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Lani (Devil Souls MC Book 6)

Page 2

by LeAnn Ashers

  I finish putting the finishing touches on my makeup. Jordan is coming over and bringing the girl he met and has fallen head over heels for, Alisha.

  Mom is flitting around the house like she’s on fire trying to make everything perfect to meet her. My brother has never brought a woman home before.

  This is huge.

  This last month has been a great one for me, it will be very hard for me to go back to Los Angeles at this point, if I’m being honest.

  I hurry into the kitchen and finish up cooking before they get here. Just as I’m dishing everything onto the plates, I hear Jordan’s truck pull up into the drive.

  I hear Mom running to the front of the house to greet them at the door. I hurry up and then run through the house just as they walk inside.

  I run straight to my brother. “Jordan!” I scream and tackle him into a hug, squeezing him hard and shaking him side to side slightly.

  I pull back and smile at him before I turn to his girlfriend, beaming, when I notice how unbelievably gorgeous she is. I can’t resist the urge to hug her. She stiffens slightly in my arms and I let her go, afraid that I’ve pushed too far.

  “You did good, Jordan. I’m so proud of you,” I tease him and lightly punch his arm. He ruffles my hair, and Alisha smiles at me. My brother hasn’t stopped talking about her the last month.

  Jordan turns to two men that are standing behind them that I didn’t even notice were there, but holy shit. My eyes widen as I look them up and down.

  Both of the guys look at me like I’m looking at them. One of them grabs the wall like he’s going to collapse any minute. The other looks like a stiff wind could push him over any second.

  I compose myself and flash them my best smile. “Lani,” I say by way of introduction.

  Both of them jump at the sound of my voice like I shocked them. The shorter of the two steps forward, his beautiful blue eyes searching mine. “Nice to meet you, sweetheart. My name is Trey.” He smiles at me, showing his beautiful pearly white teeth. He takes ahold of my hand.

  The other one takes my other hand. He has a full beard and his eyes are brown. “Very nice to meet you, love. My name is Vinny.”

  I smile at both of them, fluttering my eyelashes just slightly. Both of them take a step closer to me and I lick my lips, loving every second of this.

  “Food’s ready,” I tell everyone and turn around with a little extra oomph in my step, knowing their eyes are going to be glued to my ass.

  I can hear them following close behind me. I cover my smile and sit down at the table. I don’t even bother trying to hide my excitement when both of them sit on either side of me.

  Jordan and Alisha sit across from me. She looks around the dining room, taking everything in.

  I study her and I can see that something has happened in her life. I can see it in her eyes; she has been through a lot. I know that with every part of me.

  Vinny puts his arm over the back of my chair as he takes his first bite of food, and I watch intently, waiting to see his reaction. His head shoots over to look at me. “Fuck me, woman. Marry me,” he says between bites.

  Trey nods his head in agreement, not even bothering to come up for air. This makes me happy. That’s one of the biggest reasons I love to cook, because if I can give anyone any kind of pleasure in their life, I am all for that.

  I think it’s because I’ve struggled so long to find happiness in life, to have pleasure in doing anything, but I’ve found that in making others feel good. To make someone happy, to see a smile on their face and know I’m the reason for that? It’s priceless.

  “Sure, but get done eating first,” I tell him with a completely straight face.

  Trey and Vinny look at each other, grinning, before looking back at me, their gazes smothering. “You got it, sweetheart,” Trey tells me.

  Why do I feel like they’re not joking?

  Not that I would mind. Too bad I couldn’t marry them both. That’s every woman’s dream. So I refill their plates—one way to sneak your way into a man’s heart is through their stomach.

  Vinny’s arm is still behind me, his finger every now and then touching my shoulder in the slightest gesture. Tingles move down my spine. Trey scoots a little closer to me, his thigh touching mine.

  I am in such trouble.

  We all decide to go to a bar tonight. I had to convince Jordan because he wanted to keep Alisha all to himself.

