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Billionaire Bosshole: An Enemies-to-Lovers Office Romance (Bedding the Billionaire Book 3)

Page 6

by Laura Lee

  She moaned. “So much.”

  I gripped her breast with my other hand, rubbing the stiff peak of her nipple between my thumb and forefinger. “And that?”

  “Aaah... yeah.” She gasped as I thrust two fingers inside her, rubbing vigorous circles over her clit. “I need... ugh... God, I need more.”

  I removed my fingers and smiled against her lips as she whimpered in protest. “When I’m ready. I’m running the show here, sweetheart.” Before Miss Montgomery could question me—or kick me in the balls for that matter—I fell to my knees and hooked her right leg over my shoulder.

  Her muscles tensed as I ran my finger up her inner thigh. Goosebumps scattered across her flesh as I swept my fingers down the other leg, never quite going where she wanted me to. “Please...”

  I nuzzled her thigh, inhaling her musky scent. “Please, what, Miss Montgomery?”

  She groaned. “Please touch me. Lick me. Suck me. God, just do something!”

  I met her heavily lidded eyes and winked. “I’m only doing this because I love eating your pussy. Not because you asked.”

  “I don’t care why you’re doing it. Just do it!” Her hands clutched my hair as I began swirling my tongue over her clit. “Oh, right there! Don’t stop!”

  “So demanding,” I murmured.

  I licked and nibbled and sucked, until she was squirming so much, I had to hitch her other leg over my shoulder to hold her still. I wanted to memorize every plea, every expletive that leaped off her lips. I wanted to fucking devour every part of her. Ruin her for any other man. I wanted her to look back on this moment, knowing that no one else could ever make her feel this good.

  “So damn close,” she whispered.

  I could feel her impending release, in the way her muscles tensed, how firmly she gripped my hair. How aggressively she rolled her hips, pushing her sweet cunt into my mouth. I thrust two fingers inside of her again, fucking her hard while my tongue worked her nub. Her breaths grew ragged, her moans louder. When I twisted my wrist just right, while sealing my lips over her clit, Miss Montgomery cried out as her orgasm hit. Her legs shook around my head as she rode out the high, screaming in ecstasy.

  When she finally came down, I carefully set her legs back on the ground, ready to catch her if they gave out.

  She groaned. “You’re so goddamn good at that.”

  I laughed and wiped my forearm against my mouth. “I’m just getting started, honey.”

  My lips crawled up her body, leaving kisses all over her silky skin. As I reached her perfect handful tits, I closed my mouth over her dark pink nipples, licking and sucking each one until she was once again begging for my cock.

  “You’re wearing too many clothes,” she complained.

  I arched an eyebrow. “Do something about it then.”

  Miss Montgomery started pawing at my belt buckle, hastily undoing my pants as I released each button on my shirt. I reached behind me and grabbed my wallet, retrieving a condom before handing it to her. “Put it on.”

  She glared at me. “You put it on.”

  Christ, I loved her sass, but she was kidding herself if she thought she’d win this game. I leaned forward and bit the tip of her earlobe. “If you want my dick, Miss Montgomery, you’ll put it on.” I didn’t miss the resulting shiver from my words.

  I pushed my pants down just enough to free my cock. Her chocolate eyes glazed over as she watched me stroking myself. “You’re an asshole.”

  “You’ve mentioned this before.” I began moving faster, proving to her that I wasn’t going to give in. “I’m perfectly fine coming all over your tits, Miss Montgomery. Either way, the end result is the same. If you want my dick—which, let’s cut the shit, because we both know you do—then you’ll rip open that condom and slide it down my shaft.” I gave her gloriously naked body a slow once over and my dick jerked in response. “Better decide fast, though. Between your naked body and your attitude, I’m not going to last much longer.”

  She tore open the foil package. “You’re such a bastard. I don’t know why I’m even doing this.”

  I stilled her hand as she slid the condom over me. “Yes, you do. You may not like me, but you fucking want me. More than any other man you’ve met, I’d wager.”

  She gave me an icy stare. “Just shut the hell up and put your dick inside me.”

