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The Baby: A Steamy Rock Star Romance (Cruise Control Book 3)

Page 14

by Sian Ceinwen

  Sebastian dropped his head to hers and kissed her lips softly. “I know, you’re just always so straightforward with me, and you were right when you told me in Seattle we need to be able to talk about this shit if we’re going to make this work.”

  “Oh, which reminds me of something I thought about when I was talking to your mom,” Lita said.

  “What?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Can I ask for another ground rule? No sleeping with someone else if we’re in the same city. I know you don’t want to be beholden to anyone, but I really dislike the idea of you sleeping with someone else if I’m available. Obviously, if we’re in a relationship with someone else, that’s different. Just—no randoms.” Lita chewed her lip as she waited for his response.

  Sebastian smiled. “That’s fine, Lita. I won’t sleep with any random women if you’re in the same city as me. As if I would choose a random over the person who gives me kind of epic sex anyway.

  “Also, you should know that when we chose to keep the baby, I accepted part of that was being beholden to ‘a baby mama and a kid,’ as you put it that day. You and this baby will always be my priority, Lolita. You come first, especially over any random woman I might come across.”

  Lita wrapped her arms around him and they hugged for a while. Now and then, she was amazed by how much Sebastian was coming to mean to her. She’d only known him in person for ten weeks, and it had only been a month they’d been doing whatever it was they were doing, but she knew she would be bereft if he weren’t in her life now.

  “Come on, princess, let’s go find the others and see what they’re up to.” He smiled at her as he kissed her one more time before they left the room.

  Lita was ecstatic when they made their way downstairs and followed the sound of voices to find the others were in a games room, playing pool. She saw this pool table was a replica of the one in his apartment, the same white stone with black felt and the Cruise Control symbol in the middle.

  “Yes!” she exclaimed.

  “Oh god,” Harrison said when he saw her. “There goes our chance of winning any more games of pool.”

  “Nice to see you again, Harrison,” Lita grinned at him.

  Gabriel and Hayden were playing a game, and Lita was displeased to see Blake standing at the side of the room. She said hello to Gabriel and Hayden as they approached the pool table.

  “Hey Gabriel, hey Hayden. Blake.” Sebastian said the last name in a cool tone.

  “Sebastian, thanks for the invitation. Nice place you’ve got here,” Blake said.

  Sebastian glanced at Hayden before replying, “Yeah, thanks. I like it.”

  “I see you got lucky the night I saw you last,” Blake smirked at Lita, and she glared at him.

  “I see you’ve managed to convince Hayden to take your sorry ass back,” Sebastian replied.

  “So sensitive, Sebastian.” Blake laughed off the comment.

  Sebastian shrugged, but Lita could see he was annoyed.

  “I always said you were bound to knock someone up one day,” Blake said and shot a smug look at Lita.

  There was silence in the room for a moment, and Lita was unsure of what to say. She could feel the tension rolling off Sebastian and was grateful when Heather said, “Are you not going to introduce us, darling?”

  Sebastian glared at Blake for another second before he turned and walked away. He made his way across the room to stand beside Harrison, who was sitting on one of the stools with his arms around Heather. Sitting on the stool next to him was Ariana Chamberlain, Gabriel’s fiancé.

  Sebastian indicated toward the two women. “Ariana, Heather, this is Lita. Lita, this is Ariana, and you already know my lover.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Lita said, shaking Ariana’s hand, and was surprised when she turned to Heather, who put her arms around her for an unexpected hug.

  “It’s so good to finally meet you!” she exclaimed. “I feel like we know each other already.”

  “Oh, Lita will definitely know things about you, lover,” Sebastian laughed, and Lita elbowed him in the stomach.

  She looked up at him, locking her gaze with his, and said, “Remember when I said I’m trying to find my place? That’s not going to help.”

  Sebastian looked down at her for a few moments before giving her a soft smile. “Sorry, princess. Just ignore my shitty joke, guys.”

  There was silence, and Lita looked around the room; the pool game had stopped, and everyone was looking at them.

