Billionaire Bosshole: An Enemies-to-Lovers Office Romance (Bedding the Billionaire Book 3)

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Billionaire Bosshole: An Enemies-to-Lovers Office Romance (Bedding the Billionaire Book 3) Page 3

by Laura Lee

  Oh my God, why did I suddenly find his cockiness unbearably hot? He laughed mockingly when my eyes rolled back as he thumbed my clit.

  “Mediocre at best,” I lied.

  Mr. Maxwell grabbed my ankle and propped my stiletto over his shoulder. Fuck, he was so deep like this, I knew I would be sore later. To my absolute horror, I found myself pleased with that fact.

  “Such a fucking liar,” he seethed. “Your pussy is dripping all over my cock. You’ve never been fucked this thoroughly before.”

  There was no way in hell I was telling him that he was right. “Shut. Up.”

  “Or what?” he taunted as he yanked my bra cup down and pinched my nipple.

  “Ahhh... God... just stop talking and make me come!”

  He gave me a wicked smile. “Say please, Miss Montgomery.”

  My eyes flew to his and narrowed. “Fuck. You.”

  He pushed in even harder. “Already doing that, sweetheart.” He circled my nub until I was on the precipice of release. Right before I flew over, he pulled his thumb away.

  “Fuck!” I balled my fists and screamed in frustration. “Do you always have to be such a bastard? Think about someone other than yourself for a change!”

  “Say...” Thrust. “Please.” Thrust.

  I tried to take matters into my own hands, but he cuffed my wrists over my head before I could do so. “Motherfu—”

  He stilled inside of me and bit my lip so hard, I was sure he’d drawn blood. “Nice try. Now, why don’t you be a good girl and ask nicely?” When I refused to speak, he started toying with my slick flesh again, until I was a writhing, whimpering mess. “Say please and I’ll make you come so hard you’ll forget why you were mad at me.”

  I tried to resist. I really did. But when he started moving again, driving himself deeper and harder with each thrust, all while moving his thumb against my clit using the perfect amount of pressure, I couldn’t take it anymore.

  I groaned. “Please!”

  He turned his head and bit the skin right above my ankle. “Please, what?”

  I glared. “Please make me come, you fucking bastard!”

  Mr. Maxwell smiled down at me. “It’ll be my pleasure, Miss Montgomery.”

  Within seconds, lightning shot down my spine and I was screaming. Quaking. Gasping for air. When my orgasm finally subsided, he bent forward and began moving with renewed purpose. I knew his biting kisses down my neck would leave marks, but in that moment, I didn’t care. I wanted whatever he would give me. I wanted every part of him.

  He wasn’t the asshole who’d been tormenting me for the last two years. He wasn’t even my boss. He was simply a beautiful man who was responsible for the best sexual experience of my life. My fantasies, as plentiful as they were, hadn’t done him justice. If sex were an Olympic sport, Ronan Maxwell would take home the gold every damn time, leaving a heap of quivering women in his wake.

  With one final thrust, he buried his face into my neck and found his own release. After a few moments, he placed one surprisingly gentle kiss on my neck, pulled out of me, and took a step back.

  Suddenly feeling awkward, I hopped off the desk, pulling my skirt down my thighs. I couldn’t bring myself to look at him now that I was no longer blinded by lust. Regret and shame hung heavily in the air. I spotted my blouse on the floor, picked it up, and quickly pulled it over my head. The seconds ticked by in silence, the only sounds in the room were the pull of a zipper, the clang of a belt buckle, and the swishing of fabric as we dressed.

  When I had finally made myself presentable, I hurried out of his office, praying that my shaky legs wouldn’t betray me. I retrieved my purse from my desk, not even bothering to check if I had shut down my computer, and bolted to the elevators.

  “Come on, come on,” I whispered, as I bounced frantically, waiting for the lift to arrive.

  Once it did, I ran inside and pressed the button for the underground garage. As the doors were closing, I made the mistake of looking up. Mr. Maxwell was standing no more than five feet away, looking at me with pure hatred in his gaze. He made no attempt to stop me, he just stood there, staring me directly in the eyes, so I could feel the full force of his rage.

