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“Understood,” I whisper.
Frank comes over and sits beside me. “This will all be worked out.”
“What if James has been faking it the whole time?”
Frank thinks before responding. “I believe James and his family want to help us with the rogue wolves. Agreed?”
I nod my head.
“Maybe they did talk about how a union between the two of you would be beneficial to them. It makes sense, right?”
“Sure it does.”
“So the real issue is whether James genuinely cares about you, or if he’s been playing you?”
I frown. “Yes, that’s the issue.”
Frank runs his hand through his hair. “I don’t think we should sever all ties with them. Not now. We need their help to get Julian. We’d have to go back to square one if we kick them out.”
I play out the scenario in my mind. If we make the werewolves leave, we will have no connection to Julian. Finding him would be a lot more difficult, and we’re so close.
“They have to stay,” I conclude. “We need to keep working with them.”
“Willa will talk to Ivan. She’ll find out what’s going on.”
“What if they lie?”
Frank shrugs. “It’s possible. But so what?”
“So what? So what?” I slam my hand on the table. “They come in here with a grand scheme to hook me up with James and it’s no big deal?”
“So what,” Frank repeats. “Don’t play along with it. Game over. You work with James toward a common goal – catching his father – and that’s the end of it.”
I put my face in my hands. “I’m such an idiot.”
Frank rubs my back. “You’re not an idiot. You fell for the guy. No big deal.”
“It is a big deal! I act tough, but I’m still a woman. I still want the guy I like to like me back. No one wants to hear it’s nothing more than a scheme.”
“You don’t know for sure it’s been a scheme. You’re putting the cart way ahead of the horse. Talk to him.”
I shake my head. “I don’t want to. I can’t.”
“Let the dust settle, then talk to him.” Frank stands. “I’ll see what I can do about getting you out of here.” He slides a television remote to me. “In the meantime, find something funny to watch.”
Frank leaves me alone in the conference room. I turn my chair toward the big screen TV on the opposite wall. Not finding better options, I settle on a game show. The thoughts running through my mind eventually settle. I’m about to nod off when Frank comes back in the room.
“I’m still looking into it, but I think you’re stuck here,” Frank tells me.
I groan. “That’s what I thought you’d say.”
Willa knocks on the conference room door. “Okay if I come in?”
Frank steps out of Willa’s way. “Of course.”
Willa sits down and clasps her hands together on the table. “I had a long talk with Ivan and James.”
“And?” I ask.
“Ivan admits he has been pushing James to form a union with you.”
My face drops.
“But,” Willa quickly interjects, “James insists that wasn’t his motivation. He says he really cares for you.”
“Do you believe him?”
Willa nods. “I do. And I don’t think there was any ill intent on Ivan’s end either. He saw a connection between the two of you and was excited by the prospect of you being a couple. He feels badly for what’s happened.”
I sit quietly for a couple minutes. Frank and Willa let me stir my thoughts around. “I need some time. Some peace and quiet.”
Willa smiles. “I bought you some time.”
“What do you mean?”
“I may have told Sue to let the word ‘Florida’ slip out during a not-so-private conversation in front of Ivan and James.”
“Florida? What does Florida have to do with anything?
Frank laughs out loud. “That’s awesome!”
Willa blushes. “It was cruel, but I didn’t know what else to do.”
Frank is still laughing.
“You two want to let me in on the joke?”
Frank calms down and explains. “Willa has a secured living quarters in Florida. We go down there every year for a few weeks. We haven’t gone this year because of everything that’s going on. When Bane mentioned Florida, it was to make James think that’s where you are.”
“Oh, he does,” Willa says. “He’s already left the building.”
This makes Frank crack up again.
I gasp. “Willa! You can’t let him go all the way to Florida!”
She shrugs. “He’ll come back. I’ll call him when he gets down there and let him know you’re here. No harm done.”
I smack my forehead. “You are cruel. I didn’t know you had it in you.”
Frank is in awe. “It was genius Willa! Pure genius!”
“I couldn’t get you out of the building, so I got James out for a while.”
“He really left?”
Willa nods her head. “Our vehicle tracker says he’s at JFK. He could be on a plane by now.”
Guilt washes over me as I think of James getting on a plane and flying all the way to Florida. Willa was trying to help, but it just makes me feel worse.
“What about Ivan and Whitney? Are they still here?”
“Yes. Whitney is rather upset.”
Poor Whitney. She has no idea the firestorm she started last night with one stray comment.
I sigh. “I’ll talk to her later.”
Willa stands. “Well, I’m going upstairs for a nap. All this chaos has worn me out.”
“Thank you for everything Willa. I appreciate it.”
“No problem kid,” Willa winks, then she’s out the door.
I strum my fingers on the table. “This is a mess.”
“Young love,” Frank says in a dreamy voice.
“Shut up!” I punch Frank in the arm and he pretends it hurts.
“What are you going to do now?” he asks when he’s done pouting.
“I don’t know. I guess go up to my room and try to get some sleep.”
