The Wolf Wants a Wife (A Second Chance Christmas in Bear Creek Book 2)
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“Really?” Gemma asked.
“Really.” He listened for a little longer before he pulled back and put his stethoscope away. “I’d like you to visit the hospital tomorrow. We need some blood and a thorough examination.”
Gemma pulled her pants up and her shirt down and then swung her feet to the floor, managing to get herself to a sitting position with Suzie’s help. “I don’t know how long I’ll be in town.”
Another glance exchanged between Kit and his wife. “Listen, Gemma. You are very close to giving birth. You are safe here and among friends.”
“I don’t want any of you to get dragged into my mess.” It was the closest she’d gotten to telling anyone the kind of trouble she was in. But when her eyes rested on the photographs of Kit and Suzie with two small children in their arms, she knew she had to stop talking.
“We can look after you,” Kit assured her.
“Thanks. But it’s my business.” She drank the hot chocolate Suzie passed to her and closed her eyes as the sweet warm liquid gave her renewed energy.
“It’s our business now,” Suzie said gently. “You are part of our lives, part of this town.”
“Simon would be better off without me,” she told the couple firmly.
“No, he won’t. There’s no off switch for the mating bond,” Kit told her. “I know from experience.”
“I appreciate what you’re saying. But really, I’m not the woman Simon needs in his life.” Finishing her hot chocolate, she eased herself forward on the sofa. “I should get going.”
“I’ll fetch Simon,” Suzie took the cup and left the room.
“Thanks.” Gemma stood up and the room spun for a moment, something that didn’t go unnoticed by Kit.
“Listen, Gemma. I don’t know why you don’t want to go to the hospital, but we can be as discreet as you need us to be.” He let his words sink in as she took a deep, steadying breath. “This baby is important to you, I can see that.”
“There’s someone… Someone who wants to take the baby from me.” She closed her eyes as she blurted out the words and a rush of relief swept over her.
Kit’s expression darkened. “The baby’s father?”
She nodded once.
“I see. Now there’s no easy way of asking this so I’m going to just say it.” He took hold of her hand and looked into her face. “Are you being paid to have this baby?”
“No!” She shook her head. “It’s nothing like that.” Her hand stroked her bulging stomach. “This was an accident. Although I see it as a blessing.”
“The baby’s father, what does he think of you carrying his child?”
“I tried to tell him, but he wouldn’t see me. Which was fine. I decided to raise the child alone. But then I went to see him...after that things started to go wrong… Then I got a threatening text and I knew it was him trying to destroy my life, so I had to give up the baby to him.” Her hand trembled as she ran it through her hair, remembering the vicious look in his eyes when she denied him the thing he wanted.
“And now he’s what? Stalking you?” Kit asked gently.
“Yes. He turned my life upside down. He intends to take the baby by force if he has to.” A rush of fear made her shudder.
“You are safe here,” Kit assured her. “There are plenty of people who can protect you. The sheriff, Brad, he won’t let anyone take your child.”
“No sheriff,” Gemma said quickly.
“He’s a good man.” Kit looked up as the door opened and Suzie came in with Simon.
“What I said, what I told you, that’s in confidence, right?” Gemma murmured as she thanked Kit for his help.
“It is.” Kit pressed his lips together, his disapproval obvious. He knew she wasn’t going to tell Simon.
Not because she wanted to hide the truth, but because she truly didn’t want him to get hurt by the father of her child. Coming to Bear Creek was a mistake. Yes, she could find the answers she desperately needed here. But at what cost?
One that might be too high to pay.
Chapter Four – Simon
“Is everything okay?” Simon asked as he followed Suzie into the living room, where his mate was struggling to pull on her coat. He stepped forward and reached out to help her.
“Everything is fine.” Gemma smoothed her hand over her swollen belly. “Baby seems okay, doesn’t he, Kit?”
