Page 7
“Can I ask a really personal question?”
I’m pretty sure I know what’s coming. “Sure, why not?”
“Are you a virgin?”
I laugh. Yep, I knew he was going there. “No, I’m not.”
He lets out a sigh of relief. “Okay good. I can’t handle that kind of pressure.”
I laugh again. “Don’t want to be the first, huh?”
“Hey, I’d gladly take on the challenge if you asked me to.”
“I’m sure you would.”
“Do you have an embarrassing personal question for me? I think I owe you one.”
“I don’t think so. I mean, is there anything I need to know? Any weird fetishes I should be aware of?”
“Nope. Well, there is the whole truffle butter thing. Although I’m not quite sure I completely understand it.”
I laugh out loud. “Calm down Lil’ Wayne.”
“Yeah, I don’t know what that means.”
We joke back and forth a little more. I wish he was with me and I tell him so.
“Me too. I talked to Frank and he thinks I should be able to come see you this weekend.”
I sit straight up. “What?! You’re just now telling me this?!”
“I wanted it to be a surprise, but as you can see, I couldn’t keep it to myself.”
“Oh my God!” I start bouncing on my bed. “You’re really coming here? For real?”
“Are you jumping on the bed?” Elliott asks, laughing.
“Yes! I’m so excited! I can’t wait until the weekend!” I flop down on the bed, out of breath from jumping.
“I’m glad you’re happy. I was worried you’d tell me not to come.”
“Are you crazy? Why would I say that?”
“Because it’s so soon. I’m worried you’ll think I’m a nutcase.”
“Oh please. I have the market cornered on nutcase.”
After the phone dies, I run across the hall to Frank’s apartment. He opens the door in nothing but gym shorts and flip flops.
“Put on some clothes! Jesus!” I accost him.
He smiles. “Got tickets for the gun show?” Frank lifts his arms and flexes for me. He looks like a contestant in a body building competition.
“Ugh! Gross!”
He deflates. “Gross? Really?”
I roll my eyes. “Get over yourself. You know you’re freaking hot. But you’re like a brother and no girl wants to see her brother flex it out.”
Frank considers this. “Fair enough. Now, what do you want?”
I hop up and down in the hall. “Elliott’s coming!”
Frank shakes his head. “Couldn’t keep his mouth shut, could he?”
I give Frank a big hug. “Thank you so much!”
He pats my back in return. “You’ve been working hard and deserve a break.”
Frank mentioning my hard work reminds me of my tattoo.
“Hey look! My feathers are filling in.” I lift my shirt up to show him.
He makes a disgusted face. “Put your clothes back on! Jesus!”
He promptly shuts his door and leaves me standing in the hallway with my shirt pulled up over my head.
Chapter Six
“Excited about this weekend?” Rory asks.
Rory and I are walking around campus hand-in-hand. Orange, red and yellow leaves canvas the lawn.
“Yes! It will be nice to get away.”
Elliott is coming to stay with Chloe for the weekend, so Rory and I rented a small cabin about half an hour away to give them space.
Rory squeezes my hand. “It has been a little crazy, hasn’t it?”
“I’m getting used to it. I love the school work.”
He leans down and kisses my forehead. “I’m looking forward to having you to myself for a few days.”
“Even with the Guard in tow?” I ask softly.
Rory nods and smiles. “Even with the Guard in tow.”
Rory was less than pleased when I told him Matthew will be traveling with us this weekend. At least Matthew is staying in the cabin next door and not with us. It’s strictly precautionary to make sure we are safe while off campus.
What was once the subject of humor and pranks has become tiresome and old. My parents are feeling the strain of the constant security as well, but we’re all tolerating it.
We continue down the sidewalk and greet our classmates as they walk by. There aren’t many of us on campus, so we recognize most of the people as they pass. One of them is my Curing classmate Arial.
“Chelsea!” she exclaims when she sees me.
Arial is a tiny thing with wavy, beach blonde hair. She is a nice girl, if not a bit high strung.
“Hi Rory,” Arial says in her singsong voice when she walks up to us.
Rory nods his head at her. “Arial.”
Arial turns her attention back to me. Her eyes are bright and her smile is wide. “I heard you’re going to be Professor King’s research assistant.”
“That’s right,” I say, returning her smile.
Professor King is our Curing professor and my personal hero. Her healing powers are amazing and I can’t wait to learn all I can from her.
“Well it’s no surprise!” Arial beams. “You are so far above and beyond the rest of us it’s crazy. I’m so happy for you!”
“Thanks. I appreciate it.”
“Maybe you can be my tutor.”
I laugh. “You don’t want me as a tutor. And besides, you’re pretty good at it yourself.”
Arial grins. “Well, gotta run. I’m meeting someone for dinner.”
I wave good-bye as Arial runs off.
“She’s a ball of energy,” Rory observes.
I laugh. “That’s putting it mildly.”
We start walking again, no particular destination in mind. Just enjoying the fall air.
Rory entwines his fingers in mine. “So here we are. Both of us with great apprenticeships, doing well in school…” he pauses dramatically, “and madly in love.”
I giggle. “Doesn’t get better than this, does it?”
