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Reckless Love

Page 16

by Kendall Ryan

  “I already called them and tried that. Your hotel and all the ones nearby are fully booked. There’s a bunch of conventions in town. Can you stay with Ian?”

  I looked at Ian, who was watching me.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  I shook my head at him. “I can’t. I won’t put him out like that.”

  Ian jumped up and pulled the phone out of my hand. “What’s up?” He listened while Alexa filled him in on the situation, then said, “Yeah. She can stay here. I don’t want her running off to some suburban motel in the middle of the night. I’d feel better if she stayed here.”

  He handed the phone back to me. “It’s settled.” His look said there was no talking him out of it.

  I put the phone back up to my ear. “I guess I’m staying here.”

  “Look, there’s no reason you can’t stay for the fight. Cade and I are arriving tomorrow. I’ll text you our flight info and you can meet us at the airport. You can stay with us and come home after.”

  I watched Ian as he pulled an extra blanket and pillow out of the closet and started setting up on the couch. He was still in just his boxers, and at the sight of his muscular arms, legs, and back, I licked my lips. His brow furrowed as if he was thinking about something. God, I wanted to watch his fight.

  “We’ll see,” I said.



  Kenzie hung up the phone. “You better be making up the couch for me,” she said. Her hands on her hips and bossy tone made me smile. She was so cute when she was demanding.

  “Nope, I’m taking the couch.”

  “Ian, you need your sleep,” she pleaded. Her eyes begged me. Saying no to her was nearly impossible, but there was no way she was sleeping on that couch. I wasn’t fucking raised that way.

  “How the hell am I going to sleep knowing you’re uncomfortable?” I sat on the couch, laying claim.

  She glanced at the bed, then back at me. “But I don’t want to sleep in your bed. The couch will be much more comfortable for me.”

  I laughed. “Kenzie, there’s no way you’re getting out of this. Get in bed.”

  “Ian, I really don’t want to.” She looked away from me, her face pinched as if she were worried, so I got up and went over to her.

  “What’s going on?”

  She turned her head away and bit her lip, her face turning red. “I don’t want to say.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Kenzie, if you won’t say, then you don’t get out of it. Lay down.”

  “But…” She looked at the bed, almost disgusted. “Is that where you slept with her?”

  My mind was reeling, trying to figure out what the hell she was talking about. I sat down on the bed. “Slept with who?”

  “The prostitute,” she almost whispered.

  “Why would you think I slept with a prostitute?” I ran my hand across the back of my neck.

  “I saw her at your door.” She still looked at her feet, digging her toe into the carpet.

  “You mean the one from the bar?” And then it all made sense. I took her hands. “It’s the oldest trick in the book. My opponent sent her to my room. He was trying to get me to have sex the night before the fight. But I didn’t sleep with her.”

  “Then why did you pay her?” Her gaze darted up to mine.

  I squeezed her hands. “I was paying her to go away. Do you really think after what I’ve been through to get here, after all the years of training, that I would throw it away for a ride with a prostitute?”

  She looked down again. “I guess I thought maybe you were just lying about the whole no-sex thing. Chris said there’s no proof that it actually works.”

  I blew out a breath. This was Kenzie at her core; she didn’t feel like she could trust anyone. Fuck, she might not even know how to trust people. I needed her to know that she could trust me.

  “Kenzie, I would never lie to you. Never.” I nudged her chin up so that she looked at me. “You are too important. I would never hurt you.”

  She nodded and let out a deep breath. “Okay.”

  “So will you please get in bed so that I can get some sleep before the fight tomorrow?” I asked.

  “But I really don’t want to take your bed.”

  “Will you at least sleep in it with me?” I knew what it sounded like, but I was so tired, and I just needed her to be safe and comfortable. “It’s a big bed. I promise not to touch you.”

  Kenzie nodded.

  I looked at the tight dress she was still wearing from earlier this evening. It hugged all her curves, and of course it was cut low. My dick stirred and I got up.