  Once the dining room is clean, I yell into the kitchen, “Come on, girl, let’s go get ready!” I wait for Alisha to come out and she follows me up the stairs to my bedroom. I stole her bag from her and Jordan’s room across from mine.

  We live around an hour from where Jordan is currently living, which is why they’re spending the night.

  That means that Trey and Vinny are here under the same roof as me—it’s the small blessings in life.

  Alisha puts her suitcase on the counter. “Let’s see what you have.” I open her bag and go through everything.

  She’s such a beautiful girl, my hands are itching to play dress up with her. “It has to match my cut,” she says in a soft voice.

  I smile. She’s going to be good for my brother. He has such a hard, dangerous life as a biker and he needs that light in his life.

  But I also know she needs him. I can tell she’s been through hell and he will be that protector she needs.

  I’m so happy for them.

  I find a pair of jeans and a white shirt. “Ohh, let’s do jeans and a white V-neck.” I take them out, handing them to her.

  I dress very similarly; mine is just hell of a lot tighter. I’ve grown to love my body. I was teased a lot growing up, but now those same dudes are the ones who are after this fat ass.

  Funny how that plays out, isn’t it?

  I sit down on the floor, bringing my makeup bag close to me. I ask Alisha what I’ve been dying to know. “So, tell me about Trey and Vinny?”

  She laughs at me and scoots a little closer, taking out her own makeup bag.

  “What do you want to know?” she asks me.

  I look away from my mirror. “They single?”

  She looks slightly confused as to why I’m asking about the both of them, but I have a feeling that they’re a package deal sort of thing. “They are.”

  I’ve noticed the way they look at each other. Something is going on, but I also know they show interest in me.

  “They together?” I ask next, and her eyes widen.

  “I’m not sure,” she says, her face scrunched up as she thinks.

  “Can you tell me about the both of them?” I’m chomping at the bit wanting to know everything about them.

  She moves her legs around, getting more comfortable. “Vinny is the more easy-going one and the one who speaks the most. Trey is much darker and mysterious. He lets off major bad boy vibes.”

  I love the sound of that. I wink at her. “Yeah, I got that from the both of them.”

  She looks at me, totally confused, which is absolutely adorable, but she doesn’t question it. We make small talk, and I notice she avoids anything and everything about her life before she met Jordan.

  The nurturing part of me wants to hug her and hold her tight. At dinner my mother asked her about her parents and she froze badly. Jordan changed the subject before she had to answer.

  An hour later we’re ready and we walk down the stairs together. I walk in front of her because I can tell she’s slightly nervous. Trey’s and Vinny’s eyes are glued to mine, both of them eyeing me up and down.

  “God, angel, you’re gorgeous,” I hear my brother tell Alisha, and that makes me happy for her.

  Trey touches my cheek. “You’re beautiful,” he says, barely loud enough for my ears to hear.

  But those words make my whole entire month. I smile sweetly, genuinely. I notice my dad looking at all three of us, and I snap out of my funk and walk to him. “Let’s go, everyone!” I yell and kiss my dad on his cheek, then I go to my mom and hug her.

  We a
ll walk outside to Jordan’s huge-ass truck, and Trey puts his hand on the small of my back, leading me to the door behind the passenger seat.

  He opens the door and I look around for something grab so I can swing my way inside of the truck, but before I can make a move, Trey puts his hands on my hips, completely lifting me off the ground and into the truck.

  That was fucking hot.

  Not many men can lift me off the ground, let alone pick me up like that, but to top it off, I’m right in the middle between Trey and Vinny, with them pressed against my sides.

  During the drive I smile, watching Jordan and Alisha together. She’s singing to him and he is completely infatuated with her.

  I accidentally put my hand on Vinny’s knee then pull away and start to apologize, but he takes my hand, putting it right back on his knee, leaving his hand on top of my mine.

  I try to hide my smile. Trey reaches over and takes my other hand. My stomach flips with nerves and excitement because I haven’t dated in years, but right now I have the attention of two men?

  This is completely new territory.

