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Playboy Billionaire (The Carolina Series Book 3)

Page 19

by Jill Downey

  “So, you’re ruling her out because of her ambitions?”

  “That and the fact that she didn’t even know where the original photographs came from. She didn’t take them herself, nor did she hire anyone to spy on me. She received them anonymously. Up until that point, she had suspicions that I was having an affair, but was clueless about us until she received the photographs. She never cared as long as I was discreet. The pictures changed that. I suspect that the same person that sent them to her all those years ago, may now have sent them to us. Any ideas of who that might be?”

  “None. It happened before I had any name recognition. So not a crazed fan.”

  “How about any of the men you worked for back then…um…dated.”

  “No. I quit right after I met you…months before your wife confronted me. The guy, Jack, who got fired from this film, has an alibi for the weekend the magazine showed up and was back in LA when the photographs were delivered. Plus, how would he have gotten ahold of them in the first place? He seemed a likely suspect for the tabloid, but not this.” She blew out a breath. “I just don’t know.”

  “All I can tell you is that we’re working on it. My people will be in touch to get the names of your clients from that time. The more you cooperate the better chance we have. I’m not saying it has anything to do with you. We haven’t ruled out that it’s a political hit job, but we have to look into every possibility.”

  Penelope’s voice was thick with unshed tears, “I understand, but I don’t want anyone else hurt by my past.”

  “They will be discreet. I promise.”

  “I’ll get the list together…as much as I can recall.”

  “That’s all I can ask. I see the tabloids have you linked with your new co-star.”

  “Don’t believe everything you read,” she said, her tone acerbic.

  “I just want you to be happy. You deserve that Penelope.”

  “Do I? I’m not so sure about that. Besides, I have a successful career, freedom from financial fears, I have more than most people.”

  “But you’ve always lived from your heart. I hope you find your happily ever after, Penny.”

  “Thanks, but right now I’m not looking. Let’s just concentrate on finding out who is threatening us.”

  “I intend to. Nothing is going to stand in the way of me getting what I’ve put my entire life into accomplishing. And nobody threatens you and gets away with it. Not if I have anything to say about it.”

  Penelope’s lips twisted at the irony of her first love, who’d smashed her heart, now gallantly proclaiming he’d protect her unfailingly.

  “Should I call you with the list?”

  “Yes, get back with me as soon as possible.”

  “Will do. Goodbye Graham.”

  “Goodbye Penny.”


  Griffin looked around the ballroom of the Butler, where the wrap party was currently in full swing. The filming had ended ahead of schedule. Pretty impressive. It was possible that they’d have to reshoot or add some scenes later, but it was early November and for all practical purposes his part was done until the time came to promote the film. Now the project would go into post-production for a projected late spring release. He smiled looking around at the people celebrating. He couldn’t believe it was over. Time had flown by. He’d met some great people and picked up a few friends along the way. He was sad to see it coming to an end.

  Where was Penelope? Since she’d dropped the bomb, she’d completely ghosted him. He couldn’t penetrate her armor. Confusion didn’t even come close to describing how he felt right now. He was angry that Penelope could so easily toss out their relationship and frustrated that she refused to talk to him outside of work. In fact, it was as if it was all his fault.

  Talk about feeling powerless. Had he reacted? Hell yeah, he had. It had taken him a minute. So what? It had been a lot to take in. But contrary to what she assumed, he didn’t feel the least bit turned off or judgmental. He just felt ill-equipped. He’d been happily skimming along the surface his whole life. This was like jumping into the deep end without swim lessons or a life jacket.

  He’d never been in love before. Love. When and how had that happened? Sometime between the first scene and the final shoot. That’s about all he knew. One minute he was a confirmed bachelor, enjoying lots of beautiful women, the next he had met one he wasn’t sure he could live without. He’d only been half awake before she’d come into his life.

  He might be inadequate, but he’d sure as hell do his best to figure it out…if he was given the chance. With any luck he’d be able to get through to her today. He walked over to the bar to grab a drink.

  “I’ll have your best bourbon on the rocks,” he said.

  The bartender winked at him suggestively and grabbed a glass, adding ice, then filled it with the amber liquid. “I can’t wait for the film to come out. Our very own local on the big screen.”

  “I’m pretty excited about it myself.”

  “I just read an article about you in People. It said you’d never acted a day in your life before this movie.”

  Griffin grinned, “Yep, guilty as charged.” Griffin turned as Noah called out a greeting, with Penelope by his side. Griffin’s hand tightened around his drink at Noah’s smug look of satisfaction. Really Penelope? This is how you’re going to play it? Pretty low to use Noah as her shield now. Hiding behind her ex.

  Griffin tipped his glass then downed it. “Penelope, Noah, here we are, crossing the finish line.” He tried to meet Penelope’s gaze, but she kept her eyes lowered.

  “Yes, we’ll have a little time off, then the whirlwind of promoting the film begins. Late night talk shows, interviews, podcasts, it’s exciting,” Noah said, turning to order his drink. Griffin only half listened as Noah made idle chitchat with the bartender while she mixed his drink.

  “Penelope, can we go somewhere to talk? I’ve been blowing up your phone.”

