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MC Chronicles Shorts #3

Page 2

by Cummings, Bink

  Four days of radio silence with no request to see his daughter.

  He’s had little contact with her since he got back from the run. Maybe an hour, and that’s stretching it.

  Now he’s here, in our kitchen, demanding to see his kid today.

  Taking five precise strides away from the heart of the kitchen, back to him, food in hand, I stop long enough to reply with as much saccharine-sweet, high-pitched, fuck-you-buddy charm I can muster. “Sure. I’ll get right on that.” When Hell freezes over.

  “Bink,” he warns in his pompous jackass Big tone, not giving me an opportunity to take another step.

  Molars clenching, I roll my eyes so hard it physically hurts. “Yes?” Oh, Godly one.

  “I want to see my kid.”

  “And I said, I’ll get right on that.” Apparently, he’s not only a dickhead he’s hard of hearing, too.

  Big clears his throat. “No. You said, ‘Fuck you, Big. You’re not seeing shit. Now go the fuck away before I kill you with my tiny, bare hands’.”

  Ugh! Get out of my head. “You’re delusional.”

  “No. I know my old lady. Don’t pretend like I don’t.”

  “I hate you,” I whisper under my breath.

  “Heard that, too.”


  Prepared to unload a week’s load of frustration, I spin around to face him. That’s when I see it… The hickey on Big’s neck. A beacon of purplish, red flesh above the collar of his cut. It’s round and dark—fresh. Maybe a day old.

  A millisecond is all it takes for reality to sink in. You’d expect my heart to break or my insides to ache. Yet, I feel nothing more than blood boiling anger. Not for his indiscretion, whatever that might be, but the crap he’s put us through this week all because I wanted to help a teenager. One not much younger than Janie, who already lives on the compound. It’s not like we don’t have the ability or the space to accommodate my decision.

  Does that matter to him? Nope.

  Calling him out with zero give-a-damn, I point to the repugnant mark with a lazy finger. “It’s nice to see you’ve had your fair share of club whores this week. Let me guess, Niki brought all her favorite gal pals to the clubhouse the moment Whisky and Bonez left with the survivors.” That’s how she rolls. Always has been, always will be. No surprise there.

  “What?” Big gives me a funny look.

  “Nice. Hickey,” I enunciate.

  He blinks, still not comprehending. Another shake of my finger at his neck sets a lightbulb off in his brain. Big clasps a hand over the offending mark, a sense of panic settling in. “It’s not what it looks like.”

  How many times have I heard that this year? Too damn many.

  Disappointment and rage war in my gut, churning into a brew stronger than top shelf whiskey. “Riiight. So, you weren’t being a massive asshole all week because I wanted to help a girl? And you didn’t show up here demanding to see our daughter with a fresh hickey on your neck?” Let’s see what excuse he comes up with this time.

  “We were doin’ shots with the ladies. Don’t get your panties in a twist. I got one, too,” Kai, the like totally like chill one, chimes in as if I care what he has to say. Surfer boy even has the balls to turn his head to the side to show me the sizeable hickey in the same spot as Big’s.

  Men just don’t get it, do they?

  “Aweeee. How nice. Ya wanna cookie for gettin’ a matching hickey with your prez?” I speak to him like a five-year-old seeking praise. ‘Cause he’s acting like one. If I didn’t have food in hand, I’d clap the same way mothers do when they celebrate their children’s small accomplishments.

  “What?” Kai’s face does that scrunched up, huh bruh, thing. You know the look, squinty eyes, wrinkled forehead, bottom lip pushed out. Clueless.

  Foot tapping the floor in annoyance, I try to get through to him a final time. “Do you not understand English? Should I repeat that for you? Maybe talk a little slower? Doo… youu… neeed… sllooow… worrdsss?”

  Kai gapes in surprise, like he didn’t expect this level of sass to come from such a small woman. Welcome to the mother chapter, bucko.

  He scratches the back of his head. A massive bicep flexes in arm porn. “Uh. No. I don’t need slow words. I was only sayin’ it’s not a big deal.” He shrugs. “The lockdown’s been stressful on everyone. And Big needed to let some steam off. We were doin’ tequila shots, that’s all. You could’ve been there, too, had you not made a choice that should’ve been Big’s to make.”

