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The Soldati Prince

Page 3

by Charlie Cochet

  As he lay in bed, he thought about what their journey might entail. He sat up and ran his fingers over the tattoos on his arm. Soon they'd be gone. He'd be back in the cafe, none the wiser of any demons or sexy tiger men. But the demons would still be out there. Would they come for him once the mark was removed? Toka had said a new mate would be revealed, so he supposed the demons would be the next guy's problem. If the demons did come for Riley, would Khalon bother protecting him if they weren't connected?

  What he needed to do was get some sleep. With every question he asked himself, half a dozen more popped up. He had no idea what lay ahead tomorrow. He had a feeling getting a decent night's sleep would be about as easy as facing Khalon King again in the morning. Maybe he was being hard on the guy.

  "You know what? I should cut the guy a break. Start fresh." Yep. That's what he'd do. Maybe Khalon just had a rough day. Who didn't have them? Tomorrow things would be better.

  Chapter Four

  KHALON KING was an asshole.

  "Are you listening?" Khalon growled.

  Riley rolled his head toward Khalon to deliver what his manager Clara once informed him was the most spectacular "fuck off and die" look she'd ever come across. Riley couldn't help it. He'd been dragged out of bed at an unholy hour--ass-crack-of-dawn early--and after being awake long enough to remember where the hell he was, the servants brushed his teeth for him, got him dressed, tried to comb his hair--which was followed by him making grunting noises at them because it was too damn early for that--and the next thing he knew, he was in a dining hall, flopping down into a chair next to this asshole, and oh God, was the guy still talking? Dude, stop. Just stop.

  Khalon narrowed his eyes. "Did you hear any of what I just said?"

  "Nope." Riley grinned as Khalon's nostrils flared. There was a good chance the guy was about to punch him in the face, but it would be worth it to see Khalon lose his shit. Let's try this again. "Coffee."


  "Coffee." At some point Khalon would learn. Then again....

  "You insolent--"

  "Nope." Riley sighed. "Coffee."

  Khalon slammed a fist on the table, making the tableware rattle. "Stop saying that!"

  "Sure. When I get my.... Wait for it...."

  Khalon gave him an impressive "don't you dare" look.

  Oh, I dare.


  Riley could practically see the steam coming out of Khalon's ears. Seriously. All he wanted was some coffee. Was that too much to ask?

  The ginormous elegantly decorated banquet hall came equipped with a table long enough to seat an army, and yet there were only the five of them having breakfast. The spread was incredible. They had eggs prepared every way imaginable. Scrambled, poached, over easy, over hard, fried, turned into omelets, quiches, frittatas, along with potatoes cooked up in all different ways, various types of bread, baskets of fruit, platters of meats, various fruit juices, but not one freaking cup of coffee. What kind of heathens was he dealing with?

  Across the table from him, Rayner let out a snicker before quickly putting a fist to his mouth and coughing. Most likely as a response to Khalon's indignant glare. Khalon sat at the head of the table in a throne-like chair that would have made any fantasy geek wet his pants. Riley kept wanting to touch the ornate tiger-claw armrest, but he had no desire to lose a limb. Khalon turned his attention back to Riley and leaned toward him with a menacing snarl. Riley leaned away slowly.

  "Now you listen here. While you're in my kingdom, you will do as I command."

  Riley opened his mouth when Adira jumped out of her chair and slammed her hands down on the table. "For the love of our ancestors, Khalon, get him some bloody coffee before I stab you all with my butter knife!"

  Wow. Okay. Riley stared at Adira along with the rest of them. She resumed her seat, snatched a croissant off a platter, and began to tear into it like she was disemboweling an enemy. Note to self, do not piss off Xena. With a disgruntled huff, Khalon signaled one of the servants, then motioned to Riley.

  "Get this insufferable creature his blasted drink."

  Riley smiled widely at the bright-eyed servant. "I'd like a triple-shot vanilla cappuccino, not too hot, in the biggest size you got. Like, pitcher-sized big. A little powdered chocolate on the top, if you've got it. Please." He gave the handsome young servant a wink, receiving a blush and a smile in response.

  "Yes, of course, Your Highness."