  Five minutes ago, this man had made me feel better than I would’ve ever thought possible. Now, I didn’t think I could possibly feel any worse.

  What had I done?



  I was so fucked.

  As I watched Miss Montgomery flee, all I could think about was how incredible her pussy felt. How perfectly we fit together. Over the last two years, I’d pictured it countless times, but my fantasies could never capture the sheer ecstasy of being inside that woman. Of seeing her writhe beneath me, begging me for more.

  I thrived on control. The fact that she’d made me lose it made me furious. I couldn’t stop thinking about the conversation I’d overheard on Monday. It was becoming a distraction—practically to the point of obsession. In fact, I’d been adding an excessive amount of work to Miss Montgomery’s plate all week just so I could have more time with her.

  Plus, if I was being completely honest with myself, I couldn’t stand the thought of her meeting someone online. Even worse, fucking them as she was likely thinking of me. I was ashamed to admit this, but I downloaded that dating app on my phone, and I’d been keeping an eye out for her profile. She hadn’t gone live with it yet, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t eventually.

  When Miss Montgomery had called me an asshole, I’d snapped. That’s the only explanation for what happened. The tempting curve of her breasts so close, taunting me. My fingers twitched, dying to wrap her thick waves of hair around my fist. Her vanilla fragrance was so inviting, I needed to know if she tasted as sweet as she smelled. I wanted more than anything to feel her tremble beneath me.

  As my hand wrapped around her hip, quite frankly, I was expecting a solid knee to the balls. But when she inhaled sharply and leaned into my touch, I was done for. And as I finally sunk into her warm, tight body, I was so blissed out, she had absolute power over me. In that moment, I would’ve given her anything. Done anything. That woman fucking owned me.

  And I fucking hated her for it.

  I scrubbed a hand over my face and headed back into my office. The moment I stepped inside, I knew what a mistake that had been. The room reeked like sex. Papers and cartons of Chinese food littered the floor. The evidence of our tryst was staring me in the face, mocking me. But as pissed as I was, sadly, my dick didn’t hate the reminder. He jerked at the sight.

  Fucking traitor.

  As I was picking up the mess, something shiny caught my eye. Upon closer inspection, I saw it was a diamond earring. Miss Montgomery’s diamond earring to be exact. It was a simple stud, and not very large considering her salary, but she wore these things every single day. I often wondered if they had some sort of sentimental value. Then I reminded myself that I didn’t give a shit what accessories she wore as long as she looked professional.

  Maybe if I kept telling myself that, I’d believe it.


  I didn’t know what to expect the following Monday. Any person in my position would’ve probably been waiting for the sexual harassment charges to hit. With the whole #MeToo movement, it was certainly a possibility. The world finally gave a shit about women’s treatment in the workplace, and sometimes, it was taken to the extreme.

  Don’t get me wrong; I fully supported the cause. I donated a considerable amount of money to it, in fact. There were plenty of men out there who couldn’t take a hint and no woman should be subjected to that. That said, there were also plenty of women in the world who liked to create drama where there was none, and this was their perfect opportunity. If you didn’t believe that to be true, you were a moron.

  But for some reason, I didn’t think Miss Montgomery was one of those women. She was young—almost ten years my junior—but she was a consummate professional. Loyal. Genuinely dedicated to her position. From her first d
ay on the job, she took the initiative to learn about what it took to run a successful hotel chain, even in areas outside of her job description. She had completed every single task without hesitation or complaint and God knows I’d given her more than a few reasons to complain.

  Miss Montgomery was one of the rare millennials who didn’t have some misguided sense of entitlement. Most thought they deserved the world simply because they woke up that morning, but not her. She truly understood that you needed to work hard to succeed. You needed to prove yourself, that it took time to earn a promotion. She knew that you needed to act for the position you wanted, not the position you had. Most of the dipshits we hired fresh out of college never lasted more than a few months because they didn’t share her outlook. It was one of the many traits that made her extraordinary.