“Yes, all things considered, Mom and baby are doing well. I’ve advised Gemma to go to the hospital for a checkup. Preferably tomorrow.” Kit didn’t meet Gemma’s eyes as she leveled her gaze at him. Simon suspected Gemma planned to refuse Kit’s advice.
“Thanks, I’ll make sure she comes by.” Simon smiled sweetly at Gemma who opened her mouth to retort, but then changed her mind.
“Anything else you need, give me a call.” Kit took a card out of his medical bag and handed it to Gemma. “Day or night.”
“Thank you.” Gemma smiled and nodded at Kit.
“Take care of yourself.” Suzie wrapped her arms around Gemma and hugged her close. “Babies are the most precious thing in the world. And so is family.” As she pulled back, Suzie looked Gemma in the face, making sure she understood completely how much she could rely on the people in the room.
“I guess that’s something I have to learn for myself,” Gemma said quietly as she hugged her and then let her go.
“Let’s get you home and feed you. Then a good night’s sleep.” Simon sounded like a mother hen instead of a protective wolf shifter.
“That sounds perfect.” Gemma allowed him to help her to the door where Thorn and George were waiting. She looked exhausted and leaned on him more with every step they took. “Thanks again,” she said over her shoulder to Kit and Suzie.
“You’re welcome.” Kit put his arms around his wife as they stood in the doorway and watched their guests leave.
“And thank you both, too.” Gemma smiled weakly at George and Thorn.
“Anytime.” They watched with concern as Simon helped her into his car.
“Okay?” Simon asked Gemma, his face etched with concern.
“Yes, I’m fine. Thank you so much.” She leaned back in the seat and closed her eyes as he pulled the seatbelt across her and clicked it into place. As he shut the door, he turned to Thorn and George.
“I can’t thank you enough.” Simon’s concern was mirrored in their faces.
“When you find out what’s going on, let us know,” Thorn told him. “Don’t think you are in this alone.”
“That means a lot.” Simon looked over his shoulder to where Gemma looked as if she’d fallen asleep.
“Listen, sometimes finding our mates is easy and other times it’s a challenge.” Thorn shrugged. “I had to fly on the back of a dragon halfway around the world for my mate.”
“A dragon?” Simon asked with a frown. It might be late, but he wasn’t here for a bedtime story.
“Yes. Emilia is a dragon shifter. But that’s a story for another time.” Thorn nodded toward the car. “I only mentioned it so you know I trust you, and I want you to trust me. Or us.” He pointed to George. “There are no secrets between us. You can trust us with whatever trouble Gemma is in.”
“A problem shared is a problem halved, so they say.” Simon wished Gemma felt the same way. Perhaps once he’d gained her trust, she would open up and tell him what was wrong and let him help.
“Call us if you need us.” Thorn and George headed for their truck and Simon walked around to the driver’s side of his car. Before he opened the door, he paused, looking up at the moon as it crested the mountains. It was a perfect evening. They’d raised the money they needed for the shelter and he’d found his mate. Yet as he climbed into his car next to his sleeping mate, he could not help feeling as if there was something missing.
Perhaps it was simply the fact that when he imagined meeting his mate, everything had happened in slow motion. It was pretty cheesy really, but in his mind, they would see each other across a crowded room and the recogni
tion would be instant. She would take the first step toward him and he would smile as he approached her, knowing this was the beginning of the rest of their lives.
Instead, he’d gotten a mate who might run out on him at any moment. And if that happened? He’d be forced to dump everything and chase her down. Not because he wanted to control her. If she wanted to leave him, that was her prerogative. The mating bond didn’t entitle him to lifelong love unless he earned it. No, he’d chase her down to ensure she was safe.
His wolf growled a rumbling warning as Simon started the engine. Their joint mission in life was to protect Gemma. And they had no intention of failing.
Simon drove back toward town but turned off down a wide leafy street before they reached the main road. He’d lived down Lime Avenue for the last twenty-five years. The house was too big for him. He’d bought it with the prospect of raising a family here. Instead, he rattled around the empty rooms with only Tickles, his cat, as company.