  Miss Montgomery squealed when I lifted her up and wrapped her legs around my waist. “I really don’t like being bossed around. You’re lucky I’m feeling generous.”

  “Ha!” she scoffed. “Do you even know what that word means?”

  She gasped when I pushed inside of her in one long thrust. “You certainly weren’t complaining when I was feasting on your pretty little pussy, now were you?”

  Her head fell back as I bent my knees and began moving in earnest. “”

  “Funny, I thought that’s what I was doing.” I pushed into her with a little extra force. “Do you need me to fuck you harder so there’s no question?”

  She released an adorable little growl. “I swear you keep talking just to annoy me.”

  “Payback’s a bitch, isn’t it?” I smiled and bit her lip. “You two have that in common.”

  Miss Montgomery slammed her hand over my mouth and glared. Her aggravation only made my dick harder, if that was even possible.

  I nibbled her palm until she pulled away. “Hold on.”

  It was the only warning she got before I ground into her with deep, merciless jabs. It was a little bit cruel, a lot hard, and easily the most erotic experience of my life. Miss Montgomery took everything I had to give with fervor, screaming in pleasure, clawing at my back. I knew the skin right below my neck was torn open, but I didn’t care. I wanted her to mark me. I wanted evidence that this was real.

  I was getting close, so I reached down and toyed with her clit, until she was a slippery, whimpering mess. I released a muffled groan as she clenched around me, choking my dick until I couldn’t hold back any longer. I hitched Miss Montgomery’s legs higher on my hips and plowed into her with as much power as I could manage while standing. Within seconds, I was falling with her, into that pleasurable void where nothing else mattered. Nothing but this feeling or this woman wrapped around me. Our situation was as fucked up as it could possibly be, but in that moment, I didn’t care.

  I slid out of her, carefully grabbing the base of the condom so it didn’t slip off. I spotted a powder room adjacent to the foyer, so after tying it off and pulling my pants up, I headed over there to toss it in the garbage. By the time I returned, Miss Montgomery was already shielding herself with the towel, indecision weighing heavily on her face.

  I cleared my throat as the reality of our situation sank in. “I think we can both agree that regardless of our mutual attraction, this can’t happen again.”

  It was the last thing on earth I wanted to say, but it needed to be this way. She was like a drug and quitting cold turkey was the only way to go. Whatever this was, wasn’t healthy for either one of us.

  A flicker of vulnerability flashed across her face before her eyes filled with fire. “Of course not. It was a stupid mistake. One that will never happen again. Now, please, get the hell out of my house.”

  I nodded as I showed myself to the door. “I’m glad we’re on the same page. I’ll see you on Monday, Miss Montgomery.”



  I needed help.

  Not only had I once again made the stupidest mistake of my life, but I wanted to do it again. And again. And as many times as I possibly could, before my body couldn’t take anymore. I’d spent last night tossing and turning, replaying my most recent encounter with Mr. Maxwell over and over.

  When I’d finally fallen asleep, things had gone from bad to worse. I woke up with a start, trembling, aching, on the verge of an orgasm. My dream about my boss had been so vivid, I could practically feel him touching me, still. My clit was throbbing so hard, I could feel my pulse be
tween my legs. All it took was a few quick swipes with my finger and I was falling over the edge, screaming his name.

  When I grabbed my phone off the nightstand, with every intention of inviting Mr. Maxwell over for a roll in the hay, I knew I had a problem. The timing of his delivery couldn’t have been worse, but he was right when he’d said we couldn’t do this anymore. Clearly my body wasn’t on board, so I decided an intervention was in order. People could stage their own interventions, couldn’t they? I could no longer keep this to myself, so I had to try something.

  Almost every Sunday, I met my two closest friends at this little café in Manhattan Beach for champagne brunch. When I arrived, Sylvie and Antonio were already there, sitting on the oversized patio with a fresh mimosa waiting for me. After greeting them, I sat down and chugged half the drink, needing some liquid courage for what I was about to confess.

