Billionaire Bosshole: An Enemies-to-Lovers Office Romance (Bedding the Billionaire Book 3)

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Billionaire Bosshole: An Enemies-to-Lovers Office Romance (Bedding the Billionaire Book 3) Page 5

by Laura Lee

  I looked behind me before turning back to him again. “Why?”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Funny, last time I checked, it wasn’t your job to question me.”

  I glared right back. “Well, sir, considering the outside door to the anteroom is closed, and we’re the only people still here, I don’t really see the point. Not to mention the fact that bad decisions seem to happen in this room when the door is closed.”

  He abruptly rose from his chair and stomped past me to shut the door himself. Whatever. He could be an ass all he wanted. At least I had the satisfaction of knowing I didn’t bend to his little power play.

  I casually took a seat and opened the note-taking app on my iPad. Maxwell Hotels focused on sustainability and being as eco-friendly as possible. It was one of the things that set us apart from the other luxury chains. In this office, that meant that we avoided hard copies whenever possible and we only flew commercial for business travel.

  “What’s on your mind?” I asked.

  He lowered himself onto the chair behind his ridiculously ostentatious desk. “I need you to work tomorrow.”

  I blinked rapidly, not sure that I heard him correctly. Mr. Maxwell worked at least seventy hours each week, and being his EA, I did the same, but he’d never asked me to come in on a weekend. Not once in the last two years, unless we were on a business trip. Weekends were sacred around here. Working for the corporate office was demanding, and in the interest of employee satisfaction, Mr. Maxwell had always ensured that our entire staff had those two days off so they’d come in on Monday morning fully recharged. It was one of the first things he’d implemented when he took control of the company.

  Personality-wise, he was a total dickhead, but Ronan Maxwell took care of his employees. No matter how much you hated the man, you couldn’t deny that. Our salaries were more than competitive with perks and benefits that were unmatched within the industry. I’m sure it helped that only a dozen or so people had contact with him on a regular basis, but regardless, our employee retention was one of the highest in any Fortune 500 Company.

  Mr. Maxwell drummed his fingers on his desk. “Are you planning to respond anytime this century, Miss Montgomery?”

  “Yes, I was going to respond. I’m just trying to figure out what possible reason you could have for needing me on a Saturday. I had plans.”

  “Well, cancel them.” His dismissive tone was really pissing me off.

  I gave him a hard stare. “It’s not as simple as that.”

  He raised an eyebrow in challenge. “Why not?”

  I had a date tomorrow afternoon. My first in over a year. I’d been talking with this guy that I met on L.A. Singles and I finally felt comfortable enough to meet in person. We were only planning to meet for coffee, but I was hopeful that could lead to another date for dinner. The excitement that one would normally have for a first date wasn’t there, but I chalked it up to a long week. This guy, Micah, was certainly attractive and seemed nice enough so I’d be a fool not to at least try. That was what I kept telling myself anyway.

  I cleared my throat. “If you must know, I have a date.”

  “Is that so?”

  I straightened in my chair, not liking his tone one bit. “Yes, that’s so. Do you have a problem with that?”

  How fucked up was it that I wanted him to have a problem with that? God, I needed help. Or a lobotomy.

  Mr. Maxwell stared at me for a solid minute, clenching his jaw. “Fine. You can have the weekend off. Now, get the hell out of my office.”

  I blinked a few times, shocked that he gave up so easily. I had become so accustomed to the push and pull between us; I was gearing up for a fight. Now, I didn’t quite know what to do with myself.

  “Did I stutter?” His nostrils flared. “Get. The. Hell. Out. Of. My. Office.”

  Well, the attitude is completely unnecessary, you asshat. But damn, why was I suddenly so turned on, I was tempted to hike up my skirt and ride him? Ever since we had sex, arguing with this man had become a twisted form of foreplay.

  I stood abruptly and clutched my iPad over my chest to cover my treasonous nipples. “Are we done for the day, then? It’s after nine and—”

  “Go home, Miss Montgomery. I’ll see you on Monday.”