  Did he…

  Oh… No… he didn’t…

  Holy fuck.

  He went there…

  That stupid jackass went there… And doesn’t even realize it.

  He’s stepped so far over the line it’s now a dot to him.

  You can stick up for your prez. You can try to downplay my man getting a hickey from some club whore. I might not like it, but I respect bro code. What I don’t respect is him putting his nose in our family business.

  He’s new here. He doesn’t know me. Doesn’t understand the complex relationship Big and I have. I get it. But that’s not an excuse to be a dick.

  Hellfire blazes through every vein as I take a step forward, ready to chuck the glass baby food jars at his head. I’m close enough to leave a goose egg, maybe more. Hopefully more.

  “Out!” Big bellows out of nowhere, making both me and Kai jump.

  Kai glances at his prez the same moment I do, to see him red faced, ready to commit murder.

  Big’s well passed pissed, and that rage isn’t fixed on me.

  Wide eyed, Mr. Blond and Buff opens his mouth, closes it, opens it again, then closes it like a fish over and over. Yet, nothing emerges.

  “I said, out!” Big grips the edge of the countertop, the muscles in his arms turning to granite under inked flesh.

  Taken aback by the outburst, Kai lifts his palms in surrender. “Prez… I…”

  “She’s mine!” Big’s death stare fixes on the young blond.

  Kai’s head bobs in understanding. “I… I know…”

  “Nobody gets to fuckin’ talk to her that way but me!”

  The man’s face pales, turning to ash. “I…I… shit…”

  Taking pity on the guy before Big goes berserk and does something rash, I step in to defuse the situation. I might not appreciate how Kai spoke to me, but I don’t want this to get worse. And trust me, it can always get worse where Big is concerned. “You should leave, Kai. You don’t want to visit the shed for this.” Violence isn’t always the answer.

  The biker’s gaze swings to me, brimming with regret. Like a physical being it bears down on my heart, and I find myself feeling sorry for him.

  Kai’s mouth opens like he’s about to apologize, but Big doesn’t take kindly to his brother’s attention focused on me. He takes a step closer, and the floor shudders under the abuse. Jaw tightening, Big’s fist drags across the top of the counter, ready to fuck shit up. “Out! Right the hell now!”

  Not taking a chance to screw up more than he already has, Kai delivers a parting nod of remorse before he strides to the front door and leaves.

  I watch him go, unsure of how I feel. What a mess.

  “Keep the teenager. I don’t care,” Big blurts the instant the front door clicks shut.

  “Excuse me?” Resting our daughter’s food on the dining room table, I shake my head at Big, not understanding this man at all. You think you know a guy, then he pulls a one-eighty.

  Tension bleeds from Big’s giant form as he approaches and lays a hand on my shoulder, forcing me to tilt my head back to see his face instead of a sexy wall of chest. “I’m tired of fighting with you, Sugar Tits.”

  A thumb drags across my throat.

  “I’m tired of not sleepin’ in bed with you. I’m tired of bein’ a fuckin’ creeper watchin’ you sleep on a couch in our basement every goddamn night. Christ… I’m tired of all this.” He throws a hand in the air before returning it to caress the cap of my shoulder.
  “I just want us, our kid, our house, our family, and the club. I don’t want the stress. I don’t want my old lady not talkin’ to me. I can’t fuckin’ take it. Okay? I can’t fuckin’ take another day of it. Keep her. Don’t. I don’t care anymore. Just…” he sighs, shoulders deflating, “be mine.”

  Awe… fuck…Big.

  This isn’t fair.

  How the hell am I to respond to that? He doesn’t do this. Big doesn’t just give in. Here I’m ready to throw down the gauntlet and go rounds with the man, anytime, anywhere, any place, and he’s got other plans… to throw me off my game with sincere, heartfelt words that make me wanna jump his bones.

  “Big,” I groan, wishing I could stay mad at him.

  “Say it.”

  “Say what?”

  “That you’ll be mine and promise to quit fightin’ me. I give up. You win. I can’t take it anymore.”

  “I don’t like fighting with you, either.” Greedy for a little skin on skin, I slip my palm under the hem of his shirt to get some ab action. They’re hard and yummy as they tremble under my touch.

