Playboy Billionaire (The Carolina Series Book 3)

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Playboy Billionaire (The Carolina Series Book 3) Page 2

by Jill Downey

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  The dealer dealt the next hand and Griffin turned his attention back to the game, his blood rushing with adrenaline when he glimpsed his cards. He schooled his expression to stay neutral after seeing his hand. Finally! He’d been dealt a pair of aces. Hallelujah!

  The familiar sounds of chips being stacked and cards being shuffled faded into the background as he concentrated. He loved the rush of gambling. It was almost the same high he experienced skiing down a black diamond slope or jumping out of an airplane. He’d be the first to admit that he was a thrill seeker. He had no fear and loved adventure.

  Since moving back to his hometown in North Carolina last year, things had been on the sedate side, and he thought he’d been adjusting to the slower pace. Sitting in the electrified energy of the casino, he realized that he’d been feeling restless lately.

  “I’ll raise you,” Griffin said.

  The two players still left in the game decided to fold. Griffins eyes sparkled as the pile of chips were placed in front of him. After a few more winning hands, he was almost back to where he’d started.

  “You’re going to pull a hit and run?” one of the players asked as Griffin picked up his chips.

  “Hardly—I’m breaking even, barely,” Griffin replied good-naturedly. He didn’t consider it rude to quit since he hadn’t really won anything. He tipped the dealer and servers generously and headed to the bar for one more drink before retiring.

  It was half past two and Griffin was surprised to see the cocktail waitress waiting for him at the bar. He’d forgotten all about her. He veered quickly toward the elevator before she had a chance to see him, then rode it up to his suite.

  He walked outside onto the terrace overlooking a spectacular view of the Vegas strip. The lights glittered like colorful jewels in the night sky. A city that never sleeps. He thought of the beautiful bombshell he’d just left sitting at the bar and shook his head in disgust. What the hell is wrong with me?

  Must be losing it. He felt a twinge of regret. He could be lying in bed with a warm luscious body next to him right now…dammit. He went back inside and stripped off his clothes, crawling naked under the sheets he was asleep soon after his head touched the pillow.


  Penelope took off her silk eye mask and moved her seat to the upright position in preparation for landing. The flight attendant was picking up empty glasses and trash from her colleagues’ trays. The film company had chartered a private jet for the actors and a few of the production crew that weren’t already on location. She’d cut short her Montana retreat to catch the flight from LA.

  She had dozed for much of the five-hour flight. She peeked in at Archie, who lay contentedly snoring in his soft crate. He was quite the savvy traveler, having been toted around since he was a puppy.

  She unzipped the top of the carrier and scratched him behind his ears. “Hey Archie, we’re here.” He looked at her groggily. Noah Davis took that moment to grab the seat on the other side of Archie and buckled himself in.

  “How’s my little buddy?” he asked, reaching down to pet him.

  Penelope rolled her eyes. “Like you care.”

  His dark eyes pierced her. “I do. Is this how it’s going to be? If so, we’re in for a very long shoot.”

  “That goes without saying, I’m afraid.”

  “Really Penny? I’d think with your experience you could show a little professionalism.”

  “Oh, I intend to, but we’re not working at the moment…unless I missed something?” She arched one brow.

  His lips twisted. “You’re such a bitch.”

  “Nice, now we’ve already progressed to name calling,” she hissed.

  “I’ll play nice if you do. Rumor mill has it that the studio wants to make us an item in the public eye. Good for PR.”

  “Over my dead body.”

  He laughed dryly, “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”

  “Who did you hear that from anyway?”

  “My manager. He said the public is still grieving the loss of their favorite couple, Winoah.” He mimed quotation marks as he referenced the moniker the tabloids had christened them with.

  Her mouth tightened as she glared at him. “How sweet. Constance already reminded me of that as well.”

  Noah’s eyes softened for a moment with something that looked a lot like regret. “We were good once, Penelope.”

