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A Mysterious Quest 0f A Seductive Lady (Regency Historical Romance)

Page 21

by Lucinda Nelson

  “Good. If he does not allow you to do these things, does it affect you in any way?”

  She nodded. “Yes, it does.”


  “You see – I made some plans to figure something out. Something very important. His asking me to stop is not good for me. It is like he is trying to ruin my plans.”

  “Has he not been part of these plans initially?”

  Magnolia sighed and nodded.

  “And if he asks you to hold on, do you think he’s trying to control you?”

  “Yes. He is treating me like a child, and I hate it so much. He had to ask the servants to make certain of it that I remain indoors. Why would he do that?”

  “Oh, I can think of several reasons. One, because he is your husband. Two, because he is your husband and three, of course, because he is your husband!”

  Magnolia closed her eyes, trying to hold on to her temper.

  “I see you getting angry. But you listen to me, Lady Strickland.”

  She looked up at that.

  “Your husband has every right to tell you what he wants you to do, as well as what you ought not to do. As a wife, it is your duty to be submissive and to obey.”

  “But it means so much to me!”

  “And your submissiveness means much to him as well.”

  Magnolia threw her head back on the couch, tired of discussing this.

  “Try to be submissive to your husband. Then you will realize how good your marriage will turn out to be.”

  “But Aunt Dorothy…”

  “No ‘buts,’ Magnolia. This is the only way to enjoy your marriage. You already know that your husband’s intentions towards you are true and pure. When you become submissive, you make compromises. Once you do this, you will find it easy to get him do things easily.”

  Magnolia sighed and nodded. “All right. Thank you for the advice. I promise that I shall work on my marriage.”

  * * *

  Elizabeth Avery, The Dowager Countess of Strickland

  Elizabeth sat in the open courtyard while she continued her work. She was the one who had sent for Dorothy that morning, after everything she overheard four days ago when her son was leaving. She could not keep quiet and pretend not to know what was going on, so she had sent for Dorothy and planned to talk to Magnolia herself after Dorothy had had a turn at her.

  She was busy sewing, hoping for the best, when Dorothy walked into the room.

  “So? How did it go?” Elizabeth asked, raising her head up.

  “Oh, she promised to work on it. I just hope things get better this time, Elizabeth, because I am quite confused. Has all of this been a mistake?” Dorothy whimpered with downturned lips and sat down.

  “Of course not. You must not think in such a way,” Elizabeth said sharply. “I plan to speak with Magnolia tonight after you have spoken with her. All this while, I never talked to her in regard her marriage; but I think since you have spoken to her, I can do the same.”

  Dorothy sighed. “They love each other, that is certain. But they must learn to overlook their differences and embrace the things they love about each other.”

  “Yes, you are right. That was my point exactly.”

  “So, when will Adam come back?”

  Elizabeth shrugged. “It is difficult to say. It could be today or tomorrow.”

  “I hope everything goes well this time. I should be on my way,” Dorothy said, standing up.

  Elizabeth saw Dorothy off to the carriage that had brought her, and then she returned to the house; but instead of going back to the courtyard, she headed towards Magnolia’s room and knocked.

  * * *

  Magnolia Richmond Avery, the Countess of Strickland

  Magnolia laid in her bed thinking about everything her aunt had said to her. I am supposed to make a compromise with Adam? She sighed. Why couldn’t Adam do the same for her?

  Aunt Dorothy didn’t know the whole story, but it was better that way. If she knew that Magnolia had been investigating the murder of her family, she would never support it. In fact, Aunt Dorothy might ask Adam to do worse than keep his wife hostage in the house.

  A knock sounded at the door. “Rachel, please get that,” she said to the maid, who was busy arranging her closet, and watched with great curiosity as Rachel headed towards the door.

  Magnolia was surprised when the door was opened and her mother in-law walked in. “Mother! I hope everything is all right?” she asked, standing up.

  “Of course, dear. Please sit down. I just want to have a word with you.”

  With a sigh, Magnolia sat down. She already knew where this was heading.

  “Magnolia,” her mother-in-law began, placing a hand on her shoulder. “It would be a lie if I said I have no idea of what is happening in this house. I understand that you and Adam have been going through some rough patches in your marriage.”

  Magnolia nodded but kept her silence.

  “I was also the one who sent for your aunt. I wanted her to speak to you. And now that she has done that, I am rest assured to speak to you myself.”

  After this, she sat down and took hold of both of Magnolia’s hands. “I know he kept you in this house. I know he asked the servants not to let you out.”

  Magnolia looked surprised.