  “Whoa, slow down there, Lindsay Lohan,” Antonio said. “Nobody wants to see you get white girl wasted before noon.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Very funny.”

  Sylvie frowned. “Why do you look like shit?”

  I rubbed my temples. “Jesus, you two. Is this harp on Quinn day? Can I at least have a minute before you attack?”

  Sylvie reached across the table and grabbed my hand. “Honey, what’s wrong? You obviously have something on your mind.”

  I was saved for a moment when the waitress arrived to take our orders. Since we came here so often, I didn’t need time to look at the menu.

  “I need to tell you something, but you both have to promise not to say a word.”

  “I promise,” they both said in unison.

  I took another fortifying sip. “I mean it. Swear on every Gucci accessory you own.”

  Antonio placed an open palm against his chest. “Ooh, this must be serious.”

  I nodded. “Dead serious. I did something really... stupid, and I need your advice. But if this gets out, it could be very, very, bad, so I need your word that it doesn’t leave this table.”

  “We swear, Quinn,” Sylvie promised. “Now, what’s going on?”

  I sighed. “I had sex with Mr. Maxwell. Three times.”

  Sylvie gasped. “Say what now?”

  At the same time, Antonio started choking on his drink and muttered, “Holy fuck.”

  I groaned and hung my head in my hands. “I know.”

  “How in the hell did that happen?” Antonio shouted. “Start from the beginning. And I want every single detail, including measurements.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. Antonio has had a massive crush on Mr. Maxwell since he started working for the company five years ago. Obviously, he knew it was futile, considering Ronan Maxwell didn’t swing that way, but I couldn’t exactly blame him for his obsession.

  I took a deep breath and told them everything from that first encounter in Mr. Maxwell’s office. Well, everything minus the intimate details, much to Antonio’s dismay. When I finished, my two best friends were uncharacteristically quiet. I fidgeted in my chair, uncomfortable with their silent scrutiny. These two were never speechless.

  I threw my hands up. “Neither one of you has anything to say?”

  Antonio held up his index finger. “I need a few moments to process.”

  I looked to Sylvie. “What about you?”

  She cleared her throat. “So, let me get this straight. You’re screwing Ronan Maxwell.”

  “Screwed,” I corrected. “Screwing would imply that I intended to continue this... whatever the hell it is.”

  “O-kay... so you fucked Ronan Maxwell. Three times. And not in the same night where you could chalk it up to being a one-off. Three different sexual encounters. And even though you hate the man, it was the best sex you’ve ever had?”

  I rubbed my hands over my face. “Yes, Sylvie, thanks for the reminder. I don’t need to rehash the details of my epic fuck up. What I need to know is how the hell I’m supposed to move past this? How do I make myself forget this ever happened?”

  Antonio fanned himself dramatically. “Honey, if I got Ronan Maxwell into bed, the last thing I’d want to do was forget it ever happened.” He sighed wistfully. “He’s the only man I’d ever consider bottoming for.”

  “Ugh, you’re missing the point!” I gave him a quizzical look when his last sentence hit me. “Wait... you’re normally on top? Really?”

  He and Sylvie both laughed. “Why is that so hard to believe? Don’t get me wrong, I love a little ass play, and I really love sucking dick, but by no means am I submissive in bed.”

  I thought about that for a moment. “Huh. Never would’ve guessed.”

  Sylvie waved a hand dismissively. “Enough about Antonio’s sex life. I have a really important question.”

  “What’s that?”

  Her hazel eyes sparkled with mirth. “Was I right? He’s hung like a horse, isn’t he? You’ve gotta at least give me that, Quinn.”

  I couldn’t help the grin that stretched across my face. “He really is.”

  She threw her hands up in a touchdown pose. “I knew it!”

  “But that’s beside the point,” I said. “Big dick or not, I can never go there again.”

  “Didn’t you already cover that?” Antonio asked. “I don’t get the problem. He said it could never happen again, you agreed, that’s the end of it.”

  I shrugged. “It’s not that simple.”

  “Why not?” he asked.

