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Sapphire Danger: The Weaver Chronicles Book 2

Page 13

by Angie Cottingham

  “Fine. I’m going to take a nap then. Today has been fucking exhausting.” I say and head toward the stairs.

  I make my way up and flop down on the bed. I don’t even worry about my shoes. I feel bodies wrap around me but I’m too out of it to think about who they belong to.


  “Reegan. It’s so good to see you and two more of your handsome mates.” Nevaeh says from the meadow.

  “Who the hell are you?” Asher asks protectively.

  “Ah. The dragon shifter. It’s nice to meet you.” she laughs.

  “Ash, it’s ok. This is Nevaeh, the original weaver. Nevaeh, this is Asher and Jaymeson.”

  “Yes I see that sweetheart. So tell me, how goes the training?”

  “I’m sure you already know considering you watch me from Purgatory.” I say.

  “But I’m asking you dear to tell me. Believe it or not, I’ve been quite busy here trying to keep dark creatures from reaching hell and releasing Lucifer. It’s a full-time job.”

  “Wait, Lucifer is trying to break free? I thought it was Lilith we had to worry about?” Asher asks.

  “Of course it is but you haven’t dealt with the shit show going on close to home yet have you?” she asks with a shake of her head.

  “What does that have to do with this?” I ask.

  “Baby girl, when are you going to realize that everything is connected? I’d suggest you get to talking to the alpha and the elders and scooting your asses back to the academy.” she tells us and then disappears.

  We all seem to wake at the exact same time. I look to them and send Jaymeson to tell the other guys what happened in the dreamscape and I send Asher to call Aldair and check in. I lay there for a few minutes getting my bearings before I get up and head downstairs.

  The guys are all in the kitchen talking when I walk in. “Did you get a hold of Aldair?”

  “Yeah. He says it’s been quiet. Adeline is still gone as are Senior and Miles.” Asher says.

  “I wonder what they’re up to?” I ask thinking out loud.

  “I don’t know but I need to go see my dad. He has to sit down and talk with you. Maybe if he knows about the dream with Nevaeh he’ll make the time.” Jaymeson tells me and then he’s out the door and headed to the main house.

  Trent comes over carrying a plate filled with tacos and I can’t help but to smile and sigh. This man just gets me. “Marry me? I blurt.

  “Um. Are we talking about this now? With everything going on?” Trent asks me nervously.

  I look around and the guys are all looking at me. I realize what I said and quickly backpedal, “I was talking to the tacos.” I say around a full mouth.

  “Uh huh. Likely story.” Trent says and kisses the side of my mouth. I swallow and the food goes down heavy.

  “Seriously guys. I don’t expect anything from any of you. Marriage is a huge step and how would that even work? Aren’t there laws against marrying more than one person even in our world.?”

  “I don’t know about that but when the time comes, we’ll be expected to marry in order for me to take the throne.” Kalan says. “But we’re not there yet so let’s not dwell on that. We have other, more pressing matters to attend to.”

  “Yes, like orgasms. Lots and lots of orgasms.” Asher states as he throws me over his shoulder and runs up the stairs, the others following.

  Chapter 22: Jaymeson

  “Dad, we need to talk.” I call as I enter the house. When I don’t get an answer I search for him. I hear rummaging coming from his office so I head in that direction. “Dad, seriously we need to talk.”

  “I’m a little busy at the moment.” he says and I see he’s sitting there speaking with a woman that looks eerily familiar.

  “This can’t wait. It’s about Reegan.” I tell him. The woman’s shoulders tense and she looks over at my dad. He nods his head and she hauls ass out the door.

  “What was so important you had to ruin my meeting?” he says haughtily.

  “Who was that woman?” I ask. “She looks familiar.”

  “Who she is doesn’t matter. Now you interrupted me. Tell me what’s so urgent.”

  “Reegan had a dream. She pulled me in with her.” I start.

  “You interrupted me to tell me your mate had a dream?”

