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A Mysterious Quest 0f A Seductive Lady (Regency Historical Romance)

Page 24

by Lucinda Nelson

  “How do you suggest I surprise him?” Magnolia asked.

  “You can just wait at the front door and shout the news to him,” Caroline cried.

  Magnolia and Rachael looked at her and burst into laughter.

  “Oh, but that will never do,” Magnolia replied. “Caroline, can you not be more creative?”

  “I cannot,” said Rachael, still laughing, “and I have other tasks. Good day to you.” She curtsied and left the room.

  Caroline thought for a while. “Perhaps when you are in the bed together. You could tell him while being intimate.”

  “Perfect! Oh, Caroline. You are a genius!” she said excitedly. “I think that will also make things better between us. I am so tired of fighting with him. For some days now, we have not been on speaking terms.”

  Caroline sighed. “Well, now that a baby is involved, I am certain that everything will become better. I am so happy for you!”

  Magnolia nodded. “I shall try to stay awake until Adam gets home. Then I will tell him the surprise.”


  A knock sounded on the door. “Yes? Come in,” said Caroline.

  The door opened and Hartley walked in. He was all smiles, and Magnolia knew he had also heard of the good news. “Congratulations, my lady. We are all so excited for you.”

  Magnolia chuckled. “Thank you, Hartley but you must not tell your master when he comes back. I want it to be a surprise.”

  Hartley chuckled. “Your secret is safe with me.”

  * * *

  Adam Avery, the Earl of Strickland

  Adam arrived at his house late in the evening. Every part of him was tired, but he was still excited to be back home and couldn’t wait to get on his bed.

  Trying to keep up with his business schedules, while at the same time planning with Richard on how to capture Wilde, was keeping him quite busy these days.

  And it had been too long since he and Magnolia had talked. He missed her greatly and had purposely told Longley he would love to go home sooner that day, for he wanted to make things right between himself and his wife – and he wanted it done before she learned that Wilde was the culprit behind the death of her family.

  “My lord,” Rachael said, with a curtsy as she sighted him. “You are welcome.”

  “How is my wife, Rachael? Is she asleep already?”

  “I doubt that, my lord.”

  “Thank God. Where is she?”

  “In your room, waiting for you.”

  Adam hurried to the room they both shared and opened the door. He was surprised to see beautiful candle lights everywhere, brightening up the room in a romantic splendor.

  “These are beautiful,” he said to himself, as he admired them. But he was even more surprised when he spotted Magnolia.

  She was dressed in the pink silk gown which he had always loved on her.

  “Oh, my darling! This is a royal welcoming. Did you do all this?” he asked, surprised she would go to such lengths.

  “Yes, my love,” she said, getting up and walking over to him. “I know the past few days have been so difficult between us. I do not know if you have been avoiding me deliberately or not, but I know I started it. I also know that I am tired of it.”

  Adam smiled.

  “I am so tired of fighting. I miss my husband so much.”

  Quickly, he walked over to where she was standing. He planted several kisses on her lips before pulling back.

  “I know I have been away too often these past few days. It was mostly due to business, but I came back sooner today because I want to make things right between us.

  “And I am even more excited because I came back home to see you have also made plans to make things right. This just makes me love you more.”

  Adam leaned in closer to kiss her, but Magnolia leaned back. “I have a secret,” she said, giving him a mischievous grin.

  He frowned, brushing the hair from her shoulder and planting a loving kiss on her bare skin. “What secret might that be?”

  Slowly, she took his hand in hers and placed it on her stomach. “I am with child.”

  Adam looked at her stomach, and then at her face, and then at her stomach again. “Are you sure?” he asked softly, settling his gaze upon her eyes.

  She smiled, moving closer to him until she pressed her lips against his. “The doctor confirmed it today.” Adam gasped in excitement. “I love you so much,” he whispered, lifting his hand from her stomach to stroke her cheek. Their lips came together again and they kissed slowly and tenderly.

  “And little one, I love you so much too,” Adam said. He swooped down to kiss her stomach, causing Magnolia to giggle. Then he pulled her gown up over her head to plant kisses all over her pale skin and pressed his lips firmly against her stomach – where he began mumbling sweet nothings to their child, making Magnolia laugh out loud.

  She ran her hand through his hair and whispered, “I love you both so very much.”

  * * *

  Later that night, as Adam and Magnolia lay together on the bed, Adam spoke to her. “I am thinking of something.”

  “What is that?” she asked, as she rested her head on his chest.

  “Why not pay your aunt a visit? She will want to know our good news.”

  Magnolia looked up excitedly. “That will be wonderful. Oh, darling, I would love that so much!”