  Khalon let out a huff before the servant bowed, then hurried off. He seemed to notice Rayner's amused expression and scowled at him. Did the king of the Soldati ever smile? How was the guy not emotionally and physically exhausted from all that brooding? Rayner was more fun. Mostly because his life's mission appeared to be annoying the ever-living fuck out of his king. Riley kind of liked him.

  In no time the servant returned with Riley's cappuccino. He smiled shyly as he placed the tankard-sized drink in front of Riley. Now we're talking.

  "Thank you." Riley beamed up at the brown-eyed servant, noticing he had the same coloring as Toka, from his smoky hands to the kohl around his eyes. A foxling. "What's your name?"

  "Angi, Your Highness," he replied, his cheeks turning pink again.

  Somewhere behind Angi, Khalon muttered something under his breath. Riley ignored him.

  "Well, Angi, thank you for bringing me my coffee. I appreciate it. Have a wonderful day."

  Angi nodded happily before bowing and hurrying off. Finally Riley could get his morning started. He was about to take a sip when Khalon leaned in again. His frown was deep, and he narrowed his eyes at Riley's drink. Now what? The guy needed to learn a thing or three about personal boundaries.

  "What is that?"

  Riley followed Khalon's gaze. He smiled at the chocolate-powdered heart pattern on the froth of his cappuccino. "It's a heart." Khalon looked confused, so Riley made a heart shape with his fingers. "A heart."

  "I know what a heart is, you whelp," Khalon growled. "What I don't know is what it's doing on your coffee."

  Riley looked to Rayner. "What's a whelp?"

  "A pup," Rayner replied, his eyes alight with amusement.

  "I see." How was it Khalon could make something as innocent as a pup sound like an insult? Riley shrugged in response to Khalon's question and took a big sip of his coffee. He let out a low moan. "Oh God, this is so good."

  Khalon turned to Rayner. "I want this foxling disciplined."

  "What?" Riley almost choked on his drink. "You want him disciplined because he put a heart on my coffee? What the hell's the matter with you?"

  Khalon's green eyes bore into Riley, and when he spoke, it was through his teeth. "How dare you speak to me in such a manner."

  "Then stop being a jerk!" Riley snapped, aware the entire hall had gone silent, all eyes on him. Did no one ever challenge Khalon? They just did whatever he said without question? Magical king or not, Riley wasn't about to remain silent while Khalon punished some poor servant because he did something sweet. "Angi was just being nice. I get the idea he's not used to being smiled at, much less told he's appreciated."

  Khalon appeared horrified. As if Riley had just insulted his mother. "He's a servant!"

  "He's a human being--a person, foxling, whatever! My point is he doesn't deserve to get disciplined because he did something nice for someone. You should try it sometime." Might help remove the stick you seem to have permanently inserted up your butt.

  Khalon stood, his hands balled into fists at his sides. Shit, maybe Riley had pushed him too far. Was it really that bad asking him not to be such a dick? Khalon turned to Rayner.

  "I want everyone at the front gates ready to go in half an hour."

  Before anyone could reply, Khalon stormed off.

  "Wow." Riley took another sip of his cappuccino before helping himself to some breakfast. "That guy really needs to watch his blood pressure."

  "It isn't wise to antagonize him," Adira grumbled before serving herself a second helping of eggs and potatoes. Rile
y reckoned she could easily bench-press him.

  "Antagonize him?" Riley let out a very indelicate snort. "He's so full of himself."

  "He's a king," Rayner reminded him, a playful smile on his lips. As if he knew something Riley didn't, which was most likely the case, but still.

  "So that gives him the right to treat people as if they don't matter? What kind of guy punishes someone over powdered chocolate?"

  Rayner let out a low, husky laugh, his amber eyes warm. "Riley, you do not know our king very well. His displeasure has nothing to do with chocolate powder."

  Riley waved a hand at the empty throne. "Then what was that about?"

  "What that was about, young prince, is your king and mate--because until the priestess removes Khalon's mark from you, you are his mate--being shamed by a servant."

  "I still don't get it." Why would Khalon feel he was shamed by Angi?

  "Oh, for creation's sake," Adira huffed. "A servant has shown affection toward you and pleased you with very little effort, where as he--your mate and king--has done neither."

