Book Read Free

Meeting Mrs Garret

Page 26

by Raquel De Leon

  Her drinking paused when she realized Reeve was standing in front of her and frowning. He did not look pleased.

  “Natalie, what’s going on? You’ve barely been home at all in the last two weeks. Did you meet someone?” His eyes narrowed as she gulped down her water.

  Natalie applauded herself for not choking on her drink. “What? No. I’ve just been hanging out with a friend.”

  “You haven’t even eaten dinner,” he pointed out, his frown deepening the longer she avoided his eyes.

  “I’ll eat when I’m out.” She rolled her eyes. “Thanks for the concern, Dad. I promise nothing bad is going on but I’m late and I have to go.”

  Reeve’s frown lingered long after she’d disappeared.


  Alone in her new kitchenette, Maddie leaned on the counter and toyed with some of the new accessories she’d slowly acquired during her stay. Anything she didn’t take back to Sage Falls, she could always give to Brittney. Or Natalie.

  Maddie folded the napkin so its edges were perfectly aligned, folding and folding again until it resembled a small triangle. She was bored, and tired of thinking about her failed marriage. Natalie had let her know that she was going to be late, but Maddie didn’t know what to do with the sudden gap in her time.

  She’d seen Adam today, and she still felt off from the scheduled visit. He’d been briefly in town and had wanted to check on her. It had only been after the awkward visit that it dawned on her that she didn’t have to go out of her way for him anymore. He’d made that choice.

  The next time he wanted a quick visit and she didn’t feel up to it, she resolved to say no. She’d put his feelings first long enough.

  She smiled down at the napkin. That night she’d be giving Natalie another dance lesson, then they’d have a shorter cooking lesson. It was ambitious, cramming both in on the same night after Natalie had gone to class and worked. Natalie had insisted. Maddie had agreed simply because she loved any excuse to spend time with Natalie.

  Looking at the time, Maddie changed her mind. It was already seven. Who knew the last time Natalie had eaten? As she began taking out ingredients, she was sure Natalie would forgive her.

  They’d spent time together nearly every day but hadn’t really gotten around to any sort of lessons. Maddie had thought the lessons had been an excuse on Natalie’s part to try to encourage Maddie to maintain contact. It wasn’t necessary. For better or worse, Maddie was set on doing what made her happy. Old guilt had no place in her new life.

  The previous day as they’d wandered around the park, Natalie had finally brought the lessons up again.

  “C’mon, Maddie.” Natalie spun so she was walking backward, but still close. “You promised to help me with my game.”

  Maddie ignored the way her heart seemed to skip a beat when Natalie grinned. “And I was told you don’t need any help in that respect,” she teased. Having gotten to spend more time with Natalie alone, she was inclined to agree.

  And Natalie hadn’t been trying.

  “It doesn’t hurt to diversify, Maddie.” Natalie paused, the back of her hand nudging Maddie’s. “Won’t you take pity on a poor Mexican girl, all alone in the world?”

  Maddie narrowed her eyes and tried not to smile. “I’m sure the Holders would be quite upset to hear you say that.”

  Natalie blinked coquettishly. “Hm? I don’t see them anywhere, do you?”

  Unable to resist, Maddie laughed. “Fine, Natalie. How about tomorrow?”


  Their eyes met and Maddie had to force herself to look away. They were friends, she reminded herself.

  Maddie pulled herself back to the present and set the green curry she’d prepped to simmer. It wouldn’t be much longer. She checked her rice to be safe, unfamiliar with the new pot and stove.

  Just as she was turning the burners off, there was knocking at her door.

  She hurriedly tugged off her red apron and dropped it on the counter, running a hand through her hair as she moved to the door. A quick peek through the peephole confirmed it was Natalie.

  “Natalie,” she said as she opened the door and smiled, “I’m so glad you could make it. It would have been alright to cancel, though.”

  “No way,” Natalie quickly corrected as she stepped inside. And halted. She closed her eyes and sniffed, only to open them again and send an accusatory look Maddie’s way. “You cooked without me.”