“We’ll graduate. Head back home where you can open your own holistic healing practice and I’ll get a job as a college professor. It’s going to be incredible.”
I see the true happiness in his eyes, but Rory knows me and sees the hesitation in mine.
“What? What is it Chelse?”
We stop and face each other. I look up at him, a small frown on my lips. “It’s just…well, I may not be able to go home anymore.”
His forehead creases. “Why not?”
I stammer. “We don’t know where the Verhena’s headquarters are, but I’m pretty sure it’s not our hometown.”
Rory throws his hands up in frustration. “Seriously? We have to follow Chloe around now?”
“I’m her Advisor Rory, I have to.”
“You’re her Advisor in theory, not in practice.”
He has a point. I don’t even know what the Verhena’s Advisor does.
“I’m sure in a couple years Chloe will need an actual Advisor, and I agreed to be that person.”
Rory stands speechless. He’s upset and I understand why. This whole Verhena business is changing all of our plans.
I take his hand. “Remember when you were telling me that sometimes life throws you curveballs?”
He doesn’t respond. Instead, he stares down at the ground.
“Hey, look at me.”
It takes Rory a moment, but he meets my eyes.
“You can still be a professor. And I can still be a holistic healer.” I cradle his face in my hands. “And we’ll still be together. That will never change.”
His eyes soften. “You’re right Chelse. I’m sorry.”
“Besides, we may be putting the cart way before the horse. For all we know, Chloe gets to pick where her headquarters is located. You know she’ll want to go back home.”
He lifts an eyebrow. “You sure about tha
I smile. “I know for a fact her Advisor is going to advocate hard for it.”
Rory laughs. Crisis averted.
Elliott is coming tonight!
I’ve been fidgeting all day long and could hardly sit still during my classes. The nervous energy proved helpful in my combat training. I managed to kick Frank in the face. Take that G.I. Joe!
“Nice!” Frank said, blood flowing from his lip. “Those power and strength spells are definitely working.”
If only I knew how to conjure up the perfect outfit for my date with Elliott.
“You need to calm down,” Chelsea tells me as she flops onto my bed. “You’ve been running around like a maniac for the last four days.”
I hold up two pairs of jeans. “Which do you like better?”
Chelsea eyes my options. “The skinny jeans with a pair of heels.”
I nod in approval. “Agreed.”
Chelsea pats the bed next to her. “Sit.”
I put the extra pair of jeans back in my closet and sit down.
“What’s going on?” she asks as she scans my face.
I bite my bottom lip. “I’m nervous.”
Chelsea laughs. “You like this guy, huh?”
“Yeah,” I admit. “I do.”
She pulls me in for a side hug and I rest my head on her shoulder. “He likes you too Chloe, or he wouldn’t bother to come see you.”
“I’m worried I’m going to mess it up.”
“How would you mess it up?”
I shrug my shoulders. “This whole situation is crazy. It’s a lot for someone to handle.”
“Elliott knows exactly what he’s getting into. He’s the one who gave you the tattoo, remember? He was the first person to know you’re the next Verhena. And he didn’t run out of the house screaming.”
“You’re right. It’s just…” I pause.
“It’s just what?”
“I like him Chelsea. It scares me.”
“Awww. My little Chloe is falling in love,” she says in a singsong voice.
I smack her arm, but I’m laughing. “Get out of here. Shouldn’t you be in the car with Rory?”
“Rory and Matthew.”
“Don’t tell Mom,” I joke.
Chelsea makes a gagging noise. “Yuck.”
I give Chelsea a hug before she leaves. “Have a good time.”
She squeezes me back. “Don’t forego the pleasure because of the potential pain.”
“Did you read that in one of your romance novels?”
She smiles. “Maybe.”
I’m putting the finishing touches on my hair when the doorbell rings. I’m in my skinny jeans and red heels with a black cowl neck sweater. I’d love to show more skin, but I don’t want to overdo it.
I give myself one last look and fix a smear in my red lipstick. Even though I want to run, I walk as casually as possible to the front door. Summoning my inner sexiness, I swing it open.
And there he is. Elliott. He’s wearing ripped blue jeans with a brown leather jacket and white Nike high tops. He’s ditched his hat and has his black hair styled with the perfect amount of hair gel. He looks better than I remembered.
“Hi,” I manage to get out.
He leans in and kisses my cheek. “Hey.” Chills run up my spine as he whispers, “You look fantastic,” in my ear.
I’m weak in the knees, but invite him inside for a tour of the place. As he walks by me, I see a small gym bag swinging in his hand. My heart flutters. Does he plan to stay the night with me?
“Is big brother watching?” Elliott asks, pointing at the ceiling.
I follow his gaze toward one of the cameras in the living room.
“Yep. Frank’s probably up there right now. Hi Frank!” I wave at the camera for good measure.
Elliott laughs. “That’s so creepy.”
I crinkle my nose. “It is, isn’t it?” I reach out for his bag. “I can take that for you.”
“Nah, it’s kinda heavy. Where’s your room? I can throw it in there real quick.”
The butterflies in my stomach are going ballistic, he is definitely staying with me tonight!
