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Sacred Wrath

Page 31

by Kristie Cook

Chandra – Amadis were-tiger and member of the matriarch’s council who oversees the region of India.

  Charlotte Allbright – Amadis warlock, Owen’s mother, Sophia’s best friend, and overall badass aunt figure to Alexis.

  Cloak – A magic spell performed by mages that hides or makes invisible its subject. Often used in conjunction with a shield.

  Conversion – The process of eliminating dark or light energy and replacing it with the opposite, then indoctrinating the supernatural being into the new society. The Amadis purpose is to convert Daemoni souls before they become damned, destroyed, or forever lost. However, on occasion, Amadis members will convert to the Daemoni (e.g., Ian).

  Daemoni (day-MAH-nee) – Satan’s servants as the Demons’ army on Earth, currently led by Lucas. They turn humans to harvest their souls and build their army. The Amadis try to stop them.

  Debbie – Faerie in England who helps Alexis and Tristan from time to time. Cohorts with Stacey, another faerie.

  Dorian Knight – Son of Alexis and Tristan, unknown creature but currently human. Known abilities include self-healing and flying.

  Edmund – Member of the Daemoni. Known abilities include flashing, super strength and speed, idiocy, and being an overall douche-canoe.

  Eris – Daemoni witch from ancient times who helped Jordan create the potion that changed everything (read about it in Genesis: A Soul Savers Novella).

  Faeries/Fae – Little is known about the fae as they tend to stay away from human affairs, as well as those of the Amadis and Daemoni. A handful do enjoy wreaking havoc in the Earthly realm, and sometimes they may even help out. They’re considered Otherworldly creatures, because their world is not exactly part of Earth. They closely guard their secrets about the Faerie realm.

  Ferrer – Blacksmith mage who lives on Amadis Island.

  Fertility Stone – The faerie stone Bree gave Tristan when he was a young boy, embedding it in his heart with the instructions to give it to his true mate. Only when she has possession of it can he father children. The stone also allows the holder to share their emotions so he could feel his mate’s love—but also the possessor’s darker emotions.

  Flashing – The supernatural ability to transport to another location up to a hundred miles away (give or take) in the blink of an eye. While objects can be held or attached to the body during a flash, Tristan is the only known creature who can flash while carrying another person. While both Daemoni and Amadis can flash, it’s not necessarily a natural ability for all—some creatures have to be assisted by mages.

  Galina – Russian Amadis warlock and a member of the matriarch’s council, she favors Tristan and Alexis.

  Hades – Daemoni HQ, an underground city in the Taymyr Peninsula of Siberia.

  Heather – Human girl, Dorian’s babysitter and friend, daughter of Phil and sister to Sonya.

  Ian – Member of the Daemoni, converted from the Amadis. Known abilities include compensating for his miniscule junk by spilling secrets, causing problems with the Amadis, and ruining Alexis’s life.

  Jaxon – Were-croc from the Australian Outback who’s become part of Alexis’s team. Blossom’s beau.

  Jelani – Wizard from Africa who is one of the matriarch’s council members.

  Jessica – Faerie with a southern accent, calls Lisa her sister.

  Jordan – Early leader of the Daemoni who sought power over all, inadvertently helping to create the Amadis (read his story in Genesis: A Soul Savers Novella).

  Julia Acerbi – Vampire and Amadis matriarch’s council member. She’d been one of Rina’s closest advisors and friends.

  Kali – Daemoni sorceress who took over Martin Allbright’s body

  Katerina “Rina” Ames – Past matriarch of the Amadis. Known abilities included telepathy, super strength and speed, flashing, bonding souls, converting souls to Amadis, making ballgowns everyday attire. Ascended.

  Kuckaroo – Amadis village in Australia.

  Lesley – Daemoni vampire. Companion of Sonya and Alys.

  Lilith – Bree’s daughter and Tristan’s sister. Dead.

  Lisa – Faerie with a southern accent, calls Jessica her sister.