  “I can’t. I’ve got too much going on right now. I wouldn’t want to burden you with my problems.”

  Griffin leaned in real close and hissed angrily in her ear, “You’re being ridiculous Penelope. I don’t deserve this.”

  “I didn’t deserve to be left dangling in the wind when I needed you the most. You showed what you’re made of.”

  Griffin grabbed her arm and hauled her off to a private corner. “Maybe so, but you weren’t going too deep yourself, were you? Couldn’t take the risk of being honest, letting me in. The truth might be too much……for you or for me? Maybe you’re the one who has trouble looking in the mirror.”

  Her face paled. “How dare you.”

  “I dare alright. I’m calling out your bullshit. You’re the one who’s ashamed…and you’re making me out to be the bad guy! I told you that night, I have no illusions about my moral standing, I’ve led a pretty selfish life. But at least I’m honest with myself that’s more than I can say for you.”

  “If you’re so honest with yourself then tell me what you’re so afraid of? That you might actually need someone? Or even worse, that they might need you? Or maybe it’s that they’ll abandon you like your mother did?”

  “Maybe. Probably all of that. I’ll admit that I’m still a work in progress, but I do know that I’m willing to look under the rock. It might not be pretty, but I’ll have a go at it. You didn’t look under yours until you were forced to, by circumstances beyond your control. Now you want to use me to punish yourself.”

  “Grow up. You dropped the ball and now you’re making excuses.”

  “I’m sorry that I didn’t get your script before your little tell-all. It would have been helpful to know how you wanted me to act and exactly what you wanted me to say.”

  “This discussion is over.” She turned on her heel and returned to Noah’s side, her back intentionally facing him. Griffin set his empty glass down and stormed out of the party. Nothing to celebrate here.


  Penelope stayed another hour after Griffin had stor
med out, just for appearances. She had a headache, not to mention the ache in her chest. Her throat burned from holding back tears. She had hated the look of pain she’d seen in Griffin’s eyes, but she’d had to stay strong for his sake. If he had sensed the least bit of hesitation on her part, he would have jumped on it.

  She knew only too well the double-edged sword of being famous. It was hard to deal with the scrutiny on a good day but throw in a juicy scandal and it was pure misery. They would never survive it so why not let go now, before it became even harder.

  Dolly and Ben were whooping it up, and Noah was flirting like crazy with the gorgeous bartender. His attentiveness had faded quickly after Griffin left the party. She could safely leave now without drawing too much attention to herself.

  Luke walked her up to the door and waited while she unlocked. “Thanks, Luke.”

  “No problem Ms. Winters.”

  “I’m in for the rest of the evening. Relaxing is the only thing on my agenda. I don’t think there’s any need for you to stick around.”

  “I have orders. You won’t even know I’m here,” he said smiling. “I’m going to take a look around the premises and go through the house quickly if you don’t mind.”

  “Of course. It’s such a nice night I think I’ll sit out on the deck and listen to the waves crash.”

  He left to walk the perimeters of the property. She reached down to pick up an exuberant Archie, who was jumping in his excitement. “Hey Boo Boo.”

  She walked straight to her bedroom and took a couple of aspirin and changed clothes. She grabbed a sweater on her way out. Stretching out on the lounge chair she was asleep within minutes. She sat up suddenly, startled awake by Archie’s ferocious bark. He’d never sounded like this before, which made the hairs on her neck prickle.

  “What is it Archie?” He stared at the house, alternately barking and growling. “There’s nothing there, buddy. It’s okay.”

  Archie was not to be consoled so she picked him up and carried him inside to prove a point, that there weren’t any boogie men. As soon as she set Archie down he raced to the back of the house. She heard a loud yelp and went to investigate. When she rounded the corner, she stopped dead in her tracks. There was a man standing in front of her bedroom, holding Archie and a gun.

  “It’s been a long time,” he said, dark eyes glittering. He had aged, but other than that and his gray hair, he looked the same. “Don’t look so scared. I’m not going to hurt you Penelope.”

  A chill went down her spine. “You! It was you who sent the photos.” Her eyes widened as it hit her. “You’re the one who took them all those years ago. You were stalking me.”

  “Hardly stalking. We were dating. You make it sound like I’m some crazed fan. I was trying to protect you.”

  “Protect me from what?”

  “Predators like Senator Warren for instance.”

  “And yourself?”

  “It pains me to hear you speak like that.”

  “I can’t have a normal conversation with you holding my dog and a gun. Please put them down.”

  He continued as if he hadn’t heard her. “Actually, I can’t take credit for those photographs. I hired someone to follow you. After you dumped me, I had to keep an eye on you for your own good. You were much too trusting to be alone in the world. Was I wrong?”

  “Josh, I didn’t dump you. I quit the escort business. We had a business relationship that ended. And that was almost fourteen years ago! Surely you’ve moved on by now.”

