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Reckless Love

Page 6

by Kendall Ryan

  I took a deep breath. There was no way I could be reading her right; after all, she was dating Chris. I needed to back off.

  “Yeah,” I said. “With my arm all messed up, I’m not planning any big rendezvous anytime soon.”

  MacKenzie took a deep breath. “Right, so let’s start on your stretches.”



  The deal was that I would spend two hours a day twice a week with Ian, working on his physical therapy exercises and stretches. And apparently that was all he wanted to work on.

  I couldn’t believe I’d flat-out asked him why he didn’t have sex before a fight. So much for being “professional.” I hated what happened after that, though. I’d basically baited him by reminding him he didn’t have an upcoming fight, and he still wouldn’t go near me.

  So that was it. I was done throwing myself at him. In fact, if I wasn’t behind in rent, I might have even quit. But I still needed the job, so I would make the best of it.

  The new guy Chris brought in to train with Ian arrived at the gym the next morning. Evidently he didn’t get the memo that Ian was temporarily benched. The new guy’s name was Jonah, which made me laugh, because he seriously was the size of a freaking whale. He kept himself busy by coaching the other guys at the gym on what they called “ground and pound,” which also made me laugh. Who in the world thought that was a good fighting term?

  Jonah didn’t bother taking it easy on the guys, which kept me busy. I was working on one of his latest victims when Chris called me into his office. I put a Band-Aid on a guy’s chin, which had already stopped bleeding, then assured him that he didn’t need stitches before following Chris to see what he needed.

  “What’s up, boss?” I asked as he took a seat at his desk. I sat down on the couch across from him. He’d surprised me by actually managing to keep it all business at work. Maybe not all guys were cavemen.

  “I just wanted to check how things were going with you.”

  “Fine,” I said. “Jonah’s keeping me busy.”

  He laughed, then leaned forward, folding his arms on his desk. “How are things with Ian? The little twerp has been refusing to go to the doctor to get a checkup, so while he’s out of the gym, you’re my only source.” He winked.

  The fact that Ian was refusing to go to the doctor was news to me. I would have to get on him for that. We’d only just started working together one-on-one.

  “He’s doing okay,” I said. “I would like to see him improve a little faster, but he’ll get there.” I hope.

  Chris nodded. “Good. I don’t want to see him miss out on his first big fight.” He leaned back in his chair and opened a drawer, pulling out an envelope. “I know this is early, but I was writing out the payroll checks today, so I figured I might as well give this to you now.”

  “Thank you.” I reached out and took the envelope. He had no idea how close I’d been to asking for an advance on my paycheck. This would be just enough to get my rent up-to-date. Thank God.

  He pushed up from the desk and sauntered over to the couch, taking a seat next to me. “So, MacKenzie, can we pretend we aren’t at work long enough for me to ask you to dinner tonight?” He took my hand in his and wove his fingers through mine.

  Chris was sweet sometimes. I had been warming up to him, but still wanted to take it slow. He seemed eager to move forward to the next level, whatever that was, but I wasn’t ready yet. Thank God he’d been patient with me.

  “I have girls’ night tonight, remember?”

  He gave me a big smile. “I do, but I was hoping it was canceled or something. A guy can dream, right?” He kissed the back of my hand. “We’re still on for Friday night, though, aren’t we?”

  “Yeah.” He’d begun to refer to Friday as our “date night,” a phrase that for some reason had my stomach twisting in knots. But I tried not to think about it.



  The first one-on-one session with MacKenzie had nearly killed me. Not because of the pain—I could handle that—but having her bounce around me in that low-cut tank top was torture. I had to use every trick I knew to keep my dick from giving her a constant personal salute.

  I decided today would be different, which was why I took an extra-long shower before our next appointment, soaping myself up to take care of business. I would never make it through another session with her without a release.

  All I had to do was think of her—her round ass, her heavy tits, or her long, slender legs—and I got hard. It was always her. I’d tried thinking about other women, but I always came back to MacKenzie.

  We hadn’t gone very far that night she still hated me for, but I hadn’t forgotten the sweet taste of her soft mouth. I imagined her lips sucking my cock as I stroked it, her skillful tongue and lips massaging my shaft. It was hardly any time before I was brought to the edge.

  As I came, I imagined all the ways I wanted her—riding me on the bench in my gym, against the wall just out of sight of the window, or finishing what we started in the back of my car. Most of all, I wanted to have her in my bed. I imagined thrusting into her hot, wet cunt with her tight little ass in the air, and I came so fucking hard.

  • • •

  Downstairs in the gym, MacKenzie helped me through each of the exercises. This time I could actually concentrate on the different stretches and movements—for the most part.

  “Here, let me show you again,” she said.

  We were on my final round of reps, and she was still amazingly patient as she showed me the same exercise for the millionth time. She took the stretch band from my grasp and stepped between me and the wall.

  I’d gotten rid of my shirt because it was restricting my movements, and now her warm shoulder blades and the tickle of her hair brushed against my bare chest. She lifted my hand, putting it on her shoulder so I could feel which muscles she was working.

