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Jordan's Desires [Brac Village 9] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 10

by Lynn Hagen

  Rio just raised his hands in the air. “I’m just saying…”

  “Well, don’t. I’ll explain it to Bailey.”

  “Is there something you don’t want me to know?” Bailey snapped, turning back to Jordan. “Are you hiding something from me?”

  Jordan groaned. This was so not turning out how he expected. “No, baby, I promise. I am not hiding anything from you. Rio just doesn’t have any damn tact. I was trying to explain it to you a little easier.”

  “What in the hell did you do to him?” Rio asked in almost a whisper of wonder. “I’ve never heard Jordan talk that damn much.”

  Bailey—much to Jordan’s shock and surprise—just grinned. “I mated him.”

  * * * *

  Bailey leaned against the doorframe and watched Jordan as he sat talking with Rio and Maverick. He was still a little weirded out at learning that Maverick Brac was a shape shifter. The man was certainly big enough to be one of the largest wolves around, and he exuded power like a second skin.

  But the mayor as the alpha of a wolf pack?

  That was just a little hard for Bailey to wrap his mind around.

  The power the man was able to call up with a single flick of his pinkie finger was just as damn weird. While they all sat snug inside Rio’s house, sentries—as Bailey had learned they were called—patrolled the outside.

  Even more of Maverick’s pack members were over at Jordan’s house investigating not only the break in but the listening device Bailey had found. Since nothing had been found at the restaurant, that was a dead end. That didn’t leave much more to investigate.

  Still, everyone seemed determined to find out just exactly who was after Jordan. No one was more determined than Bailey. He refused to consider the possibility that something could happen to Jordan after giving the man his heart, and his trust.

  Bailey rubbed his forehead as he started going over everything he knew. He might not be a shifter but he was just as smart as the next guy…er… shifter. He would figure this out. Jordan’s life depended on it.

  “You said that some woman was really pissed at you before you came here,” Bailey said as he stepped into the room, gaining everyone’s attention. “She was caught stealing from the company but did they charge her or just let her go?”

  “She was fired and charges were filed against her. I’m not sure what really happened to her after that. Why?”

  “Could she have come after you?”

  “It’s possible. She was pretty damn pissed when she got caught but I’m not sure she was pissed at me exactly, more like that she got caught in the first place.”

  “But she could be a possibility?”

  “I suppose so.”

  “Anyone mad at you since you arrived in Brac Village?”

  “Besides you?”

  Bailey smirked. “Yeah, besides me.”

  “Not that I can think of.”

  “So, we have this woman, the Vampire Hunters—especially if they know the truth about the lawyer—and vampires in general.” Bailey glanced around the room, his eyes landing on the faces of everyone. “Did I miss anyone?”

  “Have you pissed anyone off?”

  Bailey grinned at Jordan. “Just you.”

  Chapter Nine

  Bailey settled in bed. He and Jordan were sleeping in the guest bedroom at Rio’s house. He missed being home. He didn’t mind staying at Jordan’s house to take care of his mate, but nothing beat sleeping in his own bed.

  Jordan slid his shirt off, his back to Bailey. He turned on his stomach and propped his head in his hands, watching as the muscles flexed and bunched on the man’s back and arms. Could the guy be any more handsome?

  “You’re watching me.”

  Bailey couldn’t help but grin. He loved everything about Jordan, down to his sexy toes. He loved the way Jordan smiled, laughed, argued, fucked, and smelled. The list went on and on. For someone who had refused to try at love again, he sure as shit was in love.

  “I am. I’m waiting for you to remove your pants so I can see your gorgeous backside.”

  Jordan began to pull his jeans down but revealed only the top half of his butt cheeks, smiling at Bailey over his shoulder. “What, this old thing?”

  The tease!

  He had no clue his mate had it in him to tease Bailey. He liked this side of Jordan. It was also frustrating as hell because Bailey really did want to see the man’s ass. Both mounds were sculpted to perfection, tight, firm, and he absolutely loved the twin dimples that rested just above those globes.

  So sexy.

  So bitable.

