Playboy Billionaire (The Carolina Series Book 3)

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Playboy Billionaire (The Carolina Series Book 3) Page 3

by Jill Downey

  “I’d planned on taking the Audi anyway.”


  Fighting annoyance, Griffin said, “I’ve got to go. See you tomorrow.” The last thing he wanted to do was go out with Brianna. He pinched the bridge of his nose. What the fuck is wrong with me? Brianna is young, beautiful and great in bed.

  His muscles were coiled, ready to spring with a restless energy. He couldn’t put his finger on it. What was bothering him? Let it go! This will pass. He wasn’t used to overthinking everything. He generally avoided introspection, since it never led him anywhere that he wanted to go anyway. This unfamiliar self-analysis stopped him in his tracks. Maybe it had something to do with his looming thirtieth birthday. A week from now, he’d be kissing his twenties goodbye.

  The following evening, Griffin pulled into Brianna’s drive and beeped the horn. She ran to the car and had barely shut the door before throwing her arms around him and kissing him full on the lips. He peeled her arms from around his neck then backed out of the drive. She flipped her hair back over her shoulder before fastening her seat belt.

  “That wasn’t the greeting I was expecting,” she said, pouting.

  Griffin didn’t go for the bait.

  “How was Vegas?” she asked coolly.

  “Broke even.”

  “Were you a good boy?”

  His lips twisted. “Almost saintly.”

  “Griffin, why are you being so mean to me?”

  He glanced over and seeing her glassy eyes, felt a tug of remorse. He grabbed her hand and held it. “I’m tired. And how have you been keeping yourself entertained in my absence?”

  “Catching up on the local gossip for starters. Have you heard?”

  “Probably not,” Griffin said dryly.

  “They’re making another movie here. Big name director and you’ll never guess who’s starring in it.”

  “Let’s see, Brad Pitt?”

  “Just as big but think younger and hotter.”

  “I give, who?”

  “Penelope Winters and Noah Davis.”

  “No shit?” His heart squeezed slightly at the mention of Penelope Winters. He’d had a big-time crush on her since he’d watched her in the film Forever Yours.

  “I swear. I heard it from a reliable source. Some of the production crew and location scouts have already been spotted around the island.”

  “That will be a welcome boost for the local businesses.”

  “I know right?” She said, as she checked her makeup in the sun-visor mirror.

  Glancing over at her, Griffin said, “You look beautiful.”

  “You always say that.”

  “Because it’s true.”

  “Then why won’t you put a ring on it?” she said, sticking out her tongue.

  He laughed at her. “We’ve been dating exactly one month. That’s if you count the night we met. I told you from the beginning that I don’t do long term, I’m not even sure I believe in love.”

  “I’m a romantic, what can I say. Besides you say that now, but you can change.”

  “Look Brianna, this isn’t on you, it’s on me. It’s nothing you’re doing wrong. I’m just jaded. I’ve never lied to you and I’m not going to start now. You’re young, you’re sweet, you’re beautiful, and you’re too young to settle down anyway. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you…and by the sounds of things, you’re off to a great start on a successful career.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Oh, and you’re sooo old. Besides who are you to tell me I’m too young? My parents were already married by my age.”

  “Those were different times. There’s a world of difference between twenty-one and thirty…trust me.”

  “I don’t care. I know what I want, and I want you.”

  “And tonight, you’ve got me. I’m all yours.”

  They pulled up in front of the club and the valet approached. “Hey Samuel. How’s it going?”

  “Fine Mr. Bennett.”

  Brianna’s eyes sparkled inquisitively as she asked, “Samuel, have you seen or heard anything about the movie that’s being filmed here on the island?”

  His eyes darted left then right before he lowered his voice and said conspiratorially, “They’re here! Right now.”

  Brianna squealed, barely containing her excitement, “Who is?”

  “Noah Davis, Penelope Winters, that director Stewart somebody, and the head of the local chamber of commerce.”

  “No way.” Brianna clapped her hands in excitement. “I hope I get to meet them. Noah Davis is so hot.”

