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Pretend I’m Yours

Page 7

by Bates, Aiden

  That put me a little on edge.

  “I want all that too, Kyler. But I don’t want us to get our wires crossed. I do want a child, yes. But we will be co-parents. From all I’ve told you, I hope you understand that I am not looking to get into another relationship.”

  He nodded, a little too vigorously. I noticed he looked away as he spoke.

  “Of course. I understand.”

  He was disappointed. I could tell. I grabbed hold of his hand so he stopped walking. I turned him to face me and pulled him in. The memory of our heated making out was fresh in my mind. The infinity pool was just a few yards away now, but I knew we would not make it there.

  “While you’re here, though,” I said, and I went for his lips.

  It was like we were picking right up from where we left off. We kissed passionately, and I was glad to see he seemed more sober. Not that it did anything to dampen his enthusiasm. He leaned into me as I took him in my arms, his lips devouring me as I let my hands roam freely along his body.

  In no time at all we were both moaning. There was a mad flurry of limbs as I fumbled with the front of his pants and he with mine. Our breaths mixed and bled into each other. I reached down and pulled his dick out, then impatiently shoved the pants down to his knees. I felt my own dick come free, twitching in the grip of his long, thin fingers.

  We began to stroke at the same time. Our lips were still locked, our bodies close. His hand was a marvel of languid wrist and practiced finger flicks. I gathered right away that the tip of his cock was sensitive; any time I brushed against it, his body gave an involuntary jerk and his mouth opened in soft gasps.

  The night grew steadily colder, and our silent bliss was soon interrupted by the chill biting into my skin. I tried to focus on the gathering storm in my balls, but after some time I was forced to admit the temperature had ruined the magic somewhat.

  I pulled away and looked into Kyler’s eyes. He had not stopped touching me. As I tried to back away, he snaked a hand around me and gripped one of my butt cheeks.

  “Where are you going, sexy?” he drawled.

  “Let’s go back to the house, get warm.”

  His hand slipped off my dick. He pecked me once on the lips and held me fast, staring right into my eyes. It was like looking into a bright light.

  “I thought you were going to show me the infinity pool?” he asked, pulling his lips out in an adorable pout. “I had certain…ideas.”

  “It’s right over there,” I pointed. “But I really think it might be better if we came back tomorrow.”

  Without warning, he freed himself from my grip. There was a blur of motion as he shimmied out of his clothes. Then, with a mighty laugh, he took off running in the direction of the pool. I watched, amused, as his tight little frame sprinted away and leapt headfirst into the infinity pool.

  I had no doubt the night was just getting started.



  I was definitely sober now. Sober, wide awake, and very much alive. My mind was clear, and the same words ran through it in an urgent rhythm. Fuck me.

  The man walking towards me looked perfect bathed in moonlight, and I felt my cock stiffen once more as I watched him. My body ached for his touch. My lips tingled with the memory of his, strong and urgent and possessive.

  I beckoned for him to join me. He had walked over to the edge of the pool and was crouching there, leaning over to look at me. I could see the outline of his still-hard cock pressed against his sweatpants. I remembered the feel of it, how thick it was, how hot. And how it sent desire flashing through my body. Fuck me.

  “Get in here, hubby,” I called. “What are you waiting for?”

  He grinned, as if he understood what I was really saying. I doubted it. Even I didn’t fully understand the sheer intensity of my need for him. I simply couldn’t wait any longer. I needed him inside me, and I needed him now.

  Straightening up, he slowly pulled off his clothes. Almost like he was doing a strip tease. The t-shirt came off first, revealing a glorious set of abs and a thick, hairy chest. The pants came off next. He was in loose boxer briefs. His erect penis stuck out on one side, poking through one of the leg holes. I thought I saw a string of pre-cum drip onto his thigh. He pulled the boxers off, too, so that he was finally naked.

  I stuck my fingers in my mouth and whistled.

