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Fire Breathing Blaise (Dragons of the Bayou Book 3)

Page 3

by Candace Ayers

  I was so busy considering what to do first and what would and wouldn’t be appropriate for my mate that I nearly shouted in surprise and pleasure as her hand encircled my cock and squeezed. I should have told her to stop. I should have concentrated on pleasuring her first, but she knelt in front of me before the words would come, and then her little hand was milking me while she licked her lips and looked up alluringly at me. It was all I could do not to claim her with my mark right then and there.

  “This okay?”

  I snorted a laugh and stroked her thick, black hair, not quite believing what was happening. “It is very, very okay.”

  I lost all track of myself as Chyna made love to me with her tongue. The suction she applied as her tongue stroked the underside of me was the purest form of pleasure-torture. My head fell back, and I submitted to the little minx at my feet.



  Whatever sex goddess had taken over my body and was acting as a wanton seductress, I loved her. I looked up at Blaise through my lashes and saw him watching me with a strained look on his face. His shaft was perfect, but big. It was a little scary looking since I wasn’t sure all that would fit in me, but I wasn’t about to back out.

  I’d never wanted to do that to a man before. I’d never been turned on by the idea of pleasing a man in that way, in any way, really. But, on my knees in front of Blaise, watching his reaction, I felt like a queen.

  “I need to taste you.” Blaise’s voice was rough as he grabbed me under the arms and hoisted me off my feet like I weighed nothing. He gently laid me on the bed and stood over me. His eyes were wide, and I wondered for a second if something was wrong. I was just about to ask when he spoke in a husky whisper, “You are perfect.”

  I couldn’t help the sharp breath of air I sucked in when he knelt on the bed beside me. His body on display that way, I bit my lip and said a silent prayer of thanks for beautiful male dragons. Was it appropriate to pray? I took another assessing look. Nope, whoever had crafted the body of the man leaning over me deserved praise. All cut muscles and rippled abs and stiff hard manhood—not to mention other fun things. Like man nipples.

  I took advantage of him lowering himself to lean up and flick my tongue over his nipple. His gasp told me that he’d liked it. I did it again and then found myself pinned flat to the bed gazing up at Blaise, with my arms over my head, my wrists held firmly in one of his large hands. He was on his side next to me, his eyes melting me.

  “I want this to last.”

  I curled my leg over his and stroked my foot up the back of his calf. “I want it to last, too.”

  He pinned my legs flat by throwing his thickly muscled thigh over them. “Then you must behave.”

  Behave? Why the hell did him telling me to behave turn me on? Maybe because I wasn’t someone who normally behaved just because a man said so. I arched against his restraints and forced a glare at him. The hell I would behave. Even if the idea sent a fresh wave of desire flooding my core.

  Blaise leaned closer and brushed his lips over mine. His lips were gentle, silencing, until they weren’t. His kiss turned heated and his tongue invaded my mouth. His hand gripped my wrists more tightly because I was tugging to get free.

  It was a scary thought in the back of mind, realizing how easy it was for the big dragon to take control over my body. The scary thing was how much I liked it.

  I nipped his lip, displaying my dangerous side, and felt his warning growl from his chest. He kissed me harder, rough, brutish kisses that I was sure left beard burn across my skin. He nipped me back, leaving stinging swatches of skin as I stretched my neck up to him. He was punishing me for nipping him, but what a punishment.

  My collarbone was devoured by his teeth, lips, and tongue. Then, my chest—a fairly flat plane of skin, my breasts being on the tiny side, nothing interesting that I’d ever noticed. Before Blaise. His tongue found places and things to do that I’d never before imagined. Between my breasts, below my breasts, one giant hand cupped my breast and crushed it against the side of his face before doing the same with the other. I didn’t even realize I had so much breast.

  I arched, pleading silently for more. I was so close to the edge and he’d barely touched me below the waist.

  As if sensing how desperate I was, Blaise took his time, prolonging my pleasure. I tugged at my wrists trying to free myself, but Blaise ignored me. He moved at his own pace, methodical yet passionate in his pleasuring of my body.