  “What about Penelope Winters? She’s a babe,” Samuel said.

  Griffin grinned, “Good taste my friend.” He clapped Samuel on the back and handed him a fifty. “Careful with my baby.”

  “You know it sir.”

  The maître d’ greeted Griffin. “Good evening sir. Your table is ready. Would you care to be seated immediately or will you be having drinks in the lounge first?”

  He arched a brow at Brianna. “You?”

  Her eyes rabidly searched the lounge, hoping to catch a glimpse of Hollywood royalty. Her eyes suddenly widened, and she hissed, “There they are, over in the corner.”

  Griffin rolled his eyes, “And? They have a right to their privacy Brianna.”

  “Let’s sit here in the lounge and have a drink before we get seated.”

  “Whatever you say.” Turning back to the maître d’ he said, “I guess we’ll have a drink in the lounge first.”

  “Very good, Mr. Bennett.”

  He grasped Brianna’s arm and steered her toward the bar. “You do know you’re staring, right?”

  “They’re used to it.”

  “Nobody else here is gawking.”

  She stuck her tongue out at him. “Party pooper.”

  Griffin ordered their drinks then allowed himself a discreet glance at the celebrities’ booth. The head of the chamber of commerce, Patrick Gregory, was waving at him trying to catch his attention. Great. Brianna was going to lose her shit.

  “Do you know him?”

  “Business connections.”

  She elbowed him in the ribs, “What are you waiting for? He’s calling us over.”

  Griffin reluctantly led Brianna over to the table.

  “Griffin! Great to see you!” Patrick pumped his hand enthusiastically. “I’d like to introduce you to some very special people!”

  Griffin shook hands with Noah and Stewart as the introductions were made. Penelope was sitting on the far side of the booth, he nodded hello. Brianna tugged on his belt. Sliding his arm around her waist he pulled her forward.

  “This is Brianna Wescott,” Griffin said. “Patrick I’m sure you know her parents, Donna and John Wescott.”

  “Yes, of course! They’re big sponsors of the Heritage Festival. Nice to meet you Brianna.”

  She gushed, “It is so thrilling to meet you all!”

  Griffin happened to lock eyes with Penelope, and his nerve endings tingled as if a bolt of electricity had shocked him. Vaguely aware that Patrick was still talking, he forced himself to focus on the conversation.

  “We were lucky enough to persuade the producers to film right here. They’ve rented the entire Butler House as their headquarters. They’ll be here for the next several months.”

  “Quite the feather in your cap, Patrick. Congratulations. Great boost for the local economy.”

  “We’re thrilled of course.” He turned toward his guests, “Griffin Bennett comes from one of our most prominent families. Bennett Enterprise is responsible for many of the developments in this great state as well as locally.”

  “When did you arrive?” Griffin directed his question at Penelope.

  She ignored him and let Stewart squirm uncomfortably, trying to cover the gaffe.

  “I’ve been here scouting locations for about a week. Penelope and Noah just arrived yesterday.”

  “A pleasure to meet you all. I hope you enjoy your time here on the island,” Griffin said coolly, tryi
ng to ignore the magnetic pull toward Penelope.

  “I’m sure we will. Nice to meet you,” Stewart said.

  Noah had been sitting back lazily, observing them as if he were bored with the whole exchange. Penelope had folded her arms across her chest and her eyes were downcast.

  Griffin nodded and grabbed Brianna’s hand, leading her away. “Let’s grab our table.”

  She smiled and said enthusiastically, “I am such a huge fan of both of yours...Winoah,” she said giggling.

  Penelope rolled her eyes and Noah snorted with laughter, “Thanks, Brianna, we both really appreciate it.”

  Griffin highly doubted that by the expression on Ms. Winters’ face. He signaled to the maître d’ that they were ready to be seated. As soon as they sat down, he ordered another stiff one. The only good thing about the evening…Brianna was so narcissistic that she didn’t even notice he wasn’t listening to her. As long as she had a warm body to talk at, she was happy. He just had to murmur here and there…make a little noise, and she was content. And he wondered why he was bored?