  “What?” Lita asked the room in general.

  “Nothing, darling,” Heather said quickly, before throwing an arm around Lita’s shoulders. “Guys, aren’t you meant to be finishing a game of pool? Then, I think it would be my heart’s deepest desire to watch Lita play Sebastian in a game.”

  “Why do you desire to see me hurt, lover?” Sebastian asked dramatically.

  “Because in fourteen years of watching you play pool, I haven’t seen you get beaten, and I feel left out because I missed the happy occasion back in June.” She grinned wickedly at him.

  “I’m more than happy to repeat the performance for you if Sebastian is game,” Lita laughed.

  “Bad news, princess, I’ve been practicing. Have you?” he asked her.

  “I don’t need to; not if all I want to do is beat you,” she shrugged.

  Hayden laughed, even as Gabriel potted the black and beat him in their game. “God, I’d almost forgotten how much I loved this. Lita is the best.”

  Gabriel started to rack the balls up for them, and Hayden walked over to stand by Blake as Sebastian got a custom cue out of a case, while Lita picked one from a rack on the wall. They all seemed to be in quite good condition, so she just looked for the one with the best tip before placing it on the table, rolling it to make sure it was straight.

  “I’ll let you go first, Seb,” Lita said. “I don’t need the advantage.”

  “You’re enjoying this a little too much, princess,” he said, but he was laughing as she blew him a kiss.

  Sebastian took the first shot of their game, broke the triangle of balls, and sank the blue two, yellow nine, and green fourteen balls.

  “Stripes or solids?” Lita raised an eyebrow.

  “Stripes,” he replied.

  “Interesting,” she said slowly, as Sebastian leaned down and sunk the red eleven.

  “Isn’t it an obvious choice, though?” Hayden asked her.

  “Yeah, it is,” Lita told him. “Which is why I was surprised when Sebastian chose stripes.”

  Sebastian aimed for, but failed to sink, the brown fifteen, and then it was Lita’s turn. She stared at the table, knowing what she was about to do was very much showing off. It was really arrogant, but he had set her up for it.

  Every one of the solids was in the perfect position for her to pot each one in a different pocket around the table. Then, the black eight ball would be in line for a center sink. Lita could count on one hand the number of games she’d played in her life that had offered such a spectacular set-up, and where she’d been able to pull it off.

  “Come on, Lolita, take your turn,” Sebastian sulked.

  “Shh, I’m trying to appreciate this artwork before I partake of the pleasure it offers me,” she told him with a wicked grin.

  Sebastian narrowed his eyes at her. “Now, where have I heard that before and why do I get the feeling this does not bode well for me?”

  Lita just smiled again, leaned down, and sank the green six in the corner pocket opposite her. She walked around the table while the white ball was still rolling, then leaned down once it stopped to put the yellow number one ball into the other corner pocket. Next, she sank the purple four in the middle pocket. The brown seven went into the corner pocket up the other end of the table, and the orange five went into its counterpart on the other side. Finally, she dropped the red three ball into the center pocket.

  “Eight ball, center pocket,” Lita said as she leaned down to sink the black ball, which was directly betwe
en the white ball and the pocket opposite her.

  “Holy shit,” Heather gasped. “That was insane, Lita.”

  “Sorry,” she cringed, then looked at Sebastian. “It was a super stronza move, Seb. I just couldn’t resist.”

  “No, Lita, don’t ruin this for me!” Hayden was laughing.

  Even Blake seemed amused by what had happened. “Very impressive. Must suck to be you, Sebastian.”

  “It was everything I’d imagined and more,” Ariana agreed. “Definitely worth waiting two months for.”

  “I don’t think I’ll play you at pool again, Lita,” Sebastian said with what seemed to be a very serious frown. “If I wanted you to beat me, I’d take you to my bedroom.”

  He dropped his pool cue on the table, walked over to her, then put his fingers under her chin, and said, “Posso baciarti?”

  “Sì,” she nodded, even though she was acutely aware of the others watching them.