  “I’ll grab you a T-shirt.”



  I changed into Ian’s T-shirt and got in bed opposite him. “Good night,” I said.

  “’Night.” He switched off the light.

  I rolled onto my side, facing him. I couldn’t see him because my eyes hadn’t adjusted to the dark yet, but just knowing he was there made me feel safe. How was it that I couldn’t stand the thought of sharing a suite with Chris, but with Ian in the same bed, I knew it would all be okay?

  Ian’s silhouette slowly came into view. He was lying on his side; I could tell from the bulging arm muscles that outlined his form. As my eyes adjusted, I took in his finely sculpted frame, his chest and his abs.

  Oh, how I wanted him. Every piece of me wanted every bit of him. I wanted to run my fingers over every inch of his solid chest and eight-pack abs. I wanted to run my hot tongue down his body. I wanted to make him come apart the way he’d done to me on the mat in his gym. My panties got wet just remembering that day. His hot mouth on me, his fingers thrusting inside me.

  No matter how much I wanted him, there was no way I would act on my desires. Not now. I’d already disrupted the crap out of him the night before his big fight. There was no way I would even try to tempt him to break his no-sex rule. This would be the one thing I could do right for him.

  I took a deep breath and my eyes finally adjusted enough that Ian came into focus. Three feet away, facing me. Eyes open. We lay there, lost in each other’s eyes, just a pillow’s width away.

  Finally, I pulled my hand out from under the sheets and held it open between us. An invitation. He took it and folded it in his own. Comforted, I closed my eyes. Because as long as I felt his strong, calloused hand around mine, I knew he was close by and I would be safe.

  We lay there that way, just holding hands, until sleep took over.

  • • •

  The next morning when I awoke, Ian was still holding my hand, although he was asleep. The sheets had fallen away from him, and his broad chest lay bare. I was tempted to lie there and just watch him sleep, but he had a fight to win, and I had to figure out how to get my shoes and wallet from Chris. I needed cab fare to the airport, and my driver’s license to get through security.

  I went into the bathroom and changed back into my clothes from the night before. When I came out, Ian was awake, stirring in bed.

  “’Morning,” he said, smiling big as he stretched. “How’d you sleep?”

  “Great. You?”

  “Like a bear in winter.” He was in a good mood. It had been a while since I’d seen him smile. It made me feel warm inside. But as soon as I started to enjoy it, his smile faded. “What happened to your arms?”

  I looked down. I hadn’t noticed, but my arms were covered in bruises. Damn.

  I reached to cover them. “I don’t know. I must have done something in my sleep.”

  It was the only thing I could think to say, because I knew exactly where the bruises were from. They were from Chris. But there was no way I was going to start something between Ian and Chris the day of the fight.

  Ian leaped out of bed and took my arms in his hands, examining them. His face was stern, and his jaw tightened. “You didn’t do this in your sleep, MacKenzie. Don’t lie to me. Why can’t you just tell me what happened? Who did this to you?” The muscles in his neck tensed.
  “No. I won’t tell you,” I barked. “I’m not here to be your distraction. You don’t need to worry about me. Ian, pull it together and focus on your fight. I’m not your problem.” I headed for the door.

  “Kenzie, wait.”

  I pulled the door open and stepped out, stumbling on my bag, which had been placed right outside the door. Chris must have put it there. I pulled out the handle and started wheeling it to the elevator.

  “Kenzie,” he shouted down the hall after me.

  I hit the Down button on the elevator, then turned to him. “Ian, a while back you promised me that you would win this fight. I’ve got my stuff, and Alexa will make sure I get home. You make sure you don’t break that promise you made to me. You win your fight.” The door to the elevator opened and I stepped inside.

  The truth of my words hit me as the doors closed. I was a distraction to Ian. That was all I was, and all I would ever be. As long as I was around, he’d be unable to see his dream fulfilled.