  “Of course I know. I may pretend not to know anything, because I do not want to intrude. But right now, I think it is time for me to come in. I understand you and my son love each other. If I am not mistaken, I would have said you had an infatuation for him while you two were growing up.”

  Magnolia looked more surprised. Who was this woman and how did she know everything that was going on?

  “Do you remember the cravat you made for Adam on his seventeenth birthday?”

  Magnolia stared at her wide-eyed, with parted lips. She blinked rapidly. “How.. how…?”

  The woman chuckled. “I know you are surprised. But I was watching, all those years ago, when you were looking at his window and you dropped the gift you brought for him. I picked it up and later gave it to him. He was surprised and he asked who brought it, but I did not tell him who did.

  “Now, I do not know what happened that day and I’m not interested to know, even though I have a thought of what must have happened. That is, however, not where I am going.

  “My point is this: All your life, you’ve cared about Adam and Adam has cared about you. When you both decided to get married, it was one of the best days of my life. When I first asked him to find a bride, I was trying to make him see you and somehow, it worked . . . although you did both make it happen.”

  Her mother-in-law paused to smile before continuing. “You two have been together for years. You grew up together and that means a lot. Adam can do some things you do not expect, but trust me, he means well.”

  Magnolia smiled and threw her arms around the woman for several heartbeats before pulling away.

  “I know, Mother. I promise you, I shall do everything to make the marriage work.”

  “Good. I was hoping you would say that.”

  Chapter 29

  Adam Avery, the Earl of Strickland

  Adam’s carriage halted in front of the mansion, and he felt that he had never been so happy and relieved to be home. It would be wonderful to be with Magnolia this time. He had tried to overlook all the time they spent fighting and now, he knew, he had missed her terribly.

  A few of the servants ran out to assist him and take his bags.

  “How was your trip, my lord?” said Hartley, beaming excitedly.

  “It was good, Hartley. Very good,” Adam replied, patting him on the back. “Where is my wife? I have missed her terribly.”

  Hartley chuckled. “She has certainly missed you, as well. She is upstairs.”

  “Careful with those bags, Rachel,” he said to the other female servant with Hartley. “The contents belong to my wife. Take those to our room, please.”

  “Yes, my lord,” replied Rachel, taking the bags with her.

  “Tell me, Hartley,” Adam said, putting his arm around the man. “How was my wife while I was gone? Was she furious with me for stopping her from going out?”

  “Well, Magnolia was indeed furious for some time, but then she adjusted. She spent time reading and sewing with your mother.”

  He was surprised. “You mean she did not try to go out?”

  “No, my lord. Not for once.”

  Adam was relieved and beamed with a smile. “Well, I cannot wait to see her,” he walked hurriedly and excitedly into the house but was met by his mother instead.

  “Adam! You are back!” his mother cried happily, embracing him while he kissed her on the forehead.

  “How have you been, Mother?” he asked as they pulled apart.

  “Very well, son. It is so good to see you.”

  “Thank you, Mother. I missed you as well. But now I must go and find my wife, whom I miss even more!”

  They both chuckled as he left her and proceeded towards the stairs.

  “Adam. Come, please.”

  He stopped and turned back. “Is everything all right?”

  “Yes, dear. Just sit with me for a while. I know you must go see your wife; but before you do, I would like to have some words with you.”

  Adam frowned, but went to sit with his mother.

  “I am all ears,” he said, waiting with great curiosity.

  “I understand you and your wife have been going through certain rough patches for a while,” she started.

  “Mother, all that is in the past now. You do not have to worry about it. I went to Spain to learn something from a couple, and now I am more determined than ever to make my marriage work.”

  “That makes me very happy,” replied his mother. “I do not want you two to keep fighting. You both should work hand in hand and make your marriage work.”

  “That is what we are going to do, Mother. I shall try my best.”

  “Magnolia said the same thing.”

  Adam raised his brows. “You spoke with her?”

  “Yes. I did. But everything is fine now.”

  Adam smiled, took her hands, and kissed them each. “You are the very best, Mother. Let me go and show my wife how much I have missed her.”

  “Go right ahead,” the mother replied, laughing.

  * * *

  Magnolia Richmond Avery, the Countess of Strickland

  Magnolia lay resting in her bed – and was quite surprised when the door opened and Rachel came in with several bags.

  “What are those?” Magnolia asked, rising up.

  “They are for you, my lady.”

  “For me?”

  “Yes. His lordship brought them. He said they are for you.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. “Adam is back?”

  Rachel smiled and nodded.

  Magnolia’s heart rejoiced as she heard this. “Quick, Rachel! I must dress and look beautiful for my husband!”

  She changed into an evening gown while Rachel arranged her hair into four sections. They were still working on that when the door opened.

