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Omega House Books 6-10: Alpha Omega MPreg Romance Box Set

Page 17

by Grace, Aria

  "Maybe…" Jason pipes up and draws my attention.

  His help today has gone above and beyond my wildest expectations. Spending just five minutes with Frank was difficult for me. I can't imagine what it must’ve been like to sit there and negotiate with him for so long.

  "Maybe you don't need to increase the value for them." Jason is staring off into space as if reading the answer off an invisible sign. "When I was at Frank's place, I noticed a lot of omegas giving clients one on one attention. These guys hadn't even paid for anything yet. They were just hanging out and getting hot omegas to sit around and flirt with them."

  "I'm not turning Omega for Hire into a sleazy—"

  "No! No." Jason stops me from freaking out before I completely lose the tiny grasp of rationality I have left. "What I'm saying is, you just need to make your clients feel special. A membership option that lets them schedule omegas at the last minute or maybe gives them access to exclusive parties could work. You want them to feel like they're getting something they can only get from you."

  "Lookie here. We've got a business mogul in the making." Garrett chuckles as he looks at Jason with pride.

  "We’ve talked about throwing parties for clients before, but we never followed through on it…" My voice trails off as I let my thoughts run wild for a moment. "Maybe we throw a party once a month, for instance. Everyone with a membership gets in free and all our best omegas will be there to hang out and party with them. Maybe we host some special dinners every week for our best clients…"

  "Right, exactly." Garrett sounds like he approves of the direction my thoughts are running in.

  "Except…we know how badly I suck at party planning." I shake my head emphatically, not even wanting to think about the last time I tried to throw a surprise party for Garrett’s birthday. "I could have one of the omegas do it, but I feel like there are too many ways that could go wrong."

  "I'm sure your parties are fine." Jason reaches for my hand and gives me an encouraging smile.

  "No, really. I'm awful at it. I can take something as simple as a birthday party and turn it into the worst event anyone has ever been to." I grimace just thinking about the catering fiasco alone.

  "We could hire a party planner." Garrett pulls out his phone and begins flipping through the contact list. "I'm sure I've got one in here."

  "I could do it…" Jason’s voice is timid, and I almost don't hear him when he makes his offer.

  "I've helped coordinate a couple fundraisers for Omega House in the past. I don't know how good it'll be, but I want to help." He meets my gaze, and his eyes are shining with desperation.

  "Jason, what's wrong?" I reach across the table with my other hand and take his hands in mine. "What's bothering you?"

  His eyes are red-rimmed, and he looks like he's trying to fight back a tide of emotion. Has he been like this all evening, and I just haven't noticed? I've been so wrapped up in my own problems that I didn't take the time to pay attention to him.

  "I just…." He swallows hard and glances between me and Garrett. "It's nothing really…I just…"

  "Hey, sweetheart, take your time." Garrett wraps his strong palm around the back of Jason’s neck, anchoring him in place. "What's troubling you?"

  "Garrett is like…the one who takes care of us, right? He's the one who pays for this house and the food and the bills… He's a good alpha. A great provider. And you…Farron, you've got Omega for Hire. You're managing your business even though you really don't have to. You have this determination to stand on your own two feet even though you could sit back and let your alpha take care of you completely. By running that business, you offer a tangible contribution to the relationship. Instead of this just being a one-sided thing, you're both doing the best you can to be the best you can." Jason shakes his head slowly and can’t seem to find the words to finish his thought.

  He shifts his gaze between the two of us and offers us each a weak smile before releasing a deep sigh. "Then there's me. In this relationship with the three of us, I feel like you've done a lot to make me feel like I belong with you. I've never felt more at home anywhere else but…now you're both pulling together to try to save Farron's business, and I feel like I've got nothing to offer. I don’t really fit anywhere in this dynamic. I'm basically just sitting around and letting you both take care of me. I can't live like that. Especially not when you're both so self-sufficient."

  "Jason, you basically faced down the devil incarnate for me today. You can't say you're not helping." I squeeze his hand gently and meet his gaze. "You don't have to prove anything to us."

  "I know that. I just need to do something specific or I'll feel like I'm nothing but a mooch. That's why I left Omega House, remember?" His forced smile breaks my heart because I do remember how important this issue was for him…and obviously still is. "I know this isn't the best time to take a risk like this. I know there are probably plenty of people more qualified than me to plan this party, but I also know that no one else is going to put as much effort into it as I am. Omega for Hire is important to me because it's important to you guys."

  I take a deep breath as all of his words sink in. He really does want to help me in a purely selfless way. In this moment, all my other worries begin to melt away because I'm sitting around a table with the only two people in my life who truly matter to me. As long as I've got them, I have everything I need.

  "I don't think anyone else will be able to put together the kind of party I want to throw anyway." I lean forward and give Jason a peck on the mouth. "Jason, you're hired."

  "I know I'm being selfish." Jason looks away somewhat sheepishly, but his grin is sincere. "I just want to help."

  "Sweetheart, it's not selfish at all," I say softly. "It's not selfish to want to define where you fit. It's not selfish to want to make a place for yourself in the world. If you think you've got the skills to pull this off, then I trust you."