  “Chug—chug—chug,” the small but rowdy group chanted.

  “What are we, twelve?” Griffin said, laughing as he tipped back the birthday shot of bourbon, grimacing as it burned its way down his throat.

  “It’s not every day a person turns thirty!” His older sister Faye said, ruffling his hair affectionately. She owned the establishment they were currently celebrating in and had just taken a break to join them while her fiancé Jesse Carlisle tended bar.

  The place was packed, unusual for a Thursday night. Since Faye had hired a cook, her business was really picking up. Nothing fancy, great bar food, southern style. Fried everything. From oysters to hushpuppies to collard greens and green tomatoes…if you were looking to eat healthy, you’d probably want to bypass the Pelican. But it was damn good.

  Jesse yelled over, “Food’s up.”

  Griffin and Faye’s nephew, Tyler, walked by on his way to the kitchen with a tray loaded with empty beer bottles. “I’ll get it Faye. Sit down and celebrate with your brother for a few minutes.”

  Faye smiled her thanks then leaned in close to Griffin’s ear. “You’ll never guess who’s been hanging out here.”

  “Wanna bet? I’ve already met them.”

  “No way! The people from the film? The big stars haven’t been in yet but the director and some of the crew have. They love it here. The director said he may want to rent the place out for a private party. They may even shoot a scene here. I just have to name my price.”

  “Good for you, sis.”

  “You aren’t acting very excited. I thought you were a big fan of Penelope Winters.”

  “Was, is the operative word…If you like having your balls frozen off, she’s the girl of my dreams. After meeting her, I’d say unfortunately, the fantasy is much better than the reality.”

  Faye shook her head chuckling, “What am I going to do with you?”

  Jesse helped Ty serve the two large trays of food, rearranging napkin holders and ketchup bottles to make room.

  “What’s your little brother up to now?” Jesse asked, as he leaned down to brush his lips across Faye’s cheek. She smiled up at him, her eyes sparkling with affection.

  “Licking his wounds after meeting his fantasy woman Penelope Winters and discovering she’s immune to his charm,” she said, laughing. “I told him about the private party and filming here.”

  “You’d better keep that on the down low or you’re going to have swarms of gawkers hanging out disrupting everyone’s plans.”

  “I know, I’m trying but it’s just too juicy not to share. You’ll keep it to yourself right Griff?”

  “Yeah but what about the rest of these guys?” he asked, looking around at the half dozen friends sitting at his table. With the music blaring and all the conversations going on at once, nobody had picked up on their discussion.

  “I think we’re safe,” Faye said.

  The front door opened, and a group of people walked in. Faye hissed excitedly in Griffin’s ear, “It’s them!”

  Seeing the new arrivals, Jesse said, “I’d better get back behind the bar. Babe I might need your help. When does Addison get back from her break?” He lightly caressed her bare arm.

  “There she is now,” Faye said.

  “Just in time.”

  “I’ll be there in a minute,” Faye said.

  Griffin studied the new arrivals. It was hard to describe the energy surrounding the film crew. They stood out without even trying. They practically screamed big-city hipsters, and yet they were all dressed casually and seemed relaxed and out for a good time. He didn’t recognize any of them except the director, and Penelope Winters was most certainly not amongst the group. He felt let down and was surprised. He quickly tamped down his disappointment.

  The door opened again, and his breath caught as she entered, deep in conversation with Noah. Fuck me. She was mesmerizing. Her long, ridiculously thick blond hair was piled on top of her head with loose tendrils escaping from the clasp. She wore a soft, rust-colored, free-flowing mini dress that moved as she walked. The narrow straps of her dress were tied at the shoulder, and he imagined pulling on the laces.

  His eyes continued their assessment, admiring her long shapely legs all the way down to the brown flip-flops on her feet. He pulled his gaze away before he embarrassed himself. His friends were also transfixed, and Faye had to check them.

  “Um guys, they are my guests, do you think you could put your tongues back in your mouths?”