  There was no better way to describe it; Saul was manly. He was tall and athletic and muscular. I found the hair on him very exciting.

  He jumped into the pool, and I paddled to him right away.

  “You’re a beautiful man, Saul McCormick,” I told him. He put his arms around me, leaning in and finding my lips with ease.

  “You’re not too bad yourself,” he muttered, practically into my mouth.

  Fuck me.

  Except this time I said it out loud. And he was kissing me like I had never been kissed. He was sweeping his hands all over my body, igniting fires everywhere they went. Suddenly, clearly unable to bear it any longer, he whipped me around, and now he was behind me, my hands resting on the edge of the pool.

  I pushed my ass back in invitation. I felt Saul spread my cheeks gently, his fingers probing first before finding my hole. I almost screamed at him to hurry up. He slid one finger into me, causing an involuntary clenching of my muscles. He pulled out slowly then slid back in, and the slow movement allowed me to relax a little to let him in.

  He started thrusting then, slow at first then faster and faster. My mouth fell open in ecstasy as he finger-fucked me. Several times he brushed my prostrate, and I was sure my legs would have given out under me if I wasn’t buoyed by the water.

  “Please,” I groaned.

  He pulled his finger out, and I could feel him move closer. He gripped me firmly by the hips as he used one hand to guide his thick cock into me. My hole was slick with my fluids. I knew he was big, but the size still took me by surprise. He pushed into me slowly, inch by agonizing inch. It seemed to take an eternity, because he would be halfway in and then slide back out and begin again. I knew he was teasing me. I loved it, and I couldn’t stand it.

  I pushed back into his body desperately, but there was no rushing him. He was in control, and he wanted me to know it. Slowly, he penetrated me, pressing in, sliding in, until at last I felt his thighs touch mine, and I knew he had given me his full length. I had clenched my hands, the feeling of him making my eyes roll back into my head.

  He started to move slowly, with long, measured strokes that seemed to go deeper with each thrust. His grip on my hips was so tight his nails were digging into the skin. He settled into a frenzied thrusting that seemed to reach deep into me, pulling at a coiled spring that I knew was just about to unfurl. Sound and sight faded into nothing, until there was only us, our bodies joined in bliss. In that moment, my world began and ended with that hard cock sliding repeatedly into me.

  I heard him grunt as if from miles away. His orgasm wasn’t far off, I knew. I felt my own body begin to tense. With one hand, he reached around me and grabbed hold of my cock. It was all too much. The jerking with his hand, the pressure of his weight crushing against my buttocks, the feel of him ramming into me…

  I felt the explosion build deep inside me. It started as a purr, then a growl and finally a triumphant roar. I had to cover my mouth to stop from screaming as a blinding orgasm powered through me. I shuddered, my limbs useless. Saul pushed into me a few more times, and then his own climax spilled out of him. He groaned as the orgasm rocked his body. He grabbed hold of me around my chest and torso. He held me tightly as we both came, and for a long moment, I couldn’t tell which grunt was whose, or whose panting it was filling the night air.

  We remained locked like that for a long time. As we let go, we drifted slowly into the pool, still intertwined. And so we floated silently, our breathing slowing and the joint drumming of our hearts growing fainter.

  I was a mess of emotions I couldn’t even begin to process. Everything about today had been so intense it
was hard to believe it had only been one day. It seemed like weeks ago that I had sat with my dad on that bench, talking about my childhood. It seemed even longer since Jess had first suggested Mail Misters to me. It was almost comical, really, how dismissive I had been of it. And here I was, happier than I had any right to be.

  I liked Saul a bit too much. Going off nothing more than his picture and profile, I had already sensed I would like him. He looked like the man I had always wanted. But I had not anticipated just how much I would be attracted to him, or how fast. It was almost like the life I had led before him was a dream, and this was my reality.