  There was no rancor in her words, and her eyes appeared to be glimmering with amusement.

  Maddie licked her lips and looked away. “Mm, well you having to come later changed things. I was getting hungry.”

  “I guess it can’t be helped, then.” Natalie stuck her hands in her pockets and nodded toward the kitchen. “Shall we, then? I haven’t eaten since lunch.”

  “Terrible,” Maddie chided as she hid another smile. She’d been right. “Come on.”


  Dinner was delicious, not that Natalie had expected anything else.

  It was almost as delicious as arriving to a barefoot, casually-dressed Maddie. Oh, she loved Maddie in dresses, but there was something special about Maddie in faded jeans and an untucked white button-up.

  The temporary apartment seemed to come with new rules. Natalie liked that. Maddie was adapting and that was important.

  “So, what am I learning today? The Tango?” Natalie wiggled her eyebrows so Maddie would know she was joking.

  Maddie chuckled and shook her head. “Just the Quickstep, I’m afraid.”

  Natalie snapped her fingers. “Darn.”

  “I’m sure you’ll live.” Maddie wandered over to the counter and slid her phone into its slot, glad she’d dug out her old Bose speaker before making the trip. She’d spent an hour picking out some lively music. “The music might sound intimidating but we’ll start off slow.”

  She spent several minutes showing Natalie the formal pose and explaining the basics of the movements. Even at beginner levels, she was certain they would still have fun. As if proving her point, Natalie kept making her laugh so much that starting took longer than she’d anticipated. Once they did, however, Natalie’s own natural talent shone through.

  It was invigorating, even at quarter-speed. Natalie was still an excellent dance partner.

  And for a change, she could dance barefoot without being completely dwarfed. Natalie was only a few inches taller, an almost perfect height for Maddie’s comfort.

  “You know,” Natalie said after a while, “this music is pretty upbeat for this dance. Is this its normal speed?”

  Caught, Maddie smiled. “No.”

  Natalie raised an eyebrow in challenge. “Let’s change that, then.”

  “Alright.” Maddie increased their speed gradually, delighting in Natalie’s determined expression.

  “Is that all you’ve got?” Natalie asked when they were at three-quarters speed.

  Maddie narrowed her eyes. “Not by a long shot.”

  She wasn’t sure how long they’d been dancing when, going faster than Maddie would consider normal, Natalie intentionally made a face that made her burst into laughter. Unfortunately, that also meant she just slightly missed a step.

  Their legs tangled, and then they were tumbling over.

  Maddie was still laughing when she pushed up onto her elbows. Natale’s legs were still tangled with hers, though the younger woman had done her best not to land directly on her.

  “You lose,” Natalie said as she pushed up to lean on her right arm. “I totally did not mess up.”

  “You cheated,” Maddie countered. Her face hurt from smiling.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Honestly, Maddie, I thought you were a pro.”

  Maddie reached out and pushed her shoulder. “You’re terrible.”

  “I know at least a few women who would disagree with you.”

  Pursing her lips, Maddie reached out to push her shoulder again.

  Natalie caught her hand before it coul
d make contact. “Uh-uh.”

  Their eyes met and Maddie’s heart started to earnestly pound. Warmth traveled from where she and Natalie were in contact, making her skin tingle. She shifted her legs so they pressed slightly closer to Natalie’s. Her chest grew taut as she tried to remember to breathe. Natalie wasn’t moving, not drawing closer or pulling away.

  “Natalie,” Maddie said softly as she shifted to rest her weight on one hand. “The night at the party, there’s something I never told you.”

  The distance shrunk between them as she swayed forward, only to freeze halfway. God, what was she thinking? Natalie wouldn’t want to—

  Except Natalie was closer now, too.

  Maddie’s lips parted when Natalie interlaced their fingers together and softly tugged.

  “What didn’t you tell me, Maddie?”

  Natalie was so close that Maddie could feel the soft exhale of every word tickle across her face. She swallowed, her eyes drifting down to Natalie’s lips.

