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All's Were That Ends Were: Soulmate Shifters World (Soulmate Shifters in Mystery, Alaska Book 6)

Page 12

by Krystal Shannan

  “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” Tor said, whispering into her ear. His slid both his hands up her stomach and to her breasts, cupping them both. Kneading and massaging and gently tweaking her nipples until they hardened again under his efforts.

  “I can’t—there’s no more,” she said, pulling at his hands.

  But Tor didn’t release her breasts and he wrapped his ankles around hers, effectively pinning her down from beneath.


  “There’s more, shuarra. So much more.”


  The exam room was pleasant. Lightly geometric patterns in yellow and green crisscrossed the walls. Soft instrumental music played through the speakers in the ceiling.

  A small woman in bright pink scrubs bustled into the room with a wide smile. “Hi mom and dad. Are we ready to look at a baby?”

  The sonogram technician pulled out a tray and opened a tube of gel. She flipped some buttons on a screen next to the bed and monitors and machines whirred to life.

  “There are babies,” Kann said.

  “Babies? Multiples. Awwww,” she said in a sweet voice. “That’s exciting. So, this isn’t your first sonogram.”

  “No this is our first. But we know there are four,” Kann continued.

  “Kann,” Penny said, squeezing her mate’s hand. “He’s just guessing. He’s convinced he can hear their heartbeats.”

  The sonogram technician gave her a suspiciously raised eyebrow. The one people give when they think you’re lying or crazy. Or both.

  Kann met Penny’s gaze and then nodded in understanding. He’d forgotten normal people couldn’t hear their baby’s heartbeats inside their mate’s wombs.

  “Well, that’s quite a guess. Can’t say that I’ve ever done a sonogram of quadruplets.” She pulled up Penny’s gown and folded it over her breasts, uncovering just her very round belly. “How far along are you? You look further than your chart said.”

  “Six months,” Penny said.

  “This is going to be cold,” the woman said, squirting some gel onto Penny’s stomach near her belly button.

  Penny sucked in a quick breath. Cold? More like ice.

  “Where will we see the babies?” Kann asked. Penny was so proud he called them babies and not young.

  “Right about…now,” the tech said. She pointed to the largest monitor. The swishing sound is the heartbeat. And then…wow. Yes, there’s another heartbeat.” She kept sliding the wand across Penny’s stomach. “And I’m pretty sure there is another.” She moved the wand all the way to the side of Penny’s belly. “I don’t believe this. I think there’s another. I think daddy was right. There’s four. No wonder you’re so big already, momma. Quadruplets. They look strong. All the heartbeats are very strong and steady.”

  “Those do not look like babies,” Kann said, his tone irritated.

  The tech laughed. “Hang on, we’ll start over. I went fast because I was surprised you really were having four.” She moved the wand back to the top of Penny’s belly and then pointed at the screen. “Here’ baby one, your first girl.”

  “Girl?” Penny asked. “You can tell? They’re big enough.”

  The tech pointed to several places on the monitor. “Legs. Nothing. She’s a girl and she’s not hiding. This one also is letting it all hang out.” The wand rolled down lower on Penny’s belly. “He is one hundred percent a boy.”

  “A boy and a girl,” Kann said, his voice filled with amazement. “I didn’t realize your picture machine would be able to see the gender of the babies.”

  “Oh yes, this far along we can easily see it as long as the babies aren’t hiding. Now your other two, though, they are turned where I can’t really see.” She moved the wand several times and pointed. “They’re in there playing Twister. But you’ve got at least one of each.”

  Tears welled in Penny’s eyes. A boy and a girl. Two that would be a surprise.

  “Shuarra?” Kann touched Penny’s cheek, wiping away a tear. “Are you in pain? Should I send the woman away?”

  “No, no. I’m fine. Just a little overwhelmed.”

  “Would you like me to print out the pictures?” the tech asked.

  Kann nodded quickly. “Yes, I must be able to show the others.”