  Still, there was something that had begun to niggle at me. I had been ignoring it all day, but every so often, Saul had clarified his position. He was not ready for anything serious. He did not even want a relationship. No, all he cared about was a family. A child specifically, even though I did not get that vibe from him. I got the nagging feeling there was more to it than he was letting on. Was this simply about getting a child? Weren’t there easier ways to go about that? Or had Jess been right about him being guarded?

  It did not matter. Whichever way I looked at it, I was stuck in a situation; a marriage without the possibility of love. It wasn’t ideal, no matter how charming the man was.

  Yet it wasn’t so bad. Saul said one thing with his words, and another with his actions. And his body. He had been a gracious, engaging host. He had gone out of his way to make me comfortable, to welcome me into his home. He was clearly attracted to me; he had just fucked me, for God’s sake. He seemed determined to keep his guard up, but his body betrayed him.

  And therein lay my strategy. Saul could say anything he wanted, he could try as hard as possible to put up barriers to his heart. All I really had to do was read a different script. Like the way he looked at me when he was aroused. Or the constant tent in his pants. Or even the way he was holding me. That was all I needed to work my way into his heart. If I was the best version of myself, if I showed him how great a husband I could be, he would have no choice but to fall for me.

  It seemed a bit desperate, but I had no problem admitting it. I had to make this work. I had to.

  “Are you ready to go?” Saul asked, cutting into my runaway train of thoughts.

  I nodded, not trusting myself to speak just yet.

  I was actually exhausted, now that I thought about it. I wanted nothing more than a warm bed and a long, dreamless sleep. Dreamless because I knew what I would be dreaming about after tonight, and I wouldn’t be able to sleep in that case.

  There was a dull but pleasant ache between my cheeks as we walked back to the house. Every step was a reminder of Saul burying himself deep inside me.

  We walked in complete silence this time. It felt right. Like nothing needed to be said after what we had just done. Somewhere along the way, Saul slipped his hand in mine, and that was how we got back into the house-closer than we had been when we left.

  He looked with amusement at the mess we had made of our dinner.

  “Why don’t you go up, get ready for bed,” he said, turning to me. “And I’ll clean this up?”

  I nodded. The first thing I did when I got back to the room was to pick up my phone and call Jess. I had promised her a full account, after all.

  “Oh. My. God!” Jess exclaimed before I had even said a word. “Did it happen?”

  “Uh, hello to you too,” I said, smiling in spite of myself.

  “Whoa, dude. You sound different. It happened, didn’t it?”

  “So callous, Jess. I wonder why I put up with you.”

  “Because you love me. Obviously. Now shut up and tell me about your night. Is he dreamy? Was it intimidating?” Her voice dropped an octave, “Is he packing?”

  “I don’t even know where to start, Jess. He is all that and more. You should see this place. It’s basically like he has his own private island, and it’s just the two of us, and it’s so romantic I could die.”

  “Fuck, really?”

  “Yeah. It’s like this bit of land around the Roch, where he’s put up this ridiculous mansion. I got here by private jet, dude. Freaking private jet! With leather seats and in-flight beds and everything.”

  “You lucky son of a bitch! And Saul? What’s he like?”

  “I can’t even, Jess. He’s beautiful. He has these eyes that cut me into ribbons. And his body! God, his body. Everything about him screams either sex or wealth. Or sex. Did I mention sex? He’s super nice too. He made me dinner, and then we took this long walk through the woods to this small infinity pool…”

  I trailed off, unsure how to proceed, but Jess had already connected the dots.

  “And then you made beautiful, tender love by the pool in the glare of the moonlight? That is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard.”

  “In the pool, but yeah. It was intense. I’ve never experienced anything like it.”

  “Well, you’re fucked, dude.”

  “I am,” I agreed. “I really am. He’s reminded me at least twice that he isn’t interested in a relationship.”

  “I mean, that really isn’t a surprise though, is it? He basically made you sign a contract agreeing to that.”

  “I know. But it still sucks to hear.”

  “Right. Just hang in there.”

  I heard footsteps coming down the hallway.