  “Um,” she murmured when her thoughts wouldn’t form. She closed her eyes and tilted her head.

  Natalie met her halfway, their lips at first only barely making contact. Soft, hesitant. Either of them could still pull away.

  Maddie was tired of hesitating. She angled her head more, bringing her mouth into solid contact with Natalie’s.

  The kiss lingered briefly, only for Natalie to pull away.

  “Jesus, Maddie,” she whispered right before kissing Maddie again.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Natalie felt like she was dreaming as she fit Maddie’s lower lip between hers. Kissing Maddie was dizzying, her body feeling electrified as three kisses became more—until she lost count.

  Somewhere between a breath and softly sucking Maddie’s lower lip, they were suddenly horizontal.

  Maddie was below Natalie, wavy hair spread around her like a halo and her denim-clad legs wide and cradling Natalie’s hips. Soft hands were at Natalie’s neck and back, urgently, rhythmically massaging their encouragement. It took everything in Natalie to keep her trembling arms braced on either side of Maddie’s torso. She panted against Maddie’s lips before kissing her again.

  Any moment now Natalie would wake up. She pulled her mouth away from Maddie’s in spite of Maddie’s guttural protest, only for the protest to become a moan when Natalie began trailing open-mouthed kisses along Maddie’s jaw and neck.

  “Natalie,” Maddie gasped.

  Natalie shivered and then cursed when Maddie’s hips bucked, bringing the heat of her arousal into direct contact with Natalie.

  Natalie ground down on instinct, one hand sliding down until it was lightly gripping Maddie’s ass. Maddie’s breaths were hot against the side of her face as she rolled her hips again. The angle was better, but still not enough.

  God, she wanted to, to…

  With a resigned sigh, Natalie eased Maddie back until she was completely resting on the ground.

  Natalie buried her face against Maddie’s shoulder. Even throbbing with need, she knew it was too soon. Until a short while ago, she hadn’t even realized her attraction was mutual. The intensity of it too, if Maddie’s reaction was anything to go by.

  She groaned.

  Being an adult sucked sometimes.

  Slowly, their breathing began to calm. Maddie’s hands were soothing now, delicately running over her head, down her neck, and along the tops of her shoulders.

  “Sorry,” Maddie said in a voice still rough with arousal. “I got carried away.”

  Natalie rolled her head so she could peek up at Maddie. “You did, didn’t you?”

  A burst of laughter escaped Maddie. She lightly slapped Natalie’s shoulder. “You really are terrible.”

  Natalie licked her lips, again pushing up on her hands so she was directly over Maddie. “I think we just established I’m anything but terrible.”

  Maddie’s chest stilled and then started pushing out faster than before. “Natalie,” she warned.

  The protest was weak at best, and it took Natalie an immense amount of willpower not to start all over again. She leaned down to press a delicate kiss to Maddie’s forehead. “I know.”

  Grudgingly, she moved so she was lying next to Maddie.

  They stared up at the ceiling without speaking. Maddie’s playlist continued in the background, the upbeat music somehow out of place with how special the moment felt.

  With a careful glance to the side, she slid her hand over until it was touching Maddie’s.

  Maddie responded by turning hers over and interlacing their fingers together.

  Natalie grinned. “So, that happened, huh.”


  Natalie’s mind raced with a thousand thoughts, not allowing herself to dwell on any one for too long. Maddie could change her mind at any moment. Maybe it had been a mistake. She shouldn’t make it anything more than it had been: just a moment between two women who happened to find each other attractive.

  “I like you, Natalie. A lot.”

  Even though Maddie’s voice was soft, Natalie braced for rejection. They were supposed to be friends. Maddie hadn’t been the one to bridge that final, tiny gap.

  “I’ve liked you more than I should for a while now.”

  A lump formed in Natalie’s throat. “I-is that why…” she couldn’t even voice the thought, feeling horrible.

