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Honey, He Kissed Me

Page 2

by Laran Mithras

  From just the other side of the door I heard him mutter sadly, “I’m sorry, Rachel…”

  I closed my eyes in sympathy at the hurt tone of his voice. But I dared not say anything.

  The audacity of the man!

  I hugged myself tightly to get a grip on my churning emotions.

  Benny had faced my irate husband and his threats of beatings and all sorts of violence. Couldn’t he see that he was playing a game where he could get hurt? All because of me?

  The weight of that reality bore down on my shoulders until I stumbled away from the door.

  A hot shower would help.

  And then I noticed the warmth between my thighs and the hardness of my nipples as the sheet rubbed against them.

  Yeah, okay, fine, it’s sort of a turn on, I guess, to get that kind of attention, but this is ridiculous! I grabbed fresh clothing for the day and made sure it was enough to cover me like a tent.

  The shower didn’t help.

  I had hoped it would rinse away the event and the resultant stress, but it only made it worse.

  I made breakfast and developed a headache. The tense muscles in my shoulders and neck gripped at my skull and began throbbing. A hint of pressure developed inside my head.

  This was not going to be a good day.

  Hank and Benny came in.

  I said nothing.

  I froze when I felt lips on my cheek.

  Fortunately, they were Hank’s.

  I barely relaxed before shooting Benny an accusatory glare.

  I instantly deflated when I saw his forlorn look. At any second, I expected him to start crying.

  Oh, gosh. Poor Benny. He doesn’t deserve… I sighed in exasperation. I had reacted too strongly, I guess.

  Hank murmured with disgust, “Eggs again?”

  I looked at him, Benny forgotten, in utter astonishment.

  His eyes twinkled at me.

  I let out a long breath and shook my head. “Henry Puckett, how am I supposed to know when you’re kidding around?”

  He made a stressed mouth expression and sat down. He grumped, “Sorry. I guess you’ll get used to me… someday.”

  “I’m already,” I shot a glance at Benny and continued, “used to you. I just…”

  “Haven’t figured out my sense of humor, obviously.”

  “I’m sorry; I’m just a little tense this morning. I’m getting a headache.”

  Benny looked up at me. “Do you need another shoulder rub?”

  I almost dropped the spatula in panic. I looked at my husband with fear and horror that he was going to find out a secret. What else would he think?

  Hank sat down, considering me. His expression was not happy or joking, now. “You got a shoulder massage?”

  I stammered, “A small one, a few days ago. I…” I felt helpless.

  His face darkened and his eyebrows drew down.

  I busied myself. I doled out the scrambled eggs with a hand that shook so much, some of it fell off the plates. “I’m… sorry… I…”

  Hank sighed with patience and it wasn’t a good sound. “Woman, sit your ass down before you drop everything and make a bigger mess.”

  “I’m sorry…”

  His scowl was ferocious.

  I didn’t know what to say or do to make things better. I didn’t want to be a burden to my husband; I wanted to be an asset. I wanted to be his partner. I wanted there to be all the wonderful love we felt between us during our engagement. I wanted all of that permanently. I didn’t want it to go away with stupid mistakes or misunderstandings.

  I was becoming a mess.

  Distracted as I was, Benny’s hands landed on my shoulders and squeezed.

  I tensed up so suddenly that his fingers were caught between my shoulders and neck.

  Hank growled, “Relax, would you? For shit’s sake, let him give you a shoulder massage.”

  He was okay with that? I was overreacting? “Okay… y-yes, okay.” I tried to relax, but the memories of Benny’s lips, the tingles, my hardened nipples, and the attempt to keep it all secret from my husband kept the tension high. I rubbed my forehead.

  I couldn’t tell him. I mean, I should, but to blurt it all out would just wreck everything. Surely Benny would back off now, right? I didn’t want to be a new focus for trouble; I wanted to be Hank’s loving, devoted wife. I wanted to fix his dishwasher and whatever else I could in his life, not make things harder.

