Always, Ella

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Always, Ella Page 17

by Sofia Sawyer

  The slow burn building low in her stomach grew, warming her. She sighed as his mouth moved up her neck and back to her lips. She wrapped her legs around his waist again, her arms circling around his neck.

  “Bedroom. Now,” she urged against his mouth.

  Jackson lifted her from the counter and walked to the back of the apartment, knocking into her small bistro table and a bookshelf.

  She laughed, a rough sound filled with lust. “I’d love to make it to my bed without completely destroying my apartment in the process.”

  He pulled away, a devilish grin crossing his features. “Don’t worry. I’ll get you there.”

  Jackson continued down the small hall, reaching her bedroom in record time without additional collisions. He pushed the door open with his foot and crossed the threshold, depositing Elena gently on the edge of her bed.

  Together, they pulled her dress down the rest of her body, leaving her in only her black lace panties. Jackson sucked in a breath at the sight of her, his hands running along her curvy hips and shapely legs. She shivered as his hands perused her body, taking their time to feel their way, stopping on her sensitive spots to drive her wild.

  “I want to taste you,” he said, his voice low and serious, something Elena hadn’t heard from him before.

  And damn if it didn’t turn her on even more.

  She locked eyes with him as she slipped her thumbs under the thin band of her panties and slid them down, giving him permission to take what he wanted. She lay back on the bed and propped herself onto her elbows, spreading her legs ever so slightly. Her body heated as she watched Jackson’s face reveal every single emotion and thought running through his mind.

  He wanted her like his life depended on it.

  Kneeling on the edge of the bed, he placed his hands on her knees, pulling her legs apart further. Elena relished the pressure of his fingers on her skin and how he was taking control, eager to please her. Kissing the inside of her thighs, he made his way up with painstaking slowness. It took everything in her to not beg for him to move faster. Her body ached at the thought of his tongue on her, licking her center. She pulsed at the idea.

  “Please,” she whispered, the anticipation nearly killing her.

  Without hesitation, his mouth found the place where she wanted him the most. She nearly came undone by the unexpected feel of his warm tongue on her sensitive spot. His tongue swept in a slow circle, getting a feel for pressure and tempo, watching how her body reacted to him.

  Trust me, it’s reacting.

  A pool of wetness flooded between her legs as he found the right rhythm. His hand moved up her thigh, and he put a finger inside of her followed by another, adding new friction to the mix. He groaned against her at the feel of all her slickness, the deep rumble vibrating in a delicious way.

  Elena’s breath came in spurts as each swirl of his tongue brought her closer to the edge. Her hips moved in circles with his movements, but his hands pushed her down in place, making her take every lap of his tongue, a mixture of softness and perfect pressure that hit her in all the right ways.

  “Jackson, don’t stop,” she pleaded between moans, her body tensing around his fingers. “I’m close.”

  Jackson picked up his speed, moving his tongue expertly against her clit until she shattered around him. “Jackson,” she called out, her body convulsing in pleasurable pulses. He continued to lick her, letting her ride it out until it was over.

  “Oh my God,” she said as he pulled away and stood before her, a look of arousal and satisfaction across his face.

  “Doing that…God, it turned me on so much, Elena. I could do that forever.”

  Elena, now breathless and somehow even hornier than before the orgasm, pushed up to a seated position. She reached out to him, her hands running along the front of his jeans. She could feel his hardness outlined underneath, just begging to be released.

  His breath quickened at the sight of her, naked and ready for him. He squeezed his eyes shut as her hand moved back and forth along his cock.

  “I want you, Jackson. Now.”

  Unzipping his pants, she pulled them down enough so that he popped out. Her eyes landed greedily on him, taking in the sheer size, enjoying the fact that she made him hard and ready. He wanted her just as badly as she wanted him.

  Elena licked her lips and leaned forward, bringing the head to her mouth. She wet it, allowing her lips to glide seamlessly up and down the length. He hissed out a breath as she moved back and forth, his knees buckling a bit before he steadied himself again.

  “Elena,” he growled.

  She looked up, capturing his eyes as she slid back down the length. A look of tortured pleasure crossed his face. Jackson gripped her shoulders lightly, reluctantly pulling her away.

  “As amazing as that feels, I want you in other ways. I need to be inside you, Elena. I can’t handle it.”

  A smile crossed her lips as she stood, rising on her toes to kiss him. Her bare skin slid across his chest, all hot and hard and hers.

  Never in her life would she had expected this explosive chemistry between them. Being with him this week completely transformed how she felt about him. How she saw him. He was the guy who pushed her boundaries. Challenged her. Supported her. And, as his lips moved along her shoulder and down to her breasts again, he was the guy who worshiped her.

  He slipped a hand into his back pocket, pulling out a condom, before stripping down to all his naked glory. Elena sucked in a breath as her eyes raked him in. Tall, lean, muscular, and one hundred percent ready for her.

  She moved to the bed again, lying on her back, feeling the anticipation swell inside of her as Jackson sheathed himself. She never cared much for that visual before, but somehow watching him was so incredibly erotic that she tingled all over.