  “Well, yes but let me explain. Reegan has the ability to dream walk. Not just dream walk but also to weave dreams. When we sleep, she can pull us into her dreams and the original weaver can contact her that way.”

  “The original weaver is alive?”

  “That I don’t really know. It could be her spirit contacting Reegan but either way she said it was important for Reegan to speak to you and the elders. I need you to make time. Please.”

  “Fine. I will meet with her at the beginning of the feast tomorrow night.” He tells me. “Now get back to your mate.”

  “Thank you alpha.” I say tilting my head in respect. He just waves me off. I leave and head back to the house.

  Before I can get there, Sara grabs me. “Where’s Reegan?”

  “At the cabin with the guys. She’s had a long day.” I tell her.

  “She got wings, huh?”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I saw it in my mind. Will you tell her that I’m glad she didn’t get hurt and that they’re beautiful?” she asks timidly.

  “You saw them in your mind? Like a vision?”

  “Yup. I didn’t used to, not until Reegan came but now I do. Like the yellow-haired woman that wants to take Reegan away. She’s evil, big brother. You need to protect Reegan.”

  “What yellow-haired woman?” I ask her.

  “Don’t know. I just know she’s out to get Reegan and she won’t stop until she has her.” she says. “Love you Jaymeson. I’m glad you’re back home.” she says and skips away.

  My little sister is a seer. That’s not possible. That’s unprecedented. And it started with Reegan. I need to tell everyone what She said so I hurry my steps a little. When I get to the house, the kitchen is empty but Reegan’s plate is still sitting on the bar half eaten. I walk toward the living room when I hear her upstairs.

  “Oh fuck, Asher.!” I hear her call. I walk up the stairs toward her room. The sight that greets me when I open the door has all thoughts of my sister and her vision disappearing. Reegan is laying on the bed with her ankles and hands tied to the posts. She’s spread gloriously and she’s dripping wet.

  “You guys started without me.” I say huskily, quickly removing my shirt and pants.

  “What’d your dad say?” Reegan asks as Asher rubs his fingers over her clit.

  “Tomorrow night.” I swallow and my Adams apple bobs as I look at her. “Also, we need to discuss something else.”

  “Unless you discuss giving me an orgasm, there is no discussion.” she tells me.

  “Ok, discussion later.” I answer while walking closer to the bed.

  I kneel down by her ankles and Ash moves out of my way. I lean over and lick her from opening to clit. A growl escapes me as I taste her. My wolf is going insane with the taste. She’s so sweet. Like Strawberries and cream. I point out my tongue and use my fingers to open her up. I spear her on my tongue over and over again while I growl eliciting moan after moan from her. I pull my tongue away and lick her again. I bite down on her clit and she comes hard. I lap up all her juices, not letting any of it hit the sheets. When I’m done I crawl up her body and kiss her. Our tongues tangle as she moans again from tasting herself on my mouth. I pull back and back off the bed letting Trent take my place.

  He doesn’t hesitate as he unclasps her ankles and pushes both her legs up and out spreading her impossibly wide. He lines himself up and sinks deep into her. She screams out with the deepness of his cock and he takes on a punishing rhythm. His pace quickens as he gets closer and closer to his own release and with a cry he comes, taking Reegan over the edge with him.

  Asher takes his place and roll
s her over onto her stomach. Now her arms are crossed in front of her. Trent releases her hands as Asher grabs her arms and pulls them behind her for leverage. He enters her in much the same way Trent did. She screams out again but he doesn’t relent. He does let go of her arms to grab her hair pulling her back until she can look up at him. He pumps in and out of her. When he comes it's harsh, his dragon must have been riding him hard.

  Kalan comes over and shoves his cock down her throat while Asher holds her around her throat. While he takes advantage of her mouth I walk to the ensuite and run a bath. I know Bentley won’t take her right now. He likes to watch but he is private about what he does in the bedroom. The night she and I mated was the first time I had ever joined my brothers. Asher and Trent have shared before but I never felt comfortable joining them and I know Bent was never into it for other reasons.

