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Tempt My Trouble (Knights of Mayhem Book 1)

Page 24

by K. A. Ware

  “More,” she demanded. “Another finger, fuck, yes, more!”

  Fucking Christ, she was going to kill me. I was a split second away from losing all control, throwing her down on the nasty strip club carpet and fucking her until my dick fell off.

  Needing to regain some sort of control, I reached up with my free hand, slipping another digit through her wetness and giving her what she needed, just not where she expected. I felt her stiffen above me for a second before relaxing back into my touch. She shivered when I started moving my hands in tandem, but her hips quickly found the rhythm.

  “Ah, oh, fuck. Yes, fuck, Baz. Fuck, yes, yes, yes!” she screamed, her legs trembling as her orgasm ripped through her. Rabbit was beautiful any day, but Rabbit coming apart was fucking glorious.

  She didn’t get down right away, taking a minute to catch her breath before releasing the scrap of silk. Sliding down my body, she straddled my lap but didn’t sit fully. Having her so close and not being able to get inside her made my cock twitch painfully behind my zipper.

  Rabbit’s hands trailed down my chest, over my abs, to my belt buckle. I hissed out a breath as she released my throbbing erection and immediately palmed it. I wanted her touch, but I wanted her pussy more.

  “Come ‘ere,” I said, my voice strangled with want.

  She smirked at me as she dipped her head to my cock, but just before she wrapped those plump lips around the head, she stopped—her warm breath tickling the sensitive flesh. I considered kicking my hips up into her mouth just to get some damn relief but thought better of it. I’d probably catch teeth for my efforts.

  Rabbit pulled away and stood, turning away like she was going to leave. I started to panic, sitting up to catch her before she got too far, but she stopped a few feet in front of me, and I let my hand fall back to my side as she started dancing again. Was she ever going to fuck me again? It was starting to feel like she was planning on teasing me forever.

  Lowering herself to my lap, she finally put me out of my misery, rubbing her ass against my painfully hard erection. The friction was better than nothing, but I wanted inside her, and I was done playing games.

  She gasped when I suddenly gripped her hips. Her knees were caging mine, so I hooked my calves around hers and pinned her legs against the couch, opening her up fully to me. Guiding her to tilt her hips with one hand, I positioned myself at her entrance with the other and slammed home.

  “Fucking missed you, babe.” I groaned. Her warmth, that perfect fucking heat I’d been craving, it was better than I remembered.

  Gripping her hips, I guided Rabbit into a slow, steady pace and soon she was in her own world chasing her release. My hands snaked around her stomach, gliding up her ribs to palm her heavy breasts, tweaking and tugging at her pierced nipples.

  Pulling her back flush to my front, I leaned us both back. From this angle, I could see everything over her shoulder. Her luscious tits that had grown red from my pawing, her long, lean body and thanks to the wall of mirrors in front of us, I could watch as she took every inch of my cock into her tight heat.

  Reaching up, Rabbit grabbed one of my hands and shoved it between her legs. “My clit.”

  Her breath hitched as I stroked the pink flesh of her pussy, enjoying the view from the mirrors. My fingers slipped through her wetness, coming to where we were joined.

  Fuck it. I was putting mirrors up all over my room at the club. Watching the two of us together, watching her take me, made everything else that much hotter.

  Rabbit whimpered and picked up her pace, rocking harder and faster as she reached for her orgasm. Running my slick fingers up her pussy, I found her clit and began rubbing tight circles around the little bundle of nerves.

  “Fuck, Micah,” she panted, her hips jerking erratically.

  The sound of my name, my real name, on her fucking tongue, had my balls tightening and lightening zipping down my spine. Gripping her hips, I thrust up and slammed them down at the same time, fucking her with every bit of frustration I had. I gave it all to her, the shit with the club, missing her, not knowing where her head was at, and she took it, begging for more.

  We melted together as we came down from whatever universe we’d been in. My heart pounded in my chest as I tried to catch my breath. I needed to start working out if I was going to keep up with Rabbit.