  She unbuckled her seat belt and stood as the pilot and attendant waited by the exit for the passengers to disembark. “That was then, this is now.” Putting on her sunglasses, she grabbed the dog carrier and walked swiftly to the exit.

  The sun warmed her skin as she stepped onto the tarmac. A large SUV with tinted glass waited to whisk her and Noah to their temporary private seaside homes. She wasn’t pleased that they were going to be next-door neighbors, and after hearing about the studio’s desire to use their relationship as bait, she wondered if it was an intentional setup.

  The driver opened the door for Penelope and before sliding in she asked, “Will it take long to get there?”

  He smiled shyly, looking a little starstruck. “No ma’am, about twenty minutes.”

  She ducked into the cool Mercedes. “Thanks.” Unzipping the carrier, she took Archie out. His whole body wiggled as he enthusiastically checked out his surroundings. Noah sulked as Penelope did her best to pretend that he wasn’t there.

  “Since we’re going to be neighbors, I guess you won’t be able to avoid me.”


  Noah’s voice softened and he said, “Penelope, the baby wasn’t mine.”

  Her lips twisted. “Isn’t the point that it could have been, and it took a paternity test to find out?”

  “Baby, you know damn well we weren’t getting along. It’s on me, but it’s not like we weren’t having troubles already.”

  “Yeah and sleeping around always improves on any existing problems. Why didn’t I think of it first? You’re brilliant Noah. Bonus, you got to fuck her whenever you wanted in between takes. God, how blind and stupid could I have been? Right under my nose the whole time.”

  “We can talk about that later, but right now I want to find a way to work together peacefully.”

  “On set it will be fine. Off set, skip it. There’s nothing to talk about.”

  “Good thing our script calls for a contentious relationship. We won’t have to do much acting,” he said dryly.

  “There are a few scenes I hope to get cut.”

  He stroked his chin squinting, “Hmm let me guess. The rough sex scenes?”

  “You’ve always had a keen eye for the obvious.”

  “Lighten up, for fuck’s sake. You won’t get them to change the script this late, even if you are Penelope Winters. You’ve already agreed to the terms; the sex scenes were spelled out, signed, sealed, delivered.”

  “Don’t sound so happy about it.”

  “Who wouldn’t be excited about the prospect of a naked Penelope Winters in bed next to them? Every man’s fantasy. And it’s still mine. Plus, I’ve been working out overtime to get my body in shape for the nude scenes,” he said, patting his six-pack abs. “The world is waiting to see us naked in bed together.”


  “Don’t ruin the film with petty grievances. We both need this to be a success. Let’s work together to see that it is.”

  They pulled into the drive of an oceanfront home that looked big enough to accommodate a basketball team. She fastened Archie’s leash and was startled when Noah grabbed her arm, pulling her off balance. He gripped her chin tightly and his mouth came down on hers. Penelope was so taken aback that she didn’t move for several seconds as he kissed her. She quickly recovered and tried to pull away just as the driver opened her door.

  “Here we are. This is your place Ms. Winters. Mr. Davis is the next house to the right.”

  Her face heated with humiliation.

  “Just a little dress rehearsal,” Noah whispe
red, grinning rakishly.

  “Go to hell,” she said, through gritted teeth.

  “You’re so beautiful when you’re spitting venom.”

  “Don’t ever do that again.”

  “Lighten up.”

  “Let go of my arm.”

  “No problem,” he said, releasing her.

  Archie jumped out first and relieved himself on the first shrub they came to. The real estate agent stood at the front door, “Hi, I’m Nadine with Surfside Realty.”

  Penelope had always loved a southern drawl and was immediately charmed as Nadine effusively fawned over Archie. She showed Penelope how to gain access inside with the code on the front door lock. Once inside, Penelope bent down and removed Archie’s leash. He immediately began to explore, making himself at home.

  Nadine smiled apologetically and said, “I’m sorry, but would you be offended if I asked for your autograph for my daughter? She worships you.”

  Inwardly groaning, Penelope plastered a smile on her face and said, “I don’t mind. Do you have something to write on?”