  Not let Benny maul me when Hank wasn’t looking.

  And why did my pussy think it was such a hot thing?

  How dare it betray me!

  Benny’s massage wasn’t working; I was way too tense. He made it even worse in an instant. He said to my husband, “I think it’s my fault, bro. I keep trying to kiss her.”

  My husband slammed his hand down on the table, hard. “Dammit, Benny! Are you going to leave her alone, or do I have to beat the holy living shit out of you?” His shout echoed in the house.


  I heard the hurt in his voice. I felt it in the twitch of his fingers on my skin. I tried lamely to play the mediator between the two. “It’s okay…”

  Hank growled, “It’s not okay. Look at you.” He launched a booted foot at Benny’s leg. “Apologize and make it right.”

  Benny’s soft voice said, “Make it right?”

  “That massage better do the trick or I’m going to haul you out and give you bruises that look like full body tattoos.”

  I stuttered, “He r-really doesn’t have to—”

  Hank said angrily, “Quiet, you. This asshole does it right and makes it up to you or he’s getting his ass beat.” I knew the last part was a warning to Benny.

  I snapped my mouth shut and decided to just suffer it all at my husband’s request.

  And that’s how the shoulder massages began in front of my husband. I had thought Benny’s moves were torture before; I was in for utter hell.


  I tried suffering the morning breakfast massages.

  I succeeded, for my husband’s sake.

  Unfortunately, it was the massages and the resultant conflict within me that kept me tense. I was in a no-win situation and the prospects looked dim. But I allowed Benny to place his hands on me every morning to keep my husband calm.

  It was Friday at breakfast when Benny made a move that brought doom to my fragile acceptance.

  Hank got up and turned to the dishwasher.

  Benny’s face suddenly came down next to my ear. His hot tongue reached out and licked a quick, scalding trail from the bottom of my lobe to the top of my ear.

  I dared not scream or react – not with my husband just three feet away. I flinched hard, squeezed my eyes shut, and shivered.

  Hank said to Benny, whether he noticed my reaction or not, “Need to change bedding today. Make sure you take care of her neck, first. Then meet me out at the coops. I’ll show you how it’s done.”

  Benny squeezed my shoulders. “Sure thing, boss.”

  Hank stared down Benny for a few seconds. “If she doesn’t respond and still has headaches, then we’ll need to get her into the doctor.”

  What? No… I didn’t need a doctor and pills. I tried to sit up straighter. “I don’t need a doctor.”

  My husband was a no-nonsense kind of person. “You’ve had headaches for a week. It isn’t the flu and it isn’t your time of the month. Something’s up and I don’t like it.”

  “It’s just stress.”

  Hank’s voice deepened with concern and a desire to get to the bottom of it all. “Stress over what? That Benny tried to kiss your cheek? Good God, woman, get over it.”

  I tried desperately to make sense, and took my chance. “But… he’s your friend and I’m your wife… It… He… shouldn’t try to kiss me.”

  “For shit’s sake, is it so hard to accept a peck on the cheek? Benny doesn’t mean anything by it. Do you not like him or something? Is his presence here bothering you?”

  “N-no, I…”<
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  “Then get over it.” He shook his finger at Benny now. “Make it right, dammit. I don’t like seeing her like this. Tickle her or spank her or something. Just don’t give her any more headaches.”

  Benny murmured, “Spanking sounds like a lot of fun.”

  Hank growled in warning, then left the house.

  I twisted away and stood. Although hugely relieved that Hank wasn’t going to hold Benny’s attempts against me, I still didn’t want to give his friend any excuse. “What kind of friend are you?”

  He appeared confused. “Huh?”

  “Trying to kiss me and then licking my ear? Hank’s your best friend. How can you do such a thing?”

  He shrugged, grinned, and said, “You’re beautiful. I see a pretty lady and I want to lick their ears.”

  I quipped, “And you got Paris.”

  His mood fell. “Well, yeah, I guess so…”

  “Didn’t work out so well, did it?”