  He dropped his head to hers and began to kiss her. As he did, he used his spare hand to grab hers and began to rub her skin with his thumb softly. She vaguely wondered why they’d even come down here; thinking that they should’ve stayed up in his room and had sex instead.

  After a minute, Sebastian broke their kiss, put his lips to her ear, and said softly, “I’ve never seen anything more erotic, princess. If only it had been just us here, and you were naked, I would bend you over and fuck you right now.” Then, he stood up and drawled to the rest of the group at a normal volume, “Well, you obviously all enjoyed the show. I’m going to show Lita the recording studio now. We’ll be back in a bit.”

  “Sure, go ‘show her the recording studio,’” Gabriel smirked at him.

  Sebastian laughed. “No, I really am. I want to try and record the baby’s heartbeat.”

  This announcement brought a stunned silence to the group before Harrison asked, “Is that even possible?”

  “I think so,” Sebastian said. “I ordered a Doppler online; it has an output I’m going to plug into an amp. I’ll let you know how it goes. Coming, princess?”

  Lita nodded and linked her hand with his as he led her out of the room, feeling excitement come over her. She couldn’t wait to hear their baby’s heartbeat again. He led her out of the room and back into the main entrance before taking her down a hallway. When they reached the end of it, there was a door which opened to a set of stairs going down. He flicked a switch on the wall, and it lit up the area at the bottom of the stairs. As she reached it, she could see framed pictures of Cruise Control on the wall.

  Lita wanted to stop and look at them; they were promotional photos she recognized. One, in particular, had always been her favorite photo of the band. Sebastian didn’t stop; he continued on to a door a short way ahead of them. Lita could see through a window that it led into the control room for his studio.

  They walked inside, and as Sebastian turned on the lights, Lita exhaled softly, “Wow.”

  “You’re finally impressed by something of mine, princess?” Sebastian smiled at her as he began turning on the equipment.

  “Hey, you definitely possess something that has been impressing me fairly frequently lately,” she smirked at him.

  Sebastian’s eyes darkened. He walked over to Lita and kissed her. Heat flooded through her body, and there was something special about this place for her; it was quiet and soothing, even the lights were dim. That, combined with Sebastian’s kiss, was turning her on.

  He broke their kiss, then said, “We will definitely have kind of epic sex later, princess. For now, let’s see if we can do this.”

  “Sure,” she replied, looking up into his eyes.

  “It’s just us, so I have to start the recording before we go in. Just be aware everything we say in there will be recorded, so maybe try to refrain from talking about how much you love my cock. Or don’t. Then I can have that recording to get me through the next week till I can fuck you again in Seattle,” he winked at her.

  Lita laughed. “Okay, I’ve taken note. No talk of your cock, just your amazing ass. Got it.”

  “You’ve never told me you like my ass before, princess,” he raised his eyebrows at her.

  “Why do you think I like playing you at pool? I get to beat you, and you bend over in front of me when you take your shots,” she smirked.

  “I feel objectified,” he gasped.

  “Does this help you to feel better?” she asked him as she lifted her top and flashed her boobs at him.

  “Yes, but that wasn’t nearly the length of time it takes to take a pool shot.” His eyes were hooded.

  Lita lifted her top again, holding it up longer this time. Sebastian stepped forward and placed his hands over her breasts; they were spilling out of her bra again, because she still hadn’t gotten around to getting a new one.

  Sebastian pulled one of her breasts out of her bra, dropped his mouth to her nipple, and Lita felt herself getting wet as his lips closed around it. He reached into her bra and pulled her other breast out as well so he could play with it. Lita couldn’t stop herself from moaning his name.

  “Do you like that, princess?” he purred at her, pulling his head back to ask her this but continuing to play with her breasts.

  “Yes, so much,” Lita whispered.

  “We should probably do this recording now,” he told her in a husky voice.

  “We should,” she agreed.

  “Unless you want to do it later?” He raised an eyebrow at her.

  Lita laughed, placed her hands on his, and pulled them off her breasts so she could try and get some relief from what he was doing and think more clearly.