I walk Elliott down the hall and secretly thank God I cleaned my room earlier. On our way, I point out the guest bathroom and Chelsea’s room.
“This is it,” I say when we cross the threshold into my room. “I haven’t had the chance to finish decorating yet.”
Elliott does a 360 degree turn. “Looks great to me.”
“Chelsea and I painted the walls last week.”
“I love the paint color. Very serene.”
“Thanks. It took forever to pick it. Do you know how many grey paint options there are? This one is called ‘After the Rain.’”
Elliott smiles at me and I feel myself blush. I’m blathering on about paint colors. Someone please stop me!
He walks over to my picture wall and looks at the pictures Chelsea and I hung of our family and friends. The silence in the room is killing me. I’m afraid Elliott will hear my heart beating like a drum in my chest.
“I just got this bed set last week,” I tell him.
He glances over at my grey comforter with soft yellow flowers. “Nice. I like it.”
I bite my lower lip when he turns away. Way to go Chloe! You pointed out the bed!
I fumble with something to say. “There are no cameras in here,” I blurt out.
“Good to know,” Elliott says with a grin. His dimples are showing and I have to look away.
Thankfully, the doorbell rings before I can die of embarrassment.
“It’s probably your brother,” I guess as we walk down the hall.
I’m right.
“You look nice,” Frank says after looking me over.
Before he can add an insult, I ask “What do you want?”
“Are you two going out tonight? If you are, we need to plan accordingly.”
Elliott is as surprised by this question as I am. “Is it possible for us to go out?”
Frank nods. “It’s possible, but you won’t be able to show any signs of affection.”
I roll my eyes. “Good grief Frank.”
“It has to look like we’re out as a group. My brother is in town and we’re getting a bite to eat.”
“Are you hungry?” Elliott asks me.
My stomach wants to scream - Yes! Feed me already! But I simply say, “Yeah, a little.”
“Do you want to go out?” Elliott is talking to me like Frank isn’t there. I like it.
I shrug my shoulders. “Sure. Although we’ll probably have to sit at opposite ends of the table.”
I was joking, but Frank isn’t when he says, “Probably not a bad idea.”
A couple hours later, Elliott and I are laughing as we walk back into my apartment. We went out to a small Italian restaurant off campus and had the best dinner. Frank, Thomas, and a few of the other Guard members came with us. It was nice to sit back and relax with the guys who protect me 24/7. Some of them were “on duty” but the others let loose a bit. I got to hear more about them and their personal lives.
Any casual observer would think we were a large group of friends having a good time and catching up. I did my best not to stare at Elliott or to throw him too many glances.
Frank had me sit across from Elliott as opposed to next to him. Which was a good idea because I don’t think I would have been able to resist touching him in some way. A small shoulder nudge or a careless whisper could give it away.
“Home sweet home,” I say as I kick off my heels. “Want anything to drink?”
“Nah, I’m good,” Elliott responds from the living room.
I grab a bottle of water out of the fridge and take a deep breath before leaving the kitchen to calm myself down.
Elliott is checking his phone when I walk into the living room. He’s taken off his leather jacket, his tattoos and tan skin stand out against the plain, white T-s
hirt he’s wearing. The muscles in his arms flex as he types and his tribal tattoos move with them.
“Hey, sorry,” he says, momentarily looking up from his phone. “I swear after I respond to this message I’m turning my phone off.”
I move past him to sit down on the couch. “No biggie. Take your time.”
A minute later he puts his phone down and walks over to me.
“Want to watch a movie?” I ask.
I know it sounds lame, but what am I going to do? Whip out the UNO cards?
“Sure. Whatcha got?”
I get up and walk over to the built-in shelves next to the TV. “All of our movies are over here.”
Elliott walks up behind me and presses his body against mine. Instant heat courses through my veins. “Where? Here?”
He kisses the back of my neck and I melt into him. I put one hand on the wall to steady myself and the other on the back of his head. Elliott leans further into me and explores my body with his hands, all while continuing to kiss my neck.
A small moan escapes my lips, but I get distracted when I see one of the cameras in the corner of the ceiling.
I turn to face him. “Not here.” I motion my head toward the camera and he follows my eyes.
“Ah, yes. The eyes in the sky.”
I take Elliott’s hand and lead him down the hallway to my bedroom.
I wake up the next morning with a weight on my chest. What the hell?
I smile when I realize it’s Elliott’s arm. We are spooning in my bed, snuggled underneath my new comforter. Streams of sunshine seep in through the blinds and cover us with rays of light.
I trace the pattern of his tattoos with my fingertips and relish the moment. I don’t want to ever get out of this bed. No more practice. No more spells. No more worries about werewolves. Just us.
After a few minutes, Elliott stirs. He leans in, presses his face into my hair, and inhales deeply.
“I love how you smell,” he whispers.
I giggle. “That’s awesome because I need a shower.”
Elliott lays flat on his back and stretches his arms and legs. “Room for two in there?”
I get out of bed wearing nothing but his white t-shirt and head for my bathroom. “It’s a stall shower, but I think we can make it work.”
“I’ve always enjoyed a challenge.” Elliott stands up and I’m once again dumbstruck by his body.