  “Then you shall have it. We leave tomorrow.”

  * * *

  Miss Dorothy Richmond

  Dorothy was deeply engrossed in the novel in her hand – so deeply was she that she was unaware of the door opening. The only thing that got her attention was when the door suddenly fell shut.

  She jumped and looked behind her. When she saw Adam and Magnolia, she was relieved, and the couple laughed.

  “What are you two sneaking around for?” she asked, getting up and bustling over to them. “Where are the servants? No one told me you were here. Oh, dear! You gave me quite a fright!”

  Adam came closer to give her a hug, laughing at the same time. “I personally told them not to say anything to you. I wanted it to be a surprise.”

  The woman scoffed and pulled away from him, and then quickly drew her niece close to her. “It is so good to see you both together, all happy and cheerful!”

  Magnolia smiled and handed a small bundle to her aunt.

  Dorothy was confused. She looked at the bundle and then asked, “What is this?”

  “Just a little gift,” Adam replied, as he wrapped his arms around his wife’s waist.

  “Open it!” Magnolia said excitedly.

  Dorothy looked at both of them suspiciously. “My birthday is not happening anytime soon, Adam.”

  “I know, Miss Richmond, but this cannot wait. Why don’t you just open it?”

  Throwing them another suspicious look, Dorothy began to unwrap the small bundle. She reached a hand inside the material and pulled out a little baby bonnet. She stared at it; her hands frozen in mid-air.

  Then she looked at her niece. “Are you - ?” Her voice she was caught in her throat and she could not speak. Instead, her eyes flickered to her niece’s stomach and then back to her face.

  Magnolia put a hand to her enlarging abdomen and nodded.

  “She told me last night, and I could not wait to tell you. We had a servant run into town to get the baby bonnet from the shop in town this morning to surprise you with. You are going to be a great aunt,” Adam announced.

  Dorothy screamed loudly and rushed to embrace the couple together. “Oh, I am so happy to hear this!” she cried excitedly. “This is too good to be true. We must celebrate! Oh, I know! I will organize a dinner party, and –”

  “No, no,” Adam quickly said, laughing. “Can we just keep this within the family?”

  Dorothy tried to send a scowl to him, but then shrugged and was smiling again. “Whatever you say, Adam. I am just so very happy!” she cried, hugging her niece one more time.

  Chapter 33

Wilde, the Marquess of Longsheer

  Nicholas sat in his chair, puffing the cigar held between his lips. In front of him was a small table piled high with documents. Angrily, he tipped the table over with his foot and everything went sliding and fluttering to the floor.

  He removed the cigar from his lips and slowly blow out the smoke. He dusted the cigar in the ashtray on his lap and then, with both hands, he tapped his head frantically.

  What was he going to do with this woman? Magnolia was treading on a dangerous path and he had been too gentle with her.

  Nicholas picked up the cigar and rose from the chair. The tray dropped to the floor, but he did not stop. Instead, he walked to the window.

  The rain was pouring down and it made an angry sound as it hit the roof. Stupid rain! Why should it be raining when he was supposed to be out? He didn’t want to take his carriage. He wanted to ride out alone. But now he was forced to wait for the rain to stop.

  Nicholas growled as he threw the cigar nub into the fireplace.

  Magnolia! Inquisitive, foolish, beautiful Magnolia! He had tried to kill her twice but to no avail. He has underestimated her for too long, but that was about to change.

  His mind went back to a time two years before, when he had discovered that someone was meddling in his business. Then he found out it was a boy and his father who were doing the meddling.

  Nicholas scoffed in disgust. James Richmond had actually thought that he and his father could get rid of the Lord Longsheer. He really was that stupid.

  Nicholas had never heard of the family until he got wind of someone making inquiries about the slaves he had killed. What business was it of anyone’s if he decided to kill his own slaves? They were his slaves, they were bought with his money, and their entire lives belonged to him. Why should anyone be concerned if he decided to end their lives?

  Even if anyone did want to challenge him, it would not be someone like that boy. Nicholas felt that the he was for beneath him and could be taken care of easily stop him from prying.

  Killing them was the easiest thing. All he did was to follow them to the ball and then loosen the bolts attaching the carriage to the horses while they were inside.

  Their drive home was dark, and the road was lonely. Nicholas had followed them as the horses trotted along. Then it all happened so fast and the next thing he knew, the carriage had toppled over.

  The coachman tried to help his passengers, but Nicholas had made sure he could not with a single, clean shot. The thought of it made him grin. He had carried the coachman’s body deep into the forest and covered it with brush and tree branches, where the animals would make short work of it.

  Everyone believed it that the crash had been an accident. If they had seen the dead coachman, they would have known it was not an accident at all.