  “We’re down here, and you’ve turned all the equipment on. We might as well do it now.”

  “You ruin all my fun, princess,” he sulked as she pulled her bra back up and her top back down, shielding her breasts from his gaze.

  “I kind of got the feeling I was your fun,” Lita laughed.

  For some reason, Sebastian found this comment funnier than she’d thought he would as he laughed for quite a while. “You know what, princess? You kind of are.”

  He finished turning on all the equipment and started the recording before picking up a small machine and taking it with him into the studio. Lita followed him inside. It was really bizarre being in there. She had thought it was quiet in the control room, but in the studio itself, there wasn’t even an echo. The air had a dampened quality to it that was fascinating to Lita.

  “Come here, princess,” he said to her. “I couldn’t get a bed in here, but hopefully, this chair will be enough.”

  She walked over to a large, squishy armchair that was sitting next to an amplifier as Sebastian plugged a cord from the amp into the little machine he was holding. He turned on the machine and tapped the wand, which was attached to it by a coiled cord.

  “This might actually work,” he said, the delight evident on his face as a tapping noise came through the amplifier.

  “That’s awesome, Seb,” Lita grinned at him. “Hurry up and try it; I want to hear our baby’s heartbeat again.”

  “Okay, lay back as much as you can, let’s see if we can do it,” he told her.

  Lita tried, but even though the armchair was soft and large, she couldn’t get her torso back far enough to expose her stomach. She tried lying sideways across the chair but found it incredibly uncomfortable.

  “We’re idiots,” she told him, then indicated to the floor. “I’ll just lie down there.”

  Sebastian looked at the floor and burst out laughing. “The simplest answer.”

  Lita stretched out on the floor in front of the amplifier and pulled her top up under her breasts while Sebastian undid the button on her jeans and pulled them down. He grabbed a hand towel he had and tucked it into her underwear in a similar fashion to the way the sonographer had done for her.

  Then, he grabbed a bottle of gel like the one the sonographer had used and said, “Okay, princess, this might be cold. I’m just going to have a listen and make sure every
thing’s going okay in there.”

  “Sure, Dr. Fox,” she laughed at him.

  They were both laughing as he squirted the gel on her stomach, and she laughed again at how cold it really was, then fell silent as he put the wand on top of the gel and tried to find the baby’s heartbeat.

  Suddenly, she had a terrifying feeling there wouldn’t be one. Then they heard a slow whooshing sound.

  “Oh,” she gasped. “That’s the placenta.”

  “Yup, it is. Come on, baby, come to dada,” he smiled, and Lita’s heart flopped over at his words.

  He slowly moved the wand around, angling it this way and that to try and find the baby, then they heard it. The same fast, thrumming noise they’d heard at their scan filled the room through the amplifier, and they both sat entranced as they listened to it.

  “It’s beautiful, Seb,” Lita whispered. “I love our baby.”

  “Me too, princess. I’ve never loved anything as much as I love our baby,” he whispered back.

  She could see plainly on his face that it was the truth. He was as enamored with the tiny being growing inside of her as she was. Lita couldn’t believe she’d ever thought he wouldn’t make a good father.

  After a few minutes, the sound stopped, and Seb said, “That happens sometimes. The baby moves. I was watching videos on YouTube about how to do this. I should have gotten the recording I need, though.”

  He grabbed a box of tissues he’d also had nearby and used them to wipe her belly clean. Then, he reached out a hand and helped her up from the floor.

  Once she was standing and had buttoned up her jeans again, he put his hand under her chin. “Posso baciarti?”

  “Sì,” she consented, as usual, and then he kissed her.

  Their family unit might be an unusual one, but their baby had two parents who would love and cherish it. The more time Lita spent with Sebastian, the better she felt about the decision they’d made.

  After they left the room, Sebastian stopped the recording, ran back through it, and skipped to the part where they’d heard the heartbeat. It had worked perfectly, and it sounded amazing.

  “Want me to email this to you?” he asked her with a smile.


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