“That’s a good idea. Get some rest. You’ll feel better with a clear head.”
We stand and push in our chairs.
“Chloe…” Frank hesitates.
“For what it’s worth, I’ve seen the way he looks at you. He can’t fake that.”
I smile. “Thanks.”
I turn to walk away, but stop myself. “You’re a great friend. An excellent bodyguard, sure. But you mean a lot to me. I wouldn’t be able to handle any of this without you.”
Frank’s cheeks redden. “Come on now, you’re making me blush.”
I smile bigger. “I just wanted you to know.”
I walk out of the room before either of us feel inclined to crack a joke. It might kill the moment.
Chapter Sixteen
I should go see Whitney, but I don’t feel like it.
Jessica comes to visit me for a little while to see how I’m doing.
“I don’t know what to think Jess,” I say after I fill her in on the details.
“It’s a tough one,” she agrees. “What does your gut tell you?”
“That he cares about me. But it might be telling me that because it’s what I want to believe.”
“You have to talk to him. Look him in the eyes. Whatever your instincts tell you in that moment, it’s right.”
Jessica leaves me to my misery. No need for her to sit around and suffer with me.
Willa calls around 6:00 p.m. to let me know she spoke with James and he’s on his way back to New York.
“How did he sound?” I ask.
“I’m sure he is. Any idea when he’ll be back?”
“I bought him a ticket for a flight leaving Miami at 8:30 p.m. It’s supposed to land at 11:15 p.m. I suspect he’ll come right home.”
“Okay. Thanks
“Do you want me to have someone call you when he gets here?”
“Yes, that would be good.”
“Will do.”
We hang up and I consider my options.
I don’t want to train.
I don’t want to swim.
I don’t want to watch TV.
I don’t want to read a book.
I don’t want to see Whitney.
I don’t want to bother Frank.
I can’t think of a single thing I want to do except see James.
Then an idea pops in my head. If I hurry, I can see the sunset.
I’ve never been on the roof, but I know Willa has a garden up there. I hit the “20” button when I get in the elevator. The doors open to a completely empty and open area. This is unused space set aside for storage. The only light in the room is coming from the windows. The echo of my footsteps on the concrete floor is a bit creepy.
I’m about to turn around when I see a door in a dark corner. Above it is a sign that reads “Rooftop Access.” I push the door open and find a stairwell. As I ascend the steps, I feel like an actress in a horror movie. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.
When I get to the top of the stairs, there’s another door with a giant “Exit” sign over it. Praying this is the last and final door to the outside, I push it open. To my tremendous relief, I’ve made it to the roof.
The sun is about to slip under the western horizon, sending its pink light across the sky. I move toward the edge of the roof and do a 360 degree turn. The crisp air feels good in my lungs. The Manhattan skyline is in the distance and the city is about to switch on the lights.
“Ms. Chloe?” a voice says behind me.
I nearly jump out of my skin. I turn around prepared to fry the hell out of someone. Thankfully, it’s a Guard member.
He smiles. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“You all say that, but I swear you have some kind of contest going on down there to see who can make me pee my pants first.”
He laughs. “As fun as that sounds, I promise it’s not our objective.”
“Sure,” I say sarcastically.
I’ve never seen this Guard member before. Like me, he has blonde hair and blue eyes. His hair is spiked with gel and he has an ear piece in his left ear. He’s decked out in black cargo pants and a bulky black jacket.
“Is there something I can help you with Ms. Chloe?”
I shake my head. “No. I’m up here for the sunset.”
He smiles. “One of the perks of being up here - I get to see the sunset every day. Plus, I don’t have to sit around with a bunch of guys talking about combat techniques.”
I laugh. “I’d rather be out here too. Except when it snows.”
He points to a small building. “When the weather is really bad, I stay in the hut. It’s heated in the winter and it has A/C in the summer.”
“Is there a TV in the hut?”
“Just surveillance televisions. I’m on duty you know.” He looks around. “Which I should probably be getting back to.”
“What’s your name?” I ask before he can walk away.
I extend my hand. “Nice to meet you Marcus.”
He returns my handshake. “It’s very nice to meet you too Ms. Chloe, but I’m getting yelled at in my ear bud. I have to go back on patrol.”
“Is it Frank?”
“How’d you know?”
I laugh. “It’s always Frank.”
“There are some chairs by the greenhouse if you want to sit and enjoy the sunset. I’ll see you later.”
Marcus turns and walks back toward his hut.
I head in the direction of the greenhouse and find the chairs sitting beside it. I turn one toward the sunset and take a seat.
I can see my breath in the air as I sit and watch the sun go down. When the sun has descended and the stars come out, the twinkling lights from the city start shining too.
I’m cold, but then I remember I can solve that problem. I form a small bubble around myself and it slowly warms up. It’s my own portable space heater!