  They all laughed sheepishly, then grumbled, but did manage to tear their gazes away.

  After greeting them at the door, Addison grabbed menus and led them toward the waterfront outdoor seating area. This time of year, the entire wall was open, linking the indoor and outdoor space. As the group passed by their table, Jake, one of Griffin’s more loud and obnoxious friends, stood to insure he had everyone’s attention.

  “I’d like to make a toast to my best friend Griffin, who holds the current title of man least likely to settle down. To high winds and mermaids! Happy thirtieth, my friend!” The whole bar participated in the cheers and joined in to sing happy birthday.

  Penelope arched a brow as she passed by his table, the only acknowledgement that she remembered meeting him. After seating the group, Addison approached Griffin and leaned down to say, “Stewart Abrams, the film director, would like to buy you a drink for your birthday. What’ll it be?”

  Griffin’s eyes widened in surprise, “The director, hey? I’ll have a bourbon on the rocks. Tell Stewart thanks.” When she returned with his drink, he looked outside at the film crew’s table and caught the eye of the director and raised his glass, giving a slight nod of his head. Stewart Abrams raised his own glass and nodded back.

  A short time later Addison returned. “The director would like you to join his group for a drink.”


  “You have been summoned. Maybe they’re sick of their own company.”

  Griffin stood and confidently strolled over to their table.

  Stewart Abrams immediately stood up and said, “Great to see you again. Griffin, right? Please, have a seat.” He gestured to the space on the bench between Penelope Winters and himself. Griffin swallowed. Stewart introduced him to the group and after greeting him, they jumped back into their animated discussion, Noah being the most vocal.

  Griffin was acutely aware of Penelope’s leg touching his in the close quarters.

  “Thanks for the drink,” Griffin said.

  “Least I could do. It’s your birthday. I overheard your friend say it’s the big thirty.”

  “That’s right.”

  Griffin turned toward Penelope and was caught off guard by the hostility in her emerald green eyes. His brow furrowed, “Did you get out on the wrong side of the bed this morning?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I said…”

  “I heard what you said,” she s
aid, curtly.


  “Well what?”

  “Is it the bed or are you always this ill-natured?”

  “You’re being a little presumptuous, aren’t you?”

  “Are there different rules for you then?”

  She sputtered, “Who do you think you are?”

  “I could say the same.”

  Her eyes practically spit at him. “Of all the brazen…arrogant…”

  Stewart interrupted, “Penelope…”

  Griffin watched the anger dance across her face before she turned her back to him. Stewart shrugged his shoulders and gave him an embarrassed grin.

  “Listen, the reason I called you over…and trust me, I know I’m coming out of left field here, but I’ve got something I’d like you to consider.”

  Griffin’s brow furrowed, “What’s that?”

  “We have an emergency that’s come up. One of our actors had to drop out of the film today due to a family emergency. I’m sitting over here watching you and I’m suddenly hit with this crazy idea.”

  “You can’t be suggesting what I think you are.”

  “Seriously, you’d be perfect. I’d like you to do a test screening. Read for the part. I know it sounds insane, but I’ve got a hunch. You’ve got something that sets you apart. A star quality if you will. I’ve been in this business long enough to know it when I see it.”

  Griffin shook his head, “Not interested…not even remotely. What the hell, I’ve never acted a day in my life.”

  Penelope, overhearing the exchange, turned back to them and said, “Are you kidding right now, Stew? It’s bad enough I have to put up with you know who! No way! If he’s in, I’m out.”

  “Penelope, calm down. Look at him. He’d be perfect.”

  She looked him up and down with disdain. “No.”

  Griffin felt his blood boil, so he returned the favor and slowly raked his eyes over her…from her face…to her chest…allowing his gaze to linger insolently there, before returning to stare mockingly into her narrowed eyes.

  Stewart held up his hand toward Penelope, “You don’t have the final say. I do. Now as I was saying, I figured it’d be a hard sell, but it’s just a test screening. If you do well, we’ll have you do a read through with the other actors. See what the chemistry is like.”


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