  “I’ll check in with you later, Jess. I think I hear him coming. Bye! Love you!”

  Saul opened the door gently. He went around the bedroom, dimming the lights, and then he came over to the bed, where I was lying propped up on my elbows.

  “It gets a little chilly at night,” he told me. “I’m not sure if these covers will be warm enough.”

  I didn’t even look at the covers.

  “I don’t think that will be a problem.”


  He took off his clothes and climbed into bed. I followed his lead, shedding mine and then nuzzling in beneath the covers. It was a massive bed, and I was instantly swallowed up in silk sheets and thick covers that smelled heavily of Saul. The minute my head hit the pillow, I felt my eyelids begin to droop. I was dimly aware of Saul sidling closer to me, of strong arms reaching around me and holding me in an embrace, and of something thick and heavy pressing into the back of my thigh. I was so comfortable I felt like I was suspended midair.

  Saul nibbled playfully at my ear, and then pecked me once on the neck and whispered ‘Goodnight, hubby’.

  I smiled to myself. I could definitely get used to this.



  The morning after brought with it a feeling of happiness and peace, but also a reminder that the clock was ticking. As per the regulations on the site, we were married, but Kyler could still call things off if he chose to. He still had nine days to change his mind about marrying me. It was plenty of time, but I found myself wondering whether I had made a good enough impression to convince him to stay.

  I decided it was best to gauge where he was at right away. I made him breakfast and brought it to him in bed, along with the official marriage certificate.

  “I thought I should give this to you,” I told him. “It’s up to you, of course, whether to sign it or not. There’s no rush. You still have nine days.”

  He picked up the document and read through it.

  “Is this it?” he asked. “Is this final?”

  “Yes. I had my lawyers look through it. That document will mean we are married for good, in the eyes of the law.”

  I stopped short of pointing out that I had already signed it. I noticed my palms were slightly damp. I had not expected to be this nervous.

  But I had no reason to be. Kyler smiled and held out his hand for a pen.

  “You don’t have to do it now,” I reminded him. “I just wanted you to have it for when you’re ready.” There was audible relief in my voice.

  Kyler shook his head.

  “I don’t need more time,” he said, and there was a meaningful look in his eyes. “Yester
day was the perfect night.”

  He signed the certificate, then pushed it aside casually and reached for some toast.

  “Feels like it should be more… momentous,” I commented.

  “It does,” Kyler agreed.

  “How about this,” I said, climbing back into bed beside him. “We can begin our honeymoon right away.”

  I leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips.

  “Ooooh. Really?”

  “Yes, hubby. You finish your breakfast, and I’ll show you the time of your life.”

  Our honeymoon became a slow, detailed exploration of the best parts of the mountains. I mapped out the entire region for him, showing him what was where, and what places I wanted us to visit together. Kyler showed a zeal for discovering things that I hadn’t when I first moved here. He embraced the idea wholeheartedly.

  We became partners, in every sense of the word. First, Kyler made himself a part of my household. We started doing everything together, and our routine soon established itself.

  We would eat breakfast together in bed, and then fall giggling into each other’s arms. Or we would eat on the terrace outside completely nude, and the result would pretty much be the same. The rest of the day would be spent exploring the area.

  It wasn’t always easy. We were in the middle of our honeymoon, and we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. It was a good thing we had the area to ourselves. I couldn’t count how many times we stopped in the middle of a trail, and, seized by sudden desire, I would grab Kyler and bend him over the nearest tree. One time we set out for a picnic on the other side of the lake, but we never made it there. Along the way we discovered a perfect little cove created by a lucky alignment of trees and shrubbery to form a canopy. By the time we crept out of the cove, it was dusk, and we were spent.

  I loved the companionship more than anything else, though I was reluctant to admit it even to myself. There was a world of difference when you watched a sunset with someone compared to when you were alone. It was like I had a partner in crime, a confidant. My little neck of the woods became our little neck of the woods, and it was better for it.


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