  “She was pretty?”

  “But look how it ended – in disaster.”

  He said quietly, “I know…”

  “Thankfully, Hank doesn’t think your attempts to kiss me are anything to be upset about. Didn’t he tell you about my past?”


  “I was married before—”

  “I know that—”

  “To an abusive man.”

  “Oh. What did he do? Did he beat you?”

  I sighed and relaxed a little, shifting my inner turmoil to the past. “No, he didn’t physically abuse me, but I thought at the end he might. He was very jealous and suspicious. He wanted to see every text I got. He pored over the phone logs. He accused me of talking to guys I didn’t know. He called me at work constantly and I got fired for it.”

  “I didn’t know all that; I’m sorry. But what does that have to do with Hank?”

  “Hank’s such a good man. He’s honest and caring. He’s everything I want. I don’t want him to think I can’t be anything other than his devoted wife.”

  “Oh, he talks the world of you.”

  I smiled inwardly. “He does?”

  A nod. “He says you’re the best thing that ever happened to him.”

  I collapsed backwards against the counter, letting it hold me up at the small of my back. “Whew.”


  “I was worried that all of this was going to damage everything. I’m newly married—”

  He advanced on me. “I’m really sorry it all bothered you; I just really like you.”

  I sighed, letting go. “Thanks.”

  “And you’re so pretty.”

  “How can you be certain I’m not another Paris Whitaker?”

  His finger came up and brushed my cheek. “Never. Hank wouldn’t pick a Paris. He’d only pick a Rachel.”

  His finger burned a trail along my jaw and I shivered. At least I knew that my husband wasn’t going to think badly of me if Benny tried something. I didn’t think his touch was dangerous, so I said nothing.

  He motioned. “Turn around and let me work those kinks out of your neck.”

  I hesitated for a few seconds, but then thought that maybe it sounded like a really good idea. Besides, my husband had asked him to do it. Wordlessly, I turned.

  Benny’s hands clamped down on my shoulders and began to really work magic. Now that I wasn’t all tensed up with fright and fear that my husband would disapprove, I relaxed and let him drive away the stress. After just a minute, I moaned as the pressure was lifted by his probing fingers.

  His thumbs pushed up the back of my neck on either side of the bone. The tips of his other fingers dug into the area below my clavicle. Knots of tension heated until they hurt, but that was always the case right before the tension let go.

  Slowly, I melted to the point I was almost slumped forward over the counter. That’s when I felt him follow me forward and begin pressing up against my backside.

  I said nothing.

  His breathing accelerated and he pressed forward a little harder.

  I blushed, feeling the heat of embarrassment rise up my neck to heat my face. Should I say something?

  But this felt good – his hands and the pressure against my butt. Something manly about the position had me silent and my own breathing became labored.

  He pressed more firmly and ran his hands down my arms.

  I shivered and gasped.

  His hands came to my waist and he gently pulled, pressing his hips forward into my butt.

  It was wildly erotic and I was flushed into total silence. I didn’t want to say anything that might spoil the mood or cause him to go further. I was wary, but I was also very much enjoying what was happening. It was just a hug after all, right?

  His hands traveled up my back, smoothing over tense muscles on either side of my spine. He breathed, “Oh, Rachel…”

  I thought maybe he was getting a little heavy. Maybe time to stop him. I straightened so I could use my upper back to push him back a little – away from his grinding pelvis.

  His hot breath descended on my neck and sent delicious shivers racing throughout my body. Tingles radiated up from my clit and a deep ache formed in my pussy. His hands slipped around me and clutched at my shoulders.

  For a second, I hesitated, but it was just an embrace - a hug. And if a cheek kiss wasn’t out of bounds, then a hug certainly couldn’t be. I said nothing, just clasped my hands over his.

  Again, I felt the press of his pelvis against my butt. His ragged breath puffed in my ear and warmed me from the neck down with realization that this man really was very turned on by me. It felt very good and I didn’t want to move. Nothing wrong with a hug…

  His hands slid down out of my grasp and brushed roughly over my breasts. I could feel the heat through the fabric of my dress.

