now. He doesn’t think he needs to go to college, but I think he should at least go and get a business degree or maybe study something in engineering.

  His plans are to breathe life back into old cars, but not just any old cars, the really nice ones. You know, the kind you see at those ostentatious car shows that some billionaire had delivered wrapped in bubble wrap. Yeah, those. He has the skill and the motivation to make it happen, but this isn’t a single man operation. He’s going to need employees and because of that, he should be going to college and doing it right.

  But, as he keeps telling me, a business degree isn’t going to help him rebuild an engine.

  The boys finish with their congratulations the second Tyson comes down the hall and steals their attention, leaving us girls to dote on Brylee. We step out of the center of the hallway and move against Brooke’s locker as Brylee tells us all about the information pack she received.

  “So, are you going to stay in the dorm rooms or get your own place nearby?

  “I don’t know,” Brylee says. “I haven’t really thought about it much, but I think I’d like to do the whole dorm room thing and have the real college experience.”


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