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My Only Reason (Men of Monroe Book 2)

Page 5

by Rachel Brookes

  “I hear they’re going to introduce pink and glitter tutus to their uniform rotation.”

  I blinked out of my trance and looked across at Ben. “Huh?”

  “Tutus. What do you think?”

  I narrowed my eyes and took a sip of my now warm beer and grimaced. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “I’ve been talking to you for ten minutes, and you’re off in la-la land roaming with unicorns and fucking fairies.”

  “You’re a dick.”

  He shrugged his shoulders with a smirk and drained the rest of his beer. Around us, a loud cheer boomed, and again, men and women bellowed touchdown before someone declared, “A round of beers for everyone!”

  “Are you going to tell me what’s crawled up your ass?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Bull-fucking-shit. You’ve been sitting here, but you haven’t been here since we arrived. So spill.”

  “Can we not do this?” I groaned, hoping Sasha would hurry up with our drinks so I could avoid this conversation, and she could distract Ben and steal his attention.

  “Nope, we’re doing this.”

  Our narrowed gazes locked. Our stubborn streaks were infamous, and over the years we’d gone head to head countless times. Sometimes Ben would win, and other times I’d come out the victor.

  “Look, boys, it’s hot when you two are all broody, and right now, it appears you are in the midst of an intense bromance moment,” Sasha said, arriving at the table with a tray carrying fresh beers for Ben and me and a vodka soda for her. “I don’t have a dick, but maybe I can help with whatever issue you two are having.”

  “You really need to control her.” I laughed, grabbing the glass Sasha held out to me. “She’s a menace.”

  She pulled out the stool next to Ben and climbed on, then rolled her eyes dramatically in my direction. “Control me? Pfft, that’ll never happen.”

  Ben leaned in and kissed the side of her neck. “I’m really fucking glad you don’t have a cock, sweetheart.”

  “Shouldn’t you two be off doing whatever it is you do on Sundays?” I grabbed a chicken wing and inhaled it, then I picked up another.

  “We’ve already done part of our Sundays twice, and now we are spending the rest of the day with you,” Ben declared triumphantly.

  “So, what’s going on?” Sasha took a sip of her vodka soda and looked at me expectantly like I should be excited for a gossip session with her. “Would this have anything to do with Marnie? She came into Sass today.”

  I took a long sip and focused on Sasha over the rim. I had a million questions I wanted to ask her. How was Marnie? Was she happy? What was she doing in Monroe? Did she say anything about me? Instead, I went into avoidance mode and kept my mouth shut while I got my thoughts in order. Sasha kept staring at me, with interest, and Ben watched me, knowing it was one hundred percent Marnie that was on my mind. The joys of having a best friend who’d been by your side since you were five years old meant they could see through your bullshit and know when to call you out on it.

  “I’m just tired from my trip. Looking forward to getting some shut-eye and going back to work tomorrow.”

  “Speaking of work, we’ve got orders to head out for a few days.”

  Sasha’s head swung around to Ben. “Will you be back by the weekend?”

  “Yeah, sweetheart, we’ll be back Thursday night. Friday at the latest.”

  “Where are we headed?”

  “Montana. They need some extra feet on the ground for a case that’s getting out of control.”

  Ben and I often got called away to assist other PD’s. We had a reputation of getting shit done and not stopping until we got to the bottom of a case, so when another PD needed a fresh set of eyes on a cold case or a case that seemed unsolvable, we stepped up. Now that Ben was loved up and had Sasha in his life, he hadn’t been silent about the fact he wanted to stick closer to Monroe. To be honest, so did I. I’d worked undercover for a few years, and it had been exactly what I needed to distract myself, but now, I was ready to just be Detective Austin Hart who worked and lived in Monroe and didn’t have to unpack one bag and pack another with a few hours’ notice.

  And now that Marnie was back in town, I had more reason to want to stick around.

  I needed to see her, talk to her, and breathe the same air as her.

  But Montana was calling, and I had a job to do.

  I’d spent five years not knowing where she was, but this time, I knew exactly where she’d be when I returned.

  And that felt fucking great.