  Again with the "mate and king." It wasn't like Riley had forgotten, even if he hadn't exactly accepted it. Also, Khalon didn't strike Riley as the affectionate type. Then again Riley didn't really know him. "How is that my fault? Maybe if the guy stopped growling at me or cursing me for a second, I might actually get to know him. Is there even a point in getting to know him? I mean, he just wants to get rid of me." Why would Khalon care about pleasing Riley if he wanted him gone? It made no sense.

  Rayner cocked his head. "Don't you wish to return home?"

  "Of course I do, but not because his presence is an insult to my very delicate royal sensibilities, which seems to be the case with him." Riley grabbed a croissant. Might as well eat his weight in baked goods. Who knew when his next meal would be? Riley just wanted to get this whole ordeal over with, but in the meantime, was it so hard for Khalon to give him a break? It's not like he'd asked to be some magical king's mate. Mate? Really? That was so... romance novel.

  "All will be revealed in due time."

  Riley gave such a start he almost fell off his chair. He put a hand to his chest. "Holy shit." He'd completely forgotten Ezra was there. The guy hadn't said one word the entire time they'd sat here. "Seriously, man. You scared the hell out of me."

  Rayner got to his feet with a chuckle. "I believe Ezra secretly enjoys it." He gave Ezra a wink.

  With a roll of his eyes, Ezra stood and walked off. Adira soon joined him.

  "Come," Rayner said, motioning for Riley to follow. "We must get you dressed."

  Riley grabbed another croissant before following Rayner. "I am dressed." When he woke up this morning, he'd found his clothes clean and neatly folded on the fancy tufted ottoman at the foot of his bed.

  "If you are to make the journey to the temple of the great priestess, you will need proper attire."

  Riley shrugged. "Sure, why not." He supposed he did kind of stick out in his T-shirt and jeans.

  As he followed Rayner through the castle, he took in everything around him. The place was a flurry of activity with Soldati warriors and servants. Riley had never been in a castle before. It was sort of a mix of old and new, except without modern technology. He hadn't seen one TV since he arrived. The Soldati probably had better things to do than lounge around watching human talent shows. Speaking of technology, Riley pulled out his cell phone.

  "That won't work here," Rayner informed him. "There are no satellites or cell phone towers in the Soldati Realm. The lighting you see around you is generated by magic and fire."

  "You know about cell phones?"

  Rayner looked amused. "Simply because we have no use for something doesn't mean we don't know it exists. The Soldati have walked among humans since the beginning."

  "Do any live there? With humans, I mean."

  Rayner stopped at a set of large wooden doors, which he opened for Riley. "Magical creatures have always lived among humans, Riley."

  "What?" Riley wanted to know more, but before he could ask, he was gently shoved inside the room, where he was greeted by a tall, handsome young man with stark-white hair, a black streak in his bangs. He had kind amber eyes. Was he another foxling? He didn't have Toka's coloring, but he did have the same kohl around his eyes. The man smiled widely and bowed before them.

  "How may I be of service, Rayner?"

  "Our friend Riley is in need of proper attire for his journey. We will be leaving shortly, so I'm afraid a swift alteration will have to do."

  "Of course." The man bowed again before motioning for Riley to stand in front of a long gilded mirror with an identical mirror to each side of it. Riley held his hand out to the man, who looked down at it, then at Rayner as if for guidance.

  "Riley, this is Tura, my tailor. Tura, this is Riley. He is a guest of Khalon's."

  Tura's eyes widened before he swiftly took Riley's hand and bowed over it.

  "I just meant to shake hands, but okay. I'm not used to your customs. Are you a foxling too?" Riley asked as he stepped where Tura asked him to.

  "I am. I'm a marble foxling. There are many types of foxlings in our kingdom."

  That made sense. He wondered what other type of animals the inhabitants of the Soldati Realm changed into. Rayner took a seat on one of the tufted leather chairs as Tura whizzed about. He moved so fast Riley was in danger of getting whiplash just keeping up with him. His fingers worked deftly and Riley barely felt his touch as he took Riley's measurements. Riley was fascinated. Tura didn't write anything down. In a matter of moments, Tura disappeared behind a closed door.

  "He's fast."