  “Benny…” I warned him.

  But he wasn’t listening. His hands slid up and down, rubbing my dress over my bare nipples underneath.

  I gasped, suddenly overtaken by the zinging pulses that shot through me. I tried to lean forward and pull his arms away by the wrists, but he was stronger. I got very wet. “Benny…”

  He moaned and pressed against my backside hard.

  I felt his bulge.

  I quivered with excitement, knowing this was forbidden, but overcome by the sensations coursing through me. I shouldn’t be allowing this… But I felt myself press back against him – my body moving against my will. I felt his stiffness against me and it drove the churning ache in me wild.

  His hands left my breasts and I heaved a sigh of relief. I began to straighten, but suddenly my dress was lifted. I had worn the baggiest tent I owned, hoping it would hide everything from Benny’s eyes. However, it was a curse. He had deftly mauled my flat breasts until I was dizzy with excitement. The generous skirt offered absolutely not a speck of resistance. The hemline was up over my waist in a flash, exposing my panties to him.

  He pressed back forward and I froze, overwhelmed by the sensations of panic and also arousal.

  If I didn’t move, then he would just grind at me, right? I was frozen, trembling with uncertainty and wariness – almost as if I were perched on a high ledge afraid of moving lest I fall. I liked it, was scared, and knew I should stop him. “Benny, you shouldn’t do this.”

  His harsh breathing was my only answer. His hands came around my waist and slid down over my panties in the front.

  Over my covered clit.

  I groaned and thrust back against him as my body reacted despite my reservations. I thrust my pussy forward, reaching for his hands as they massaged my pussy through the material. Oh, this is really bad. I collapsed over onto the counter, dizzy with a burst of lust.

  He panted, “Yeah. So beautiful…” His masculine manhandling had aroused me to the point of speechlessness.

  I moaned.

  His fingers pressed in on that hot button of my pleasure. I ground my hips around and felt the tension increasing and spreading. A roll of force and fire churned through me. I
gasped, “Oh… yes…”

  It was the wrong thing to say.


  Benny removed his hands from my panties and I thought all was going to settle down.


  He pulled back not to let me go, but to yank my panties down to my ankles.

  I almost screamed in panic. “Benny, no!”

  He wasn’t listening. His hands gripped my hips in a scalding vice and pulled me against him.

  I gasped, “Don’t…” I didn’t finish because he still had his jeans on. But I tried one more time to reason with him. “I’m your friend’s wife. We can’t do this—” Then his fingers found my wet pussy and all thoughts of stopping him were ripped away. I closed my eyes in ecstasy and shame as his fingers caressed my clit and then pushed up inside my hole.

  Instant shoots of lava swirled inside me and threatened to become a volcano. I moaned deliriously.

  His rough jeans scraped against my ass and I actually enjoyed it. I panted heavily against the counter and moved my hips back against him, pressing.

  He pulled back and I wanted to follow him – to feel that pressure again. He was almost gasping.

  I heard it – the unbuckling of his belt. “Benny, no.” I started to get up.

  He pushed me roughly back down onto the counter and pressed forward. The sexy, hot slide of his erection between the backs of my thighs stopped all of my breath. The top of his cock pushed through to the front, sliding along my labia, and poking out below my clit. I was sitting on his cock like the bar of a male’s bicycle.

  Unconsciously, I moved my hips to start sliding. I just could not help myself.

  He had the same idea, pulling back and sliding forward. His erection slid wetly at my opening and provided the most wicked delights I have ever experienced.

  I moaned gutturally as the tension inside of me reached heights that left me wondering how I was able to stand. There was no way my legs would support me if I tried to stand. I could only rest my upper body on the counter while my knees wobbled like they were filled with jelly.

  It felt so good to have his hot hardness sliding back and forth through my labia. At least he wasn’t actually fucking me…


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