  “Welcome home,” she whispered. “If you ever come to my club unannounced again, I’ll do this with someone else.”

  I growled, my teeth grazing the tender flesh of her neck. “Any motherfucker touches you. I’ll fuckin’ kill ‘em. I don’t fucking share.”

  She clenched her pussy around me where we were still connected, and I hissed at the sensation. “Neither do I. Remember that, because it’s not the woman I’ll be going after.”

  Her not so thinly veiled threat had blood surging south. Like my cock had a mind of its own, I was ready for round two. Why the fuck would I want any other bitch if I had Rabbit in my bed? Other women didn’t hold any appeal when the alternative, was her.

  Rabbit was the old lady of my dreams, intelligent, sexy as hell, and tough as nails. I wasn’t going to let her slip through my fingers again. She was already in my bed and on the back of my bike, soon, she’d be wearing my property patch. It wasn’t a matter of if; it was a matter of when.



  I hated working weekday shifts. The tips were shit, and if it was possible, the men were even skeevier. Unfortunately, since I was taking the weekend off to sit in the Knights of Mayhem clubhouse while Baz and his brothers rode off to unleash their brand of vigilante justice on the club I grew up in, I had to pick up a few shifts to make up for the lost income.

  Jesus, Jerry Springer anyone?

  It wasn’t that I couldn’t afford to skip a few days, I’d been stockpiling tips for years and had developed a substantial nest egg, but not being able to shove money into my savings account each week made me itchy. I had enough saved up to cover my and Stella’s tuition until graduation plus a year of living expenses, but I still felt like it wasn’t enough. My fear of becoming destitute like when we were kids prevented me from allowing myself even the slightest reprieve.

  I was walking to my car lost in thought, wondering what kind of anxiety disorder I could attribute my obsessive saving with, when I caught sight of a beat-up Honda I didn’t recognize in the parking lot two spaces down from my car. My steps faltered, and I wished like hell I’d asked Billy to walk me to my car instead of just standing by the back door to make sure I got to my car safely. If someone was waiting to grab me, Billy wouldn’t have enough time to intervene.

  Christ, I was paranoid. There were still girls inside. Someone could’ve just driven a different car to work. I needed to get a grip. I’d been suspicious, seeing everything as a potential threat, since Baz had told me they were going after the Sinners.

  Cautiously, I continued to my car, keeping my eyes on the Honda. Through the windows, I could see shit piled up to the roof. My stomach flipped as I recalled how many times we’d packed everything we owned into our rusted-out Oldsmobile and skipped out on yet another pending eviction.

  I caught movement in the Honda’s windshield just as I reached my car. Keys in hand, I debated my options. I could simply get in and drive home, I had enough problems to worry about, but something tugged at me. What would I have given to have someone stop and ask Stella if she was okay when I wasn’t there to protect her?

  Against my better judgment, I rounded the front of my car, slowly approaching the suspicious vehicle. The front seat had been leaned all the way back, acting as a makeshift bed. Whoever it was, they were wrapped in a bright blue Spongebob blanket. A hoodie pulled low so I couldn’t see their face.

  Taking a deep breath, I reached out, knocking gently on the window. The person jerked, jackknifing into a sitting position. When they pushed back their hood revealing white-blond hair, the sense of dread that had been festering in my stomach doubled in size.


  She reached over, slowly cranking the window down, her features clouded by shame. “Hey.” Her voice was small, and I knew exactly how she felt.

  The stench of poverty was a difficult thing to shake. I learned that lesson first hand, hell, I was still learning it.

  I’d lost count of how many times I’d been teased and looked down on for not having clean clothes for school because we were in-between apartments and hadn’t made it to the laundry mat yet. How I used to catch the city bus at six in the morning so I could sneak into the locker room and shower before school. The sneers from the mean girls when I pulled out my free lunch ticket. I’d gone an entire month in middle school not eating at school just so I wouldn’t get picked on for being a charity case.