  Big gasps on contact, a low growl clawing its way up his throat. “Say it.”

  “I’m yours.” My fingertips slowly glide to the valley between his pecs, to the patch of soft hair I love to play with.

  Those baby blues slide close in pleasure. “Say you love me,” he rasps.

  “You know I love you.” Because I can’t help myself, I draw a heart over his with my nail.

  He grips the side of my neck. “Say. It.”

  “I love you.” More than life itself.

  “Fuck.” Those beautiful eyes reopen and drown in mine. Softness peeks through—a special brand of reverence and vulnerability only Big can offer. “You don’t know how much I needed to hear that… I was worried outta my mind, thinkin’ you were gonna leave again. Take my kid. Run away. Do… I dunno what.”

  Jesus, talk about all the feels. Big’s letting it all hang out tonight. Somebody must’ve really missed us.

  “I haven’t left,” I remind. “And I wasn’t going to, unless you made Tati leave.”

  “She’s not.”

  “Okay. But you can’t be rude to her either.”

  “I’m not gonna be rude to a kid, babe. That’s not why I didn’t want her here to begin with.”

  “Care to explain?” The truth would’ve been nice to hear days ago. Though, I’m not gonna argue about it now. What’s done is done.

  Bringing us closer, Big wraps an arm around my back. My breasts mash against his stomach as an erection hugs my belly. Taking it a step further, he kisses the top of my head as I hug him around the middle, one hand still up his shirt. His heartbeat threads with mine, pulsing against my fingertips steady and sure. “I don’t like sharing you,” he whispers to my hair as the scent of leather and him invades my senses. “I dunno if I’m ready to be a dad to another kid. You’re the only thing I’ve ever selfishly wanted for myself, in my whole fuckin’ life. Then I get you, but that comes with our daughter. Don’t take it the wrong way, I love her with everythin’ I got. I do. But if we never had kids, and all I ever got to have was you, that’s all I ever wanted. Straight up… Now you’re gonna love someone else. ‘Cause you’ve got this giant fuckin’ heart… And—”

  “You’re afraid I’m not gonna have time for us between all that and the club shit.” That’s been the issue all along. Why didn’t I see that? Oh right, I was too busy thinking about Tati and her wellbeing that I didn’t consider Big’s feelings. Never said I was a saint.

  “Pathetic, huh?” He chuckles without humor.

  Killing me is more like it.

  Where was this man ten years ago? Hell, where was this Big yesterday?

  Kissing his chest, I praise his honesty the only way I know how. “No. It’s sounds like progress. A year ago, you would’ve never admitted that.” We may fight like cats and dogs, but things have changed for the better. We’re working on us. Maybe not the normal way like normal people, in normal lives do. But we’re workin’ on the Big and Bink way.

  “It sounds like I’m a prissy bitch on her rag,” he grumbles like an old man, and I crack a smile.

  “I’m gonna make time for you. I promise. We’ll work it out. We always do. But we gotta talk about this hickey thing.” Not wanting to look at the ugly thing for fear I’ll get pissed all over again, I slip my arm from around Big and tap that messed up skin on his neck before returning to our half-assed cuddle fest.

  “What Kai said happened, did happen. The women left, Niki brought a crew in. You know how it goes…” I sense him shrug.

  “Yep… booze, bitches, boobs, and booty.” Same old shit, different day. Whores always try to get in the prez’s pants like he’s some trophy. It’s worse with the national prez. Every bitch wants a piece. If I was just coming into this life, there’s no way I could stomach the pathetic displays I’ve seen when women literally throw themselves at Big—tits, pussies, sticking used panties in his pocket, trying to paw at his dick, sit on his lap… you name it and these desperate whores have tried it.

  “See…” Another kiss to my head. “There’s not much to tell. They were pouring shots, trying to loosen the brothers up. More than half the guys have hickies from whores pourin’ salt on our necks and chests.”

  You’d think he’d have known better. I mean…Big knows their games and does his best to send ‘em packing without causing a scene. A pissed off whore equals no sex for the brothers. A slightly miffed whore will still spread her thighs for willing biker cock.

  “Did you take shots off them?” I ask, hoping he wasn’t that stupid.