When I’m done watching the sky, I take a tour through Willa’s greenhouse. I know nothing about plants, but it is a sight to see. Beautiful flowers surrounded by lush green vegetation. Intricately detailed stained-glass butterflies are stuck here and there in the soil. White lights are strung across the top of the building and light up the night. I’m in awe of the time and attention Willa must give her greenhouse. This is obviously her passion.
Next, I walk around the perimeter of the roof and look at the sights above and below. People laughing, taxicabs honking, the smell of the pizza shop down the street, and the cool, crisp air all come together to form the perfect urban puzzle.
Why haven’t I been up here before?
I pass Marcus as he’s making his rounds and he puts up his hand to say, “hi.” He doesn’t stop to talk, likely because he’ll get yelled at again if he does.
How many Guard members don’t I know? I’ve never seen Marcus before, yet every day he’s here protecting me. I promise myself that when this werewolf business is over, I will meet and thank each and every Guard member in the building.
I eventually trek back inside. When I walk in my room, Whitney is sitting on the bed. I consider bolting, but it’s too late for me to back out. She’s already seen me.
“Hey,” I say, taking off my hat and gloves.
“Hey.” She looks so sad. “I hope I’m not bothering you.”
I hang up my coat and take a seat in the desk chair. “You’re not bothering me.”
“It feels like you’re hiding from me.”
“I’m hiding from everyone Whitney. Don’t take it personally.”
“I want you to know,” she tears up, “if there’s some great conspiracy going on, I didn’t know about it. I swear.”
I sigh. “I never thought you did. Okay, for a second there I thought you might be involved, but only when I was angry.”
Whitney wipes a tear away with her fingertip. “I have no idea what’s going on. Everyone leaves me in the dark. When I woke up this morning, James was acting like a lunatic. Throwing things in his room, yelling at my grandfather. He was out of control.”
“Did they tell you what happened?”
I’m curious to hear what Ivan told Whitney, so I ask.
“My grandfather told me James is super pissed at him. He said you overheard a conversation between the two of them. They were talking about my grandfather wanting you to marry James.”
“Is that why your grandfather is here?”
Whitney shakes her head. “Not from what he’s told me. This has always been about my dad and stopping him from taking over. My grandfather is terrified Dad will somehow convince the pack to attack the witches.”
“He’s never said anything to you about me and James?”
“No, I swear it.” Whitney pauses. “Well, maybe once.”
I lean forward in my seat. “When?”
“It was just last night, before we went out. I heard him tell James to be careful. And then he told James ‘make sure you treat her right, it could lead to something bigger.’” Whitney’s impression of Ivan’s deep voice makes me smile. “I had no idea what he meant at the time, but I guess I do now.”
I sit back in the chair. Interesting…
“What was James’s response?”
Whitney shrugs. “He basically brushed it off. He told my grandfather he doesn’t play games, not even for the pack.”
My heart lightens a little. She makes it sound like this has all been a huge misunderstanding. Whitney is a lot of things, but I don’t think a liar is one of them. I can’t see her looking me in the eyes and not telling the truth.
“Are you mad at me?” Whitney asks.
I walk over and give her a hug. “Not at all.”
She squeezes me back. “I hated the thought of you being mad at me. I had
to come talk to you.”
We separate and return to our seats - she on my bed, me in the desk chair.
I look at the clock. 10:00 p.m. I killed more time on the roof than I thought. “Your brother will be home soon.”
“I know. I talked to him before he boarded his flight home.”
“Was he pissed?”
“No, not really. He sounded tired. And sad.”
I nod. “That’s what Willa said too.”
“He asked about you. I told him I hadn’t spoken with you, but everyone assured me you are safe. He is worried because you went out on your own this morning. He’s afraid you’ll do it again.”
“I was upset. I shouldn’t have run off like I did. It was stupid.”
We sit quietly for a moment and Whitney changes the subject.
“Rawley called him today.”
My stomach drops. “He did? What did he say?”
“My dad saw the pictures online. Rawley wants to meet with James again tomorrow at 10:30 a.m.”
I rub my temples, the trace of a headache coming in. “At least something good came out of last night.”
“I’m scared Chloe,” Whitney admits. “My dad is crazy. Who knows what he has planned for you guys.”
“Hard telling, but we’ll be ready for it.”
After Whitney leaves, I lay down in bed. I try to sleep, but instead I think about Rawley and what he may have in store for James tomorrow. Will he finally reveal Julian’s location? Or will he have some other hurdle for us to jump over?
Despite my concerns, I doze off. I’m woken up by my bedside phone. My digital clock says 12:15 a.m. My heart starts pounding when I realize this is probably my “James is home” call.
“Chloe, it’s Frank.”
“Werewolf in the house.”
Just as I suspected.
“Where is he?” I ask.
“He’s by the pool.”
“The pool?” That’s odd.
“Yep. The pool.”
I sigh. “Alright.”
“Go get him tiger,” Frank says with a chuckle.
“You’re ridiculous.”
“Just part of my charm.”
I hang up the phone and head for the bathroom. I splash my face with cold water to wake myself up. My hands shake as I dry them with a towel.