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Into the Light (a Lightkeeper Novel Book 1)

Page 21

by Amy Manemann

  I had to admit that definitely sounded easier than how I’d been doing it. “You make it sound so easy.”

  Arianna nodded. “It is. Remember, when you reach for your light, think of it as reaching for an extension of yourself.”

  “Okay, I think I got it. What else?” I asked, eager to learn more.

  “The golden amulet,” she continued. “You must find the blood stone and connect it with the golden amulet before you can connect with your Light Sisters.”

  I sighed. This wasn’t anything new. “We already know that. I just couldn’t use it until I came into my powers.”

  “Yes, but what you don’t know is that the golden amulet has been part of our family lineage for centuries. It has passed through the Devries family line and will now pass on to you. Only you, Willa, can wear and possess the amulet’s powers. It will only show a Devries the location of the bloodstone, and only you can combine the amulet with the bloodstone’s powers.”

  Um, what? Why did nobody know about this? “I don’t understand. I thought other Lightkeepers can wear the amulet?”

  “An amulet, yes.” Arianna smiled. “Only a Devries can wear the golden amulet, Willa.”

  “What about the amulet at the Council? Is that not the golden amulet?” I was somewhat dazed. How could this have happened, and no one knew about it?

  Arianna shook her head. “No. The amulet the Council has is not the Devries golden amulet. Before your father came for me, I hid the bloodstone in a safe place and switched the golden amulet at the Council with another, taking the Devries amulet with me.”

  I laughed, admiring my mother’s genius. “Very tricky. So all this time they thought they had the real deal and here they just had a shiny piece of jewelry.”

  “Yes. The Council members were not aware of the switch, but Evanore knew. She discovered the truth shortly after my death. Not wanting to disrupt her own plans, Evanore darkened the minds of the Council into believing the amulet was too powerful for anyone to handle, and no Lightkeepers since my time have been allowed to touch it. She knew the only person capable of finding the true amulet and handling its powers was you, and you weren’t ready.”

  Evanore. A bitter taste filled my mouth for the woman I had trusted. Her betrayal was a bitter sting. “But why?”

  “Power.” The light left her eyes. “With me gone and the amulet only able to be controlled by our bloodline, she was forced to bide her time until you were ready to come into your powers. Once that happened, I believe she hoped to harness the power through you.”

  Anger shot through my veins. “Yeah, not going to happen.”

  Arianna touched my cheek, sympathy in her eyes. “Do not take Evanore’s betrayal to heart, Willa. There are things going on there that you do not understand.”

  I blew out a breath, willing my anger to subside. “If you say so.”

  Arianna hesitated, tilting her head as if someone were speaking to her. Finally, she nodded, turning her gaze back to me. “Our time has is at an end, my love. I have longed for this day to come for so long, and there is so much I wish I could share with you.”

  I shook my head, fear welling up. Grabbing her hands, I held on tight. “But…I don’t want to go. I want to stay here with you.”

  She squeezed my hands gently between hers. “Oh Willa, how much I wish you could stay here with me, but there is much for you to do. Remember all that I have shared with you, and know that I am always here, looking over you.”

  Her fingers were already fading from my grip, and I panicked, tears burning the back of my eyes. “Mom, please don’t go yet. How am I supposed to find the golden amulet if it’s not at the Council? Please don’t leave. I love you so much.”

  Tears welled up in her eyes, the emerald color already beginning to fade with the rest of her body. “When you awaken the answer will be there. Trust in that. And I will always be here with you. You are my heart.”

  She faded away until I was alone sitting in a white room by myself, the only sounds coming from the sobs that wracked my body.


  I came slowly awake, my eyes adjusting to the darkness of the room. The white room was gone, along with my mother. A pang of sadness washed over me, and I stifled a sob, willing the tears back to where they’d come. She was still there with me, I could feel her, even if I could no longer see her. I just had to keep reminding myself that.

  From the corner of my eye, I saw someone shift in a chair next to the bed. “How are you feeling?” Braeden’s roughened hand caressed my cheek, and I sighed, enjoying the feel of his hand against my skin.

  “Okay, I think. How bad do I look?”

  A grin cracked the corner of his mouth, his golden eyes lighting up with amusement. “You look beautiful. As always.”

  I laughed. “And you’re full of it. As always.”

  He shrugged. “I do what I can. Do you feel like sitting up?”

  Bracing myself for the pain I was sure would come when I attempted the position change, I slowly sat up. To my surprise, sitting up was painless. In fact, I felt like a million dollars. I stared at my arms, hands and legs, everything I could see without a mirror. My skin appeared to be almost glowing in the darkness, the flawless creases and smooth skin giving a creamy, even complexion I knew I’d never had before.

  I threw my legs over the side of the bed, suddenly eager to see more. “Is there a mirror in here?”

  Braeden led me across the room to the adjoining bathroom, reaching to turn on the light. On a whim, I flicked my wrist, and the light came on. Oh yeah, a girl could get used to this.

  He glanced at me in surprise, arching an eyebrow. “Parlor tricks already?”

  I smiled and shrugged, turning towards the bathroom mirror, mouth dropping when I caught sight of my reflection. My skin was flawlessly smooth, glowing with a startling radiance from the inside out. It was my eyes that were the most startling, the brilliant shade of emerald seemed to shimmer with a lifelike power unlike anything I had ever seen.

  A sparkle of gold caught my eye, and the breath caught in my throat. Around my neck was the golden amulet. My fingers grazed the cold metal, reveling in the lightweight feel of the amulet around my neck. Mom had been right. The answer was there when I awoke.

  I gazed at the beautiful woman in the mirror, slightly in awe of the woman staring back at me. That woman was me. She was also my mother and all the Devries women who had come before her to uphold the chosen path of their Lightkeeper lineage. It was a destiny I never understood until now, and one I was ready to face with everything I had in me. My fingers curled around the cool metal against my neck. I would follow in the footsteps of those who had come before me and uphold the light against the darkness. Because no matter what trouble lay ahead of us, the light would prevail.

  It had to. There were no other options.

  To be continued

  About the Author

  Amy Manemann is an International Best Selling Author. She writes sexy and intriguing romantic suspense, young adult paranormal romance, contemporary romance, and dabbles in children's books. She resides in her hometown along the Mississippi river with her husband and their two children. When she isn't plotting her next book, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, and diving into a good book.

  You can connect with Amy at

  Also by Amy Manemann

  Taci Andrews Cozy Mystery Series

  Deadly Reunion, Book 1

  Deadly Science, Book 2

  Deadly Politics, Book 3

  Flirt with me Series

  Flirt with Temptation, Book 1

  Flirt with Fire, Book 2

  Flirt with Desire, Book 3

  Saddle Creek Sisters Series

  Going all In, Book 1

  Lightkeepers Series

  Into the Light, Book 1

  Through the Darkness, Book 2

  Hartley Series

  Love on the Slopes (Book 1)

  The Twisted Love Serie

  Co-Written with Stacy Eaton

  Love Lorn, Book 1 (Manemann)

  Love Torn, Book 2 (Eaton)

  Love Inked, Book 3

  Love Drowned, Book 4

  Love Carved, Book 5 (2020)

  Love Trapped, Book 6 (2020)

  Love Crossed, Book 7 (2020)

  Love Twisted, Book 8 (2020)

  Love Lies, Book 9 (2021)

  SCVC Taskforce Romance Suspense Series

  Co-Written with Misty Evans

  Deadly Affair, Book 5

  Deadly Holiday, Book 8




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