But with a heavily pregnant mate in his life, the house might soon be filled with the laughter of children. Or a child. He’d be content with one child. After all, until tonight, he’d given up hope of raising anything other than vegetables in his garden.
Pulling onto the driveway, he switched off the engine and went to the front door. After unlocking it, he left it ajar and went back to the car, fully intending to carry his mate inside. However, when he opened the door and bent down to pick her up, she stirred.
“Where am I?” she asked, looking around before her eyes went wide.
“It’s okay, it’s me, Simon. We’re at my house.” He hunkered down next to her, making himself less of a threat.
Gemma looked at his face, her hand brushing his cheek as if to check he was real before her eyes came back into focus. “I was asleep.”
“Come on. Let’s get you inside. You can get warm while I cook for you.” He hooked his arm around her waist and helped her out of the car. She stumbled forward, but he held her securely in his arms while she regained her balance.
Brushing her hair back from her face, she took a deep breath and straightened up. “My legs don’t feel like my own.”
“You need rest. When was the last time you slept properly?” Simon asked as he used his foot to shut the car door.
“A couple of days ago. Then I got on a bus to come to Bear Creek and let’s just say sleeping on a bus filled with other people is next to impossible.” Her hand went to her coat pocket and closed around the necklace.
“Why did you come to Bear Creek?” Simon asked, his breath coming out in a cloud of vapor as they reached the front door and he pushed it open wider.
“I told you, my dad came from here. At least he lived here for most of his teenage years.” She stopped and turned her head to look up at the mountains which loomed out of the darkness, a silhouette towering above them in the moonlight.
“And you came to find him, or more of your family?” Simon tightened his grip on her and urged her forward, wanting to get her inside and shut the door.
“I don’t know what I thought. I had to pick a place and when I saw a bus heading for Bear Creek, I picked it.” Gemma turned her back on the night sky and let him guide her inside.
“And you still don’t think it’s fate that guided you?” Simon asked.
Gemma shrugged, or at least he thought she shrugged as her shoulders slumped forward. “I don’t know. Perhaps.” She allowed him to guide her into the living room and there he eased her down on the sofa. There were no Christmas decorations here. No sign that Simon celebrated this special time of year.
“Stay put. I’ll get the fire burning hotter and then go and make you some food.” As he spoke, a little furry ball of fluff hopped onto the arm of the sofa and rubbed her head against Gemma’s arm.
“Hello, you.” Gemma stroked Tickles, enjoying the feel of her purring body against her.
“This is Tickles.” Simon chuckled. “I’m not as soft as I seem.”
“Pity, I like a man with a soft heart.” She looked him up and down with sleepy eyes. “And a hard toned body.”
“I should get you some food,” Simon said gruffly as he headed for the door. He longed to swap places with Tickles and feel Gemma’s touch thrill every part of him. But she needed rest, and some space to relax. If he put too much pressure on her she might leave, and he didn’t want that.
“Are you sure it’s not too much trouble?” She glanced up at the clock on the mantlepiece. “Is it really past midnight?”
“It is, the auction finished hours ago.” He took one last look at her and asked, “Is there anything you don’t like? Any allergies?”
“No, nothing. And right now I could eat anything.” She carried on stroking Tickles. “Except you, of course.”
“I’ll make eggs. They’re light and nutritious. In the morning I’ll cook you something more filling.” Concern laced his voice. If she hadn’t eaten for hours, he didn’t want to overload her stomach and make her ill.
“Eggs sound wonderful.” She nestled down in the plump cushions. “Wake me up if I fall asleep.”
“I will.” Simon closed the door behind him to keep in the warmth. Perhaps, he subconsciously hoped it might prevent Gemma from running away. Although he was certain she wasn’t going anywhere tonight, she didn’t have the strength.