  “Pull back like this, see, and—” Her voice cut off.

  That was when I realized I’d been holding her body to mine, my hand splayed across her abdomen in a possessive gesture. I looked down, wondering if she would look up at me with her beautiful eyes full of want or confusion, but she only stood there silently, neither leaning into me nor pulling away.

  “Sorry,” I grunted. I channeled every ounce of self-restraint I had and released her, taking one step back.

  She took a deep breath and began again, almost as if nothing had happened. “Just pull back like this, engaging this muscle here.”

  Without looking at me, she placed her free hand over mine on her shoulder. Damn, her touch was so gentle. She moved my hand over the soft skin of her shoulder until she found the muscle she was talking about. She was strong, even as small as she was.

  I focused on the movement as she pulled the band tight, and then released. Then it was my turn again. I mimicked her movements through the last round of reps, and she started packing up to leave.

  “Where did you park?” I asked. “I forgot to tell you, you can use the garage when you’re here. I have a guest pass.”

  She shook her head. “That’s okay, I ride the bus. I don’t own a car.”

  “Oh.” I was dumbfounded. How had I not known that? “I’ll drive you home then.” I pulled my shirt back on and grabbed my keys. There was no way I was going to let her take the bus home.

  “No, it’s fine. I take the bus all the time,” she said.

  “Not anymore, you don’t.”

  She smiled coyly. “Are you volunteering to be my personal chauffeur?”

  “No, but you leave here late enough that some of the weirdos have already started to come out. The least I can do is give you a ride home.”

  She didn’t say anything at first, running her hand through her hair. “Fine.”

  She sounded almost like it was painful to accept help from me. I didn’t know if she was that way with everyone, or if I should take it personally. But it didn’t matter, because I would be driving her home.

enzie didn’t talk much on the way to her place other than to give me directions, which left me to wonder if she was upset about me pressing up against her.

  As we drove, I became aware that Kenzie was directing me toward one of the worst parts of town. At first, I was hopeful that we were just passing through, but at every turn, we drove farther and farther in, until finally she asked me to stop in front of a building I wouldn’t have guessed was hers in a million years. It might have passed building inspections, having all its windows and such, but that was about all I could say for the place. It was one of those block apartment buildings from the seventies. All the windows were filthy and had cheap twisted-up blinds.

  The worst part, though, was the neighborhood. I counted several dealers and hookers on our ride here, and the sun wasn’t even down yet.

  “Thanks,” MacKenzie said and hopped out of the car.

  “Hang on, I’ll walk you up.” I followed her, my pulse kicking like a fucking mule. It would take every ounce of strength I had to leave her in this place. I would make damn sure the locks were secured before I left her.

  “It’s no big deal.”

  “I’d feel better knowing I got you all the way inside safely.” Understatement of the goddamn year.

  She shrugged and rolled her eyes at me as if I was going overboard, but she let me follow her inside.

  “Do you know any self-defense moves?” I asked as I followed her up the steps.

  “Thanks a lot.” She laughed. “My neighborhood isn’t that bad.”

  “So, that’s a no?”

  She shrugged again. “The building’s secure.”

  “What if I teach you some moves, you know, just in case?” Or move you into a safer apartment, I added silently.

  MacKenzie stopped on the steps, considering, but then continued. “It’s okay, you don’t have to do that. I’m fine. I’ve been taking care of myself for years.”

  Damn it, why did she have to be so independent and self-reliant all the time?

  “Fine,” I said. But this wasn’t over. Maybe I could work with Chris to get her a raise so she didn’t have to live here. If I had to pay the difference myself, so be it. It would be worth it to be able to sleep at night and not worry about her.

  She stopped in front of her door and turned to me. “Thanks. Again. I think I’ve got it from here.”

  But something was off. “Hang on,” I said, holding her there. “I heard yelling.”

  She giggled. “It’s just the kids on the street, calm down.”

  But then we heard more yelling. It was coming from her neighbor’s apartment, just next door. I pushed MacKenzie behind me as the shouts grew louder. Glass shattered, and it sounded like someone was throwing pots and pans.

  “Soni,” MacKenzie shrieked, and I felt her small hands cling to the back of my shirt.

  The door burst open and a teenage boy rushed out of the apartment with a wild look in his eyes. I pushed MacKenzie farther back, holding out my good arm in case he wanted to attack. His eyes were wild as he glanced around for a way out, but we were in his path.

  Fuck, I was going to have to take him down.

  “No, Ian!” MacKenzie cried after me as I went to meet him head-on.

  “Call the police,” I growled as I grabbed the kid’s hand, twisting it. He flipped immediately, as I knew he would, but he had to be tweaking on something, because he managed to bounce to his feet and pull himself free. “Shit,” I grumbled.

  I went at him again, first kicking him in the side to destabilize him, then bringing him down again. This time I held him around the neck so that his airflow was cut off. Still, he continued to kick around frantically like a fish out of water.

  “Calm the fuck down,” I said, lifting him up and slamming his butt on the ground for emphasis. He wouldn’t get hurt if he would just stop resisting.