  When he finally closed his mouth over my nipple, it was in a hard tug and suck that made me scream out. My core pulsed and I raised my hips, trying to get the slightest friction between my legs. I would come in a heartbeat with a mere touch. His thigh stayed locked over mine, though, and I was stuck on that precipice, trembling and close to tears from how badly I needed release.

  Then, sweetly, he lightened his suction and laved my nipples, pulling them against his tongue gently and flicking them until I cried out again. Even the gentle tongue flicks were torture. He moved lower still, nipping at the bottom swell of my breasts and across my rib cage. Each rib got special attention. Each dip and swell of my torso was worshiped.

  When he reached my navel, I groaned as his tongue dipped inside; he did it again and again until I shook. The fucking motion filled my head with more images—more images that I didn’t need when I was already so close to breaking apart.

  Finally, his hand loosened on my wrists and then let go as he settled between my thighs, hooking them over his shoulders and pulling me up until my core was on full display to him and only my upper shoulders and head were still on the bed. I probably looked like part of a circus act, but I felt as though I was finally allowed a huge gulp of fresh air after being underwater for several minutes straight. He was going to let me come. I was going to get the release I needed.

  “Put your hands on the top of your thighs and don’t move them.” His voice was dark and sharp like broken glass, but it was the most erotic thing I’d ever experienced. His need for me was clear in its timbre.

  I wanted to ask questions, take charge, boss him around, but I was too close to heaven, so I obeyed. I gripped the top of my thighs and nodded at him.

  “I want to hear you, mate. I want to hear you scream for me.”

  Not a fucking problem, I thought as he parted my thighs and dragged his nose along my inner thigh. I held my breath and waited for the contact. Blaise had other ideas, though. He was still torturing me.

  He pressed his lips to the mound above my clit and then went back to my thighs. His tongue burned a wet trail all over my thighs and the crease near the apex of them. He nipped and sucked, lightly and then heavily, until I was lifting my hips, wiggling in search of his mouth. I needed more. He worked at his own pace, however.

  Opening his mouth and taking the flesh of my folds in, he sucked and then let go with a pop. His teeth followed, and I cried out as his chin bumped into the center of my slit. I was so needy and desperate that I arched my back and lifted my hips, willing to take whatever I could get.

  Blaise tsk-ed and leaned up so he could look into my eyes. “Enjoy the ride, mate.”

  I moaned and dug my nails into my thighs. “Please, Blaise. I need more. Please. I need to come.”

  Dropping his head, he flattened his tongue and stroked up my slit, only lightly dipping deeper to brush ever so slightly over my clit. Just when I thought I was going to remove my hands from my thighs and strangle him, he growled and forced his tongue into me, using it to fill me and fuck me; he swirled it as he squeezed his fingers into my hips pulling me tighter into his mouth.

  I was lost. My head fell back on the bed, rocking back and forth. I did try to maintain some control, I really did, but I was already on the precipice and slipping over the edge…

  And then Blaise lifted his head. “Tell me, my mate, is it the action of what’s happening or that I’m doing it that’s driving you so wild?”



  It was the cocky assu
redness with which Blaise spoke that should’ve turned me off, but it had the opposite effect instead. It fueled the flames already scorching me. I wanted to grab him by the hair and maneuver him to where I itched for him the most, but I obeyed and kept my palms where they were supposed to be as I licked my lips. “Don’t stop.”

  His laugh was a dark rumble, and then his tongue was on me again, more intense. He licked me in long strokes that started near my clit and didn’t end until he was someplace I’d never imagined letting anyone go. The experience was dirtier and wilder than anything I’d ever thought I’d do, but I couldn’t tell him no. Not when my body was bending and bowing to his will.

  More pleasure and pain mingled when he focused his attention on my clit, taking the sensitive nub into his mouth and gently scraping it with his teeth before sucking and flicking his tongue over it. I was already so far gone that I couldn’t stop the piercing scream that preceded my raging orgasm. It started in my toes, locking them in a painful curl, and then stiffened my entire body until the tension centered in my core and snapped. I felt moisture flood from me and the sensation of Blaise lapping it up. My head spun, and I lost focus on the room as I succumbed to the dizzying ecstasy.