  “No. Not totally. Or even mostly. Adam and I had been having problems for a while. The only reason he was trying so hard at the end was to try and convince himself it’s what he wanted. Sure, he knew I was feeling something for someone else, but that wasn’t his deciding factor. We’d both been attracted to someone outside of our marriage before. We always chose each other.” Maddie paused, her voice becoming quieter. “Just not this time. He wanted to stop feeling guilty for loving his work more.”

  As much as Natalie loved engineering, she couldn’t imagine choosing it completely over Maddie. “Marriage is complicated.”

  Maddie laughed and angled her head so she could look at Natalie. “It is.”

  Natalie bit her lower lip and tried not to stare at Maddie’s mouth. “Is this a good idea?”

  “Who knows?” Maddie said with a small shrug. “I’m just tired of feeling miserable about it when I just… enjoy being with you so much.”

  “Me too.”

  Maddie’s responding smile made Natalie’s chest feel tight. It was a lot to process. She wouldn’t change the developments in their relationship for anything in the world. Confusing and scary as it was, she couldn’t imagine a world where she wouldn’t pursue something with Maddie, given the opportunity.

  “Are you staying the night?” Maddie’s voice was quiet. It was clear Maddie just wanted her company, and maybe some conversation. They had a lot to talk about.

  It sounded perfect to Natalie. “Are you asking?”

  Maddie’s lips curled in a smile. “Yes.”

  “Then, yes,” Natalie said without hesitation.

  “Perfect,” Maddie murmured, unintentionally voicing Natalie’s earlier thought.


  Natalie shifted, surprised to find an immovable warmth in front of her. It took her sleepy brain a moment to register where she was and who she was with. Once she did, she experienced an overwhelming sense of joy.

  Maddie was still fast asleep, and so she decided to just bask in the wonder of the moment. She was glad that Maddie had wanted her to stay the night.

  As much as she was enjoying Maddie’s softness and the faint remnants of champagne and roses, she couldn’t stay still forever.

  The full feeling of her bladder became a pressing concern. It was difficult convincing herself to leave the comfort of Maddie, but her biological needs won out. She carefully untangled herself from Maddie’s loose grip and slid out from under the covers.

  The slumbering woman stirred and then settled back to sleep. Quickly and quietly, Natalie made her way to the bathroom. She felt better after seeing to her morning needs, even taking
the time to brush her teeth with a finger and splash some water on her face.

  She stretched as she exited the bathroom, unsure what time it was and trying to remember her schedule for the day. Her jeans were right where she had left them after she’d changed into a pair of borrowed yoga pants—which were just slightly too short. She chuckled to herself and sifted through the pockets for her cell phone.

  The time didn’t register at first, but then her eyes widened when she realized that she’d slept longer than she’d anticipated. They’d talked for a while, but maybe it had been a lot longer than she’d thought.

  Her battery was nearly dead and the notifications showed she had several messages. Those would have to wait.

  “Crap,” she muttered under her breath as she hurried back to the bathroom. Even if she left right away, she’d still be very late. She didn’t have her bag or any of her books since she’d dropped them off at home after work.

  She paced silently as she tried to remember what was on the syllabus for the day. She sighed and let her shoulders slump. There was a research paper due today. She bit her lip.

  The paper was done, but she didn’t feel like rushing out in hopes of getting to class on time. If she hit any traffic at all she’d be screwed, anyway. She hadn’t considered that last night would end the way it had, but she did have options.

  Her professor for her lone Friday class liked her, and she’d never failed to turn anything in on time.

  “Come on, just stay alive for a few more minutes,” she coaxed her phone while she accessed her cloud storage.

  Finding her paper was easy enough, and she was grateful for the small document sizes as it downloaded. Next she pulled open her email and attached the paper with an apologetic note, hoping that the digital copy would suffice until she could get a hard copy into Dr. Johnson’s hands.

  She released a relieved breath when the email went through, adding a silent prayer that everything would work out. Skipping class wasn’t something she’d done very often; she spent way too much on her education to skip. Usually.

  For last night with Maddie, she’d make an exception.

  “Natalie?” Maddie’s sleep-graveled voice softly called out.


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