  Lucas – Alexis’s sperm donor and leader of the Daemoni. Often (but not always) uses the last name Emerson.

  Lykora – An Angelic being that is extremely loyal and highly protective of its master. When in hidden form, looks like a small white dog, but when in defensive mode, can grow as large as necessary to protect, has a wolf head and body, tiger stripes on a white coat, and feathered wings.

  Mages – The wide classification of supernatural beings that can wield magic, including witches/wizards, warlocks, and Sorcerers/sorceresses. These general sub-classifications are based on strength of power. Some may call themselves by other names, depending on the type of magic they use, preference, or other reasons (e.g., Shamans, Druids, etc.).

  Martin Allbright – Powerful warlock, Charlotte’s husband and Owen’s father.

  Minh – Vietnamese witch, member of the matriarch’s council, oversees the Asian region.

  Noah – Sophia’s twin brother, Rina’s son, a Summoned son with the Daemoni and controlled by Kali.

  Norms/Normans – Normal humans.

  Oliver Winston Chambers – Sophia’s true love who was turned to a vampire then buried under a building in Charlotte, North Carolina, for a century. Dead again.

  Ophelia – Witch who serves as head of staff at the Amadis matriarch’s mansion.

  Otherworld – Currently unknown but seems to refer to Heaven and Hell, as well as Faerie.

  Owen Allbright – Warlock and Alexis’s so-called protector. Also like a brother to her and Tristan’s best friend. Known abilities include shielding, cloaking, magical bindings, flashing, and pushing everyone’s limits.

  Phillip Jones – Human wife beater, child abuser, and overall scum of the earth who drove an older orange Camaro. Heather and Sonya’s father.

  Rene – Daemoni were-cheetah who chases Alexis down in Hades.

  Safe House – Homes, lodges, and other accommodations scattered around the world where Amadis can retreat to when under attack or when going through the conversion or transformation process.

  Sasha – Dorian’s lykora.

  Savio – Italian were-shark who was on Rina’s council and was anti-Tristan.

  Seth – Tristan’s former name when he was Daemoni. The Daemoni still call him that.

  Sheree – An Amadis were-tiger who’d been bitten and turned against her will by the Daemoni. She was Alexis’s first ever conversion from Daemoni to Amadis. Now she helps with conversions of others and is a close friend to Alexis.

  Shield – A magic spell performed by mages that puts a protective barrier around its subject. If the subject is not also cloaked, the subject can still be seen, so it’s often used in conjunction with a cloaking spell.

  Shihab – Wizard from Arabia who sat on Rina’s council.

  Solomon – Vampire, Katerina’s partner, and Amadis council member. Known abilities include being scary AF.

  Sonya – Recently turned vampire, now converted to Amadis. Heather’s sister. A.K. Emerson’s “biggest fan” (a/k/a stalker).

  Sophia Ames (a/k/a Mom a/k/a Mimi) – Alexis’s mother and Amadis daughter. Known abilities included telekinesis, summoning and manipulating water, persuading others to do as she likes, sensing the truth of a situation, super strength and speed, flashing, converting souls to Amadis. Ascended.

  Sorcerers/Sorceresses – The most powerful of the mages that can boost their energy by siphoning more from the earth and everything around them. Their greed for power, narcissism, and general disdain for pretty much everyone make them loners and also not part of the Amadis.

  Stacey – A faerie in England who helps Alexis and Tristan from time to time. Cohorts with Debbie.

  Stefan – Warlock, council member, and Sophia’s former protector. Known abilities included creating a protective shield, flashing, serving as Alexis’s only father figure. Die
d in book 1.

  Sundae – Alpha of the Georgia wolf pack. Trevor’s mate.

  Sylvie (Aunt Sylvie) – Blossom’s aunt and leader of the Daytona Beach witch coven.

  Trevor – Amadis werewolf and leader of the main Florida wolf pack. Sundae’s mate.