  Jordan pulls up in front of the bar, but neither he nor Alisha look like they’re about to get out. I look at Trey and Vinny. “Let’s just go and let them have their privacy,” Vinny whispers, and we slide out of the truck, Trey offering me his hand.

  “We can Uber it home. Trey and I were planning on getting a hotel tonight,” Vinny tells me, holding the door open for me to walk inside.

  The second I walk inside, I notice right away quite a few people I know are here. Most are stupid boys from high school who made fun of me and did absolutely nothing with their life and who are mad at the world.

  We head to the bar and order a few beers then head to a table at the side of the bar. I can feel eyes on me, and I mean a lot.

  Usually I come in here with my friends on a weekday when it’s not busy at all, but I didn’t think about people recognizing me.

  I forget that I’m a famous celebrity because in my heart I’m not that at all.

  Trey sits on one side of me and Vinny on the other. More and more eyes are on me and I start to get nervous.

  What if they post a picture of me and Freddy sees it, figuring out where I’m at? I really don’t want that to happen.

  Someone takes out their phone, points it in my direction and snaps a picture. Just great. I just about got here and now I think I have to leave.

  “Why the fuck are so many people staring at you, Lani?” Trey asks, and I shiver at the deep raspiness of his voice.

  I wince, dreading even having to tell them that is a major fear of mine, because I don’t want people to see me differently.

  More and more people make their way into the room, huddling around the bar looking at me and talking amongst themselves, and I also notice that the majority of them are men.

  “Lani?” Trey asks again, touching my shoulder as one of the guys starts in our direction but stops at the last second, going back to the horde of people.

  “I am a model…plus size model…and I’m kind of famous,” I admit, watching both of them closely for their reaction.

  Vinny smiles. “Shit, I’m going to google you right now.” He takes out his phone and searches my name.

  Right before my eyes, my latest lingerie shoot comes up. I look down as Trey yanks the phone out of Vinny’s hands so he can see.

  I’m not embarrassed, but I am nervous to see what their reaction will be. Not every guy in the world is attracted to curvy women.

  “Fuck, I didn’t think you could get more gorgeous,” Trey whispers and touches the screen gently.

  “I agree,” Vinny says, and my face warms. That was really sweet. I smile at the both of them, but then someone gathers the courage to finally approach me.

  “Are you Lani?” he asks, his eyes widening as he gets a closer look. I look down and notice my boobs are trying to put on a peep show. That’s just great.

  I adjust myself and push my hair over my shoulder. “How can I help you?” I don’t confirm that it’s me because I really don’t want to deal with this.

  I’m usually very considerate with my fans, but my anxiety is so bad right now because of what happened with Freddy, I just can’t help but be nervous.

  “Can you sign my hand for me?” he asks and lays down a Sharpie for me, then smacks his hand down onto the table, causing my beer to spill slightly over the side.

  Okay, that was really rude.

  I scoot the marker over to him. “I’m sorry but I can’t sign your hand right now. I’m trying to enjoy my night out. Have a nice night.” I try to be as nice as possible, smiling, but his eyes narrow in anger because he realizes I’m blowing him off.

  He walks off and goes to his group of friends, all of them looking back at us as he continues to speak to them.

  I look away and know that if I continue to stare, it will just make it worse, so I turn my full attention to the guys. “I’m sorry for the trouble it’s causing,” I confess.

  Will my life ever be normal?

  “Nah, don’t worry about it, darlin’. Just forget about those fuckers and dance.” Vinny takes my hand and leads me out onto the dance floor, far away from the fans.

  I look at the both of them, each one holding one hand, and then Trey pulls me into his chest, his hand going to my ass and pulling me tight against his front.

  I laugh and throw my head back, then move my hands to his chest, loving the feel of his strong chest under my fingers.

  My hands ache to reach under his shirt. Will he have chest hair? Tattoos?

  That’s when I feel Vinny press against my back, his hands closed around my hips, holding me tightly before I’m sandwiched right in the middle of both of them.

  Pure heaven.