  Once I have the bath run, I step back into the bedroom and see that the guys are finished. I walk over to the bed and lift Reegan into my arms. I carry her over to the bathroom and shut the door behind us. The guys won’t bother us. They know that if I took her into a private space it’s so we can be alone.

  I kicked off my boxer briefs before getting her so I step into the bath and lower us both in the water, making sure her back is to my front. I cup water in my hands and drip it onto her skin.

  “Are you sore?” I ask her.

  “In the best way.” she returns causing me to chuckle.

  “They weren’t too rough with you?” I ask.

  “No. I like it any way you guys give it to me.” she answers honestly. “So your dad will meet with me tomorrow?”

  “Yeah. He said right before the feast, his time is yours.”

  “Good, what else did you want to talk to me about?” she turns her head to look at me.

  “Sara stopped me when I was on my back. She said to tell you she’s glad you’re ok and your wings are beautiful.”

  “How?” she asks.

  “She said she sees things in her mind. She said she couldn’t do that before you came here. Reegan, I think somehow you gave her the power of a seer.”

  “I don’t know what to say to that or what to think about it.”

  “There’s more. She said she sees the yellow-haired woman and that she was after you and wouldn’t stop until she got you.”

  “You think it's the same woman from Asher’s dreams and the one that spelled Calista and Sophia?”

  “Yeah. Who else could it be?”

  “This changes nothing. I still need answers about my parents and I need to deal with Senior and that threat before I worry about another one.” she states.

  “Ok sweetheart. I’m with you whatever you decide.” I answer her with all the sincerity I can.

  We sit in the tub together until the water starts to chill. I help Reegan dry off before wrapping her in a towel and carrying back out into the bedroom. Sitting in a chair on the little balcony is Bentley.

  “I’ll give you guys some time.” I tell her, kissing her softly.

  “Will you sleep in here with me tonight?”, she asks.

  I nod and exit the room.


  I walk over to the balcony making sure that my towel is secure before I step out the French doors. I step in front of Bentley. He pulls me down so that I’m straddling his lap.

  “You alright?” I ask him. He doesn’t raise his eyes to me. Instead he pulls me closer and sinks his head into the crook of my neck. “Bent. You always expect me to answer you. I expect an answer too.”

  “I’m ok. Just thinking.” he says sadly.

  “Please talk to me. You know I’m here for you; for anything.” I reassure him.

  “When I saw you fall today it was the first time in years I wanted to release my wings. You’re changing me and I don’t know how to feel about that.”

  “I’m not changing you. I’m just drawing out that part of you that you keep trying to hide. Why haven’t you wanted to release your wings?”

  “They’re ugly and a reminder that I’m a mixed breed. It’s different for people like Calista that are two versions of dark creatures. It’s frowned upon for a light creature to mate with a dark one.” he says. He sounds so lost.

  “Show me them please?” I plead.

  He loosens his hold on me just a tad and lets his wings come out. They’re a deep gunmetal grey with black and white interspersed throughout. “They’re gorgeous and they’re perfect.”

  He looks up at me with pure adoration in his eyes. No one has ever told him how beautiful his wings are. It doesn’t make him less that he is of mixed heritage. It makes him so much more.

  I frame his cheeks with my hands and say, “Bentley you are seriously one of the most gorgeous men I have ever seen and I love your wings. They’re a part of you and I will always love every part of you.”

  He leans his head down to meet mine and we kiss. It’s slow and full of my promise to him and his love for me. Bentley completes me in a way I can’t describe. I’ve said it before but as much as I love all my guys, there’s something extra special between us.

  I find myself lifted while Bentley releases himself from the confines of his pants. He lowers me down until he’s sheathed completely in my heat. I moan and he catches it with his mouth. He grabs the towel where it ties in front of me and releases it so that it falls to the balcony floor. He leans down and takes one nipple into his mouth and sucks while palming the other. His hands explore me and then when he gets to my hips he grasps them. He raises me up his length and slowly pulls me back down. I try to move faster but he won’t let me. He controls this. At this moment, he controls me. I roll my hips in circles with each sinking of his cock. He’s such a hard man any other time but while he’s inside of me he’s gentle.