  Carefully, he crawled into bed, positioning himself above her. He drew in deep breaths, and Elena could see the slope of his muscled chest in flashes as the lightning brightened the room in a blue light.

  Jackson’s eyes captured hers as he paused, giving her one last moment to change her mind. Because once he slipped inside of her, like she so desperately wanted, everything between them would change.

  As if it hadn’t already.

  Elena reached a hand to his face, cupping it gently before kissing him. No longer were the kisses frantic and eager, now the mood had shifted into something more intimate. Intense.

  Jackson took the kiss for what it was: permission. He moved her legs apart and positioned himself at her entrance, just putting the first bit of him inside. Elena gasped, her body adjusting to fit him, the exciting feeling of pleasure mixed with overwhelming fullness. She could get addicted to this.

  Could they stay like this forever?

  “Are you okay?” he whispered, his voice rough from restraint.

  Elena nodded. “Don’t you dare stop.”

  Jackson pushed himself in nearly all the way, causing a loud moan to escape her lips.

  Holy mother.

  He felt so good. The thought of him filling her up so perfectly was almost as good as the actual thing. Once Jackson realized she was okay, he moved back and forth, building delicious friction between them. Elena was still wet and ready from the incredible orgasm he gave her only a few minutes ago, and as he moved inside her, his naked body running along hers, another one was building quickly.

  Jackson kissed her as he moved a hand between them, finding her sensitive clit, and rubbed his thumb in those perfect circles that would bring her over the edge. She felt it build again, her body clenching more and more with each stroke of his finger. Her first orgasm was always more intense than any that followed, but being wrapped around him made her believe that wouldn’t be the case this time. She was in pure ecstasy, wanting nothing more than to have his hands on her, him inside her, for as long as she could take it.

  This week had been thick with sexual tension and new feelings. Everything had culminated in making this moment reach new heights. Every touch, groan
, kiss, look. All of it hit an intensity she’d never experienced in her life. It should scare her. She liked to have a plan, to know where things were going. And Jackson⁠—the man who traveled far and wide⁠—was anything but a sure thing.

  But she wasn’t scared, because it was with him.

  With Jackson, she was safe.

  “Jackson,” Elena moaned, her body tightening more in response to him.

  “Say my name again.” His hips moved faster, she could sense his orgasm coming close, their breaths mingled in the heat of it.

  “Jackson!” His name left her lips on a scream as that last swirl of his fingers pushed her over the edge.

  Another mind-blowing orgasm shook her, taking her by surprise, so intense she thought she might faint. Her body milked him, the feel of his length inside of her with each pulse only enhanced the sensation. She never wanted it to end.

  Moments later, Jackson tucked his face against the crook of her neck and roared her name as he finally found his own pleasure. He rested his body on hers, sticky and slick from exertion.

  He kissed her throat, panting hard as he tried to come down from what just happened.

  “Jesus Christ,” was all he could manage.

  Elena, still pulsing and buzzing, could only nod.

  Everything about their week and their faux relationship had been uncertain. Lines were blurred between what was real and acting.

  But if there was one thing that was for sure in all of it, it was that the chemistry between them just now was very real.

  And the feelings Elena had for Jackson were too.

  Elena started at the feel of cold wetness on her hand. She opened her eyes, finding Marley resting her snout on the bed, her face a fraction of an inch from Elena’s, the dog’s warm breath blowing her tangled hair from her cheek. The storm had stopped, but the room was still dark, indicating it had only been a few hours since she’d fallen asleep.

  She and Jackson had repeat sessions after their first time together, ranging from hot and heavy to slow and tender. She wasn’t sure whose stamina was more impressive: hers or his. But after they finally wore each other out, blissfully satisfied, he had wrapped her in his arms and whispered in her ear.

  “You’re beautiful. You’re everything.”

  Elena wasn’t one to cuddle for long. Of course, she liked affection like anyone else, but when it was time to sleep, she needed her space. With Jackson, however, she found herself falling deeper into his arms, pressing herself against him as if she couldn’t survive without feeling every inch of his body against her.

  Being in his arms meant security, something she hadn’t remembered feeling in a long time. She could just be, and that was more than enough.

  Although his grip on her had lessened during their sleep, Elena could still feel the weight of his arm across her middle and the heat radiating from his body. He snored lightly near her, the sound of it comforting her in the middle of the night.

  Marley jumped into the bed and circled twice before finding a small nook between Jackson and Elena’s feet. She let out a contented sigh before settling in.

  As Elena lay there with her beloved dog pressed against her and Jackson’s arm wrapped around her, she realized this was the happiest she’d been in a long time. Examining it, she noticed how light she felt. Unburdened. She wanted to blame it on the multiple orgasms and the resulting dopamine from them, but she knew that wasn’t the case.

  When Brittany threatened her job, reputation, and said those awful things, it didn’t sting as horribly as it used to. Sure, it affected her. Elena hadn’t changed overnight, that self-doubt would always linger in her psyche. But this time, it was different.