  I didn’t want to be the one standing between him and his dream. I cared about him too much.



  Kenzie was gone. I couldn’t believe she was fucking gone. As much as I wanted to curl her body next to mine and spoon her all last night, I could tell she needed space. It was written in the tearstains on her face.

  Still I’d assumed, after what we’d been through together, that she would end up with me. I let myself believe that when she held my hand last night. But she’d marched out like she couldn’t wait to leave. She was done with me. Wasn’t even going to stick around long enough to see the fight, the fight I’d been prepping for my whole life. I thought she knew how much it meant to me. How much she meant to me.

  The fight. That was how I would get through this. Focus all my energy on the fight. It had to be that, because after losing Kenzie, fighting was the only thing left, and it was time to get ready.

  Chris wasn’t in his room and wouldn’t respond to any of my texts, but I found Jonah and spent the time leading up to the fight talking strategy and trying to keep myself calm enough to not fucking puke.

  Strangely enough, the closer it got to fight time, the calmer I got. It made no sense, but this was how my nerves misbehaved before a fight. They peaked the day of the fight, but by the time I stepped into the ring, my mind was in a state of ass-kicking Zen.

  I was a little worried about Chris. I knew he could take care of himself, but I’d called and texted him, left a note for him on his door, and heard nothing.

  As we headed backstage before the fight, I texted Cade. I knew he was in town for the fight, and if Chris wasn’t going to be there, I needed another coach. I might be the only one in the ring fighting, but a large entourage on entry ramped up the intimidation factor.

  Cade messaged me right back and said he’d meet me backstage. I thanked God that Jonah had come out with us. He would have to do the coaching for two, but if I could get Cade to at least enter with me and sit near the cage, my team would look impressive.

  The dressing room was almost as big as my hotel room, with a table and chairs on one end and a little seating area. I supposed if I were the champ I would need all the space for my huge entourage, but today I just felt lucky to be here.

  Jonah helped me tape my hands, then I started my pre-game ritual. Clear my mind of everything, and get ready to pound this guy into nothing. I hopped up and down on the balls of my feet. It was all about finding the right place between calm and let’s beat the shit out of someone.

  “Aaah,” I yelled. Yeah, I was ready.

  The door opened and Chris slipped in. My hopping instantly slowed at the sight of him. His face was mangled. His nose ballooned out, obviously broken, and he had a black eye.

  Jonah met him near the door. “Chris, what the fuck happened?”

  Chris smiled through a fat lip. “Nothing. You should see the other guy. Let’s get you ready for the fight,” he said to me.

  I looked him over; something about him made me feel on edge. His eyes darted nervously around the room, and he laughed.

  “You’re gonna kill this guy, Ian,” he said as he moved toward me. But he was acting wary, as if he was unsure about something.

  “Chris…” I said.

  His eyes shifted again. “What?” He folded his arms, which was when I noticed the long red scrapes on his arms. Defensive claw marks.

  My face heated up as I flashed back to the fear in Kenzie’s eyes last night when I found her at my hotel door. How she wouldn’t talk about any of it. And all the bruises on her arms the next morning.

  I was a fucking idiot. All the signs were right in front of my face, but I didn’t see it.

  “You,” I choked out. I advanced on him, my blood rushing through me and roaring in my ears.

  “What’s going on?” Jonah asked, approaching us cautiously.

  Chris began backing up. “Did that little slut tell you I forced myself on her? Because she was acting like she wanted it, and then all of a sudden she was kicking me. That girl is psycho.”

  And I saw red.



  At least Chris had made sure I got my stuff back. When I met Alexa and Cade at the airport, Alexa’s pity-filled face was a sight for my sore eyes.

  “Sweetie,” she said, greeting me with a long hug. “How are you?”

  “Better now that you’re here,” I said. And I did feel better than I had in a while. I was finally done with Chris. And I had to admit that I’d slept really well last night.

