Billionaire Bosshole: An Enemies-to-Lovers Office Romance (Bedding the Billionaire Book 3)

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Billionaire Bosshole: An Enemies-to-Lovers Office Romance (Bedding the Billionaire Book 3) Page 4

by Laura Lee

  Every time I tapped my finger against my lower lip, he would clear his throat. When I shifted in my seat, causing my dress to ride up, exposing my lace thigh highs, he rubbed the back of his neck. Whenever I licked my lips, he gave me the stink-eye. The best one of all, was when I accidentally dropped my pen under the conference table and used his thigh to brace myself as I picked it up. I could feel his quad muscle bunching as my fingers came dangerously close to the growing bulge in his slacks.

  Once Mr. Landers, our CFO, finished his slides, Mr. Maxwell excused everyone in his signature tactless manner.

  Just as I rose from my chair, he said, “I need a word, Miss Montgomery.”

  I fought a smile as I turned around and batted my eyelashes. “Of course, Mr. Maxwell. What can I do for you?”

  He waited until the last person left the room before shutting the door. “You can knock it the fuck off.”

  I blinked innocently. “Whatever do you mean? What was I doing that could possibly make you so upset?”

  His jaw clenched. “Drop the Pollyanna act; we both know what you’re doing. It’s not only completely unprofessional, but childish. You’re better than that, Miss Montgomery.”

  I glared. “Unprofessional? Oh, you mean like fucking your employee on your desk? That kind of unprofessional?”

  “Watch it,” he growled.

  “Or what?” I challenged. “You’ll spread me out on this table and teach me a lesson?”

  He briefly glanced behind me, as if he were considering it. “I wouldn’t give you the satisfaction.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “You’re right; you won’t. Because I will never make that mistake again. Plus, you’ve already proven you can’t satisfy me. If I knew you’d be such a lousy lay beforehand, it would’ve never gone that far.”

  Mr. Maxwell took a menacing step forward. “Lousy lay, my ass. It didn’t seem that way when you were begging for more. Or coming all over my dick.”

  I ignored the current flood below my waist and gave him a disinterested look. “Right. More, as in better. I was hoping you’d step up your game. Since you obviously couldn’t deliver, I faked it so it would be over faster.”

  He took another step toward me until my ass hit the edge of the table. “You’re a fucking liar.”

  I patted his cheek condescendingly. “It’s sad really; someone so pretty couldn’t measure up in the sack. At least now I know why you haven’t had a girlfriend since I’ve known you. Once is more than enough for any woman.”

  With that, I walked out of the room, putting a little extra sway in my hips. When I heard him growling behind me, I muttered under my breath, “You forgot the queen was the most powerful piece on the board, asshole.”



  I swear to Christ she was doing this on purpose. All week, Miss Montgomery had been especially cold to me but excessively friendly to everyone else. And by friendly, I meant she was shamelessly flirting with every male in the vicinity. Even now, I could hear her chatting with my brother, Liam, fucking giggling. Miss Montgomery was not a giggler.

  She knew Liam was happily married, so I had to believe she was doing this for no other reason than to get under my skin. What’s worse is that it was working. Well, fuck her and her manipulation tactics. I was going to put an end to this shit-show.

  I opened the door to my office and barked, “Miss Montgomery, socialize on your own dime. The other Mr. Maxwell and I have a business meeting that should’ve started five minutes ago.”

  Liam’s lips twitched as he turned his head in my direction. “Well, hello to you, too, little bro. Quinn and I were just catching up.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “I’m not going to tell you how to run your business, big bro, but I’m not interested in wasting time listening to you two gossip.” I opened my door wider and gestured for him to come in.

  Miss Montgomery rolled her eyes. “It was good seeing you, Liam. Tell Avery I’d love to come to dinner.”

  Now I directed my glare at her. “Why would they invite you to dinner?”

  She mirrored my expression. “Because your sister-in-law has someone that she’d like me to meet. For a date.”

  “She must not like this person very much, setting him up with someone so frigid.”