  The best she could equate it to was like wearing a fancy gown and attending a lavish party. All glitz, glamour, and holding yourself in a way you wouldn’t normally. Then, coming home, stripping down, and getting into those ratty, comfortable PJs, sitting on the couch, and eating leftover Chinese food with your favorite wine and TV show. It was that level of comfort and relief that was hitting her hard right now.

  She felt like she could be herself. No masquerading as someone else. No worrying about other people’s opinions. She was just Elena Lucia. And that was enough.

  Shifting in the bed, she turned to face Jackson, who was still sound asleep. She ran a hand along his cheek, placing a kiss softly on his lips. He stirred for a second before falling into a deep sleep again.

  She knew why she felt the way she did. It was because of Jackson. At the beginning of the week, she assumed he was just giving her a hard time. Now, she saw that he pushed her and challenged her because her genuine self was so much better than whatever she was trying to be to appease everyone else.

  He saw through it. He always had. Maybe it took more than a decade to realize it, but he was right.

  She was better because of him. She was better as herself.

  And through it all, he liked her just the way she was. Jackson supported her, championed her, cared for her. Maybe he was a rowdy kid when they were growing up, but the memories of those quieter moments came flooding back. She could remember the way he looked at her as if studying her, trying to remember every bit of her.

  Or that time he had dissed a guy who made fun of Elena’s outfit one day. It was subtle, but she could remember the look Jackson gave her as he passed her by in the school halls, satisfied that he’d set the guy straight.

  Or how at house parties, Jackson had always found a way to her. He never let her be alone, even if it meant him introducing her to other people when she was too shy to do it herself. She remembered how annoyed Jackson’s dates would be, always focusing on Elena’s needs first.

  For years, Elena thought Jackson couldn’t care less. Now, she knew that’s all he did. He had cared for her this whole time.

  Elena looked at his face, highlighted by the glow of the moon streaming through her window. He looked so peaceful. How could she have missed all the signs this whole time?

  How could he?

  Tomorrow, she’d tell him how she felt. That she appreciated him. That she understood. That she wanted to give their fake relationship a real shot. Because of him, she was feeling brave. Hopeful.

  And after, Elena would embrace her identity whole-heartedly. She would stop worrying about what happened after the show came out or what the couples and her publishers would think once she told them the truth. She was going to set things right.

  She owed it to them to be the best version of herself. She owed it to herself. Come hell or high water, she was done hiding.



  Jackson tried not to pinch himself. Being with Elena last night had been unlike anything he’d ever imagined. Unlike anything he’d experienced. She was an unexpected but welcome surprise, full of passion and playfulness, and heat and tenderness all rolled into one.

  He knew she had a lot of heart, but seeing her come undone last night surpassed his wildest dreams. The way she moaned. How she bit her bottom lip as she got closer to the edge. The feel of her wrapped around him. The way her eyes raked his body with hunger. The sound of her voice as she screamed his name. It was enough to make him want to pull her into the bathroom of the café where they were spending a lazy morning and make her do those things all over again.

  If he’d thought he was hooked on her before, he was a fool. He needed her like an addict needed their next fix.

  Elena smiled over her oversized cup of coffee, her eyes sparkling in the warm morning light. They sat by the window, taking in the early morning scenes of Charleston. The café was starting to fill in but was still quiet enough. Even over the muted noise of the coffee machines, music overhead, and chatter from the tables nearby, the sound of Jackson’s thundering heart filled his ears.

  “What are you thinking about? You’re giving me a funny look.” She laughed lightly as she put down her mug.

  I love you, Elena.

  “Just happy,” he replied, taking her hand and kissing her palm. />
  On the short walk to the café this morning, he couldn’t keep his hands off her. He held hers tight, stopping every few minutes to swing her around and kiss her. But she didn’t protest that it was inappropriate for a public setting. Instead, she’d wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him with the same heat as the night before.

  They almost didn’t make it to the café.

  Everything felt amazing. Natural. As if they’d been lovers for years. There was a level of comfort in being around Elena but also a sense of excitement. This was all new, but all so familiar.

  She grinned. “Me too.”

  This moment was perfect. Last night was perfect too, but something about being here with her like this hit Jackson deeper. He could picture doing this with her every morning.

  For the rest of their lives.

  Right then and there, Jackson knew he’d do anything to make this work. The fact that Rich couldn’t travel put a hitch in things. It would be at least a year before Jackson could afford to hire someone to take his place, plus the six months he’d need to train them. That meant the roots Jackson had hoped to set were now out of reach...for now, at least. But maybe, even with all the travel, he could still find a way to anchor himself here. If she was open to it, he’d come back to her time and time again.

  Maybe it wasn’t fair to ask that of her. It wasn’t fair for anyone to have a boyfriend who was gone so often, but he couldn’t not try. He had to know how she felt.

  Elena’s phone vibrated on the table. She clicked a few buttons and paused, her smile dropping.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  She slid her phone to over so he could read the text.

  Brittany Hale: You should really consider the deal. Last chance.


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