  It went on and on until I locked my knees around Blaise’s head to get him to stop licking me for just a second. It was too much. Too much sensation, too many lightning pulses from my clit.

  I hadn’t even realized I’d grabbed his head until he pried my thighs open and looked up at me with hungry eyes. My fingers were entwined in his hair, pulling too tightly. I forced them to uncurl and let my arms fall to my sides. Limp and feeling dazed, I focused up at the ceiling and noticed that Blaise had large wooden beams up there. Way up there.

  “You taste like fudge brownies and vanilla cream. My favorite.” He moved back up my body, lying on his side next to me. His eyes moved over my bare flesh, and his steel erection rested on top of my thigh, and damned if it didn’t look even larger than it had before. When I reached to touch it, he took my hand and shook his head. “Not yet. If you touch me, I’m bound to end this early.”

  I bit my lip. “That was…so much better than I ever thought it could be.”

  He cupped my breast in his hand and leaned over to press his lips to mine. Long and lingering, he let me taste myself on his tongue and then pulled back to meet my gaze. “You are the most beautiful female I have ever seen. You take my breath away.”

  I felt my cheeks go rosy and reached down to capture his shaft in my trembling hands. Something about the way he was staring at me hit me deeper in the feels than it should have. A one-night stand meant one night and no feelings. So, why was this thing resembling deeper feelings bubbling up in my chest? Stupidity. That was why. No other reason. Well, that orgasm might have had something to do with it. Either way, I had to push it back down and focus on the task at hand. In hand.

  “I want you, Blaise.”

  He growled low in his throat and rolled us so that I was on top of him. Straddling him, his hard length was trapped between us, pulsing against my core. “Rock against me like this.”

  I gasped when he gripped my hips and shifted them forward and then backward. The motion rocked my clit against him in the most delicious way. My eyes instantly rolled back in my head, and I leaned forward to brace my palms against his chest while picking up the pace of the movement.

  “That’s it. Ride me, mate.”

  I felt that same sweet tension building in me and rocked against him faster. Chasing another orgasm, I was surprised when Blaise flipped us over and then, in the same motion, thrust into me. He filled me completely in one go, and I let out a piercing scream as that orgasm I’d been chasing transformed into something more base and elemental but so much bigger than I’d expected.

  My body burst open with a second of pain and then a swirl of pleasure and pressure of being so full of him. I clung to him to keep myself from falling, or drifting away, I wasn’t sure which. My fingers in his back, my teeth in his shoulder, I held on as he growled and buried his face against my neck.

  “Fuck, mate. This isn’t going to last long.”

  It wasn’t until dots appeared in front of my eyes that I realized I wasn’t breathing. Forcibly, I sucked in a huge breath, holding onto Blaise even tighter. My core pulsed nonstop, competing with my heart to see which could go faster.

  When he slowly slid out and back into me, I gasped and cried out his name. It was heaven. Another slow thrust and then another. Blaise picked up the pace with each until he was thrusting into me fast and hard. One hand was behind my head with a firm grip on the back of my neck, the other had a death grip on my hip.

  He lifted his head and gazed down at me with glowing eyes and a look of barely held control. Golden veins glowed from under his skin, which itself was fading in and out a deep blood-red color. Those strange reddish-amber eyes had turned a glowing red-gold, a shade that I’d only ever seen at a glass blowing exhibit.

  Stunning. If I could’ve concentrated on anything other than the never-ending orgasm I was experiencing, I would’ve told him that he was the most incredible thing I’d ever seen.

  His hint of beard as he kissed me, his grip as he thrust into me, the way he growled as he slid out of me, it was all too much. Any second I was going to shatter into a million pieces and cease to exist. His thrusts continued faster, harder. His finger threaded into my hair and pulled my head to the side, and then his lips were gone, closing on my neck instead. Then, teeth.