  My eyes roamed over my reflection in my floor-length mirror. The deep purple floor-length dress I chose for the gala hugged my body like a second skin and shimmered in the low lights of my bedroom. I’d accentuated my outfit with subtle eye makeup, dewy cheeks, and siren red lips. After spending the afternoon with my butt in a chair at the hairdresser’s, my chocolate brown hair tumbled down to the middle of my back in a wave of curls. I felt like a million bucks, and I was ready for the Monroe Lions Charity Gala, but more importantly, I was ready to drink champagne, eat fancy canapés, and laugh the night away with Cora.

  I leaned in toward my reflection, tilted my head from side to side, and then up and down to check my makeup one final time. I completed my inspection with a cheesy grin to make sure no bright red lipstick had made its way onto my teeth. Satisfied with how I looked, I popped my lipstick into my black clutch, switched off my bedroom light, and headed downstairs to wait for Trent and Cora.

  The Esplanade, perched on the edge of Grayson’s Lookout, was the most sought-after venue in Monroe, and tonight, it was the location for the charity ball. Its meticulously clean floor-to-ceiling windows offered spectacular views of Monroe. At night, the lights of Main Street burst bright and twinkled like stars against the pitch-black night sky. During the day, the mountains in the distance provided the perfect backdrop and wrapped the town like a ribbon around a gift.

  The Monroe Lions, dressed to the nines in three-piece suits and looking sharp and handsome, congregated in front of the Esplanade, greeting guests as they arrived. Near them, a group of women wearing dresses ranging from glamorous to barely there hovered, looking like hyenas waiting to pounce. It was reminiscent of high school when I spent Friday nights witnessing the cheerleaders drooling over the football team and lingering around the locker rooms after the game.

  I jumped when the car door opened next to me, and a cold breeze stabbed the air. Standing there with his hand out, waiting to help me out, was the captain of the Monroe Lions and my brother-in-law Trent’s younger brother, Taylor.

  “I’ve been given strict instructions to take care of you tonight.”

  I smiled up at him and placed my hand in his. “Hey Taylor, I haven’t seen you in years!”

  The Monroe Lions were the pride of the town, so being on the arm of the team captain was a big deal. Doors were opened for us, champagne was thrust at me, and paths were cleared.

  With our arms linked, we moved farther into the winter wonderland theme of the gala. Sheer white fabric with fairy lights woven through it covered the ballroom ceiling. Shades of blues danced on the walls like waves in the ocean. Circle tables with crisp white tablecloths were laid out across the room, and on top were white plates edged with silver, crystal wine glasses, and elegant candle arrangements for centerpieces. The Monroe Lions knew how to throw a party.

  “Let me take you to your table. I’m sitting up front, but I’ll come and steal you for a dance later. If you promise not to step on my toes like you did at Trent and Cora’s wedding.”

  I rolled my eyes, fighting a smile. “I’d been drinking champagne since breakfast and dealing with a neurotic Cora. What did you expect?”

  He was still chuckling when he pulled out a chair at an empty table near the front. After pushing me in and making sure I was okay, he disappeared into the crowd and started doing whatever the captain of the football team needed to

  “Oh, there you are,” Cora greeted, holding two glasses of bubbly in her hands and with a wide smile planted on her face. “I got us champagne, and Trent’s going to make sure someone with a tray is always near us. I knew I married that man for a reason.”

  She eased into an empty seat next to me and placed the glasses in front of us. The ballroom was filling up quickly, and as I glanced around, I recognized the local doctor, the long-standing mayor, and my high school principal.

  “So … Taylor?” Cora wiggled her brows. “He looks great tonight, don’t you think?”

  I lifted a flute of champagne to my lips and sighed contently as the bubbles burst on my nose. My eyes shut as the crisp liquid slid down my throat. I continued to sip on champagne while taking in the venue. All the while, Cora’s eyes burned into me while her question lingered in the air unanswered.

  “Oh, sorry. Did you ask me something?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “I said Taylor looks great tonight.”

  I nodded, taking another sip. “He does.”

