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Black Rayne Silent Screams

Page 35

by Yvonne Nicolas

  felt I needed Jesus, "cause, ya know, everything"s been so—I dunno, diabolical, so I

  went to the church to see Father Shannon—”


  “Oh heavens no! Don"t tell me! I don"t want to know! Damn you Sota, all you

  had to do was keep an eye on her and you couldn"t even do that! One simple job!

  Instead of concentrating on what you"re supposed to do, you"re chasing tail!”

  She heard Sota rumbled grunts through the phone.

  “Stop hitting me, Narri! I"m driving, damn! You"re not gonna blame this on

  me. If she wanted to leave, there was nothing I could do or say to stop her and you

  know it. She"s in mid-shift for Christ sake! Give me the phone!”

  “Oh you just shut up. I"m so angry with you right now.”

  “Seriously? Are you guys for real? If you"d just stop arguing for a

  second―I"m really messed up here and ya"ll are not helping,” she shouted, bringing

  an end to their bickering. She stopped her frantic pacing, leaned against wall then

  slid down to the floor. “I smell blood all around me. I hear people screaming. I"m

  not even gonna tell you what I feel like doing right now.”

  “Baby girl, can you hear me?” Sota asked. She answered with groan. “Look, I

  put something in the kitchen. I want you to go check it out right now. Hurry.”

  Huffing, she got to her feet and stalked to the kitchen. “Know what Sota, I

  don"t even wanna talk to you. You spend more time with me than anybody. You

  had all the chances in the world to drop this bomb on me Mr. Some-things-are-kept-

  from-people- „cause-the-mind-and-heart, blah, blah, blah—whateva, I don"t wanna hear

  nothing you gotta say. Put Narri back on the phone.”


  “I, I understand your anger—”

  “No you don"t! I"m going through this, not you! I mean, c"mon man,” she

  shouted, slapping the souvenir magnets from the fridge. “This is some mess ya"ll

  should have told me when I was like five! Damn Sota, a simple, hey Rayne, you"re

  not like everyone else would"ve sufficed!”

  “Okay, okay, baby girl, I know you"re upset, but you have to calm down and

  listen to me for a second. I need you to do me a solid. Go over by the island and

  push in the bottom socket.”

  Aggravated, she snorted and jabbed the bottom socket of the outlet located

  just below the countertop. A section of her Brazilian wood cabinet slid to the side,

  revealing a secret weaponry rack. Two rows, equipped with an array of different

  automatic pistols.

  She almost dropped the phone. “What the…?”

  “Listen carefully, you have six semi-automatic pistols which all hold a total

  of fifteen rounds, and are equipped with lasers to point out your target…”

  “God man, what do I need guns for?”

  “Just listen, Rayne. There are three nine millimeters and three twenty-twos.

  The top row is loaded with UV rounds and the bottom row silver nitrate. Get one

  of each, and keep them close. Below the cabinet in a hidden compartment is more

  ammo. Grab a case and stick it in your pocket—”


  “Hold up.” She tried to steady her heavy breathing and blink back her tears.

  “What"re you saying? Somebody"s gonna try to kill me?” Her words came out in a

  strained whisper.

  His nervous gulp slammed into her eardrum.

  “Oh God! You serious,” she cried.

  “Oh baby girl, it"s gonna be all right, okay. This is nothing you can"t handle.

  Believe what I"m telling you. Now, I need you to think back on all the times we

  went to the shooting range. Think of the target. If they get past the barrier, aim for

  the head—”

  “Wait.” Rayne closed her eyes, turned her face upward and involuntarily

  sniffed the air. The familiar aroma hit her senses before he even stepped foot out of

  the car. “What the hell is he doing here? Uh, hold that thought, brah. Someone"s at

  the door. I"ll call you back.”

  “No Rayne! Don"t—”

  She ended the call, tossed the phone on the couch and eased to the door. She

  reluctantly reached for the doorknob.

  “No, my lady! You must not open the door!”

  Jolted, she jumped and almost tripped over the foyer table. “Dammit.” She

  righted herself and warily looked around for the unseen person she knew wouldn"t

  be there. “Uh, hello?”


  “Hello Sharayna.”

  She knew this soft spoken voice. Demetri"s sword. “Uh hey, you can"t just

  pop in my head like that. You have to give me some sorta warning or something.

  You know my nerves ain"t right,” she whispered, taking slow steps back from the


  “My apologies, but your demon has been awakened and will surely rule your actions if you

  open that door. I am trying to restrain the dark energy you possess, but you are besting my

  greatest efforts. You are so strong. You must be still and await Lord Demetri"s arrival. With him,

  all will be well.”

  The doorbell chimed erratically. She fell back against the wall and pressed

  her hand to frantic thump beneath her chest. Part of her wanted to sprint from the

  door, but the other part wanted to open it. Her mind was torn.


  She glanced at her watch. Forty minutes. Forty long minutes until nightfall.

  Could she last that long without doing something she"d regret?

  “Rayne,” Troy called out. “Baby c"mon, open the door, I need to see you.”