  Blinding pleasure zapped me like a bolt of lightning. Blaise thrust into me once more before his seed shot in pulses, coating my inner walls as his teeth sank into my neck. I raked my nails down his back and screamed. It was exactly what I needed. As the wave of orgasm I’d been riding crashed, I knew I’d never be the same. Painful tension finally broke like a faulty dam, and I sailed back down to earth gently as my core milked every last drop from Blaise.

  My brain was mush.

  The condoms still in my purse?


  My fear of pregnancy?

  Oh, well.

  The fact that the strange dragon I’d gone home with was slowly removing his teeth from my neck and licking what was surely my blood?


  I was Zen. I’d found my tranquil place.

  I passed out with Blaise still inside of me.



  Get walking before this turns awkward. That was my first thought upon waking and finding myself wrapped in the arms of a giant of a man who could also turn his impressive physique into a majestic, awe-inspiring dragon. Blaise growled in his sleep behind me, his body moving against mine with each deep breath he took in. His somehow still erect shaft was pressed firmly against my ass cheek, and I felt the moisture of his seed still inside of me. I needed to get to a bathroom, get cleaned up, and then get the hell out of there. It may have been my first time, but I did know one rule about one-night stands. You didn’t stick around.

  Yet…I wanted to. I wanted to stay wrapped in his arms. They were so comforting and strong. There was ink decorating the one draped over me. Lines and curves made up a detailed tribal artwork that I could’ve stared at for hours. I wanted to remain safely ensconced in his arms, staring at that tattoo for hours. Then, I wanted to wake him up and have a replay of the night before. I was sore between my thighs, but I was also horny again. Big time.

  I had to get out, though. I wasn’t about to look like an unbalanced, stage five clinger in front of one of Cezar’s friends. That would be mortifying. My mission had been accomplished. I’d lost my virginity, as planned, and I could walk away feeling like I had reached and surpassed a milestone. All was well. I was well.

  I forced myself to slip under the arm the size of a tree trunk and slide out of bed so I could creep around looking for my clothes. It was then that I noticed for the first time that the room was a wreck. It looked like the debris a hurricane left in its wake. There were stacks of brand new clothes waist high. T-shirts, jeans,
socks. They still had the tags on them, but the rest of the room was a mess. Piles of dirty laundry, black plastic trash bags half full of clothes, and a layer of dust that had to be half an inch thick. As I made my way around the room, weaving through the maze of dirty dishes, kicking aside pizza boxes, and walking on a bed of laundry—dude, hire a cleaning service—amazingly, I was able to recover all my clothes and both my shoes.

  On the other side of the bed, I could see Blaise’s strong back still bore the hint of the scratches that I’d put there several hours ago. I was sure they had been much deeper. He healed mighty fast. At that point, they just looked like dull memories. I had the unexplainable urge to refresh them. I was nuts.

  I tiptoed out of the room with my clothes in my arms so as not to risk waking him. I figured I’d dress in the hall. Imagine my surprise when I found the rest of Blaise’s home in a similar state of chaos and filth. Hello, Hurricane Katrina. By the time I finished dressing as quietly as I could, I’d stepped outside and gotten Cherry on my cell.

  “Well, hello, you shameless slut.”

  I snorted. “Not now. I’m in no mood for jokes. I need a ride. I need to get out of here, but I’m not sure where I am exactly.”

  She was quiet for a few moments. “Chyna, is everything okay? Did Blaise hurt you?”

  Not in any ways that I hadn’t thoroughly enjoyed. “No. I just don’t want to still be here when he wakes up. I’d like to avoid the awkwardness of the morning after, if you know what I mean.”

  “Are you sure? I can’t imagine he would’ve brought you to his castle if he didn’t plan on spending the morning with you. Every morning.”

  “Come on, Cherry. Can’t you send your flying dragon to Uber me?”

  “No way. You’re not riding on the back of my dragon. Get your own dragon. Matter of fact, go back inside and use your Uber dragon.”


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