  He didn’t need to tell me twice. I hurried out of his office and down to the parking garage as fast as I possibly could. If I had stayed there any longer, I had a feeling I would’ve done something really, really stupid.



  I looked up to find my date, Micah, standing next to the table I had sequestered. Coffee already in hand, I must’ve been spacing out and missed his arrival.

  “Hi, it’s nice to meet you.” I stood up to greet him by placing a chaste kiss against his cheek.

  Micah waited until I sat down again, proving that chivalry wasn’t dead after all. “I see that you already have a drink. May I get you a refill? Or a pastry?”

  I smiled. “I’m good for now, thanks.”

  Damn, he really was a gentleman, wasn’t he? And even better looking in person. Probably about six feet tall, bronzed skin, sparkly green eyes, and shaggy blond hair sprinkled with natural highlights. He wore a t-shirt that stretched across his broad chest with board shorts and flip-flops. This guy was one-hundred percent Southern California born and bred. He could easily be the poster boy for JS surfboards.

  Being a Southern Cali girl myself, this was the type of guy I was normally attracted to. Hell, now that I thought about it, every man I’d ever dated had similar features. Physically speaking, Micah and I matched. I was your typical girl next door and he was an all-American boy. We’d look right together. So, why was I wondering how this guy would look dressed in a designer suit? With darker hair and fuller lips? Ugh, I obviously had issues, that’s why.

  Determined to not think about my boss, I took a sip of my iced chai and faced my date. “Did you have any trouble finding this place?”

  “Nah,” he said. “My condo’s actually about a mile away. I love it here. Best cold brew in town.”

  “Well, I’m glad you didn’t have to go out of your way then.”

  Micah winked. “For you, I’d go the distance.” His tone implied he wasn’t talking about actual mileage.

  I chuckled. “I appreciate that.”

  He took a sip of his drink. “So, Quinn, what do you do for a living again?”

  “I’m an executive assistant in the hotel industry. You mentioned that you were an investment banker, right?”

  “I am.” He nodded and gestured to his clothing. “Although, at the moment, I seem to be going for beach bum. I hope you don’t mind. I can’t stand wearing monkey suits a minute longer than I have to.”

  “I know the feeling.” I laughed, motioning to my own attire. “If I’m not working, a tank top and cut-offs are pretty much staples for me.”

  Micah’s eyes dropped to my legs. “For what it’s worth, I definitely approve of this loo—”

  Movement out of the corner of my eye caught my attention, distracting me from what Micah was saying. “Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

  My date scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. “Is something wrong?” Micah followed my gaze to the two men entering the coffee shop. “Do you know them?”

  “Unfortunately.” I rubbed my temples to stave off the impending headache. Of course, he would find a way to ruin this for me. Driving me nuts was his superpower.

  Before I could say anything further, the man on the left noticed me and smiled. He nudged the guy next to him who, in turn, frowned. Yeah, right back atcha, buddy.

  “Quinn!” Liam Maxwell approached our table with a huge grin on his face. “What a nice surprise. What brings you to Malibu?”

  I gave him a tight smile. “I’m on a date.” Figuring I might as well get this out of the way, I turned toward Micah and gestured to the two men in front of us. “Micah Watkins, this is Liam Maxwell, and his brother, Ronan.”

  Micah was obl
ivious to the tension emanating from my boss as he stood to shake his hand. I was pretty sure he figured out something was wrong though when Mr. Maxwell squeezed his hand hard enough to make him wince.

  “Whoa, that’s quite a grip you’ve got there,” Micah joked. “How do you guys know Quinn?”

  “Miss Montgomery works for me,” Jerkface supplied.

  Understanding dawned in Micah’s eyes. I’d told him more than once while chatting online how demanding my boss was. “Ah. Well, it’s nice to meet you two.”

  Liam looked like he was trying really hard not to laugh. “Likewise. We were just grabbing some coffee to go.” He gave his brother a little shove toward the barista counter. “In fact, why don’t you go order our drinks, Ro.”

  Mr. Maxwell glared at Liam. “As long as it gets me out of here sooner.”