  Penny smiled at the pride puffing out her mate’s chest. His excitement and joy was contagious and helped pull her out of the terrified, slightly panicked state she’d slipped into thinking about how she was going to legitimately take care of four babies at once.

  He leaned down over her and kissed her, devouring her mouth like he hadn’t kissed her in years. His tongue plundered her mouth, hungry and needy.

  An uncomfortable throat clearing reminded them both they had had an audience.

  “You blush so pretty,” he said with that Cheshire cat grin only Kann could pull off. “And you taste even better. Our babies are going to be beautiful.”

  “Here’s your photos,” the tech said, handing Kann the prints. “Please don’t take too long to get dressed,” she said with a chuckle and closed the door softly behind her.

  Heat sizzled up Penny’s cheeks. “Kann!”

  “What? You liked it. You always like it when I kiss you.”

  “That’s not it. It’s just. It’s public.” Penny sat up, pulling down her gown. “Help me. My butt is stuck to this bed.”

  “Of course, my shuarra.” He slipped an arm under her legs and another around her back, lifting her easily off the awkward exam table. He set her gently down until her feet were solidly beneath her again, but not before he copped a feel of both boobs and her butt.


  “I can’t help it. You’re just so beautiful and lush and I just want to bite all over you.”

  She looked up into his bright blue eyes and grinned. “You’re terrible. This is how we ended up pregnant with four babies. What am I going to do with four babies?” Her tone got desperate and higher pitched on that last sentence.

  “We will get help from everyone. And if we need more help, we’ll find it. Remember the purr.”

  “You’re not always going to be around, and I can’t purr.”

  Kann cupped her face in both his hands. “One problem at a time. We can do this. And you are not alone. Not anymore, Penny. You have a big family. A tribe.”

  “A tribe,” Penny repeated. She knew that. Naomi was like the sister she’d never had. Tara was great too. Penny took a deep breath. “I can do this. We can do this.”

  “That’s right,” Kann said, his tone exuding complete confidence. “Now, let’s get back home. I’ve been informed there’s a meeting about the threat tonight at the bar.”

  “I want to be there too,” Penny said. “You’re not leaving me out of this. I’m the one that taught all of you to how to use firearms anyway. I’m perfectly capable—”

  “That is not why I don’t want you there and you know it, love.”

  “I’m going, Kann.”

  He frowned and crossed his arms over his chest. “I know.”



  It was like she was addicted to him. Every time she walked through the kitchen, she found an excuse to touch or kiss him. Not that he seemed to be complaining. After their foray into mind blowing orgasms earlier today at his place, it was all she seemed to be able to think about.

  Which was likely the goal of his endeavor in the first place. Wicked amazing man.

  “I swear to the Almighty above, if I see you cop a feel one more time, I’m leaving, and you can cook and bartend all by your lonesome.” Liam said, his voice bellowing like a foghorn through the pass-thru window.

  Everyone at the bar laughed.

  Heat rushed to Dawn’s cheeks and she hurried from the kitchen with two plates in her hands to deliver the order of chicken fingers to their table.

  “Don’t be jealous,” Tor shouted back, causing another round of laughter to billow from the patrons seated at the bar top.

  Liam cursed again, directi
ng his wrath at Tor like an over-protective father. He caught her before she went into the kitchen and leaned down. “You doing okay? He’s not being pushy?” Liam said, keeping his voice low.

  Dawn smiled. He wasn’t mad. He was just watching out for her. It was still strange to her to have gone from no one in her life that truly cared for her to having a group of people looking out for her like she was part of their family.

  “I promise. It’s good. I like him a lot.”

  The old soldier harrumphed and straightened to his full height. “As long as you’re good.”

  “I am. He’s a good guy.”

  “I’m not denying that. His group of outsiders took to this town and claimed it as their own. Never seen it happen so fast before. Mystery is usually wary of outsiders. Takes years to win us over. These guys just strolled in and won over everyone.” Liam ducked back behind the bar, still talking. “I swear it’s like they grew up here. And they keep pairing off. Serious pairing. Some of them have already gotten married and it’s only been since January that they got here. Two of them already have babies on the way.”