  I didn’t miss the way my brother’s eyes were volleying back and forth, clearly amused.

  Miss Montgomery scoffed. “I assure you I can be plenty warm when I want to be.”

  Goddammit, now my dick was getting hard, thinking about how hot and tight her pussy was. “Doubtful.”

  Her face reddened. “You unbelievably ego—”

  “You’re right, Ro. Time is money,” my brother interrupted. “Quinn, we’ll call you with the details.” He shoved me forward. “Let’s get to our meeting, shall we?”

  My jaw clenched as I walked into my office. I took a seat behind my desk, preparing myself for the inquisition.

  He shut the door. “What the hell was that about?”

  “What was what about?”

  Liam gestured toward the door. “The verbal foreplay with your assistant.”

  I scoffed and linked my hands behind my head. “Please. Your imagination is running a little wild, don’t you think?”

  My brother smirked. “Did you forget who you’re talking to? I know you better than anyone, Ronan. And I am positive you’re deflecting. My question is, what are you trying to hide?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t dip my dick in the company ink.”

  He barked out a laugh. “Famous last words, bud. I never did either before I met Avery.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, well, I’m not you. I would never fall for one of my employees. Just because it worked out for you doesn’t mean it was a good idea.”

  Liam finally took a seat in the chair in front of me. “I never said anything about falling in love. But you are fucking her, aren’t you?”

  I lifted an eyebrow. “Who?”

  Now my brother rolled his eyes. “Quinn.”

  I pushed back images of her pretty pink pussy. “No, I am not fucking Miss Montgomery. Nor will I ever be.”

  He propped his feet on the surface of my twenty-thousand-dollar desk. “So, you’d have no problem if Avery set her up with a client of hers?”

  I shoved his feet off and looked him straight in the eye. “Not at all.”

  “With an A-list actor?” Liam challenged. “One who’s been voted People’s sexiest man alive? You’re telling me you wouldn’t mind one bit if they went out on a date?”

  What the fuck? My brother and his wife owned a public relations firm that represented much of Hollywood’s elite. It wasn’t uncommon for them to arrange dates to drive publicity, but I couldn’t think of any reason why my sister-in-law would need Miss Montgomery for that.

  I shook my head. “I have no idea why Avery would want to torture the poor man, but I couldn’t care less about Miss Montgomery’s love life.”

  Liam sat there for a moment, digesting my words. “Interesting.”

  Since he obviously wasn’t planning to change the subject, I had to do it for him. “Can we cut the bullshit and get on with business? Do you have my press release?”

  Liam’s New York firm typically managed their corporate clients, but since we were family, and he was a significant shareholder, my company was the exception to that.

  He dug into his briefcase before placing a file in front of me. “It’s going out tomorrow.”

  I looked through the statement announcing our acquisition of two Hawaiian properties—one on Oahu and another on Maui. One of our competitors was struggling, on the heels of a scandal stemming from their former CEO’s nasty habit of paying for sex. You could bet your ass I was going to take advantage of their misfortune, especially in a place where tourism was high and vacant commercial land was scarce. “You could’ve just emailed this to me, you know.”

  “I know,” Liam shrugged. “But then I wouldn’t be able to see your
ugly mug. I also would’ve missed that aggressive display of sexual tension between you and Quinn. Avery’s gonna love hearing about that.”

  I clenched my jaw. “Isn’t it your job to mitigate false rumors? Nothing is going on between me and Quinn.” I frowned as I realized my mistake. I insisted on formalities when addressing people around here and my brother knew that. “Miss Montgomery. Nothing is going on between Miss Montgomery and me.”

  My asshole brother shook his head in disbelief. “Whatever you say, Ro. Whatever you say.”


  Later that day, Miss Montgomery walked into my office without invitation and dropped a thick folder on my desk.

  “A knock would’ve been nice.”

  She parked a hand on her hip. “If you wanted privacy, you should’ve locked the door.”

  I fingered the corner of the file, willing my dick to calm down. “What is this?”