  Magnolia could feel her heart racing as she caught sight of Adam’s face in the mirror, smiling at her. She had forgotten how handsome he looked. With his dark hair swept back in a careless style, he looked even more dashing than the last time they had seen each other.

  Why had she not seen that all the while?

  “Leave us, Rachel,” he said, walking towards Magnolia with his arms held out. Quickly she jumped out of her seat and straight into his arms.

  The warmth of his breath tickled her lips before he devoured her neck in a slow languid kiss. Pools of wet heat built up between her legs and his tongue flicked out against her skin as he tasted her.

  She had missed the smell of sandalwood that shot through her nose... his scent... his hair…. she had missed them all.

  Adam slid his hand down over her bottom, catching her in his grasp and jerking her hard against his stiff shaft. He dragged her up the length of his leg so her toes barely touched the ground as his lips found hers.

  Her palms skated up his neck into his hair, the strands whispering over her skin. She dug her fingers in and tugged on his hair. He growled deep in his throat and kissed her harder.

  There was nothing beyond this moment – his kiss, the sliding touch of his palms. His fingers digging possessively into her flesh and cupping her bottom. She tried to rock against him, trying to do anything to create more friction and get closer to him and satisfy her aching desire. God! It has been too long, she thought.

  Adam settled one of his hands on her outer thigh, snaking her gown up. The fabric of her dress became bunched up around her hips. He lifted her to the table where he kept her gown tucked up so he could trace his fingertips around the edge of her upper thigh. That little touch tickled, and Magnolia couldn’t help but let a little breathless giggle escape.

  “I have missed you more than words can capture,” he breathed into her ear. “Now hold on to me. I want you to relax,” he said softly, as he prepared her for his intrusion.

  He leaned down to connect their lips and slipped out of his trousers at the same time. Magnolia shook all over, her body reacting to the rush of sensations as he placed himself in between her thighs and began to push his manhood against the entrance of her womanhood.

  “Just relax,” he said again. That was her only warning and she could not prepare herself for his entry. Magnolia bit back a cry of pain as he thrust into her. The table moved slightly under her.

  The sensation of fullness overpowered her. The painful stretching was mixed with a lingering sense of pleasure. She wriggled her hips, trying to escape the painful pleasure of being pinned, helpless, and vulnerable while enjoying the pleasure and the pain between her legs where he positioned himself. She gripped the side of the table underneath her as she leaned back. It had been too long since they had made love.

  He started to move inside her, faster, harder. He bent his knees, lowering himself just a few inches to better support her, and then jerked upward so he could bury himself deeper into her. She wrapped her legs tighter around his waist and squeezed the table harder as she moaned. Adam tore through her body and soul as a surge of ecstasy build, overtaking her pain.

  Then he stopped and pull his manhood from her.

  Magnolia squeaked with surprise. She wanted him so much and knew she could never have enough of him, for she loved every part of him. Panting, she looked at him with desire, desperately wanting him to continue.

  She sat up and wrapped her arms around his neck to kiss him deeper and have his skin against hers. He then lifted her and pushed her body against the wall and kissed her shoulders. Then her neck and her lips. It felt like an eternity for both of them before he once again positioned himself deep inside her.

  She whimpered and whined at the fullness of him. Magnolia loved this moment with him; when she felt so close, so deeply close to him like never before.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said as he thrust slowly in and out. She grabbed him tighter and looked him in the eyes. “I have missed you so much.” His words pushed her over the edge as he pressed harder. With a few mor thrusts, the build-up in her stomach was finally released. She cried out his name as he finished inside her, nearly falling on top of her.

  * * *

  They both laid side by side on the bed, panting heavily even while still planting several kisses on each other’s lips. Finally, they stared at each other and burst into laughter.

  “I love you so much, my love,” he said, stroking her chin.

  “I love you too, darling,” she replied, kissing him on the lips.

  “Why do we always argue and fight when we love each other so deeply? All through my time in Spain, there was not a night that went by without me thinking about you.”

  Magnolia smiled. “Not a moment went by without me wishing you were back with me. I was tired of fighting.”

  Adam smiled, too, drawing her closer and kissing her until they both ran out of air agai
n. They pulled away to catch their breath.

  “How was your meeting in Spain?” she finally asked.

  “It was enlightening,” he replied.

  “Were you able to get something done about the journal?”

  “The journal? What journal?”

  She frowned. How could he have forgotten about that so soon? “James’ journal.”

  “Oh. Of course. They are still working on it. You have nothing to worry about,” he said, pulling her closer and planting several kisses on her breasts. He brought a nipple to his lips, licking it until it peaked.


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