  Too bad she was also a wretched bitch.

  I swear, that woman knew how to antagonize me like no other. She was always mindful, never quite crossing the line into insubordinate—well, until last Friday anyway—but she had fire. She was the only person in this building who didn’t take my shit when I was being an outright bastard—which, let’s face it, was more often than not. I respected the hell out of her for it, but it also annoyed the fuck out of me. Mostly because it made my dick hard.

  Speaking of... Miss Montgomery had just arrived. This early in the day, the constant hum around an office this size was almost nonexistent, so I could hear the subtle creak as she opened the door to her office, which was the interior to mine. The clank of keys hitting the surface of her desk. I imagined her hanging her coat on the rack as I’d seen her do hundreds of times in the past right before she sat down and powered up her computer.

  I wondered what she was wearing today. Would she torture me with one of those tight skirts and sky-high shoes that she favored? Her clothing was never provocative, but the way the fabric hugged her curves, kept me in a perpetual state of arousal. She seemed to have an endless supply of red too, which happened to be my favorite color.

  Christ, what was wrong with me? I couldn’t stand the woman, yet my dick refused to listen. Here I was, daydreaming about women’s fashion, for fuck’s sake. I had an empire to run—the last thing I should’ve been doing was thinking about someone who drove me crazy.

  I pulled up my calendar to check my schedule for the day and swore when I saw the first appointment on my agenda. Miss Montgomery and I were scheduled to meet with my finance team to review the third quarter budget projections. It wasn’t something she needed to sit in on, but as soon as I figured out how brilliant she was with figures, the entrepreneur in me couldn’t resist.

  She had become so keen on dissecting each line item, suggesting effective ways to cut costs that even my CFO missed, I relied on her input. It was a win-win situation: I was able to increase my profit margin and she got on-the-job experience to add to her resume.

  I wasn’t an idiot; I knew she wouldn’t be my assistant forever. She’s far too intelligent and driven. But if I had my way, she would stay with my company. I was a firm believer in growing talent from within, and one thing Miss Montgomery had in spades, was talent.

  In more ways than one, as I’d recently learned.

  I just hoped that what had happened between us Friday night didn’t fuck things up. Why did the sex have to be so goddamn phenomenal? I always thought that if one day, my fantasies came to fruition, the real thing would never measure up and I’d be able to move on.

  Now, I had firsthand knowledge of what she looked like nearly naked. The sound that she made when she came. Shit, I even felt regret, not having had the opportunity to taste her pussy. I jerked off countless times over the weekend imagining what it would be like.

  Not only was I still thinking about her in every pornographic way possible, but it was now amplified because I knew how great it could be. So much for getting over my attraction to her.


  I rubbed a hand over my mouth, mentally preparing myself for what was about to happen. The only way to find out what kind of aftermath I was dealing with was to face the problem head-on.



  What a shit morning.

  I’d only been in the office for five minutes, yet I was mentally ready to call it a day. On top of the fact that I’d had maybe two hours’ worth of sleep, traffic on the way in was even more horrific than usual. Then, when I finally pulled off the 10, some idiot cut me off, clipping the front panel of my brand-new Audi in the process. After exchanging insurance information with him, the heel of my favorite Valentino pumps broke off as I was walking back to my car. Thankfully, I always had a spare pair of shoes in my trunk, but of course, they were my least favorite.

  The icing on the shitastic cake was that one of my grandmother’s diamond earrings had gone missing. They were a family heirloom, and one of my most prized possessions. I’d worn them every day for the last five years, yet sometime on Friday, one fell out, and I had yet to find it. I’d never needed those damn earrings more than I did right now.

  I wanted to look my absolute best today. I needed the extra confidence to pull this off, yet fate seemed to be conspiring against me. After debating all weekend, I decided late last night that I would forget the whole incident with Mr. Maxwell ever happened. There was no way I was going to let a weak moment on my part doom my career. Nor was I going to give that bastard the satisfaction of knowing I wanted more.

  God, I wanted more.