  “If you don’t show me your ass, you won’t get mine.” Two could play at the teasing game. Of course, there was no way Bailey was going to hold out. Letting Jordan fuck him was living and breathing nirvana.

  Jordan crossed the room, his jeans hanging from his hips as he reached over and ran his fingers up the crease of Bailey’s ass. “Are you sure about that?”

  Bailey betrayed his threat by moaning and arching his ass into the air. Jordan gave a low and deep chuckle as his fingers continued to play with Bailey’s backside. He should tell his mate to back off until Jordan removed his jeans, but he wasn’t able to make his mouth work. The only sounds he was producing were noises that couldn’t even be categorized as words. Jordan had long, thick fingers and the man knew how to use them. The tips kept getting extremely close to Bailey’s quivering hole, but then backed away at the last second.

  Jordan was out to kill him!

  “I think my mate wants me to fuck him right here.” One lone finger slipped in to the first knuckle. Bailey whimpered, his head nodding in short bursts. Teasing was overrated. Bailey wanted some action.

  Pushing to all fours, Bailey leaned forward and bit Jordan’s stomach, the patch of skin right over the fabric of his jeans.

  “You going to suck me off, honey?”

  The hopefulness in Jordan’s voice was Bailey’s undoing. How could he deny his mate when he sounded so sensual, so needy? Thick fingers continued to play at his ass while Bailey released Jordan’s heavy shaft.

  The pre-cum was already oozing from the tiny slit.

  They were guests in Rio’s home and Bailey had to remember not to scream until the walls caved in. That was going to be hard. He loved when Jordan laid it down heavy and hard on him. Bailey especially loved the way Jordan curled his hips and rode him hard.

  Bailey licked until the head of Jordan’s cock was glistening before sucking it into his mouth. Hearing the sultry groans that spilled from Jordan’s mouth caused Bailey’s own cock to ache and leak.

  Using his tongue, Bailey laved the tender depression beneath the swollen crown and then tongue-fucked the tiny slit, licking away the salty taste of Jordan’s desires. His mate’s fingers dove deeper into Bailey’s ass as he groaned at what Bailey was doing.

  He pushed out, grinding into the thrusts to take Jordan’s fingers even deeper. Bailey was so damn ready that he nearly came on the blanket below him. Jordan must have sensed this because he began to spear his fingers faster.

  Swallowing the erection to the root, Bailey cried out around the man’s shaft as he came, his cock pulsing out his orgasm.

  “Mmm, so nice.” Jordan pulled his fingers free and then slipped out of his jeans. Bailey had collapsed on the bed, panting, and wishing he hadn’t just fallen into his own cum. It was cooling and was messy.

  He didn’t lay there long, though. Jordan flipped Bailey onto his back and then scooped him up until he was straddling impressive thighs. Jordan was acting as if he hadn’t been fed in years. He was devouring Bailey, his hands everywhere, his lips as well.

  “Fuck, I want to eat you alive.” Jordan growled in his ear before Bailey felt something wet at his ass. Jordan was lubing him. Bailey gasped, tossing his head back as Jordan licked, sucked, and kissed his throat, jaw, and shoulder.

  Moments later he was crying out as Jordan impaled him. He’d never seen Jordan so wild or so damn freaky. The man was purring, his fi
ngers pressing heavily into Bailey’s sides. When he grabbed a fistful of hair, Bailey felt like he was petting the panther.

  The noises Jordan was making…wow…erotic.

  He shivered and let out a long moan when Jordan’s canines began to descend. His shoulder pulsed in anticipation as his mate’s cock drove deeper into his ass. Bailey cried out, his hands gripping Jordan’s hair tighter.

  “Jordan,” Bailey gasped as he was raised and lowered over and over, relishing his lover’s strength and endurance. He buried his head into Jordan’s damp hair, breathing the man in. Just when he thought he couldn’t take anymore, Bailey wailed as Jordan’s angle altered and his sweet spot was struck again and again.

  “Come for me, baby.”

  “God, yes,” Bailey groaned. Jordan curled his hips a few more times before Bailey shattered in the man’s arms. He shouted Jordan’s name at the top of his lungs before Jordan bit down on his shoulder, his canines breaking skin.