  Married? Babies?

  Dawn wasn’t looking for marriage again any time soon. Babies sounded scary. Not that she didn’t want to have kids one day with the right guy. And maybe that guy was Tor. But she didn’t have to cross that bridge yet. She was fine starting a relationship with Tor. Even a really committed one.

  “Just thought you should know his intentions.”

  “He said he wanted to marry me?” Dawn asked, keeping her voice low. She leaned over the bar top toward Liam. “Like said that out loud to you?”

  “No,” Liam said. “I’m just telling you what I’ve observed from their group.”

  “You act like they all live together in some weird cult family.”

  “They are building cabins out on the river together.”

  Okay. So maybe there’s some questions I should be asking in between the amazing orgasms.

  “They are not a weird cult family,” Ryder said, walking over from where he’d been standing close to the doorway. “They are just really close and all from similar backgrounds. When you all get uprooted at the same time, it’s nice to have something in common with people when you start to rebuild your life.”

  “You sound like you want to be out there with them,” Dawn said, watching Ryder’s face closely, looking for any clues about his feelings. His tone of voice certainly supported that theory. Sadness. Wistfulness.

  “Won’t happen. Col and I don’t get along.” Defeat flashed through his eyes and Dawn felt his sadness like it was her own. She wanted to hug him, but stopped herself, surprised that she was instantly aware of Tor watching her from the kitchen pass thru.

  “But you’re saying you share a background with Tor and the others I’ve met.”

  “It’s not my story to tell. When Tor’s ready, he will. Just give him time.”

  “He was patient with me and my crazy, I suppose it’s only fair that I do the same.”

  “You’re a good woman, Dawn. Tor is blessed to have you in his life.” Ryder tipped his chin at Tor and then ambled back over to the door.

  No ‘he’s a lucky bastard’. Nothing about how he or she didn’t deserve each other because one or the other was ‘out of their league’.

  He called her a blessing.

  They might be an odd bunch, but she liked them so far and they’d done nothing but show kindness to her and treat her like part of the family.

  She’d been so embarrassed when they’d left Tor’s cabin and had to walk past his roommate Saul. Her face had to have been brighter than a ripe tomato. But he hadn’t made any comments. He hadn’t tried to tease her.

  The man had smiled and waved and said ‘welcome to the family, Dawn’. She’d managed a thank you and then they’d left. Polite. Non-invasive. Non-threatening.

  Liam could think what he wanted, but she had a feeling there was a lot more to this group of friends than could be seen on the surface by the town. She glanced over at Tor and read the worry in the lines on his forehead. She smiled at him and headed back through the swinging door to the kitchen to grab the next order. It was good to be working. Busy. Not thinking about the guys who had tried to kidnap or kill her early this morning.

  She was surrounded by people. Tor and Ryder were watching everyone who entered the bar like predator stalking prey. Ryder went outside and circled the building every ten or fifteen minutes since all the windows were boarded up and the three men wanted to know what was going on everywhere at all times.

  Dawn leaned against the counter at last call around eleven. The afternoon and evening working at the bar had gone by quickly and been uneventful. People in town were outraged by the vandalism but pleased that they’d found a way to still open and serve alcohol and food. Some of the patrons had actually thrown extra money in the tip jar with the stipulation that it go toward replacing the windows.

  “I can stay. It’s no trouble. That chair back there is plenty comfy to sleep in,” Liam said, standing next to the bar, stubbornly refusing to leave.

  “I have people coming who are going to watch outside and inside. Go home, get some real rest, Liam. Knox and Ryder will be back in a couple of hours.”

  “Liam, you have been amazing, but Tor’s right. There’s plenty of people watching me. I feel like the president’s daughter right now,” she said with a chuckle. “I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon for opening.”

  Liam sighed. “Fine. But you call me if anything happens.”