  “You’ve never really left my mind Penelope. How could you? We had such memorable times together. I felt like a prince with you on my arm. I was always with the most beautiful woman in the room. When I saw that filthy pig Warren was running for president, I became enraged all over again…it brought it all back as if it was yesterday. Him, married with three children, violating an innocent woman, no more than a child really. He stole the only person I’ve ever loved right out from under my nose. Used you then discarded you like you were a piece of garbage. And now he might become the most powerful person in the world? I saw an opportunity to get back what’s mine!”

  His words filled her with dread. “I was never yours or anyone’s to steal. I made my own choices.”

  “Don’t try to protect that cheating bastard. You can’t lie to me. He broke you. You lost your baby and you’re still going to stick up for him? I don’t blame you for leaving me. I blame him. He fooled you. I loved you then and I still do.” He pointed his gun toward the living room. “Let’s move out of the hallway.” He put Archie down and the dog immediately ran to Penelope.

  Penelope walked slowly down the hall, her mind scrambling to figure out a strategy. Where was Luke? Her body was trembling so badly she was afraid her legs would give out. Her voice quavering, she said, “Let me get you something to drink. We can sit and talk normally. No guns. Please.”

  His response was to wave his gun in the air to emphasize his next declaration. “I woke up one night with a sudden realization! You can still be mine. It doesn’t have to be over. I can save you…rescue you from making movies that are practically porn. Selling your body. You’re better than that. You won’t have to prostitute yourself when you’re mine.”

  “Sex isn’t dirty! My films are beautiful love stories. I make millions of dollars. I’m hardly a victim.”

  “You’re blinded by fame because you haven’t been able to distance yourself from it. Eventually you’ll thank me. I wouldn’t waste my breath arguing. I’m telling you; I expect you to come away with me, willingly. If you do, I’ll let the senator off the hook. If not…well, I’ll really have no choice but to expose him for who he is.” He shrugged, “Unfortunately your reputation will be collateral damage.”

  Fighting panic, she said, “Surely you must see how crazy this sounds. Listen to me! You want to destroy his innocent children…his wife, all the people who count on him for their livelihood? Why? You say you love me—that isn’t how you treat someone you love. You’ve got it all wrong Josh. I loved Graham. Was I young and foolish? The answer is yes, but he didn’t force me to love him, it just happened. Neither of us expected or planned on the baby.”

  “He tricked you and he stole from me! You loved a liar and a cheat. I know you had feelings for me in the beginning, if he hadn’t interfered, we’d be together now. If you can’t accept this, you’ll both pay.” He scowled menacingly.

  “I love my career. It’s all that I ever wanted to do! Let this go and I’ll pretend it never happened. It’s not too late Josh…Please! Your fantasy of me accepting this is delusional.”

  His eyes glittered with rage as his expression darkened, “Careful Penelope, you’re naive if you think I haven’t planned this out carefully. You’ll come with me or he’ll pay for what he took from us. I won’t let him win everything. We can’t get back those years we lost, but we can still have our happily ever after. I know you loved me once. I’m going to have you. We’ll live on my private island. Just you and me and my staff. You can have anything and everything you want. I’ll save you from those crazy fans, the constant scrutiny and rumors. I’ll take care of you.”

  “Josh, listen to me, put the gun down. You think trapping me on some remote island is the way to teach me how to love you? Can’t you hear yourself?”

  He screamed at her, “You’re not listening to me! We were robbed and now I’m going to rectify that.”

  “Josh it’s not that simple.”

  “It is that simple. Admit it, you’re miserable. You’re a virtual prisoner in your own life. Your fame has you trapped. You can’t make a move without being followed or photographed. You make lousy choices in men. Look at your last one. Please, Noah Davis? He’s weak. Even from a distance I could see that. I wanted to scream at the TV every time I saw you together. On the red carpet, with that vain egotistical twit. I could have spared you the pain. He was obviously a player, in love with himself. Whatever made you think he was the one? That he could be a substitute for what we had?”<
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  Penelope changed tactics and schooled her expression, softening her eyes as she forced her mouth to curve up in a smile, “Josh…I think I understand what you're trying to say. And what we had was special. Maybe you’re right. Maybe we could have it again. But not like this…not right now.”

  “Shut up!” he waved the gun around erratically. “Don’t say that.”

  Penelope’s entire body trembled, and her hands were clammy with sweat. “Okay, I’m sorry. We’ll do it your way.”

  “You’re so beautiful…” He caressed her cheek with the barrel of his gun. “He was your first, wasn’t he? That maggot senator took your virginity. And to think it was because of me that your paths crossed in the first place. I’ve had to live with that.”

  Penelope stayed silent.

  His face reddened and he screamed, “He had you first. Didn’t he!”

  She nodded her head slowly, “Yes.”

  “That son of a bitch. I should have stopped him back then.”

  “You can’t control who someone else loves, how do you think you could have stopped us?”

  “You only thought you loved him because he conned you…he took advantage of your innocence.”

  “I’ll admit that I was young and stupid, but I was an escort for God’s sake. That hardly made me a saint.”

  “Oh, but you were, you were my angel. I should have acted back then. I let the wolves strip you. I could have prevented it. He made you into his whore. I would have treated you like the priceless treasure that you were.”

  “Josh, please, listen, I know you love me but you’re scaring me right now.”

  “There is no need to fear me if you just do what I say.”


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