  She had come prepared, excitedly pulling out a copy of People Magazine with her and Noah on the cover. “Yes. If you could just say To Sarah, my number one fan, Love Penelope Winters that would be great!”

  Penelope quickly jotted down the message and her autograph. The faster she finished, the sooner she’d be alone. “Here you go.”

  The realtor seemed in no hurry to take off. “Um, not to be nosy or anything, but we were devastated that y’all broke up. It almost felt personal. Is there any chance...?” She let her voice trail off as she saw Penelope’s eyes begin to glitter dangerously.

  Forcing herself to keep her cool, Penelope said, “Speaking of Noah, don’t you have to let him into his house as well?”

  “My heavens no!” She held her palms to her cheeks. “I’d never keep anyone waiting like that. My colleague is taking care of him. I’m sorry if I spoke out of turn…where are my manners, it’s just that you’re so nice in person…I suppose we all think we know you…and it might seem weird to you, but I really feel like I do…I meant no harm. I hope there aren’t any hard feelings?”

  Penelope softened; unfortunately it came with the territory. “It’s fine. I’m just exhausted from traveling. Maybe I can meet your daughter sometime while we’re here filming. Do you have a business card?”

  Her cheeks turned a bright pink. “Really? Oh my God! My daughter will be over the moon! Thank you so much Penelope…oh…I mean…Ms. Winters…oh I’m so embarrassed. See what I mean?”

  By this time Penelope had let go of her irritation. She patted Nadine’s arm. “Penelope is fine. And thanks for the welcome.”

  “There are instructions and phone numbers for just about anything you’ll need on the kitchen counter. I hope this will feel like home while you’re here. Here’s my card with my cell number on it.”

  Penelope took the card and stuck it in her pocket. “I’m sure I’ll be more than comfortable here. It’s absolutely lovely. I mean, just look at the view.” She subtly herded Nadine toward the front door.

  Penelope leaned back against the door, closing her eyes for a moment. Finally. Alone. She walked over to an entire wall of glass doors leading out to the deck and opened them all. The sound of waves crashing to the shore worked their magic.

  Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. She loved the ocean. She and Noah had similar work ethics. Always on time, considerate of behind-the-scenes workers and other actors, no diva behaviors, it was going to be fine.

  It’s not like she hadn’t done nude scenes before now. They were always challenging, but she felt they added artistry and authenticity. She was committed to the film now that the time was at hand. With several days to decompress before filming started, she planned to take full advantage of the pool and the beach. It could be so much worse. In that moment, she made a promise to herself to make the best of it.


  Griffin buckled himself in as the pilot announced they were finally cleared for takeoff. The whisper of discontent he’d felt the night before lingered like a hangover. He felt jittery and unsettled. Normally, he didn’t let his emotions get in the way of enjoying all that was out there for the taking. He liked skimming the surface…life was what you made it, may as well make it fun.

  Taxiing down the runway, the turbo jet roared to life as the plane’s nose tilted up and lifted into the air. He felt the familiar sensation of sinking as the flaps retracted, then the powerful engine sound as the plane accelerated.

  After they reached cruising altitude the flight attendant approached. “Can I get you anything Mr. Bennett?” Natalie asked.

  “How about a neck massage?”

  Her mouth curved into a smile. “I was thinking more in terms of snacks and the beverage of your choice.”

  Flashing his killer grin, he said, “See how you are? In that case I’ll have a Bloody Mary. Belvedere, extra spicy, extra strong, extra olives and a couple slices of celery. Breakfast of the champions.” His eyes boldly wandered across her face.

  “I’m good with spicy, Mr. Bennett.”

  “Good to know.” He opened his laptop to check e-mails. There was the usual mix of political requests for donations and newsletters from the charities he supported, a few personal notes from friends in faraway places, and some information about the upcoming pro-am golf tournament he’d entered for charity. He felt passionate about his philanthropy and this was a way to give back and do something he loved at the same time. Plus, he was a damn good golfer; he’d been in the pro-circuit for a short time.