  “My lady, please listen to me. You must not give into the temptation until you are in

  control of your being! Be still,” the woman pleaded.

  Rayne squeezed her eyes shut and suffered through a sudden surge of pain

  in her gut. She even held her breath, hoping he"d just go away, but that crazy ass


  man stayed on her porch, calling her name, like he knew she was on the other side

  of the door. After several minutes that ran like hours, she couldn"t take it anymore.

  “Troy, you need to leave, okay. Just call me and we"ll talk.”

  “I tried that! You"re not answering your fucking phone!” he shouted with a

  hard rap on the door.

  “What are you even doing here? I never told you where I lived.”

  “I don"t know, boo. Just open the door,” he pleaded.

  What happened to the security at the gate? Troy shouldn"t have even gotten

  this far without her consent.

  “Noo. Leave Troy. We"ll chop it up another time, okay.”

  The door groaned at the weight of his body slamming into it. “Baby, please.

  I, I need to be inside you. I just wanna taste a lil" bit of you.” His harsh pants sifted

  through the door. “Don"t say no to me again. I can"t take it.”

  “You don"t understand. I"m…I"m sick, not myself right now, okay. Please. Just


  “Rayne, I"m not leaving.”

  Persistent asshole. “Get away from my damn door, Troy, before I call the

  cops. I"m serious. You need to bounce.”


  “Look baby, I don"t care about all of that. I gotta have you. C"mon, open up.

  We can do whatever you want. Hey, you can even bite me again. I liked that shit,

  girl. It felt good.”

  She went rigid. Now why would he say that? “He knows not what he asks, for the

  pleasure of your kiss has clouded his mind. Please
be still, my young Queen and leave him be,” the

  voice begged as it faded out of her mind. “Don"t cast me away, dear child. You need

  guidance for this transition.”

  Sending him on his way suddenly sounded like a terrible idea. “I"m sorry,

  but I hafta do this, ma.”

  Rayne staggered back to the door, her lids lowering, and her hands roaming

  over her body. She dragged her tongue across her pulsating teeth and nicked

  herself on her sharp incisors. The taste of her blood lingered on her tongue. She

  shuddered. Her core and nipples throbbed with urgency.

  With a thought, the handle turned and the door swung open. Never had

  Troy seemed as sexually appealing as he did at that moment. Hands resting on

  either side of the doorframe, his deep eyes gazed at her from hooded lids. His

  shoulder and arm muscles flexed beneath a rain soaked shirt as his blood pumped

  hard and fast through his veins.

  He looked good enough to eat. Pun intended.


  She reached out, grabbed his shirt and yanked him in the house. Kicking the

  door shut with the heel of his foot, he latched onto her mouth. She didn"t hold

  back. She returned his ravenous kiss, drawing a guttural groan from the pit of his

  chest. Hungrily, she nipped at his probing tongue and sucked the deliciousness

  bubbling from it.

  He jerked in her grasp, but seemed to not mind. Palming her ass, he lifted

  her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, locked her ankles and rolled her

  crotch against his rigid cock.

  “Down the hall, last room on the right,” she moaned.

  Nearly tripping over the rug, he rushed past the living room, and down the

  hallway to her bedroom, with her attached to him.

  Aggressively, she sucked on his tongue as he fell on the bed, smashing her

  against the plush comforter. She wiggled beneath him, fighting their closeness to

  unbuckle his belt.

  Their hands clashed when he reached down to try to help unbuckle his


  Frustrated, she flipped him onto his back and yanked the belt effortlessly

  from around his waist. He curved his hands over her ass and bucked beneath her,

  undulating his hardened member along the cleft of her heated sex. As a shudder


  ran through her, she ripped his shirt open and bent to twirl her tongue around his

  nipple, tasting the salt on his skin.

  In urgency, he grabbed the sides of her face and whispered, “I want you to

  bite me, Rayne.”

  Wincing at her churning gut, she pulled back and looked into his leaden

  eyes. “Do you know what you"re asking me to do?” Her fangs sprang boldly out—

  not that she could help it—and it seemed like he didn"t care. No, something wasn"t

  right. He should be freaking out right about now. “Troy, you on something?”

  “I"m on you. Or better yet, you"re on me,” he quipped, flashing a boyish grin.

  “C"mon babe, do it to me. It feels so good.”

  “Seriously boo. This doesn"t seem right,” she faltered. “Your eyes are…You

  kinda look like a drug head, like you"re feenin" for that next hit.”

  He laughed heartily. “If I"m a drug head then it"s your fault.”

  Damn, he sounded coherent, but his eyes…

  Through those deep brown orbs, the evidence of his indiscretions washed

  into her. His appetite for sex was insatiable. He"d screwed half of the women on

  her dance squad and even a few guys too. Aside for being surprisingly aroused, she

  felt like a fool for not knowing.


  I want to make this real with you. He"d used this line on many of his partners,

  including her. It did not matter her status. She was just another piece of sweet ass

  to him.