  Jordan let out a low growl as he hammered into Bailey’s ass, his cock stretching Bailey wide before Jordan grunted, Bailey’s ass filling with his seed. He rested his head on his mate’s shoulder as he panted, sweat covering Bailey’s back.

  “We should shower.” Jordan eased out of Bailey, holding onto him as he pushed from the bed. Bailey wasn’t about to argue with his mate about carrying him. He was too whipped. He smiled into Jordan’s chest, sore and content.

  * * * *

  Jordan was driving into work. Mark had told him that he would keep the bay doors closed so no one knew he was there, but he had a living to make and he wasn’t going to get paid sitting on his ass. Bailey had been picked up and had gone to the firehouse, Bear promising to keep a close eye on him.

  He wasn’t sure how much more of this he could take. Jordan was ready to settle down with Bailey, but it seemed something was always getting into the way. He was ready to—Jordan slammed on the brakes when a semi pulled out in front of him. His foot nearly went through the floor, but he wasn’t slowing down.

  He jammed his booted foot in as far as it would go, but his truck continued on its collision course. Thinking quickly, Jordan unsnapped his seat belt and pushed the truck door open. It wasn’t easy. The wind was fighting against him, trying to keep the door closed.

  He pushed with all his might and then leapt, right before the truck impacted the semi. Jordan rolled a good thirty feet before stopping. Fuck! His body was protesting, pain encompassing him. It felt like his left arm was broken. He couldn’t move it and when he tried, agony shot through his entire left side.

  Unfortunately, Jordan didn’t have time to lay there and wallow in pain. Someone began to shoot at him. He pushed to his feet, his left arm tight at his side as he ran into the woods to his right.

  Was it the truck driver? Is that who was shooting at him? Why? It hadn’t been his fault that his truck had no brakes. Why didn’t his truck have brakes? Jordan knew the answer. He just hated thinking that someone was really out to kill him. First he was poisoned and now this.

  Could it be Mina? Somehow Jordan doubted it. Vampire Hunters? Possibly.

  “There’s no use in running.”

  Jordan didn’t recognize the voice. It definitely wasn’t Mina. Knowing he was going to have to shift in order to climb a tree to get a better look, Jordan moved to his right. His arm was still killing him. Even if he changed into his panther, it would still take time to heal.

  He wasn’t going to be able to climb.

  Calling someone would help. Not at this very second, but if he called his boss, Jordan would stand a better chance since he was wounded.

  He was getting sick and tired of being wounded.

  Not wanting to give his position away, Jordan texted Mark. He hoped like hell his boss had his phone close by.

  “You’re going to die. So you might as well stop running and face me.”

  Not likely.

  Jordan wasn’t going to die today or any other day if he could help it. He had a long life to live with Bailey and he wasn’t shortchanging his mate. Besides, he liked breathing. If he could manage with his injuries, Jordan was going to kill the bastard hunting him. He was sick of this bullshit.

  Moving as quiet as a black panther, Jordan continued to step to his right. He wanted to get out of the man’s line of sight, but he also wanted to see who was after him. The sound of sirens could be heard in the distance.

  Had Mark gotten his message and called the cops?

  “You got lucky today,” the man called out. “Don’t count on that luck holding out much longer.”

  Jordan rested his back against a tree as he waited for the sirens to come closer. He wasn’t sure if the pursuer was still close by and he wasn’t chancing anything. Twice he had gotten lucky—one when the lawyer had held a gun to him, the second time when he was poisoned.

  The bastard was right. Jordan’s luck wasn’t going to hold out much longer. He needed to find out who it was and end the man’s life. Until then he needed to shift and heal. Jordan wasn’t going to be able to do that until he got to the garage.

  He sure as hell didn’t need the cops finding a black panther passed out cold in the woods.

  When the sirens stopped, Jordan knew they were by his destroyed truck. He cautiously walked from the woods, his eyes scanning his surroundings the entire time as he finally made it to the road.

  There were two cop cars, their lights swirling as they talked with a guy Jordan assumed was the truck driver. That ruled that guy out. The truck driver pointed over toward Jordan.