  But now, it seemed that Magnolia had taken it upon herself to investigate that death of her family. How could she have known their deaths were not accidental? How much did she know about his dealings with his slaves? Did her wretched brother tell her?

  Nicholas smiled and turned his back to the window. He had to strategize and get Magnolia in his sights this time. She was naïve and trusting of him to the point that she readily told him of her suspicions and plans to find the one responsible for the family’s demise. Once the rain stopped, he would pay her a visit, trick her into allowing him inside, and then threaten to kill her if she made any noise. And he would do it all so swiftly that it would raise no suspicion.

  “My lord.”

  He turned to see one of the female servants walking in with a tray containing a cup of water.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “I... I thought you might want to take some water,” she stammered.

  Finally, Nicholas turned around. “Did I ask you for water?” he demanded.

  The woman curled inwards and her head dropped. “I apologize, my lord. I just…”

  “You just what?” he barked. “Get of my sight, you fool!”

  Quickly the servant hurried out of the room.

  Nicholas turned to look out of the window. The rain had subsided but was now drizzling. “Elias!” he shouted.

  A young male servant rushed in. “Yes, my lord?”

  “Get the carriage ready. There’s a place we need to be.”

  The lad bowed and left immediately.

  * * *

  Magnolia Richmond Avery, the Countess of Strickland

  Magnolia sat in Adam’s study, busy reading from the book in her hand. She turned towards the window to see that it was still drizzling. This would have been the best moment for her to be in Adam’s arms, but he was away on business.

  She leaned back, placing a hand on her curving abdomen. The expectation of a child had made things even more beautiful between them. Adam loved her so much, and that was apparent with the way he had been showering her with love and care over the past few days.

  They had not spoken about the investigation within the past few days and Magnolia found that she did not mind. At least she was able to enjoy her marriage and was even beginning to see that Adam was right about the investigation always being the cause of problems between them. If it took putting a hold on the investigation for her to enjoy her marriage, she would not object.

  Not when there would be a new life being brought into their home.

  She smiled. Adam had been so very sweet to her and it only made her love him more and more.

  With a sigh, she turned another page of the book she held. Not that her mind was really in the book, but she wanted to be fully awake by the time Adam would get back from his trip.

  Then Magnolia became aware of a sharp pain in her lower abdomen. She winced, grabbing her stomach with her left hand, and then took quick short breaths just as the doctor had told her to do.

  She closed her eyes and began to feel a bit better. She stood up and walked towards the window, placing one hand on the wall and keeping the other around her waist while breathing as she had been directed.

  Feeling better, she started to walk back to the sofa and sit down. Magnolia had just taken a few steps when she saw a crumpled piece of paper on the floor.

  Adam was not messy. He would not have dropped it there. It must have been a mistake, she thought, bending down to pick up the paper up as best she could. Then she sat down and leaned back, straightening out the crumpled paper . . . and was quite stunned when she saw what was written on it.

  Slave killing psychopath – Wilde

  Cufflink – J.W. (Nicholas Junior Wilde)

  Magnolia’s hands trembled and her heart raced as she continued reading.

  -Showed up mysteriously after the death of Magnolia’s family.

  -James’ journal revealed he brands his name on his jewelries.

  The paper in her hands dropped to the floor. Her lips parted slightly as she gasped, wide-eyed. She could feel the throbbing of her heart as she tried to make sense of what she had just read

  Nicholas Wilde killed my parents? And my brother?

  “Oh, my dear God,” she whispered, with tears flooding down her cheeks. He was someone she considered a very good friend. Someone she confided in.

  But how? And why? Were they mistaken? Magnolia closed her eyes as her mind went back to the first time Nicholas Wilde had approached her.

  Two years and six months ago

  Magnolia sat on the couch, in between Caroline and Aunt Dorothy. A few more people sat on the scattered furniture while others stood and talked quietly.

  They were the ones who had come to grieve with her.

  It had been two days since she received the unthinkable news, but everything was still like a nightmare to her. Magnolia sat with her arms folded in her lap, going back to the time when her family had bade her farewell before leaving for the ball.

  She had been ill and had stayed back at home. If she hadn’t been down with fever, she would have died with them. She shuddered, wiping back the tears flowing down her cheeks with her handkerchief.

/>   Magnolia looked at everyone in the room. They were there to give their support, but she wished she could be alone at the moment. Away from her aunt, away from her best friend…she just wanted to be alone.

  She stood from her seat suddenly. “Where are you going, Magnolia?” asked her aunt.

  “I will be right back.”

  “Would you like me to go with you?” asked Caroline.

  “No,” she replied. “I just want to be alone. I will be back soon.”


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