  “The police are on their way,” MacKenzie said as she tucked her phone back into her bag.

  The guy wouldn’t give up, so I twisted his arm back, forcing him onto his stomach, and sat on him.

  When MacKenzie saw I had the kid immobilized, she darted past us into her neighbor’s place.

  Shit. “You better be alone,” I growled at the little shit who’d become my new chair. “Are you alone?” I could hold this guy back with only one arm, but if there were more of them, we were in trouble.

  “Just me,” he managed to wheeze out. “Please let me go. I promise, you’ll never see me again.”

  I ignored him, letting the stupid kid whine, which he continued to do like a fucking pussy.

  As I waited for the police, I started to worry about MacKenzie. There were no noises coming from the apartment at all, which worried the shit out of me. I was about to leave the kid on the ground and go in after her when the police finally showed up, and I was able to run in and check on her.



  At first when Ian said he wanted to give me self-defense lessons, I thought he was kidding. I should have known he wouldn’t joke about that kind of thing. Even after what happened the other night, I maintained that my neighborhood wasn’t that bad. The kid Ian tackled was Soni’s grandson. He came over and asked her for money every once in a while. Admittedly, that night he was worse than usual, but I still knew how to call 911.

  Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough for Ian. As far as he was concerned, the situation only illustrated his point. Which was why I was in Ian’s personal gym, about to get my first lesson in self-defense. That, and I told him I’d do it if he agreed to go back to the doctor for his two-week checkup.

  “So,” I said. “What do you think you can teach me with only one arm?”

  “You saw what I did to that kid in your building the other night, right?” His lips tugged up in a playful smirk.

  As much as I didn’t want to be affected by Ian, I loved this side of him. His protective nature made my belly clench. And coupled with his confidence and that spark of boyish charm? I might as well hand over my panties now.

  “Or do I need to show you again?” He stepped forward quickly, and I instinctively held my hands up, turning to run. “Good.” He stopped.

  “Good, what?” I turned back to him.

  “That was your first lesson. Any situation where you feel you’re in danger, if you can, run.”

  “Okay.” That I knew how to do. And it seemed pretty obvious.

  “Lesson number two. If you can’t run, go for the eyes.”

  “I know that one,” I said. “Because they’re always guarding their family jewels first, and won’t expect that.”

  “Right. I thought you said you didn’t know any self-defense.”

  I shrugged. “This is all just common street knowledge. Ears and nose are good targets too. If you want to teach me something new, teach me how to break out of a hold or disable an attacker.”

  “Okay, sure. Lesson number three. How to break out of a hold.” He stepped forward and his cool eyes on mine felt almost predatory, but I didn’t step back, holding my ground. He slid his arm around my waist.

  I put my hands up on his chest, pushing him back. “Wait. Maybe we should hold off on these classes until your shoulder’s healed. I don’t want to make it worse.”

  Ian didn’t answer, instead sweeping my feet out from under me. He lay me down on the mat and covered me, hovering inches above me between my legs. My heart raced from the thrill of being thrown down so effortlessly and yet so gently.

  His lips turned up into a smug grin. “Don’t worry. I’ve got it under control.”

  My God, if he could do all that with just one arm, what would it be like to work with him at full strength? The thought aroused me, making me even more aware of how close he was to my center. All he had to do was let gravity take his body down, and I would feel him between my legs. As it was, my body ached to rise up and press against his, just inches away.

  “What now?” I asked, my voice coming out softer than I’d intended.

  His jaw clenched and he
waited a moment, just staring at me. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought he was about to kiss me.

  I scanned his face, noting his chin was rough with stubble, which I imagined would feel rough against my cheeks. Lying there with Ian between my legs, I was so flustered I almost pulled him to me right then.

  “Try to get up,” he said.

  I laughed. Pretending for a moment that I actually wanted to get up from my current position, there was no way in hell I would be able to overpower Ian.

  “Just try.”

  So I did, halfheartedly at first, but once I really started getting into it, I managed to twist myself around so that I was on my stomach. He was still on top of me and still had my legs spread, only now he was pressing his body against mine as I tried to resist. I wiggled my ass against his pelvis and heard him release a grunt. My pulse kicked up a notch as I shuddered at that sensual sound coming from him.

  I twisted around again. No matter how careful he was to keep our groin areas apart, my attempts to free myself had me constantly rubbing up against him in a way that should have felt wrong, but felt so very right. At one point, his leg pressed firmly against my pubic bone, and the throbbing was immediate and delicious. I pushed myself into him without even thinking, just wanting some release. I must have stopped struggling because he relaxed his grip, and after a beat, pulled his leg away.

  “What the fuck, Kenzie?” His eyes found mine. He rolled off me, looking a little winded.


  “You’re not even trying.”

  Thankful that he didn’t chastise me for seeking friction against him, I kept quiet. We were silent for a few tense seconds, and I wondered if he could hear the dull roar of my pulse thrumming in my neck, or see the desire that had to be written all over my flushed face.

  “You take the offensive pose, and I’ll show you some ways to get out of a hold like that.”


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