  Her gaze fell to my hands. “You brought your bag.”

  I nodded. “You’re going to loan me the money to fly home.”

  I’d resolved to go home on the next flight, rather than stay for the fight. I’d been enough of a distraction for Ian already, and needed to get as far away as I could so that he could concentrate.

  She shook her head. “Nope.”

  “No? You won’t loan me money?”

  “I won’t have to. You’re staying for the fight. Our room’s a double. You’ll spend the night with us, and leave with your normal ticket tomorrow.”

  “Alexa, I don’t want to stay for the fight. I just want to go home.”

  What I really wanted was to run back to the casino and back into Ian’s arms. But that option was off the table.

  “No, you can’t go home.” Alexa put her arm around me and started pushing me toward the taxi stand. “You deserve to see Ian win this fight. You worked so hard with him. There’s no way we’re letting you miss this.” She looked to Cade for support.

  He nodded. “Sorry. Alexa’s the boss.” He followed us with their luggage in tow as Alexa nudged me to the first cab in the taxi line.

  “Alexa, I’m bad luck for him. All I am to him is a reason to lose his concentration. I need to get out of his way so he can win this fight, and the one after that and the one after that. He doesn’t need me there to distract him. He needs time alone to focus on his dream.”

  “Shut it,” she said. Her tone was playful, but she meant what she said. “I’m not having you miss this. You can trade tickets with Cade and sit by me. That way Ian won’t even know you’re there. Our seats are up in nosebleed land.”

  I sighed.

  The cab driver got out and started loading their suitcases in back. Cade pried my bag out of my hand, putting it in the trunk with the others, then got in on the far side. I was being forced back to the fight whether I wanted to go or not.

  Alexa gave me a shove toward the door, and I got in. She followed, and I rode back to the casino, wedged between Alexa and Cade and somehow feeling like a prisoner.

  “If he loses the fight because I’m there, I’m gonna be pissed,” I said.

  Alexa patted my arm. “Sure, sure.”



  All I saw was red.

  “You forced yourself on Kenzie,” I growled.

  Chris continued his slow creep away from me toward the exit,
but Jonah moved carefully in my direction to intercept.

  Chris snarled at me. “I told you, she was acting like she wanted it. I didn’t do anything to her.” He pointed at his mangled face. “That bitch did this to me.”

  I flew at him with hands outstretched and grabbed him by the throat, then took him down on his back, landing on him hard. He clawed at my hands as I squeezed his throat. His face turned bright red and his mouth flapped open as he struggled for air. He kicked frantically at me, at my legs and anything he could reach.

  I felt his blows, but they didn’t hurt. What hurt was that this guy, who had pretended to be my friend, had forced himself on the woman I loved. I wanted blood.

  Chris’s fists flew at my face and he hammered away, but I kept holding his neck. He didn’t deserve to breathe the same air as her.

  Arms came from behind and wrapped around my neck and pulled.

  “Ian,” Jonah shouted in my ear. “Don’t fucking do this. Whatever it is he did, it’s not worth going to jail, and it’s not worth throwing away your career. Let him go.”

  Jonah tugged at me, trying to pull me off Chris, but I wouldn’t let go. I couldn’t. Not after what he’d done.

  “This little shit deserves to die after what he’s put Kenzie through,” I growled.

  “So you’ll spend the rest of your life locked up away from her, just to pay back this one guy?”

  I loosened my grip a little as I let Jonah’s words sink in. Chris’s punches were weaker and fewer; he was about to pass out.

  Jonah continued. “Wouldn’t it be better for her if you were out here so you could protect her from other slimeballs like him?”

  I let go and allowed Jonah to pull me off Chris. Chris coughed and grabbed his throat, fighting to take in air while simultaneously scrambling backward to get away from me.

  “I knew there was something going on between you two,” Chris said. His voice came out rough. “I saw you with her in the car that morning after your doctor visit. You kissed her. What was that about, Ian?”


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