  Tristan Knight – Former Daemoni converted to Amadis by Sophia. Matriarch’s second, best friend, and husband. Dorian’s dad. Sexy AF warrior. Known abilities include shooting fire from his palm, quickly determining the best solution if he knows enough of the facts, telekinesis, paralysis, instant killing power, super-duper strength and speed, brooding with guilt, giving a girl multiple Os.

  Vampires – Supernatural beings that are sustained by blood. They can also feed on fear and other emotional energy. There are vampires on both the Amadis and the Daemoni sides.

  Vanessa – Formerly one of the Daemoni’s star vampires recently converted to Amadis. Alexis’s half-sister, Victor’s twin, and Lucas’s daughter. Known abilities include stirring up trouble and pissing everyone off.

  Victor – Vanessa’s twin brother, Alexis’s half-brother, Lucas’s son and Daemoni vampire who’s not too bright.

  Warlocks – Part of the mage classification, supernatural beings who are born with the ability to wield magic and physically endowed with strength and speed, making them excellent warriors. They are not gender specific and are on both the Amadis and Daemoni sides.

  Whitby Abbey – Ancient abbey on the northeastern coast of England. The place where Dorian was found, where Alexis faced off with Lucas, and where Sophia, Rina, and Winston died.

  Witches/Wizards – Part of the mage classification, supernatural beings who are born with the ability to wield magic, usually using a wand as well as spells, incantations, potions, elemental energy, etc. While they can be quite powerful, their powers and physical strengths aren’t as strong as Warlocks or Sorcerers. Using the term Witch or Wizard was traditionally by gender, but really is up to each individual’s preference. There are Witches and Wizards on both the Amadis and Daemoni sides.

  Were-creatures/animals (a/k/a Shifters) – Supernatural beings with two combined spirits—human and animal—and they can physically shift between their two forms. There is a were-creature/shifter for nearly every predatory species on Earth, and they’re on both the Amadis and the Daemoni sides.

  Sacred Wrath Play List

  (The songs I listened to on repeat while writing this book.)

  Hello by Evanescence

  I Will Remember You by Sarah McLachlan

  I walk Alone by Tarja

  Titanium by David Guetta & Sia

  Oasis by Tarja

  Diamond Eyes by Shinedown

  Trenches by Pop Evil

  Hurricane by 30 Seconds to Mars

  Numb by Linkin Park

  Awake and Alive by Skillet

  Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace

  About the Author

  Kristie Cook is a lifelong, award-winning writer in various genres, primarily New Adult paranormal romance and contemporary fantasy. Her internationally bestselling, award-winning Soul Savers Series includes seven books, as well as several companion novellas and short stories. Over 1.2 million Soul Savers books have been downloaded. She has also written The Book of Phoenix trilogy, a New Adult paranormal romance series. Her books have been featured in USA Today’s HEA section, on Good Morning America, and in the Emmy’s Gifting Suite.

  Kristie also created, writes in, and publishes the award-winning Havenwood Falls shared world, a collaborative project with multiple series, dozens of authors, and countless stories.

  Besides writing, Kristie enjoys reading, cooking, traveling, getting her hippie on, and feeding her addictions to coffee, chocolate, cheese, and her latest TV obsession. She has lived in eleven states, but currently calls Florida home.

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  Glory first to the Creator. He has blessed me in countless ways, including giving me this book and the story of Alexis and Tristan.

  Shawn, Nathan, Austin, and Zakary, once again, your patience, support, and understanding do not go unnoticed. You are my rock and my foundation. Mom, Dad, and Keena, of course I wouldn’t be here without you, but I mean “here” in a variety of ways.

  Chrissi, thank you for your help when I needed it. You know how difficult this book was for me. Brenda, my talented friend, I love you hard. Julie, Stacey, Debbie, Kate, Inga, Jessie, Rissa, Christina, Heather, Mindy, and Rebecca—aka, my betas who are the bomb—thank you for your valuable insight. I sincerely appreciate everything else you do, as well as the rest of Kristie’s Crew: Claire, Kath, and Lisa. Thank you also to Kristie’s Warriors. We might be small, but we’re mighty. I look forward to all of the fun we have ahead of us. Also a thank you to Team #KnightRiders who provide immense support to Tristan (and the rest of the gang) when needed.