As he pulled a pan out of the cupboard and prepared the eggs, he went over the whole evening in his head, trying to figure out if there were any clues that might give him an idea of what had happened in Gemma’s life that had sent her, at eight months pregnant, on a bus ride to Bear Creek. Had she really simply picked the place by chance or had she hoped her father might be here?
With her mom dead, Gemma might have been seeking to find the truth about her own parentage.
He wanted to ease her pain and chase the haunted look from her eyes. However, for tonight, the only comfort he could give was a plate of eggs and hot buttered toast, along with a cup of chamomile tea.
“This is amazing.” Gemma rolled her eyes up into her head as she tasted the eggs.
“I’m a pretty good cook,” Simon confessed as Tickles jumped onto his lap and rubbed her head against his hand. She was purring like a champ, and he loved the sound as her body vibrated.
“Tickles is the cat you adopted from the shelter?” Gemma asked as she ate. The food instantly revived her, and the color returned to her cheeks.
“She is.” Simon stroked Tickles from head to tail and the tabby and white cat stood up tall, ready for more. “I never figured I’d be a cat person. But Tickles and I suit each other. Both value our independence, while also enjoying each other’s company.”
Gemma smiled. “So it’s just the two of you in this house?”
Simon nodded. “I bought it for the family I never had.”
His confession was met with sympathy. “I never thought I’d have a family either. I’d built my life thinking it would just be me and I was okay with that.”
“You didn’t ever want children?” he asked, settling down into the chair across the room from her. From here he could watch her, drinking in every facet of her face and body. She was beautiful from her auburn hair, streaked with silvery strands, to her nut-brown eyes that warmed as she spoke of the child in her belly.
“I didn’t think it was for me. I never found the right man and I didn’t want to have a baby who would grow up fatherless like I did.” The warmth in her eyes disappeared as tears filled them. “But that’s exactly what happened.”
“I know I’m not the child’s biological father, but I want to fill the role. If you’ll let me.” He sat still and didn’t move as he waited for her reply.
She sniffed loudly and wiped her eyes. “I’d like that. I really would.”
Simon was certain there was an unspoken but, however, Gemma kept it to herself and all he could do was hope he could help her resolve her problems. Because big or small, all her problems were his problems now.
Chapter Five – Gemma
; She couldn’t remember getting herself to bed. Yet here she was. Had Simon carried her up to the guest room and undressed her?
Gemma wasn’t sure how she felt about that. Yes, he might be her mate, and yes, she might believe that they were meant to be together, but that didn’t give him the right to…what?
He hadn’t exactly taken advantage of her. Instead, he’d opened up his heart and his home to a strange pregnant woman who would bring him nothing but trouble.
She sighed and lay back in the warm, comfortable bed. If only she could stay here forever and not have to face the repercussions of her affair with Gianni. Her hand instinctively moved to cover her swollen stomach, as if she could hide her unborn child from his father.
But hiding from the world had never been Gemma’s style. Plus, her baby needed her to eat.
Sliding her legs off the side of the bed, she sat up awkwardly, thankful to find Simon hadn’t removed all her clothes. She still wore her shirt and panties. She shuffled forward, her back ached and her feet were puffy. Being pregnant had been the most amazing experience but she was nearing the point where she wanted her body back. But more than anything she wanted to hold her baby in her arms.
She’d seen scans of the small child, but what she really longed for was to look down at his, or her, beautiful face. That first hello would be magical.
As if the child could read her thoughts, he kicked her in the ribs. Gemma smiled and put her hand on the side of her belly and waited for another kick. There it was. She loved feeling the little one moving around.
All she wanted was for him or her to be born healthy and be happy.
Kit’s advice came back to her. Perhaps she should risk a visit to the hospital. She’d checked all through her clothing and belongings and there was no sign of a tracking device. In truth, she suspected her imagination had gone into overdrive and caused her to overreact. Things like tracking devices belonged in movies, not in her life.
Pushing herself off the bed, her heart gave a jolt. If Simon had undressed her, where were her clothes? More importantly, where were the necklace and earrings?