  I could’ve told my father what was going on, but I was afraid he’d take me away from my mom, and I’d never see my sister again, so I suffered in silence. It was always worse when my dad was locked up, though. After all, Charese couldn’t bleed him for cash if he was behind bars.

  “Wanna tell me why you’re sleeping in your car?” I asked, trying to keep my tone light. I didn’t want her to feel ashamed. You didn’t always have control of the hand you were dealt.

  Emerald looked down at her hands and sighed. “Mom took off with Joel. Couldn’t work until my face healed so I didn’t make rent, got kicked out. It’s only temporary though. Kenny cleared me to come back, but I’m only on for two shifts a week, I should be able to get into a place soon.”

  “What about your girlfriend, you can’t stay with her?”

  She flashed me a sad smile and shook her head. “We broke up. I guess being with a stripper that gets beat up by her mom’s boyfriend was a little too much for her.”

  “You don’t have any friends you can stay with? Family?” I was grasping at straws, and I knew it. If there was an alternative, she wouldn’t be sleeping in her car behind a strip club.

  Huffing out a laugh, she looked up at the sky, blinking away the tears that had started pooling in her eyes. “It’s always just been my mom and me. Grandparents died before I was born and I never knew my dad. As for friends, there isn’t really anyone. I’ve always been too poor to go out and do anything, so people just stopped inviting me to things. When I came out last year, the girls at school started spreading rumors, and the guys just tried to get into my pants. Hard to make friends when everyone seems to have an ulterior motive.”


  I stared at the girl I barely knew, wondering when I’d become the bleeding-heart type. She was so young and already so broken. There was no way I could turn around and carry on with my business now.

  “Follow me. I’ve got a spare room you can crash in until you find a place,” I said, stepping away.

  She sat up a little straighter. “Are you sure? I don’t want to be any trouble.”

  Her eyes told another story. There was a spark of hope where there hadn’t been a moment earlier.

  I wanted to kick my own ass for buying myself yet another fucking problem, but her puppy dog eyes were killing me. “It’s fine, come on.”

  “Thank you so much,” she breathed. “I promise I won’t get in your way.”

  Putting a hand up to stop her, I gently shook my head. “Stop, it’s no big deal. Now, less talking and more driving, I need a hot shower and a cold beer.”

  “Right, I’ll just follow you,” Emerald said, turning the key in the ignition.

  “Smart kid,” I said, turning to hurry back to my car.

  With Emerald’s headlights in my rearview, I drove through the deserted streets second guessing my choice to help her. Was it even safe? I didn’t need someone else to worry about, my plate quickly filling up with Stella, Baz, Harley, even Jester, and so many others from the club that I’d started to care for. I couldn’t help it though. She reminded me too much of myself to ignore her.

  Even though logically, I knew I couldn’t save everyone, a part of me needed to save her.

  “The guys won’t be there long,” I said, staring straight ahead at the road. “They’re riding out this afternoon. An old-timer, Gunner, will stay behind with a couple of prospects, but the rest will just be old ladies, girlfriends, and kids.” I tried to keep my tone light, but it was impossible. A sense of foreboding gnawed at my stomach. I was on edge, to say the least.

  I’d fought against bringing Stella to the lockdown, but Baz had insisted it was the only way he could ensure our safety.

  “You’ve already said that twice,” Stella grumbled, looking out the window as the trees passed.

  We were on our way to the clubhouse, and I was so worried about how Stella was going to handle it, I’d been overdoing the reassurances. Not only were they aggravating Stella, but I was also pretty sure they were freaking Amanda the hell out.

  Last night after I’d brought Emerald home she insisted that I use her real name, Amanda. Reluctantly, I’d agreed. Never calling any of the dancers by their real name helped me keep them at a distance. I’d spent so many years terrified of people finding out my secrets, that I hadn’t even realized I was doing it.

  Since my place was a potential target, I couldn’t leave her there like a sitting duck. With no other choice, I’d decided to bring Amanda with. It was better than sleeping in her car.

  “Sorry,” I said, glancing Stella’s way. She hadn’t moved, her forehead resting on the window.