  “Because... I’ve told myself that before and look what happened. Like Sylvie said, one time, I could possibly brush off, but sleeping with him again, and then again, has made this messed up situation so much worse. My attraction to him is like nothing I’ve ever felt, Tone. There’s this constant buzz coursing beneath my skin whenever he’s near. It’s always been like that, but now that I know how mind-blowing sex with him can be, it’s impossible to ignore. It’s like every part of my body is attuned to his. I can sense when he’s nearby, for fuck’s sake. And I know that I affect him the same way. I don’t think I can go into work tomorrow and pretend like that... awareness doesn’t exist anymore.”

  Sylvie gave me a sympathetic look. “Honey, I don’t think you really have a choice. Unless you think quitting is an option.”

  I shook my head emphatically. “No, definitely not an option.”

  She sat up straighter. “Well, then, you’re just going to have to march in there tomorrow with your head held high and be the badass bitch we all know you can be. Just keep telling yourself that you refuse to allow Ronan Maxwell to fuck with your head.”

  “You make it sound so easy.”

  She takes a sip of her drink. “It’s not. But when you really set your mind to something, you’ve never failed. If anyone can do it, it’s you. You’ll just have to fake it until you make it.”

  Why did I have a feeling that was going to be much easier said than done?


  Monday morning had proven to be a complete clusterfuck so far. I came in a little early to gather my wits before Mr. Maxwell arrived. When he walked through my door, he didn’t even glance at me, as if acknowledging my existence was beneath him. He simply walked into his office, slamming the door behind him.

  Two minutes later, he sent me an email, telling me to cancel all of his morning meetings. When I asked a follow-up question, my email went unanswered. When I buzzed him through the intercom, the only response he gave was a clipped, “You’re a bright girl, Miss Montgomery. Figure it out.”

  I spent the next hour and a half rescheduling everything for later in the week, which wasn’t an easy task, considering I had to accommodate other people’s calendars. When Mr. Maxwell finally surfaced from his office around noon, I tried getting his attention because he needed to sign some reports, but he breezed right past me again, saying he was headed out to lunch.

  Oh, hell no.

  I grabbed my purse and practically ran down the hall to keep up with him, smiling in victory when I slid into the elevator right before the doors closed.

>   I went off the moment we were alone. “What is your problem?”

  Mr. Maxwell’s stupidly square jaw ticked. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Really?” I challenged. “So you haven’t been avoiding me all morning?”

  He scoffed. “Not everything is about you, Miss Montgomery. I’ve been busy.”

  I resisted the urge to punch him in the throat. “Oh, c’mon, do you think I’m stu—”

  The elevator stopped one floor down, cutting off our conversation. Of course, since it was the beginning of the lunch hour, by the time we made it halfway down the building, we were all packed in like sardines. You’d think the two people who called the elevator would’ve waited for the next car, but instead, they decided to force their way in. As bodies shifted around to make room, I was pushed back until my back was pressed against Mr. Maxwell’s front.

  I had to stifle a moan as I felt his growing erection nestled against my butt.

  “Hey Quinn, how’ve you been?”

  I looked in the direction of the voice to find Aaron from accounting. Jesus, could this situation be any more awkward? Aaron was the last man that I slept with before Mr. Maxwell, so I was literally stuck in a steel box between two lovers. This, right here, was why you should never sleep with someone from work.

  I smiled. “I’m great, Aaron. How about you?”

  He gave me a quick once over. “I’m good. You look incredible. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you, but then again, you were always beautiful.”

  Mr. Maxwell stiffened behind me and wrapped a possessive hand around my left hip. We were wedged in the back corner so Aaron couldn’t possibly see it, but I knew what he was doing—he was marking his supposed territory. Well, I’d show him. I dug the heel of my stiletto into his expensive ass loafers and smiled to myself when I heard a muffled grunt behind me.

  “Yeah, I don’t get to leave the executive floor too often these days. It was nice seeing you though. Have a good lunch.”

  Aaron’s smile faltered. “Yeah, you too.”

  Aaron had obviously gotten the hint and turned back around. He was a nice guy, but I definitely wasn’t interested, and I wasn’t going to use him to get back at my boss.


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