  “Do you live around here?” I asked Liam, trying to ignore the murderous glare his brother was sending my way from the other end of the store.

  Liam nodded. “I do. Our place is right off PCH about two miles down.”

  “Nice. So... what are you guys up to today?”

  His lips twitched. “We just had lunch at the café next door and now we’re on our way to play ball. Just stopping to get an energy boost first.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “What kind of ball are you playing in dress clothes?” Both men wore slacks and a collared shirt—designer, no doubt—with the top button undone. They looked impeccable, as always, but slightly more casual. Although, maybe casual wasn’t the right word. I didn’t think these men even knew what that meant. I’d always wondered if they owned normal people clothes like t-shirts or jeans.

  He laughed. “Basketball. I have a half court at my house. We can change into shorts there.”

  “Ah.” I couldn’t picture my boss wearing athletic clothing, let alone actually playing a game of basketball. Although, now that I was thinking about it, that’s all I could think about—both men playing one-on-one, shirtless and sweaty, basketball shorts hanging low on their hips.

  Damn, that was going to be useful later.

  Micah cleared his throat. Oh shit, I almost forgot he was here. “That’s cool, man. You two have a good game.”

  Liam smiled at Micah’s not-so-subtle brush off. “Right. I’ll see you later, Quinn. Avery should be calling you next week with details for dinner.”

  I nodded. “I look forward to hearing from her. Bye, Liam.”

  After the Maxwell brothers left the building, Micah asked, “Avery?”

  “His wife. She invited me over to their place for dinner. My boss is a dick, but his brother and sister-in-law are pretty great.”

  “Yeah, your boss seemed really... angry. Is he always like that?”

  I shrugged. “Pretty much.”

  Unless he was screwing me on his desk. He could be pretty damn friendly then. Damn it, I shouldn’t think about that.

  “So... you wanna take these lattes to go?” Micah asked. “Maybe hang out on the beach?”

  I looked him over as I contemplated his question. As much as I’d wanted—no, needed—the distraction, it wasn’t fair to lead him on. I knew within the first minute of meeting Micah that there wouldn’t be a second date. He was a perfectly nice guy, but there just wasn’t any spark.

  I sighed. “Actually, Micah, would you mind if we cut this short?”

  His disappointment was tangible. “Of course not. Maybe another time?”

  Gah, I hated this part. “Um... I really don’t think that’s a good idea. I’m sorry, but I’m just not feeling a connection.”

  Micah frowned. “Because you’re screwing your boss?”

  I shook my head. “I’m sorry, what?” Did he really just ask me that? “What would possess you to say something like that?”

  He laughed mockingly. “Oh, I don’t know... maybe the fact that the second he walked in here, your eyes were trained on him the entire time. And his were on you.”

  “They were not.”

  Shit, were they?

  “Plus, I’m pretty sure the dude tried to break my hand when he shook it. Look, Quinn, it’s really none of my business, but there’s obviously something going on there and as hot as you are, I don’t need the drama.”

  I grabbed my purse and stood, refusing to put up with this any longer. “You’re right, Micah. It really is none of your business. It was nice meeting you.”

  So much for chivalry.



  “So, you wanna try telling me again that nothing is going on between you and Quinn?”

  I dribbled the basketball before making my shot. “Give it up, Liam. There’s nothing to talk about.”

  My brother lined himself up for his own three-pointer. “Bullshit. Then why are you so pissed she’s on a date?”

  I shoulder checked him as I made my way to the basket. “I’m not. She can date whoever the hell she wants.”

  Liam grabbed the rebound and held the ball to his side. “Again, I call bullshit. You looked like you wanted to murder the guy. For a moment there, I was afraid I was going to have to bail you out of jail.”

  I rolled my eyes at his theatrics and gestured for him to pass me the ball. “You can afford it.”

  My brother’s PR firm had exponential growth from the start. Even without his shares in our family’s company, he was still worth ten figures.

  “Doesn’t mean I’d want to,” he laughed.