  Seeing my omegas plan their next move makes my heart swell. They're seated at the breakfast table a few weeks later with a bunch of papers, notebooks, catalogs, and various other paraphernalia spread around them. Their heads are close together as they peer at a laptop and they're whispering conspiratorially.

  As I approach, they lift their heads and watch me intently. First Jason and then Farron both tilt back slightly, reaching up to give me a morning hug and kiss.

  Their mouths are warm and tinged with the taste of coffee. Farron's is black, strong and acrid. Jason's is sweet and smooth, leaving a lingering taste on the tip of my tongue.

  I love them both.

  As I enter the kitchen and begin making breakfast, they return to their work.

  From what I can tell, the party planning is going well. They've been making good progress. The invitations went out a few days ago, and RSVPs have already begun arriving. Judging by the sheer volume, there's every indication this party will draw a crowd.

  Unfortunately, the stress is beginning to wear on Jason. He's taken the entire party planning endeavor on his shoulders. After his confession to us about wanting to find his role in contributing to the household, he's thrown himself into his work completely. There are times when I fear he's taking this too seriously. I almost wonder if he thinks this is a test he might fail.

  That’s why I've taken it upon myself to shower them both with every spare moment of my time. For Jason, it's with foot rubs in the evening, and for Farron, it's with neck massages after breakfast. There are other little gestures I spread throughout the day, but those seem to be the most anticipated and appreciated. Just little things to let them know I'm thinking of them both and that I love them unconditionally.

  Although, none of us have said the L-word yet. While Farron and I have long since established our feelings for one another, we agreed to wait until Jason was comfortable in our little family to say it to him. We also avoid saying it to each other in his presence so he doesn’t feel left out. But despite not having said it out loud, I do ev
erything I can to make sure he feels it in my actions.

  After breakfast, my omegas begin getting ready for work, and I reluctantly bid them farewell. I closed the deal on a new office space last week and have been forcing myself to put in at least a couple hours there every day. I even hired a secretary and a personal assistant to help me manage my affairs.

  It’s ten-thirty on the dot when I arrive at the office. I like coming to work a little later than the average person. After all, what's the point of owning your own business if you're a slave to the clock?

  Still, I find myself counting the minutes until I can call it quits. Ever since this whole ordeal with Frank began, I've found it difficult to stay focused on my work.

  My thoughts are always on my omegas and how they’re faring through all this.

  Instead of diving into my emails, the first thing I do is call up the security company I've hired to keep tabs on Omega for Hire. They confirm everything was quiet last night, just like it has been for the last several weeks.

  When I hang up the phone, my worry is far from alleviated. If anything, it's worse than it's ever been before. Frank has been extremely quiet as of late. After making such an aggressive move and confronting Farron directly, it seems strange that he hasn't shown up again.

  He hasn't even tried to follow up on his conversation with Jason, which seems odd given the nature of the information that was being offered. I know in my gut that something sinister is going on, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

  After several hours of sitting at my desk and trying to get work done, I finally give up. I tell my secretary I've got errands to run and not to contact me unless it's an emergency.

  Then I make my exit.

  I'm not even sure where I'm going at first. I just get on the road and let my mind wander. I feel out of sorts and useless. My omegas are doing everything they can to save Omega for Hire from the brink of disaster, and I'm just sitting around playing businessman.

  But it’s not like I haven’t tried.

  Farron made it clear that he doesn't want me to use my money to save his business. Now that Jason is covering the party angle, there's not much else that I can offer. They come to me for advice from time to time, but that’s about it. Of course, I try to advise them based on my own experiences, but I still feel like it's not enough.

  I could be doing more.

  I need to be doing more.

  When I finally pull into the parking lot of Omegas R Us, a chill runs down my spine.

  I drove here entirely without meaning to. I was on autopilot, but here I am.

  There’s a spot in the back of the lot I pull into that still keeps me in sight of the door. If I had a plan, this would make a lot more sense. But I don’t. My brain is blissfully blank, and yet my heart is pounding in my chest. Is that fear? Or anticipation?

  Leaning back in my seat, I keep my eyes fixed on the door. The bouncer I talked to last time is still standing watch. He lets people in as they come up to him but doesn't seem to be screening anyone in the process. Maybe he knows everyone personally by now. Or maybe he was hired just in case I showed up.

  I'm not sure how much time passes before Frank arrives. He approaches the bouncer and they have a brief conversation. Before he heads inside, Frank casts a nervous glance across the parking lot. I don't think he can see me, but even if he did, I think he’s looking for someone else.

  My brow creases, and I chew my lip thoughtfully. There's definitely something bothering Frank. He looks like a man on the run from someone much bigger and scarier than himself.

  As soon as he slips inside, the bouncer moves in front of the door to block it. When the next customers approach, he turns them away.

  With my head tilted slightly to one side in contemplation, I consider my next move. I'm still not sure what possessed me to come all this way, but I'm glad I did. This is turning out to be much more interesting than I thought it would be.