  “No. I let ‘em have their fun with salt. Some of the brothers let ‘em take limes from their mouths, but I wasn’t one of ‘em.”

  “But they tried, didn’t they?”

  “It’s a club party. You weren’t there to stake your claim. What do you think?”

  He doesn’t want to know what I think. What I picture in my mind ain’t pretty. Bet you’re feelin’ the same, huh?

  I thump his chest with a closed fist. “No more of that shit. I don’t like bein’ disrespected any more than you do. Lettin’ some chick lick on you is givin’ them a green light to Big’s big dick.”

  Sliding his fingers up the nape of my neck to my hair, Big gets a tight grip and forces me to tip my head back, bodies still flush. My nails sink into the side of his cut for support as those baby blues find mine. “You’re right. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have disrespected ya.”

  Excuse me?

  “Wait. What?” I stare in a state of huh, wondering if I’ve walked into an alternate reality. “It’s that easy? No… What did you do? You’re never this… sweet… or this… I dunno… Easy… Spill.” This fucker is up to no good. I can only buy the turning over a new leaf routine for so long. This right here is lying bullshit wrapped in a fancy, pink bow.

  Big smirks, eyeing my lips that have formed into a thin line. “Spill what?”

  “What else did ya let ‘em do?” I demand, curling my fingers into his chest hair to inflict pain. Big groans, but it’s not from discomfort. Sick fucker.

  If he had sex with one of the whores, so help me God I will kill him with a hammer and make Viper Harley’s new daddy.

  “Nothing.” He sounds sincere. I’m still not buying it.

  “Nothing, nothing? Or is this code for something else?”

  My old man chuckles, giving me the fond I-love-you-crazy-woman look he delivers more than I care to admit. “Uh, no, Sugar Tits. It’s more like I fucked up and wanna get laid. My dick might die from neglect, babe.”

  “Neglect, really?” Stupid, hot jerk. I pull his chest hair extra hard in retribution. Forehead creasing, Big bites his bottom lip like he’s about the come. “So, all this nice Big stuff was to get pussy?” I hiss.

  “No,” he croaks as the erection against my stomach bucks, desperate to be set free. “It wasn’t. Though…” Big clears his throat roughly. “Now that you mention it…I
should’ve laid it on thicker to get me some crazy monkey sex.”

  “Crazy monkey sex?” Where does he come up with this crap?

  Those eyebrows bounce suggestively. “Yeah, you goin’ wild on my cock for all the nice shit I said. The sweet, pussy wettin’ stuff that gets all bitches down to ride.”


  “You’re an idiot.” I suppress a smile.

  Reading me like a paperback, he drops a quick kiss to my lips. “No. I love you. I fucked up, and I’m ownin’ my shit after I thought about it some.”

  “You mean you talked to Gunz.” The fixer of all.

  “Somethin’ like that.” That single-dimpled grin is the ultimate tell.

  “He doesn’t like it when we fight,” I note.

  Big nods once. “I think it messes him up as much as it does me.”

  “I think you’re right.”

  “And he’s worried about you.”

  “’Cause of the Tati thing?” What’s there to be worried about?

  “’Cause of the Kai… Steel thing.”

  Refusing to take a trip down this lane, I sigh. “Can we not talk about my dad right now?” Way to ruin the mood.

  “It’s time, babe. You know he’s ready to step down from VP.”

  Ugh. Not this.

  Needing space to breathe, I pry myself away from my old man. He’s not fond of the separation, but doesn’t argue, even though I can tell he wants to. “Big, I’m serious. I don’t want to talk about Dad or Kai. Can’t we deal with that later?” Or never.

  He opens his mouth.

  Outright rejecting all that complicated conversation entails, ‘cause I’d rather live in bliss filled ignorance, I capture Big’s hand. Effectively cutting off whatever he’s about to say, I drag him down the hall to our bedroom.

  “Where we goin’, sweetheart?” He snickers, knowing exactly what I’m up to.

  Avoidance is the spice of life, didn’t ya know?

  On a mission, I yank Big the last few feet into our space. Confident he won’t leave, I drop his hand at the threshold and head straight to the bed. “Time to have that monkey sex,” I throw over my shoulder as I drop my yoga pants to the ground and kick them to the side, ass bare. Who needs panties when they always get in the way?


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