  I gave him a dry look and passed the basketball with a little more force than necessary. “Just drop it, all right? I’m done discussing this.”

  He grinned. “Whatever you say, man.”

  Liam and I played ball for a good hour before I was ready to call it quits. Physical exertion normally cleared my head, but for some reason, no matter how hard I pushed myself on the court, I couldn’t get Miss Montgomery off my mind. I kept picturing her long legs in those obscenely short shorts. Her perky tits beneath that tight top she was wearing. I couldn’t stop wondering if she was still on her date—if she and that douche had left the coffee shop. If, at this exact moment, she was fucking him while wishing it were me.

  I knew for sure that prick would try getting her into bed. What straight man wouldn’t? I swear, everything about her personified sex, with the seductive sway of her hips as she walked across a room. The sugary sweet smell of her skin that made my mouth water. Those cupid’s bow lips that she frequently painted red surely just to torture me. She had to know the effect she had on me. As much as I tried concealing the truth, I wasn’t that good of an actor.

  I’d never admit this to my brother, but I was pissed that she was on a date. When she’d told me about it last night, I damn near lost my shit. I had to kick her out of my office before I started acting like a jealous boyfriend. The sick thing was Miss Montgomery had every right to date. Logically, I knew that, but that didn’t stop me from feeling possessive. If I thought I could get away with it, I would’ve tied her to my bed so he’d think she’d stood him up.

  That thought in itself was ridiculous. Miss Montgomery hadn’t given me any indication that she’d be down for another round. In fact, she acted as if it had never happened, for which I should probably be thankful. So, why was I in the office, currently flipping through personnel files on a Saturday afternoon, with the intent of getting her home address?

  The woman drove me insane. That was the only plausible explanation.


  I’d been sitting in my car down the street from Miss Montgomery’s house for over thirty minutes. I was thankful for the foresight to shower in Liam’s guest suite before heading out, but on the inside, I was a mess. Hell, I had no idea if she was even home, more importantly, alone, but I was sitting here nonetheless.

  I was on a mission to do whatever it took to get this woman out of my head. I kept thinking that maybe the whole phenomenal sex thing had been a fluke. Maybe if we fucked one more time, it wouldn’t be nearly as good as I remembered, and I’d finally get her out of my system. I h
ad to try something. I certainly couldn’t continue like this—hating her but wanting her so badly. It was driving me fucking mad.

  I marched up the walkway to her little bungalow and banged on the front door. I braced myself as I heard shuffling inside right before the locks disengaged.

  Miss Montgomery opened the door a crack. “What are you doing here?”

  “Are you alone?”

  She furrowed her perfectly sculpted brows. “Why does it matter?”

  I had to work to unclench my jaw. “Are you alone?”

  She sighed. “Yes, I’m alone. Now, would you care to tell me why you’re standing on my front porch?”

  I wasn’t going to have this conversation in front of her neighbors, so I pushed the door open and forced my way inside.

  “What the hell?” Miss Montgomery shouted.

  Oh shit, of course she was wearing nothing but a bath towel. Was the universe fucking with me? A man could only handle so much. “I can’t do this anymore.”

  She clutched the towel like her life depended on it. Unfortunately for me, it only drew my attention even more to the swell of her breasts, rising and falling beneath the cotton. “Can’t do what anymore?”

  I gestured between us. “This. You and me. The constant arguing. The tension. Every-fucking-thing. I can’t do it anymore.”

  Miss Montgomery’s big brown eyes narrowed into slits. “I’ve said this before, but try not being such a jerk all the time. You’d be amazed how nice people would be to you in return.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I don’t give a fuck about other people right now.”

  She returned my eye roll. “Then what do you give a fuck about?”


  Before she could say another word, I lunged and slammed my mouth against hers. She opened for me without any hesitation. Her arms circled my neck as our tongues slid sensually against each other’s. Needing to feel more of her, I pinned her against the nearest wall and ripped the towel away.

  “Oh, God,” she panted as my fingers met her clit. Fuck, her pussy was already soaked, and I’d barely touched her.

  I bit her lower lip. “You like that?”


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