  But that would never happen, I reminded myself. It was a one-time only event. A colossal mistake. One that I will never repeat, under any circumstances. If Mr. Maxwell happened to bring it up, I was just going to deny, deny, deny. He was a smart man; he’d catch on quickly. So what if I couldn’t stop thinking about how great he felt? How long and thick his cock was. How I’d never had orgasms as powerful as the two that he gave me.


  I was going to purge the whole thing from my memory and move on. I was so determined to do just that, that I changed my privacy setting and threw myself into the online dating world. I wouldn’t settle for just anyone, but I would dive into the sea of single Los Angelenos.

  There were plenty of men out there who were equally as gorgeous as Mr. Maxwell. Plus, they weren’t my boss, so really, anyone else would be a better choice. Not that I’d ever consider dating Mr. Maxwell, mind you. Purely the thought of that was laughable. I knew he had no problem attracting a woman. I just couldn’t imagine him being nice to anyone long enough to make them want to stick around.

  I took a deep breath and straightened my spine as he opened the door to his office. I didn’t know what approach he’d go with, but whichever he chose, I was going to make damn sure I took control of the situation.

  “Miss Montgomery,” he said by way of greeting.

  His eyes widened and then narrowed into slits when he saw what I was wearing. I smiled to myself at his reaction. I knew he loved this dress on me. I always caught him staring at my ass when I wore it. I didn’t wear it for him though—it just happened to be the only work-appropriate piece in my closet that I could pair with my favorite infinity scarf. A scarf that was absolutely necessary thanks to him. My hair could only do so much in hiding the fading bruises his mouth had left behind. Who did that douchebag think he was anyway, leaving hickeys all over me like a horny teenager?

  I returned his glare. “Good morning, Mr. Maxwell.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Is it? A good morning?”

  Deny. Deny. Deny.

  “Of course. Why wouldn’t it be?”

  Mr. Maxwell scratched the light stubble over his jaw, not saying a word. He stared at me so intently, carefully cataloging each of my features. I knew what he was doing; he was trying to determine my next move so he could best me. Too bad for him, I wasn’t going to let that happen.

  I averted my gaze to my computer screen. “Your first meeting is in fifteen. After that, you have a conference call with the London office. Would you like me to get you a mocha from downst
airs beforehand or will the drip coffee in the conference room be suitable to your refined palette?”

  His jaw ticked. “Refined palette?”

  I stood up and crossed my arms over my chest. “Yes, you know. A man who is quite... particular about things. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, really. You know what you want, and you demand to have it. I’m sure it doesn’t bother a powerful man such as yourself to have that sort of label.”

  He rolled his stupidly kissable lips. “What label?”

  I shrugged. “You know... high maintenance. Pompous. Pretentious. Those sorts of labels.”

  His eyes sparkled as his lips turned up in the corners. “Ah. Those sorts of labels. You’re right, Miss Montgomery—I am a man with exquisite taste.” His eyes roamed my body from head to toe. I refused to acknowledge what that look did to my panties. “Although, I have been known to go slumming on occasion so I think the drip coffee will be just fine today.”

  I could feel my face flushing in anger. What an egotistical ass! He was clearly implying that he had been ‘slumming it’ with me. I wouldn’t give him any proof that he was getting to me though.

  “Very well. Then, I suppose I’ll meet you there after I gather the rest of the materials.”

  He nodded. “I’ll see you there.” Before he left, he dug into his pocket and placed something on the corner of my desk. “By the way... I found that on the floor in my office the other night. You might want to ask around and see who it belongs to. Unfortunately, I couldn’t really tell you where to begin. There are so many possibilities, yet none of them memorable enough to know for sure.”

  As I picked up the earring—my missing earring—I met his gaze. Through gritted teeth, I said, “I’ll be sure to do that, sir.”

  The cocksure smile on his face said it all.



  I knew I said I was going with the denial method, but after the stunt that Mr. Maxwell had pulled, I couldn’t seem to resist fucking with him. Throughout the meeting, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of me. He was subtle about it, but considering we were seated right next to each other, I didn’t miss a thing.


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