  Just as some sinister scenarios start to play out in my mind, my phone chimes to tell me I've got a text. It's from Farron. He and Jason are going to be working late. They've finally gotten access to the party venue and are taking measurements.

  I'm working late too. I'll bring home ice cream tonight and we can celebrate your progress. I send the text before I can second guess myself.

  Even though Farron will only chastise me if I tell him I'm low-key stalking his arch rival, I don’t want to worry him all day. I'll tell him about it when I get home tonight. Hopefully I'll have something interesting to share when I do.

  With a deep breath, I scrunch down lower in my seat so I'm not as visible to outsiders. Then I open up the note taking app on my phone and begin documenting the things I've witnessed so far. Here's hoping this doesn't turn out to be a colossal waste of time.



  Securing the venue was probably the single most difficult aspect of this whole party planning endeavor. And getting access to it was even harder. I'm not sure how many different places we looked at, but in the end, most of them rejected us for one reason or another. But now that we’re just a few days away from the big event, I’m more nervous than I ever thought possible. The tiny butterflies in my belly for the past few weeks of planning have officially grown into fire-breathing dragons.

  The drapes we've hung from the ceiling of the dance floor seemed like they’d be perfect, but now that I see them in place, I’m not happy with them. Capturing the right aesthetic is key here, and I'm still not certain I've got it right. I sigh and rock back on my heels as I check the planner in my hands.

  All the decorations should be arriving over the next few hours so we can get this place set up. Several of the omegas from Omega for Hire will be helping us prepare because they have just as much at stake as I do. The success of this party ensures they keep getting a paycheck.

  "Here you go. Extra sugar and cream, just the way you like it." Farron gives me a kiss on the cheek then hands me a cup from the coffee shop down the street. "I got you a danish too. It's by your laptop."

  "Thanks." Gratefully taking the cup from him, I take a sip of the piping hot liquid and enjoy the feeling as it slides down my throat. "What do you think?" I gesture to the few spots around the room where decorations are starting to come together.

  "It looks amazing." Farron beams with pride and excitement. “You’ve done such a good job.” He's been on board with pretty much everything I've suggested so far. Part of me worries he's just going along with everything because I begged to be the one to plan the party. But seeing the look in his eyes now makes me realize that was stupid. He seems genuinely pleased, and that brings me so much relief.

  "Do you know when Garrett came home last night?" Farron asks with a frown. He pulls out his cellphone and flips through the messages. "I didn't hear him come in."

  I shake my head and frown. "Actually, no. I was out hard last night. But he was in bed this morning and there was ice cream in the freezer."

  Farron looks concerned too. "Yeah, he was still asleep when I checked on him before we left the house. I'm a little worried about him."

  "He's supposed to meet us for lunch today, right? We can check on him then. Make sure everything’s okay with his work." Truth be told, over the last few days, Farron and I have been so busy that we haven't seen much of Garrett. Early mornings and late nights have seriously cut into our sex life as well. Not only have I been feeling a little guilty about it, but I really miss him.

  Of course, when I mentioned it to Garrett, he told me not to worry and reassured me that he knows how important all of this is. But sleeping in and not coming home until after we're asleep isn't like him. At least, it's not like the alpha I've come to know over the last few weeks.

  "I'm sure it's nothing." Farron puts his phone away as he starts walking toward my computer. "He told me he was working late so he’s probably just working on some complicated deal. He gets busy sometimes. It's one of the unfortunate side effects of having a highly successful businessman as
an alpha."

  “I guess.” I’m still not comfortable with our lack of facetime, but everything should settle down in a few days. After this party is over, I plan to stay in bed for a week.

  "Anyway, everything looks like it's shaping up on our end. I also went ahead and started putting together our special little surprise for Garrett." Farron smiles at me and waggles his eyebrows. I have to chuckle at his goofy side. I love him so much.

  It's a strange feeling, being so close to another person. No matter what he’s doing, it makes me happy. And our mutual desire to make our alpha happy unites us in so many ways.

  This most of all.

  I self-consciously press my hand to my abdomen. I'm not showing yet and neither is Farron, but we're both pregnant. Several days ago, he started obsessing over the possibility and wouldn’t let it go until he bought a huge box of pregnancy tests.

  He started taking one almost every single day.

  At one point, I told him he should probably stop because the depression of seeing negative results was getting to him. I was worried about the effect it was having on his mental state. But he looked me right in the eye and told me flat out that he already knew he was pregnant. The tests were just to confirm it.

  When he finally got a positive result, I thought he was going to lose his mind. He came running out of the bathroom, waving the test around and plopping it down on the desk in front of me. I'll never forget the look of triumph in his eyes.

  Of course, he promptly handed me a fresh test and sent me to the bathroom.

  I knew there was a possibility, but I hadn't been prepared for how excited I was when I saw the positive result.

  We agreed that we wanted to surprise Garrett with the news. With the way all three of us have been working lately, there hasn't been a spare moment to celebrate. After the party, we’ve promised to take a few days to ourselves. So we plan to tell him the good news on the night of the party.


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