  “The new promotional materials you asked for. A thank you would be nice.”

  I opened the folder and briefly glanced at the brochures. “Don’t hold your breath. I’m not going to thank you for doing your job. I think your paychecks do that for me.”

  Miss Montgomery huffed and crossed her arms, pushing up her ample tits. “Why do you have to be such an ass all the time? Have you ever heard the expression you catch more flies with honey? I know being nice is a foreign concept to you, but you should try it sometime. It sure as hell would make working here much more tolerable.”

  “If you’d like to lie down on my desk and spread your legs, I’ll show you how nice I can be.” I gave her a leisurely once over, not missing how her nipples perked up at the attention. “With my mouth on your pussy.”

  She scoffed. “In your dreams.”

  I gave her a wolfish grin as I rose from my chair and rounded my desk. She turned with me as I approached, her breath hitching as I placed an arm on either side of her.

  “What are you doing?” she whispered.

  I lightly grazed my knuckles over her perky nipples. “Your body seems to like that idea very much.” I bit the fleshy part of her earlobe before whispering, “I think you’d love it if I licked your pretty little cunt until your juices were dripping all over my face.”

  She shivered. “You’re a pig.”

  I wrapped my hand around her slim waist and pulled her into me so she could feel how hard I was. “That may be, but you want me anyway. Your pussy is dripping at the prospect of me devouring you with my tongue. Admit it, Miss Montgomery, and I’ll make that ache between your thighs all better.”

  “Shut. Up.” Miss Montgomery grabbed my tie, attempting to yank me down into a kiss.

  I lowered myself to the ground instead, putting me at eye level with my target. I pushed her skirt up and buried my nose in her slit, taking a lungful of air, breathing her in. Fuck, I loved how she smelled. “These are the lips I’m more interested in kissing right now.”

  She moaned as I moved her flimsy panties aside and teased her clit with the tip of my tongue. “Ah... God!”

  I swirled my tongue around her hole. “That’s Mr. Maxwell to you.”

  Her thighs clenched as I swung them over my shoulders. “Did you really just liken yourself to God?”

  I gave her one long lick from bottom to top. “No, sweetheart. You did.”

  “Unbelievable,” she muttered.

  Christ, she was warm and wet and tasted sweeter than I could’ve ever imagined. I could eat her pussy all goddamn day. I brushed my thumb over her slick hole, before moving it lower. I teased her ass while sucking her clit, and she loved every second of it. The only words that left her mouth were curses or pleas for more. Right as she was about to approach the summit, a knock came at the door.

  “Go away,” I shouted.

  “Uh...” the timid voice said through the door. “Mr. Maxwell, I have your lunch order. I’d normally give it to Miss Montgomery, but I can’t find her.”

  She propped herself up on her elbows and whispered, “Shit.”

  I smiled as I nibbled her inner thigh. “What do you say, Miss Montgomery? Should we invite him in? The door’s unlocked. He could turn that handle at any moment and get an eyeful of your soaked pussy, all swollen and greedy for me.”

  She whimpered as I went back to work on her clit. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

  “You filthy fucking girl,” I taunted. “You like the thought of getting caught, don’t you? It makes you hot, thinking about the new intern walking in, watching me eat your pretty cunt.”

  “Shut up!” she whisper-shouted. “He’ll hear you!”

  The persistent fucker knocked again. “Uh, Mr. Maxwell? What should I do?”

  I slid two fingers inside of her, curling them to hit her G-spot. “It’s your call, sweetheart.”

  “Make him go away, you jackass!”

  I sucked on her hot flesh, loving the way she squirmed as I did. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure, you idiot! Get rid of him and then make me come, for fuck’s sake!”

  I chuckled before speaking loud enough so he could hear me through the door. “Give it to someone else. I’m already eating my lunch and it’s quite delicious.”

  “Um... okay, whatever you say, sir. Enjoy your lunch.”

  I winked as Miss Montgomery met my gaze. “Oh, I will.”

