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Rooney's Pain (Ruthless Rejects MC, 2)

Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  I sobbed as his hand touched my stomach. I was so tender from the beating. I knew bruises had already started to form and his touch sent a chill down my spine. He was evil.

  Every single time his guard hit me, he laughed. Told me I had it coming to me. How I was a naughty girl and bad girls had to get punished.

  “I need to use the bathroom.”

  “Ah, you poor thing. You need to use the bathroom?” He pressed his face to my naked breasts.

  When we had gotten to the basement, he’d torn the clothes from my body, not caring as I screamed for him to let me go.

  “You see, we’ve got a problem here.”

  “Please, Vincenzo. I know I was wrong. I won’t do it again.”

  “Until I say otherwise, you’re going to be punished.” He ran his hand down my stomach and I couldn’t stop the tears as he touched me.

  It was utter humiliation.

  He tutted, pulled away, and left.

  “Maybe a night all alone will make you think about how good girls should act.”

  “No, please, don’t leave me here,” I screamed as the door slid shut.

  His guard followed him and then I was alone in the dark.

  I couldn’t stand the dark.

  “No, please. I’ll be good. I’ll do anything. Please, don’t leave me here,” I screamed.

  I kept on screaming until my voice was hoarse and no more sound came out.

  I was dead inside.

  I thought about Rooney.

  The man I’d always loved and always wanted, and yet, I’d never been allowed to have. He’d always said he wasn’t good enough for me, but I knew he was the best thing I could ever have. I was totally in love with him, and I’d have given anything right now to be in his arms. Anything. My heart, my soul, just take it.

  “Please, Rooney, please.” If he could, I knew I’d be out of here. I’d be safe and warm.

  Don’t let them break you.

  You’re Brynleigh.

  You belong to Rooney.

  He’s coming for you.

  I kept thinking those words, knowing deep in my heart, Rooney would do whatever it took to get me.

  What are you going to do when he kills Venom?

  You know he’s going to be in bigger trouble.

  I knew the workings of the club, or at least how closely they were all bound together. If Rooney took out Venom, then he’d always be on the run. The club would hunt him down and kill him. They wouldn’t be able to let him go, not after this.

  I couldn’t help but sob.

  It was hopeless.

  Chapter Nine


  I’d fallen asleep against the wall, which seemed unheard of in my current situation. But it was the sound of the basement door opening, of light washing in this hole of a room, that woke me up.

  I shifted on the shitty little pallet I was currently on, trying to keep my body covered, trying to block myself from whoever was coming in.

  Would they hurt me again?

  Would Vincenzo torment me?

  Vincenzo thought he had broken me, or that he could, but he was wrong. I was stronger, so much stronger than he gave me credit for. And he’d find that out sooner rather than later.

  I blinked a few times, my vision blurry from being trapped in this darkened room for so long. But when it cleared I saw a small, thin silhouette.

  A woman.

  I could see she held a couple things, but the light behind her made her body dark with shadows. She stood by the door for a few minutes, speaking softly with someone I couldn’t see. Finally, she stepped inside. The closer she came the clearer I could see her. Then I realized who she was and what she held.

  A thick blanket in one hand and a paper bag in the other.

  She was the maid from the night I’d been forced to eat dinner with Vincenzo.

  She crouched on her knees in front of me and smiled, and I found myself doing the same despite my current situation.

  “I’m not supposed to be down here,” she said softly. She looked over her shoulder again and I followed to where her gaze was, seeing the armed guard standing on the other side. He was looking at the maid, and I could see this longing in his expression.

  He was risking his life because he clearly had feelings for her. He was doing this for her, not me.

  “Sometimes we have to break the rules to remember that we are human,” she said before she looked back at me. She smiled once more. “I can’t stay long, but he’s left the house for the time being.” She didn’t need to tell me it was Vincenzo she spoke about. I knew.

  She set the blanket aside and reached into the paper bag she held. She pulled out a bottle of water, a yogurt, and a sandwich.

  I could have cried right then and there. Although I wasn’t being starved, it had been hours since anyone had been down here, had given me food or water.

  She unfolded the blanket and wrapped it round me. Instantly warmth enveloped my body and I sighed. It was soft and smelled like flowers.

  She helped me with the water, holding the bottle up to my mouth as I greedily chugged it. I drank half of the water before she pulled it away and set it aside.

  She lifted the sandwich for me to take a bite. She did this for the next ten minutes, alternating between giving me drinks of water and bites of the sandwich. Then she fed me the yogurt. I could’ve cried, in fact, I felt the tears slide down my cheeks. The act of kindness didn’t go unnoticed. She was risking a lot—her life—by helping me.

  “Please help me get out of here,” I whispered, feeling my eyes widen, my expression probably wild. She gave me a sad smile and shook her head, detachment on her face.

  “I want to but I can’t. Vincenzo is the only one who has the keys to your chains and lock.”

  I shifted and the chains rattled.

  “He doesn’t trust anyone with them, not even the men closest to him.”