  Rayner chuckled. "Foxlings are captivating creatures."

  "Like Toka?" Riley met Rayner's gaze through the mirror. For a slip of a moment, Rayner's gaze clouded with darkness, and Riley saw the dangerous man lurking beneath the charming smile. Riley cleared his throat and looked away. "He's very sweet. I feel calm around him." When he looked back up, Rayner's expression had softened, and there was once again warmth in his eyes.

  "Yes. He has a way about him."

  "Has he always been a servant in this castle?"

  Rayner nodded, his gaze off to the side but at nothing in particular. "He's one of many born on the castle grounds. His mother served Khalon's mother."

  "Wait, Khalon had a mother?"

  Rayner stared at him before letting out a bark of laughter. Riley wasn't sure what he found so funny.

  "Of course he had a mother. Do you believe he was simply spawned from nothing?"

  "He was spawned from something, all right," Riley muttered, receiving another guffaw from Rayner. "What happened to his parents?"

  Rayner wiped a tear from his eye. He sobered up. "They are at peace."

  "Oh, sorry to hear that. How did they die?"

  Rayner shook his head. "They are not dead, Riley. I said they are at peace. They live in a foreign realm. Once the crown was passed on to Khalon and he became king, his parents moved on to a more peaceful realm. I believe humans call it 'retirement.'"

  Riley turned to face Rayner, his expression showing he was less than impressed. "Are you being serious right now?"

  Mischief twinkled in Rayner's eyes. "I am. Not every hero has a tragic story. Khalon led a very happy childhood filled with love, and both his parents are alive and well, leading long, happy lives." He shrugged. "Soldati are immortal, but they hardly wish to spend eternity fighting demons. When the time comes to pass the mantle, it is done, and the former reigning monarchy makes way for the new. The entire court follows their former king and queen to a new realm to lead out their immortal lives in peace. They visit twice a year."

  A thought occurred to Riley. "What about in instances like this, when a king is mated with a prince. Who is the mantle passed down to?"

  Rayner looked amused. "There are several ways for us to have children, Riley. Adoption, surrogate, or the royal couple may ask the great priestess to choose a worthy heir."

  "Oh. Neat. So if Khalon
is so well-adjusted, why is he so grumpy all the time?"

  Rayner's smile faded. "Khalon is a good king, but more importantly, he is like a brother to me. I assure you his happiness matters greatly to me, and after centuries of waiting for--"

  Tura came out from the back and Rayner promptly stopped talking. Riley wondered what Rayner had been about to say. It obviously had something to do with this whole mistaken mate thing.

  Tura didn't waste any time, moving about in a flurry as he helped Riley get undressed. Rayner stepped outside, something about propriety or something, which was why--according to Tura--Riley had been appointed male servants. It was strange how the Soldati were so modern thinking in some instances, yet very traditional in others. Either way it looked like the servants were the only ones who got to see anyone naked.

  It was amazing how quickly Riley was growing accustomed to undressing in front of strangers. There were a lot of layers involved, laces, buckles, pulling, tying, and adjusting. The boots were heavy and would take getting used to, especially since they came up to his calf over his black pants, but when he spotted himself in the mirror, he couldn't help his dopey grin.

  Tura dressed him in a deep-green leather tunic thing with short sleeves and a thick black leather belt around his waist. Underneath he wore a black shirt with long flouncy sleeves he could smuggle a whole chicken in. He noticed the Soldati were partial to leather. They had a sort of modern-day Robin-Hood-in-bondage look going on. Overall he looked like he'd been cast in some period-piece movie. He had to admit the clothes made him feel kind of... important, almost regal. He looked good too. It accentuated his slim waist and broadened his shoulders a little. The pants were a little snug, but with the boots, it almost appeared as if he worked out. He turned in front of the mirror, peering over his shoulder at himself.

  "Holy crap, my ass looks fantastic in this!"

  Tura let out a snicker before quickly straightening. "I'm pleased you like your garments, sir."

  He approached with a comb in his hand and proceeded to neaten Riley's hair, parting it on one side and smoothing it out, making him seem a little clean-cut, but it fit with the wardrobe. When he was done, Tura opened the door so Rayner could come back in. Rayner came to a halt when he saw Riley.


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