  Jen and Kristen, because of you, this story shines like a polished gem. Lily Rowserein, I can’t say enough about the perfection of your cover designs and for bringing Alexis to life. Thank you!

  Finally, a GINORMOUS shout-out to my readers. You have come so far with me, and with Alexis and Tristan, and I am actually pretty overwhelmed that you’re still here. I would have written this story anyway, but I’m amazed at how people around the world love these characters as much as I do and are dying to know what happens next.

  An Excerpt

  They’re gone.

  I’m still trying to process that fact, but I can’t. Although I have nowhere near enough life or leadership experience, I have to serve my purpose and lead the Angels’ army to war. But for every step we take, Lucas trumps it as he orchestrates the beginnings of World War III. Single-handedly, he turns the humans against the Amadis, and when Tristan and I top every country’s list of Most Wanted Terrorists, we’re forced to go underground to fight this war.

  With the help of my people and a group of unexpected allies, I have to figure out a way to stop the Daemoni from taking over humanity. Some claim Lucas to be the Antichrist. I won’t give him that credit, but he’s sure trying his best to prove me wrong. If it’s true, then we’ve all become part of an age-old prophecy of divine providence. But the Amadis will do everything we can to stop Lucas and change the world’s destiny, even if it means we die trying.

  Unholy Torment

  An Excerpt

  I gripped the edge of the antique desk with one hand and reached out to hold on to Tristan’s forearm with the other until the shaking stopped.

  “That wasn’t an earthquake.” He barely spoke the words before another bang and subsequent tremors rocked the ground.

  “Daemoni!” The thoughts came from all over Amadis Island, screaming into my head the moment I opened my mind to them.

  “We’re under attack,” I announced before delving into a sentry’s mind—a wizard keeping watch from the tower near the village.

  Through his eyes, I shared with everyone in the room the vision he saw—Daemoni surrounding the island, uncloaked and in broad daylight. All mages hovering over the water, all shooting spell after spell at our shield.

  “Owen and Char—” I started.

  “Already on it,” Owen
said, his voice strained.

  My mind left the wizard’s, and my vision returned to my own, finding the two warlocks standing in the center of my office. Their hands lifted high above their heads, and their brows and lips set into hard lines as they concentrated on keeping the shield over the island as strong as possible. We took another hit, and both their faces turned various shades of red as the chords in their necks tensed and tightened.

  Sweat beads popped out on Owen’s forehead. “They have some powerful warlocks. Maybe a sorcerer.”

  “Go join the others,” I ordered. “Do what you can.”

  Owen and Char disappeared from the room to join the mages who maintained the shield on the other end of the island. When they came together as a group, their power would multiply. Hopefully, it would be enough.

  “We have to get to town,” I said. “In case they make their way through.”

  “Change first.” Vanessa pointed at Tristan and me before popping out of sight.

  Right. We both still wore Norman clothes that provided no protection. We flashed to our suite and changed into our fighting leathers within a minute. After making sure Dorian was safe in his room with Sasha, we flashed to the Amadis village on the other end of the island. We appeared in front of the council hall at the top of a hill, looking down the main street of town that sloped toward the pier and the sea. Some panicked people ran amok in the streets, but many apparently hid in their homes and businesses.

  The air crackled with powerful dark magic feeling thicker than it should have. The intensity of it meant our shield was failing, and if the Daemoni managed to pierce it, we’d be in deep trouble. Most of the Amadis who lived here on the island were among our weakest. My personal team contained some of our strongest fighters and other guards protected the mansion and council hall, but for the most part, everyone else lived here because they weren’t warriors. This island was their place of refuge. If the Daemoni broke their way in, though, it would be far from a safe haven.


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