  It wasn’t a lie. He did look great. He filled out his three-piece suit well. He was the captain and quarterback of the Monroe Lions, and last I heard, he was working construction, so he had a great body. Cora’s eyes flashed with glee, and I knew I’d added fuel to the fire. I drained my glass in preparation for where this conversation was heading.

  “He’s single.”

  Wow, she went there quicker than usual. I sucked in a steady breath to prepare myself for the onslaught. Over the years, Cora tended to mention the Monroe Bachelors as she liked to call them whenever we’d talk. The newly single, long-term single, new in town. All of them. Usually, she gave me a little warning before she went into Find-Marnie-A-Man mode, but tonight, she jumped right in.

  “I’m single too. Happily single. And there is absolutely no way I would ever go there with Taylor. He is your brother-in-law. It’s not happening.”

  “You’ve been single for too long.”

  Oh, boy.

  “Since when has there been a time limit on being single?”

  “When’s the last time you had sex, huh?”

  My jaw grew slack. Around us, immaculately put together men and woman darted through the exquisitely decorated tables, chatting and laughing, and completely oblivious to the conversation occurring at table nine. Meanwhile, I sat in my two-hundred-dollar dress next to my sister who was more interested in the last time my vagina had action than the canapés being offered and the expensive champagne we were drinking for free.

  “Well, this is a conversation I definitely want to be a part of.”

  I jumped, startled, and swung around at the sound of Missy’s voice. She, Ben, and Sasha stood in front of me; Sasha with a huge smile, Missy with a wink hello, and Ben with a furrowed brow. The three of them looked like they’d just stepped out of a fashion magazine. Ben’s muscular frame was covered by a dark gray suit, an emerald green floor-length dress hugged Sasha’s body and accentuated her cleavage, and Missy looked stunning in a silver knee-length gown she’d matched with heels that shimmered in the light.

  “Did you plan this?” Ben focused on Cora, who smiled back at him. My eyes swung between them. What was Ben talking about? Planned what? I turned to Sasha, and she looked just as confused as I did and shrugged her shoulders in solidarity.

  Ben took the seat next to me, Sasha slid in beside him, and Missy occupied the seat next to Sasha. The seat opposite me remained vacant.

  “Hey,” Ben greeted softly, offering me a smile and a squeeze of my hand. “You look pretty tonight.”

  My cheeks grew warm under his compliment. “You scrub up nicely too.”

  “Not a fan of wearing suits, but I’d do just about anything to keep the beautiful blonde next to me happy.”

  Ben Hunt had never made me swoon. I’d always been too enthralled with his best friend to notice anything but Austin, but right then, he almost made me swoon right out of my seat.

  “What’s that look for?” he asked with a smirk, lifting his beer to his lips.

  My hand moved to my heart, and my reply came out breathy. “I’ve never seen you like this before.”

  “Like what?”

  “So into a girl.”

  The softness in his eyes nearly sent me over the edge into swoonsville again. “I’ve never been in love like this before, Marnie Jean.”

  “Stop. It!” I shook my head, my curls bouncing around my face. I lifted my hand between us in the stop motion. “Just. Stop. It!”

  He chuckled deeply. “What?”

  “My best friend should not make me swoon.”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “Fuck, it’s good to have you back.”

  “I’m going to need a cocktail or twenty if I’m going to sit next to you all night and witness you all loved up.” I winked at him, then pushed back my seat to stand and turned my attention to the others. “I’m going to the bar. Who wants a cocktail?”

  “Marnie Jean, wait. Aus—”

  “I’ll take a martini.” My gaze swung away from Ben after my sister’s interruption. She tapped her pointer finger on her lip, looking deep in thought. “Or do I want a daiquiri?”

  “Ohhh, a daiquiri would be great. I’ll take one too,” Sasha said excitedly.

  Missy’s chair scraped on the floor when she pushed back from the table and stood. “I’ll come with you. You’ll need an extra pair of hands to bring them back because I want a piña colada.”

  We walked side by side, weaving through the tables and standing guests who sipped on champagne and nibbled on canapés. Soft music caressed the air and mixed perfectly with the hum of voices.