  I felt dejection fill me. Although I had braced myself for that kind of news, hearing it made it so much worse.

  Sagging as the weight of what was going on settled into me once more, I looked at the woman.

  “What’s your name?”

  She looked sad, and I knew she genuinely wanted to help me.

  “Amelia,” she finally said.

  “Amelia, please, can anyone help me? Can anyone get that key? He’s taken me, keeping me prisoner.” I was trying to stay strong, but I felt my reserve crumbling in the face of all of this. I had no doubt Rooney would come for me. I had no doubt he’d rescue me, but I wanted to be as strong as him. I wanted to be able to solve my own problems, too.

  She looked at the chains and lifted her hand to pull on the lock. It was heavy duty, one that I thought was kind of overkill, but with Vincenzo it was clear he liked to showboat the hell out of things.

  “Marco, can you help?” Amelia asked the armed guard. He looked at me and seemed detached, but when he glanced at Amelia I saw the stony reserve crumble.

  “You know I can’t. I could lose an eye just for letting you come down here, Amelia.” He looked to the side, his body tense. “Come on. It’s time to go. No telling when he’ll come back.”

  Amelia stood and panic settled in. “Please don’t go. Please.”

  She was crying now, her empathy strong. “I’m sorry. I’ll try and come back again.” She wiped the tears. “I’m so sorry. I wish I could help. But he’s got everyone under his thumb. The police, officials, everyone is working for him, in his pocket.” She picked up the food items but left the blanket, although I could see on her face that she wanted to take it.

  “Here, take it so he doesn’t know. I don’t want him finding out and punishing anyone for helping me.”

  She hesitated, but took the blanket. “He’d punish you as well, just to spite us all.”

  I nodded. “I know.” And I knew he had probably a lot of people under his thumb. I knew no one but the club and Rooney could help me now.

  And I prayed they did, because at this rate I didn’t thin
k I could get myself out of this mess.


  Vincenzo wasn’t as smart as he thought he was. Within a few hours of him taking Bryn, I knew his location. It wasn’t exactly hard, considering he’d gone to a house out in the sticks, far away from civilization, where he thought he was truly safe.

  I’d checked the place out and knew there was no way I could get to Bryn and there was no chance of me ever getting her out of there alive. Not if I wanted to be breathing afterward.

  Even now, it was a risk, but one I was willing to take.

  The club was after me, and they’d be on my ass soon. Especially when they knew who I was going after.

  Everything had gone to shit and I couldn’t help but think it was all my fault for being so fucking protective of Bryn.

  My feelings for her hadn’t ever changed and now she could be dead before I even got to tell her.

  I opened the trunk of my car and stared down at my weapons. Timing was everything and I didn’t have much of it to solve such a big problem.

  The diversion was already in place, part of my plan. Vincenzo never travelled without a shitload of guards. I truly believed he was compensating for a tiny dick and I’d gladly get rid of that little problem and shove it up his fucking ass.

  Still, with him out of the house, the guards were down to a minimum. What I was about to do was sure as hell a suicide mission.

  If I got Bryn out alive, there was a chance the club would kill her. If I got out alive, we’d be on the run with not only the club but also Vincenzo on my ass.

  One step at a time.

  One problem to deal with and then on to the next one.

  Picking up the AK-47, I loaded it up, loving the feel of it in my hand. I preferred my Glock most days of the week as it got the job done with minimal fuss.

  This, though, I could load up with ammunition, and let it rip.

  I also had protective wear on in the form of a bulletproof vest, not that they were great. Sure, they stopped bullets but they bruised like a bitch.

  With the gun in my hand, ammunition at the ready, I stared down the street to where the first guard would be.

  I had to be ready for everything.

  First thing, get the gate open, and once I was inside, kill everything with a fucking pulse. Tapping my fingers against my side, I counted to ten.

  I don’t know what it was about counting, it relaxed me.

  With each step I took, I counted.









  I didn’t stop counting and when I got to thirty, I hid the gun behind my back and whistled over to the guard.

  Much to my own anger and disgust, I’d left my leather cut back at home. When the club got there, I imagined they’d burn my house to the ground. They didn’t exactly have any compulsion for forgiveness for someone who killed their leader.

  The guard frowned, coming toward me.

  Big mistake.

  “I’ve got a delivery for Vincenzo,” I said.

  “Who are you?”

  I pulled my knife, slamming it in his throat through the security gate. Pulling him against the metal bars, I held the gun between my thighs, not the safest of ways to store the gun, admittedly. I found the keys, worked the gate, and let the bastard go with a shove. I was in.

  There were guards coming toward us. Raising my gun, I took aim and fired.

  They went down and with the noise, I started to count again.




  Two more guards appeared and I shot at them. Bullets rushed past me, and I kept running, heading toward the house.

  Another two guards were at the door.

  I was starting to get a theme here. The guards ran in twos.

  “Where is she?” I asked, holding the body of my gun against another guard who I shot in the arm. He was pressed against the door, and I slammed the gun against his throat, choking him. I wanted blood.

  All of it, coating all over my body, so they knew who they were fucking messing with.