  “She’ll be fine.”

  “I promise, Liam.” Dawn said, giving the bartender a hug and quick kiss on the cheek. “Get some rest.”

  Liam’s cheeks turned red at the show of affection, but he returned Dawn’s hug and gave Tor a quick nod before leaving the bar and locking the door securely behind him.

  “He has keys?” Tor said, once he heard Liam’s truck start up and drive off.

  “Of course he has keys. He’d been running the place for years.”

  Tor fidgeted for a few seconds before grabbing Dawn around the waist and dragging her against his chest. “So, I have to worry that he’ll come barging back in at any moment?” He bent and kissed her chin and nibbled his way down her neck.

  “Mmmm,” Dawn said, arching her neck to give Tor more access. “I guess you better make the most of your time then before my other bodyguards arrive,” she said, raising her arms to his neck and pulling herself closer.

  “They will not guard your body. That is my job, alone,” Tor said, his voice filled with a desire that lit Dawn’s body on fire. He grabbed her wrists and raised them above her head, pulled her shirt and bra off her body in one move. Her breast flopped free and she shivered in the cold air. She was naked in the front of the bar.

  “We’re sure everyone is gone, right?” She said, crossing her arms over her breasts.

  “Not a single soul remains,” Tor said, bending and trailing kisses down her shoulders, her arms. He circled her, kissing a different part every few seconds. “I would never let another man look at you this way, shuarra.”

  He was in front of her again. He bent and kissed her stomach, then he was unfastening her jeans and before she could make an objection her pants and panties were around her ankles.


  “Shhh, you said I had to make the most of my time. I’m very hungry. I haven’t eaten all day and you smell divine.” He wrapped his arms around her waist, lifted her off the ground and walked her forward until the bar stopped them.

  He lifted her higher and sat her on the bar top in front of him. “Perfect,” he said, his voice taking on a really sexy purr that had her trembling with anticipation. She ached for him to touch her. Kiss her. Anything really.

  He lifted her and moved her down to the end of the bar and turned her sideways so that her legs bent at the knees and dangled down, then he pressed his hand against her collarbone and pushed until she was lying flat.

  “Should I be worried?
” Dawn asked, tipping her head up just a little to watch him moving around.

  “Not at all. I’m about to enjoy a meal.”

  Again with the tingling girly bits. When he talked like that it turned her whole body into a mushy puddle of goo.

  He disappeared for a moment, returned with a rolled-up towel that he placed under her head to act as a pillow of sorts. Then he moved to stand between her legs, pulled her even closer and positioned her legs onto his shoulders putting his face so close to her sex she could feel his breath on the insides of her thighs.

  Tor didn’t hesitate. Not for a moment. He grabbed hold of her hips and then began doing things with his mouth that Dawn hadn’t realized was humanly possible.

  “Tor,” she said, her voice a gasp. “Tor.”

  “Mmmm, you’re going to come fast this first time.”

  First time. “I—I—”

  She lost her ability to think as the orgasm crashed down on top of her like tsunami breaking on a beach. She exploded from the inside out and nearly sat straight up on the bar top.

  He relaxed his pace for a few seconds, giving her just enough time to come down from the high. Then his tongue started it’s magick again.

  He released a hip and moved his hand to slide a finger inside her, curling it up until it stroked that special place no one had ever paid any attention to before.

  Tor’s movements were slow and languid now, teasing and easy, pulling her up and letting her down. He moved his mouth around, kissing the insides of her thighs, then above her mound, then right on her again. All the while continuing to push his fingers deep inside and then pulling them slowly out, rubbing just enough against her inner walls to make her whimper with need.

  “I do love those sounds you make. The way your skin pinks and blushes from head to foot. The way you taste makes me never want to let you off this bar.”

  “We still have to clean this bar before Knox and Ryder get back here,” she said, between pants. His rhythm changed again and the pulsing pressure inside was building again like a volcano working towards eruption. “Oh—”


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