  “Here you go.” Natalie set his drink down into a cup holder built into the table beside him.


  “The pilot says we have perfect weather conditions, and it will be a smooth flight.”

  “Great. I’ll be able to catch up on my beauty sleep.” He winked, then returned his attention to the laptop, effectively dismissing her.

  He smiled as he read the roster of celebrities lined up for the tournament. A couple of reality TV stars from the Carolina series and a big-name film celebrity that would be a huge draw. It was only two weeks away and he felt excited for the challenge. He had to hit the links and get in some serious golfing between now and then or face humiliating himself.

  Satisfied that there was nothing urgent to attend to, he closed his laptop and put it aside. Downing the last of his drink, he sank his teeth into a fat green olive, enjoying the kick of alcohol from the marinated fruit. He leaned his seat back, closed his eyes and was asleep within minutes. He didn’t wake up until the pilot announced that they were coming in for landing.

  The pilot and flight attendant waited for him by the open door of the plane. He grabbed his overnight bag from under the seat and made his way to the exit.

  “Hope you enjoyed your flight Mr. Bennett,” the pilot said.

  “Slept like a baby. Smooth landing. Thanks.” He held out his hand and the pilot grasped it for a warm shake.

  Natalie smiled, and said, “I’ll see you next trip.”

  “Yeah, thanks a lot, Natalie. Next time.”

  Griffin took a deep breath as he descended the metal stairs onto the sweltering tarmac. August in North Carolina. The air was thick, and he felt like he was breathing through a wet wool blanket. The forecast called for hot humid conditions for the rest of the week, with highs in the low nineties.

  Why the hell wasn’t he in Turks and Caicos right now? Low humidity, gentle easterly trade winds, usual high in the mid-eighties, great snorkeling and diving…if it wasn’t for the upcoming tournament, he’d be on a plane tomorrow. It had been far too long since he’d visited the islands.

  When he got to his car, he turned his cell phone back on and saw that Brianna had been text bombing him since last night. She’d already called four times today. He blew out a breath as he raked his hand through his unruly hair. Thumbing through her texts, he tamped down his irritation. The downside of dating someone so young. Drama. Insecurity. Possessi
veness. Jealousy.

  Brianna, a fashion model based in New York City, had been home visiting her parents about a month ago and they’d attended the same art gala fundraiser. Her parents happened to be friends of his father’s and they’d been there to make the introductions.

  He’d made the mistake of asking her out and now found himself entangled. This romance would be short lived. He blew out a breath. Already bored, he just had to find the right time to cut the cord. He should have known better than to date a twenty-one-year-old. She was too clingy and already making commitment noises. He didn’t do commitment. He knew she’d bust his balls about the Vegas trip, as if she had every right to do so.

  They had a date planned for tomorrow night and he’d made dinner reservations at the Yacht Club. He hoped she be over her snit by then. He was tired from his late jaunt and had zero tolerance for drama.

  She picked up on the first ring.

  “Hey,” Griffin said.

  “Why haven’t you returned any of my texts or phone calls?”

  “Because I had my phone turned off so I could enjoy myself without distractions.”

  “How unselfish of you. How do you think that makes me feel?”

  “I told you where I was going and that I wouldn’t be available. What was so urgent that it required four phone calls all before noon?”

  She sighed dramatically into the phone. “I wanted you to be the first person I shared my news with.” Silence.


  “I got it!” She squealed with excitement. “My face is going to be plastered on magazines all over the world!”

  “Congratulations baby! The new face of Dior. So now our dinner date will be a celebration. I’m really happy for you Brianna. I’m not surprised; you’re stunning.”

  “You can show me how happy you are tomorrow night. I can’t wait to see you. I’ve missed you so much. Did you miss me?”

  “It’s been less than twenty-four hours.” Silence. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  “Don’t even think of picking me up on the Ducati. I don’t want my hair messed up.”


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