  I look over my shoulder at Vinny. His eyes are dark as he looks down at me. I’m the center of attention for the both of them.

  A really great song comes on over the speakers and I move my hips a little, swaying side to side, and they move even closer, grinding with me.

  Then we dance. It’s so provocative, a piece of paper couldn’t be slipped in between us. For the first time in my life I’m truly grateful I’m a very thick gal, because right now there’s plenty of me to go around.

  Right now we’re blowing my small town wide open, but I don’t care. My eyes go to Trey, then behind me to Vinny. They turn me, and one takes my front and the other my back.

  I can hear the whispers, see the camera flashes, but right now I don’t care.

  My panties are ready to catch fire any second. With every touch I’m more and more gone for them.

  Vinny is currently in front of me, my chest pressed against his upper stomach. He trails his fingers up my arm to my neck, to my jaw. “I’m going to kiss you,” he tells me.

  Before I can give him the green light, he kisses me, his tongue snaking its way into my mouth, and I shiver, gripping his shirt and twisting it in my fingers.

  His kiss is deep, passionate. His lips stroke me, sucking me deeper and deeper into the fog. Before I can think or move, I’m turned around to face Trey and he kisses me.

  His kiss is the opposite of Vinny’s. His is rough, aggressive, claiming and oh so powerful. Vinny made my toes curl, Trey causes goosebumps to break out across every inch of my skin.


  I gasp against Trey’s mouth, my eyes opening, and they connect with the guy that asked for my autograph earlier, and the group of men are all glaring at me.

  I blush deeply at them seeing me make out with both guys. I’m not embarrassed because I’m attracted to the both of them, but I forgot everything around me and that is not a safe thing to do.

  Vinny takes my hand and pulls me behind me, placing his body slightly in front of mine in a protective stance.

  I touch the back of his cut. My heart is hurting from it pounding so fast in my chest. Trey closes the distance and moves in front of both of us.

  It’s silent.

  I can hear the fuc
king clock on the wall. Even the music is shut off.

  Vinny reaches behind me and squeezes my arm in a reassuring way, but that doesn’t stop my nerves, because me and confrontation don’t mix.

  Growing up, I avoided drama and any kind of trouble, but Jordan was the exact opposite. He loved when someone started shit because he could finish it. I would stay quiet in hopes that it would just go away.

  Sweat beads at the back of my neck, my anxiety growing more and more the longer we all stand still.

  I hear a stool move directly behind me and I look back just as a man runs straight for me. I gasp, taking a step back towards the guys.

  It’s not him running towards us that scares me, it’s his face. He is disgusted. “You are fucking nasty! You are a whore, kissing two men and dancing like that!” he screams, and right as he reaches me, I’m lifted off my feet and put right between Vinny and Trey.

  Vinny pushes the man back, hard. He falls back on his ass five feet away, “Get up and your ass is kicked, you stupid fucker,” Vinny growls, bending down slightly so he can see his face.

  The guy doesn’t get up but continues to glare at us. I can’t believe they’re so angry like this, to the point they want to harm us.

  All because we kissed.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I suggest, and they both nod. Trey puts his hand on the small of mine and Vinny’s backs, making sure we go in front of him.

  The second the door shuts behind us, I feel like I can breathe for the first time. I was so scared.

  “What the fuck was that?” I mumble to myself.

  “Let’s go to the Huddle House across the road until we can get an Uber or something,” Vinny suggests, and we hurry across the parking lot. I really hope we don’t come across those guys again.

  I sigh with relief when we make it inside without a hitch. I scoot into the booth, with Trey beside me.

  “I’m incredibly sorry that happened,” I apologize, because I do feel responsible. It was me not signing that guy’s autograph that caused it all.

  Trey looks at me in confusion and Vinny shakes his head at me. “Don’t apologize. Trey and I have gotten used to that kind of shit.”

  I gnaw on my bottom lip. I’m not exactly sure what he means. Trey smiles slightly. “Babe, in case you haven’t figured it out yet, we’re bisexual.”


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