  “I told you I’m fine,” she grumbled.

  For the most part, I believed her, she seemed to be taking the entire situation in stride, but she’d lost some of her fire. Idly, I wondered if the knowledge that the Knights were headed off to ‘handle’ the Sinners, as Baz had put it, would help or hurt her mood. It didn’t really matter, though. I couldn’t tell her anything. Baz had trusted me with the information, and I wouldn’t betray that. I mean, if I expected him to keep my secrets, I had to keep his.

  “I just don’t want it to screw with your head. These guys aren’t the Sinners, I promise.” Even as I said it, I felt uncertainty curdle the words.

  The memory of being stuck in the cooler with Ox flashed in my mind. It was the only thing in all my interactions with the brothers over the past few weeks that had raised a red flag.

  Candy had interrupted us before he could say or do anything that bad actually. He was a dick, but aside from a few lewd comments and a pathetic jab at Baz, he hadn’t really done anything overtly wrong. Maybe I’d been scared because of my history, or maybe I was rationalizing, but the truth was, he hadn’t threatened or even touched me.

  How many times had I heard guys talk to a cut slut like that? It was par for the course. If Ox really hadn’t known I was with Baz, was what he said so different from that?

  “I’m not gonna run out and score because I walk inside a clubhouse. Give me a little more credit than that,” Stella snapped, more spark in her voice than before.

  I smiled to myself as I pulled past the gates of the compound, thinking maybe I’d underestimated my little sister’s ability to compartmentalize.

  Parking in the same gravel lot as I did for the cookout, the three of us grabbed our bags and headed for the clubhouse.

  My earlier confidence waned when I caught Stella fingering the rubber band at her wrist out of the corner of my eye as we walked across the blacktop. I wanted to offer her more reassurance, but I held my tongue, not wanting to aggravate her more and send her anxiety through the roof.

  Amanda had her head down, quietly trailing behind us. I wasn’t nearly as worried about her as I was about Stella. Amanda was a smart girl. She’d keep her head down and find a way to pass the time. Stella, on the other hand, wasn’t stupid, but she always managed to find trouble.

  Just before we reached the door, it flew open, and Z stalked out of the building. I silently groaned. Why did the first brother we saw have to be Zero? With the tattoos, partially shaved head and the incredibly odd way he seemed to exude a consuming sense of menace, he screamed trouble.

  Z’s booted feet halted, and he
stood stock-still, his path to escape blocked by the three of us. Those crazy eyes of his flicked to me, over my shoulder flashing in recognition when he saw Amanda, and finally on my sister, where they stayed. He didn’t leer, in fact, his eyes never moved from her face as he stared at Stella unblinking for a solid thirty seconds. As if his behavior wasn’t odd at all, his eyes slid to mine, and he offered a chin lift in greeting.

  “Everyone’s inside, Candy and Blondie can show you where you’re staying,” he said in his distinctive raspy voice. Sidestepping our little group, he marched across the lot to the garage, disappearing inside the office.

  “Who was that?” Stella asked.

  “That’s Z,” I said, refusing to offer any more information than that. I didn’t like the way her eyes kept darting back to the office door he’d slipped into. “Come on, let’s get inside and get settled.”

  The sense of nostalgia that hit me every time I walked into the clubhouse didn’t disappoint. The common room area was crowded with people, old ladies wearing property patches, girlfriends and bikers milled about while children darted in and out of the clusters of people.

  Stella took a half step closer, her arm grazing mine and I reached down, lacing our fingers together. Butterflies rioted in my stomach as I wondered what the weekend held, but one thing I knew for sure was that whatever was thrown at us, we’d get through it together, we always did.

  “Thank God you’re here,” Blondie called out, leaning over the bar. She waved us over as she set a tray of deli meat between a mountain of hoagie rolls and a platter of cheese on the bar top.

  “This is nuts, is everyone staying here?” I asked.

  “It’ll thin out once the boys leave, but yeah, the club’s not small, babe. Bikers tend to reproduce.”


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