  Her head fell back on a groan. “Asshat.”

  “Now, where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?” I parted her swollen lips with my index finger. “Ah, that’s right. I was about to make you scream my name.”

  She thrashed about, grinding her pussy into my mouth as I switched from licking to sucking to tongue-fucking. My cock was aching, the need to fuck was severe, but worshipping this she-devil’s cunt took priority over anything else. If this was my only opportunity to do this, I was damn sure I would make the most of it.

  Miss Montgomery’s hands were woven deep into my hair as she came, clenching around my fingers, quivering and whimpering, begging me not to stop. Her big brown eyes were fixed on me the entire time, and in that brief moment, everything else faded away. It was disarming—this hold she seemed to have on me. But in that moment, I didn’t care. She was fucking magnificent when she came, and I was willing to do anything to see her do it again.

  I was quickly learning that I was insatiable when it came to this woman. I couldn’t be around her for more than a few seconds without wanting to fuck her raw and ruthless, which was exactly what I intended to do. As I stood, I roughly grabbed her hips, flipping her onto her stomach. After freeing myself from the confines of my pants, I rolled her thong down to her knees and ground my erection into her ass.

  I leaned over and bit the shell of her ear. “Hold on to the edge of the desk. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.”

  I smiled as her body broke into chills as she heeded my command. I donned a rubber as fast as humanly possible and wasted no time guiding my cock into her dripping pussy.

  “Fuck,” she panted.

  Her juices were dripping down her thighs as I rutted into her like a madman. I dipped my hand between her legs, rubbing her slit as I trailed biting kisses down the graceful column of her neck.

  I spread her ass cheeks. “One of these days, I’m going to take this beautiful ass of yours.”

  She moaned. “That’s awfully presumptuous of you.”

  “Oh, really now? And why’s that?”

  “Because this is never happening again after I leave this room.” She yelped as I slapped her ass.

  “You say that now...” I bent my knees to change the angle a bit. “But we both know it’s only a matter of time before you’re begging for my cock.”

  “God, your ego knows no bounds.”

  I reached around her to pinch her clit. “It’s not arrogance; it’s confidence. Big difference, sweetheart.”

  She arched her back as I rolled her swollen bud between my fingers. “Just shut the hell up and fuck me, you miserable bastard.”

  I grinned. “Oh, baby, I love it when you
talk dirty to me.”

  Miss Montgomery growled. “I swear to God, if you don’t...” She gasped as I shoved myself into her with more force.

  I wrapped my fist around her long locks and pulled. “If I don’t what?”

  “Oh, fuck! Keep doing that!” I sped up and yanked on her hair harder. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

  She clearly liked the hair pulling because she instantly started spasming around my cock. As soon as she stopped clenching, I ground into her a few more times before my balls began to tighten. I pulled out of her and quickly ripped the condom off before shooting my load all over her curvy backside. I trailed my index finger through the cum decorating her skin, down her ass crack, right before delivering one final smack to the right cheek. Damn, I loved the sight of her pinkened skin.

  As I headed for my ensuite, I said, “Thanks for lunch, Miss Montgomery. You can show yourself out.”

  I smiled as I heard a string of curses as I shut the door.



  I hated him. I well and truly hated Ronan Maxwell. If I thought he was a miserable bastard before we had sex, I was sorely mistaken. Over the last two weeks, he had been worse than he’d ever been. It didn’t help that I was particularly salty lately—for reasons I refused to acknowledge—which meant my tolerance was nil.

  The man was on a tirade. Nobody could do right around here. He found a reason to nitpick everything. I was pretty sure that everyone in the building was going out of their way to avoid him, which only meant that I was an even bigger target, because I didn’t have that luxury.

  “Miss Montgomery,” Mr. Stick-Up-His-Ass barked, “if you’re done daydreaming, I need you in my office now.”

  I gritted my teeth and counted to ten inside my head before gathering my iPad and stepping through his office door.

  Mr. Maxwell nodded his head toward the door. “Close it.”


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