  The cops turned and then two of the uniformed officers began to hurry over to him. “Are you hurt, son?” one of them asked. Concern was etched in the deep lines of his face. He reached out to put a hand on Jordan’s shoulder, but Jordan moved out of the way in time. If the cop touched him right now, he just might crumble in pain.

  Jordan knew that if he told them he had a broken arm, they would insist he go to the hospital. He couldn’t go to the hospital. There was a fifty-fifty chance he wouldn’t be seen by Dr. Sheehan and anyone else looking at him wouldn’t be good. He was a shifter, after all. “I’m fine.”

  “Mind telling us what happened?” the second cop asked.

  Jordan glanced over to his truck and felt his blood run cold. The whole frontend was gone. It lay on the side of the road in a twisted mangle. If he hadn’t jumped… “My brakes failed.”

  “Then what were you doing in the woods?” the first one asked, his light-grey eyes filled with concern.

  Jordan didn’t have a ready answer.

  “I think he’s concussed,” the second cop said. “He looks a little disoriented.”

  If Jordan said he wasn’t, they would badger him about the accident. If he used that excuse to get out of explaining things, he would end up at the hospital. It was a no win situation.

  Relief flooded him when Mark pulled up and got out of his truck. He’d never been so happy to see anyone at the moment. The large tattooed man walked over to him, his eyes gazing over at the accident and then at Jordan, knowledge of what could have been Jordan’s fate glimmering in his eyes. “Jordan, are you all right?”

  No. He felt like passing out on the ground. His entire left side was killing him. He still didn’t know who had been after him and Jordan wasn’t sure if the guy was still in the vicinity, watching him. It was an eerie feeling. “I’m fine.”

  He was tempted to cradle his arm but managed to make his stance look casual. It wasn’t easy and Jordan wanted to shout out in agony, but he didn’t.

  Mark studied him for a moment and a light shone in the man’s eyes, understanding that Jordan wasn’t okay but needed to get somewhere private to shift.

  As much as he wanted to leave, Jordan stood there in pain and told the cops what happened. He had no choice. Mark called for a tow—Caden, Mark’s mate, said he would tow Jordan’s truck. Jordan apologized to the truck driver and then let Mark put him in the front seat of his vehicle after the cops were done taking down what happened.

  He was never so glad to get away from somewhere.

  Mark started the truck. “I’ll have you back at the garage in no time. What hurts on you?”

  “Everything,” he said as he tried to find a comfortable position. There wasn’t one. “I think my left arm is broken.”

  A grim line formed Mark’s mouth, his expression full of anger. “From what you explained to the cops, it sounds like your brakes were cut.”

  Jordan nodded. “That’s what I’m thinking.”

  Mark drove away from the accident and headed toward town. “As soon as I have your truck in my garage, I’ll check it from bumper to bumper.”

  “Do I still have a bumper?” Jordan asked, trying at levity but failing. He was in too much pain to even crack a smile.

  “Probably not,” Mark answered solemnly. “Your truck is totaled.”

  Jordan tried to sit perfectly still, but that wasn’t helping the pain. Nothing would until he could shift. “If I hadn’t jumped, I would be as well.” And that thought made Jordan light-headed.

  If he hadn’t jumped, he would be a part of the twisted metal.

  As soon as Mark pulled into his garage, Bailey was hurrying toward the truck. He wasn’t sure how his mate found out so quickly but was glad to see him.

  “Oh my god!” Bailey said as Jordan eased from the truck. “What the hell happened? Bear told me you were in an accident, but he didn’t know anything else.”

  Jordan wasn’t sure he should tell his mate his brakes were cut. He didn’t want to send Bailey over the edge with worry, but he couldn’t lie to the man either. Mark showed him to a comfortable-looking sofa in his office. It looked like it had seen better days, but it also looked well broken in.

  As he eased down, Jordan gritted his teeth in order not to shout. “I–I—” Goddamn, his pain had escalated and it hurt to even talk now.

  “He needs to rest, Bailey,” Mark said. “Let him shift so he can heal. I’ll fill you in on the details.”


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