  A smile played on her lips. Her need to feed from him grew stronger. “Wow,

  you"re a very naughty boy, Troy. I had no idea you swung both ways. Ohh and you

  do it so well,” she whispered in a voice that didn"t sound like her own. She dragged

  her nails lightly over his flexing peck and tweaked his nipple.

  He sucked air sharply through his teeth and wound his hips up against her

  slit. “Rayne…”

  Hissing in pleasure, she licked his parted lips. “Do you know what"ll happen

  if I bite you?”

  His pupils enlarged until his irises no longer held color. “I"ll belong to you.”

  And with that said, he bared his throat.

  “Oh yes you will,” she moaned.

  She clamped her mouth over the rapidly pulsating vein in his neck. Unlike

  when she tried to pierce Demetri"s jugular, her sharp incisors easily penetrated his


  His body stiffened beneath her as he howled her name. An overflow of hot

  tangy liquid filled her mouth, delighted her tongue and showered down her throat.


  Sweet, sensual moans spilled out of her in a symphony of pure rapture. The taste

  was amazing, so delicious, nearly suffocating.

  As she swallowed his elixir bit by bit, immense pleasure ripped down his

  body and shot through her core. The scent of his seed spilling from his shaft to

  seep into his boxers and jeans, mingled with the aroma of her womanhood

  spewing her milky essence drove her to quicken her draw.

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her tightly. “Ohh baby,

  oh God, yes Rayne, please don"t stop,” he slurred.

  The pace of his pulse slowed. His embrace weakened.

  Pushing back, she forced herself to release him. From the dresser"s mirror,

  she caught a glimpse of her shimmering reflection. Crimson liquid trickled from

  the corners of her mouth, down the side of her chin and made small red botches on

  her t-shirt.

  Exhilarated, she moaned wildly and licked her lips like a crazed animal. She

  closed her eyes, dipped her head back and laughed. The blood tripped through her

  system, aggressively tickling her insides. It was insanity and ecstasy all wrapped

  up in a tight package. A feeling she wouldn"t trade in for the world.

  She was high, higher than she"d ever been.


  A melody came to her mind. She"d name this one after Troy, since he was her

  first real feed. She hummed the sweet tune to herself, winding her body like an

  enchanted snake.

  “Heady, isn"t it?”

  Startled, she fell back and tumbled off the bed. Half high and half spazzed,

  she clumsily got to her feet and darted her eyes around the spacious room. “Hello?

  Who"s there?”

  In the corner of her room, a white blur hovered. The obscure object took

  shape. It blended and morphed, fusing with the atmosphere, until blackness

  appeared and just as quickly dissipated.

  A tall frame of a man appeared, dressed in all white. A platinum-blonde

  mane poured down his back like a waterfall and kissed his calves. Strands of hair

  covered the sides of his face while he looked down, casually removing a set of

  white gloves from his hands.

  “Nothing can compare to sucking the life from a deserving soul.” He turned

  toward her and shoved the gloves in his pocket. “Nothing at all.”

  A pair of unusual green eyes peered out from feminine Asian features, which

  seemed to look right through her. A fair, golden complexion shaded his skin, and

  contrasted nicely with the white sui


  There was something familiar about this man. Even his voice was

  recognizable in her mind. “Who are you?”

  Chuckling, he rounded the bed and ambled toward her. “You will know

  soon enough.”

  The closer he got, the more his uncanny beauty shone. A strange attraction

  to this man evolved within her.

  “Tell me, what are you wearing? Give me a detailed description of your


  She glanced down at her over-sized, bright purple tinker bell t-shirt, then

  looked back up at him, her brow arched. “You can"t see me?”

  Just as the words left her mouth, he flashed directly in front of her. “No, I

  can only feel the caress of your soul"s energy, which is how I found you. It spikes

  when you shift to feed. It"s like leaving a blood trail that leads me straight to you.”

  Oddly, she wasn"t startled or the least bit tempted to move away. She

  actually yearned to get closer to him. His villainous lips curved into a smirk as if he

  knew exactly how she felt.

  Nibbling on her tongue ring, she studied his face. Small narrow nose, high

  cheek bones, thin eyes brows and shiny, full hair some women would die for.

  Specks of gold dotted his eerie, bright green irises.


  His smile grew wider under her appraisal. A glint from a set of long, silver

  fangs added to his beauty. Helplessly, she stepped forward.

  “Soo, why are you here?”

  “Because you summoned me.”

  Rayne pursed her lips. “I don"t think so,” she snipped. “First of all, if I had a

  choice to summon anybody, it wouldn"t be you.”

  “Ouch. So brutal,” he crooned, covering his heart like he"d been shot. “Dear

  Queen, if you took some time to get to know me, you"d see I"m the better choice.

  Wouldn"t you rather be graced with my presence than the unseen defiling and

  torturing defenseless women?”

  Now that startled her.

  She back stepped, eyeing him suspiciously. “You―how do you know „bout


  “Oh, I know everything about you, my love.”

  She folded her arms under her breasts and cocked her head. “But you can"t

  see me? You don"t even know what I look like and you probably don"t know my



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