  “So, are the rumors swirling around the ladies’ room true? You walked in on the arm of Taylor Jackson?” Missy asked while we waited for the cocktails we’d just ordered at the bar. “Are you two a thing?”

  Oh boy, here we go. Monroe’s rumor mill was already running hot.

  “He’s Cora’s brother-in-law, so I’d never ever go there.”

  “That’s all I need to know.” She gave me an overexaggerated wink, and I knew exactly what that meant. Taylor was going to have a great night if Missy had anything to do with it.

  After our cocktails were placed on the bar, we each grabbed two glasses and turned back in the direction of our table. Missy chatted happily next to me, but all I heard was white noise as everyone around me faded to nothingness.

  Occupying the chair opposite mine and with his eyes locked on me was the man I once imagined spending forever with. He was also the man who’d shattered my heart completely.

  Austin Hart.



  I was uncomfortable as fuck. I tugged at the collar of my dress shirt and loosened my tie slightly as I eased my way through the crowd of women and men dressed in similar attire. This wasn’t my idea of a fun Friday night, but I always tried to support my town and being a member of the Monroe Police Department meant showing my face at events like the Monroe Lions Gala or whatever the fuck this was called.

  “Austin! Over here!”

  Through the sea of guests, Sasha waved at me from a table across the room. Now that I knew where I’d be planting my ass for the night, I moved quickly through the guests. I smiled and greeted those who spoke to me; I kissed the cheek of my favorite teacher from high school and spoke briefly to my boss, Captain Santora.

  After pulling out the vacant seat next to Trent and giving him a chin lift in greeting, I turned to the table and said my hellos to Ben, Sasha, and Cora. I sat down and zoned in on the empty seat next to Cora and the small silver clutch sitting beside a half-filled champagne flute. My gut tightened. Something told me that clutch did not belong to Missy who I knew was coming tonight. I sucked in a deep breath as my jaw clenched. This was a fucking setup. My eyes sliced to Ben. We’d just spent four days working a case in Montana, so why the hell didn’t he give me a heads-up? He looked pissed off, so I assumed he was just as blindsided as me.

ey Austin,” Cora greeted me in a far from innocent voice. “Fancy seeing you here.”

  I shot her a look of discontent. Cora and I had a comfortable relationship. We may have been cool with each other and shared a beer and chat at Hamilton’s on occasion when our paths crossed, but she was a pistol and wasn’t afraid to remind me that I broke her little sister’s heart and I was a fucking asshole for doing it. Cora and Trent were good people. But right now, I was questioning just how good they were.

  “Something else you forgot to tell me?” I directed at Trent.

  He shook his head and breathed out a long sigh. “Again, I’ve been put in a really shitty position.”

  “That yours?” I nodded at the fresh glass of whiskey in front of him surrounded by fancy looking cutlery and even fancier table decorations.

  “I’m guessing it’s yours now.” He grunted and pushed the glass toward me, reluctantly.

  Lifting the glass triumphantly to my lips, I scanned the four walls of the Esplanade. As the burn of whiskey slid down my throat, my heart raced as I searched for a glimpse of Marnie.

  I’d been dreaming of this for five long years.

  The moment I breathed the same air as Marnie Lavender again.

  I found her across the room. She was a vision in deep purple who seemingly floated with every step she took. Marnie was and would forever be the epitome of a perfect woman in every way. Curves for days, thick, glossy hair, and the kind of face that would render you speechless. But it wasn’t her external beauty that would knock you on your ass and have you wanting to worship at her feet. It was her inner beauty that set her apart from everyone else. Loving, protective, and warm. She’d give you the shirt off her back in the middle of a blizzard if you said you were cold, and if you told her you were thirsty, she’d offer you her last drop of water.

  That was the kind of person Marnie was.

  Warmth crawled up my back and latched onto my neck as I focused on the only girl I’d ever loved. Marnie was my one and only. My reason. My only reason. The only girl to get close enough to peel back my layers and find the real me. She knew all my secrets, fears, and insecurities, and she accepted the best and worst of me while still offering every part of herself.


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