  After a few more minutes, he releases my hips giving up control. I bounce up and down and as my breasts bounce with me he grabs them and squeezes them together loving them both with his tongue. It feels so good. He lifts me easily and carries me inside to the bed. He lies down with me still on top and I ride him like he’s my favorite pony. I lay down on him and he crosses his arms behind my back taking over the thrusting but he still keeps things slow. His wings wrap us in a cocoon. I didn't even realize they were still out. Bentley makes me feel cherished but most of all, even though we’re both lost in the moment, I feel the most protected I’ve ever felt.

  Chapter 23: Reegan

  “I’m hungry.” I tell Bentley not long after we make love. “I didn’t get to finish my tacos.” I pout.

  “Yeah? You want to go down and eat or you want me to go grab them for you?” he asks, kissing me on the shoulder.”

  “I don’t want to move.” I tell him. “I’m comfy.”

  “Fine. I’ll go.” he says and then places a smack on my bare ass. I squeal and give him a sideways glance as he pulls on his boxer briefs. His ass is a glorious sight to see when he bends down. “Were you checking out my ass?” he asks me over his shoulder.

  “Yep.” I say popping the p.

  He chuckles and tosses a shirt to me to put on. It’s his. I pull it over my head and then grab the fabric and sniff. It smells like him, a mixture of fresh air and bergamot. He comes back shortly with my food, now hot and a plate for himself. We sit and eat in silence. It’s comfortable. When we’re done he takes the plates and places them on the dresser by the door. Then he comes back and lays against the headboard. I curl into his side and lay my head on his stomach. He grabs the remote off the nightstand and turns on the television. We binge some “Supernatural” for a while. I must fall asleep because when I wake up, his spot on the bed is empty.

  I get up and open the door. I don’t hear anything so I open up myself to my power. I open up my hearing. The voices are still too far away but at least I know they’re in the house. I walk down the stairs and toward the back of the house. I find the guys in a game room I hadn’t noticed. They’re all crowded around a billiards table. When I enter
Trent sees me first and comes over to kiss me. I kiss him back and then turn my attention to their game. We may not have had video games in Elfame but we did have billiards and I love to play.

  “I play the winner.” I say walking over to the table.

  “We play for stakes.” Jaymeson warns.

  “That’s fine. I’ll play.” I tell him.

  Kalan walks over to me. “They have no idea what they’re getting themselves into.” he whispers in my ear and covers it with a kiss to my ear.

  They really don’t. Kalan and Aldair taught me well. I can hang with the best in billiards but they don’t need to know that. Their game continues for a while but Bentley finally wins. He looks at me with a cocky smirk. “You ready for this Angel?”

  “Yeah. I think so.”

  “Name your stakes.” he volleys.

  “Hmmm. If I win, you teach me to fly.”

  “Ok. That can be arranged and when I win, you’ll be on your knees in front of me with my cock shoved so far down your throat, I’m all you’ll taste for days.” that cocky smirk is back on his face.

  I let Bentley break and he knocks in one solid and one stripe so he chooses to be solids. He goes for his next shot and loses. He doesn’t leave me any obvious shots so I walk around the table for a minute before I see a shot. I have to lean way over the table and when I do, I can hear all the guys groan. I’m still in Bentley’s shirt with no underwear. The curve of my ass can clearly be seen. I make my shot and move on to the next. As I lean down for this shot, I feel fingers graze my thighs and ass.

  “You look good in my shirt Angel. Maybe I’ll make you wear it while you’re on your knees.” Bentley says. I can’t tell if he’s serious or joking. I groan again as he slides his hand between my legs only to remove it after the feather light touch.

  “Stop trying to distract me.” I say and sink my next ball. I run the table and when we’re done I do a little happy dance. “I win. I win.” I sing.

  “Yeah, yeah. I’ll teach you to fly.” Bent says.


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