  No one took my woman and got away with it.

  Not on my watch. It pissed me off and as the guy pointed in the direction, I pulled away and fired. His head exploded from the impact of the bullets.

  As I got to another guard I was about to take aim and fire when a frail woman threw herself in front of him.

  “Please, she’s in the basement. We don’t mean any harm. Please, take her.”

  I didn’t trust any of them.

  I tensed on the trigger.

  “Look, man, the moment you started shooting, Vincenzo knew it was you. He’s heading back here right now and has an army. You’ve got to go now,” the man said.

  I didn’t have time to second guess.

  Leaving them alone, letting them live, I went straight to where they pointed. Rushing down the stairs, the only light on the basement, filled me with anger, especially when I saw what had been done to Bryn.

  She was passed out, shaking a little.

  “Shit, Bryn,” I said. “I’m going to get you out of this. I promise.”

  Her hands were cuffed, and she was cold to the touch.






  I saw no choice but to fire at the chains. Once I did, they’d snap and she’d fall, hitting the floor. I didn’t want her to hurt herself but I had no more choices. I stood far enough back, brought the gun up, and fired at the chains.

  Bryn cried out and I went to her.

  I didn’t have time to console her.

  Picking her up in my arms, I carried her out of the basement.

  The man and woman were still there, guarding the door.

  “Go,” she said.

  Without another look, I left the house, taking the back entrance with Bryn in my arms.

  Chapter Ten


  I thought I might be dreaming, because surely, I was still in the basement. But the intermittent bumps I felt, the feeling of something soft beneath me, and the smell of leather filling my head told me I wasn’t where I’d been chained up.

  I opened my eyes slowly, everything coming back in fragments, my vision blurry, my mind confused.

  The memory of someone coming into the basement, then action, so much emotion in the air surrounding me, it had all been a whirl. And then I crashed, darkness claiming me, confusion and exhaustion settling in.

  I blinked a few times and stared at the ceiling of a vehicle. I was in a car, and it was moving fast. My body was sore, and as I shifted, I winced, my arms screaming out in pain from being chained up for so long. There was no doubt that I was covered with marks, bruises and visual reminders of what happened.

  But I was not bound. A thick blanket was draped over me. Wherever I was, whoever I was with wasn’t going to hurt me. And as my mind tried to grapple with what was going on, what actually happened, I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

  It was then that everything rushed back to me in startling clarity.


  He’d come for me.

  He’d rescued me.

  And now we were on the run.

  I pushed myself up, keeping the blanket wrapped around me tightly. I started shaking, not really cold, but the shock settling in. I looked at the driver’s side seat, seeing Rooney’s big body, his hands tightly wrapped around the steering wheel, his knuckles white from the force.

  It was obvious his hold was something fierce. I could tell by his demeanor he had yet to realize I was up. I didn’t want to startle him, even though I wanted to launch myself into his arms.

  The heater was on full blast, and I closed my eyes and just let that sink in. I wasn’t in the basement anymore. I wasn’t chained up and a prisoner. Things were looking up. Things would be okay now.

  I didn’t say anythin
g at first, just looked out the windows, trying to gauge where we were. But it was too dark, and wherever we were, wherever we were headed, looked like it was in the middle of nowhere.

  “You’re up,” Rooney said in a deep voice that was laced with relief but also with something else.

  I looked at him, saw him intermittently watching me through the review mirror.

  “You came for me. You found me.” I could have cried with happiness, but I was so damn tired. “Things are okay now,” I said softly, but felt his gaze on me, knew that the heaviness I suddenly felt meant something wasn’t right.

  “We can’t go back, Bryn. The club is after me.”

  He’d never actually told me about the club, but I knew, and as he looked at me in the rearview mirror, I could see that he saw I knew as well.

  “We have a lot of shit to talk about, Bryn, a lot of shit about my life and my past. I know that. But right now, we need to get somewhere safe.”

  “Where? Rooney, what’s going on?”

  He was silent for a moment.

  “I have a cabin out in the country, the middle of fucking nowhere. No one knows about it, not even the club. I bought it a while ago, a backup in case shit hit the fan, or if I just needed to get away from everything and everyone.” He lifted his hand and rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s been a while since I’ve been up there, and we sure as fuck will need supplies, but it’ll keep us safe until I can figure out what the fuck to do, how to keep you safe.”

  “What?” I felt my mouth dry at those words. “What do you mean? God, Rooney, please tell me you didn’t do anything so bad that we can never go home.”

  Silence greeted me.

  Dread filled me.

  “Bryn, we can’t go back because not only is Vincenzo going to come after me, but so is the club.”

  I didn’t speak because I knew this was bad.

  “I killed the MC president.” He looked at me in the rearview mirror for a second. “I killed Venom to get you back.”

  Chapter Eleven


  No one but Venom knew about my country cabin. I’d always been careful in letting people know shit about me. I was a very private person for a reason. I knew there were people out there who wanted nothing more than to kill me. It’s one of the many reasons I kept away from Bryn.


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