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The Mercenary's Bounty

Page 30

by Kristen Banet

  “Mave, this is the village’s mativa, Jesvena.” He didn’t ask if she knew what a mativa was. He figured Leshaun covered that at some point in their studies.

  “It’s nice to meet you, tradition-keeper,” Mave greeted, extending a hand. Alchan was glad his assumption was right.

  He also silently prayed the old bat would accept the greeting, even if the Andena was broken and full of an Elliar accent most of them despised. It didn’t help that Mave had obviously won the silent battle the females liked to have. He figured while Jesvena knew what just happened and why, Mave went instinctual and won out, even if it was disrespectful. She should have dropped her eyes to Jesvena’s position out of respect, if not dominance. Sadly, this was Maevana Lorren and Alchan knew from experience that she didn’t drop her eyes for anyone or anything.

  Jesvena was slow to it, but eventually, she took Mave’s hand.

  “Greetings, Mave.” Jesvena dismissed Mave after that, turning back to him. “A new female to join the community’s ranks is always-”

  “She’s the newest member of the Company and will be treated as such.” Alchan wasn’t going to have Mave tangled up in the mess of the village politics. He wanted her to have a place, but he wanted it to be as a warrior. If his instincts were right, it would suit her better. He said it all in Common, even as Jesvena stayed in Andena. He wanted Mave to hear everything he said and understand it. She wouldn’t understand yet why he did it, but she would one day. He wanted to show he was on her side from the start, even if he didn’t always behave that way.

  “Sire…” Jesvena looked over Mave again, who visibly bristled under the scrutiny. “While I understand your idea of her being a warrior, our numbers-”

  “Matesh is a member of her mayara, and she shares a blood bond with Luykas. On top of that, she’s been a warrior for at least nine hundred years. She’s Company. You asked earlier what sort of preparations I need for the winter? She and Matesh need a home. Make sure it has room to grow as well, in case her family grows.” Alchan leaned in closer, continuing in Common. “Don’t test me on this, Jesvena.”

  He watched the old female bristle now. The females always had ideas and things they wanted. He wasn’t in the mood for them. He should have expected this, honestly. Females were warriors, just like every Andinna, but since the War, they were hidden and locked away. They couldn’t be risked, not if they wanted their race to survive.

  Really, Jesvena was pissed that he was pulling rank on her. For a male to outrank a female? He lived in a difficult position. The mativa of a community was normally the most powerful Andinna of the area. They met in Councils that then reported regional issues to the ruling body. Normally, that was a Queen they could respect, a female like his grandmother or one of his aunts, who had spent centuries training to take the throne when it was one of their times.

  Now they just had some bedru asshole always pissing them off.

  “At least do me the respect of speaking in Andena,” the old female snapped in Andena.

  “He can’t,” Mave cut in. “I don’t know the language well enough.”

  Alchan was shocked for a moment. She was sticking up for him now? “You caught enough of that?”

  “I’m not fluent, but I know enough to catch some things,” she reminded him, giving him a hard stare that had him raising his eyebrows. It was a challenge, but not one he was going to entertain, so he bit back his growl as she continued speaking. She eventually stopped, probably realizing they were at the same impasse they always were and turned back to Jesvena. “Why is it a problem I’m considered Company?”

  “You’re female, and we need to protect you,” Jesvena said quickly, now in Common as well. Alchan knew the old female was trying to play nice to a female more dominant than her.

  “I don’t need protection.” The bite, the indignation in her voice. Alchan wanted to snort in Jesvena’s face. No, Maevana Lorren did not need protection and she would never let anyone put her to the side to be protected.

  Someone gasped. Alchan took the moment to look around. They were being watched by nearly a third of the villagers now. His warriors were dispersed in there as well, looking for a way to step in if they needed to. They had come back when Alchan and Mave hadn’t left as well. He felt a wave of pride seeing his warriors ready to step in, even if it meant getting into bad blood with the commoners.

  “Every female who was in service to Elvasi needs time to heal. They probably had you doing menial tasks and-”

  “I was a gladiator,” Mave corrected. “I do well protecting myself and have for a very long time. I won’t be kept in a nicer cage.”

  “Jes, you should have asked more about the rescue mission before making assumptions,” Luykas said, coming to back him and Mave. “Now let my brother have his way. Mave won’t follow you and stay with the community. She’s chosen to join the King and me as a Company warrior.”

  Jesvena was so obviously unhappy that Alchan knew he would need to explain Luykas’ meaning sooner rather than later.

  “Mave, are you okay with getting this out there now? Who you are?” Alchan wouldn’t announce it to the entire village without her approval. Luykas stiffened, and suddenly, Matesh was right there behind his female, ready to back her up if it was needed. The Company pushed out of the crowd, joining them. It was a clear sign they were going to stick with Mave, even if the other Andinna thought they were mad or disliked her. He stupidly realized he hadn’t told Kian before sending the warrior off. Now, Kian stood in the crowd, holding a pint. He took a sip, meeting Alchan’s gaze and raised an eyebrow.

  Alchan tore his gaze away first, looking back at her, hoping for an answer sooner rather than later. She looked around, taking them all in as well. Alchan watched the wheels turn behind her eyes, calculating, analyzing. It was something he’d noticed about her long before. While she had started out skittish, she was observant, and it did her well. She was confident in battle, but when she wasn’t confident, like the current situation, she was methodical, taking everything in before making any decisions.

  “Go ahead,” she finally answered.

  “Everyone, I would like to introduce you to Maevana Lorren, daughter of the late General Javon Lorren and Kelsiana Lorren. Champion of the Colosseum. Freed slave of Empress Shadra. Newest warrior of the Ivory Shadows Mercenary Company.” Alchan put every piece of detail he could into the title. They needed to know who she was from the get-go, or it would constantly come up and more pieces would slip out. If he wasn’t clear right off the bat, it could sow distrust later.

  “No,” Jesvena snapped. “She can’t be-”

  “Look at her eyes, Jes.” Luykas snapped his fingers in front of the old female’s face. “Look at them. Did you ever know General Lorren? We did. Alchan and I knew her family.”

  Whispers were already breaking out. A legend. A scary story. A rumor.

  Mave was all of those things, and they had brought her home, claimed her as his warrior. She beat Jesvena in a battle of will and now was an unknown force about to descend on their village. He wasn’t going to tell her, but she was now technically in charge of the village. That was going to be something he would have to clear up on a later date. He didn’t think she wanted to deal with all of the free Andinna.

  Jesvena took a deep breath, pulling that Andinna temper back. Alchan was glad for it. He didn’t want to put an old female in her place. He was the King and Mave was his warrior. What he said was law. He hated pulling rank, truly despised it, but he wasn’t going to have his wishes ignored. He wasn’t going to see his newest warrior swept away, thanks to what was between her legs or on her chest.

  “Welcome, Maevana Lorren. May the blessing of the gods be upon you.” Jesvena turned on her heel and walked away. The words had been respectful, but the disrespectful leave she took was aimed at Alchan.

  “Disperse!” he roared at everyone around him. “Company, to me!”

  They needed to talk about what just happened and he knew it wasn’t over with Jesvena. T
hat old pigeon was going to give him problems for years over this.



  Mave didn’t move as Alchan roared for everyone to join them. The rest of the males were already close and came up in a circle, shielding them from the peering, curious eyes of the free Andinna villagers.

  “We’ll be here for two nights. Clean up tonight, get some real food, and find your places to settle in.” Alchan sighed wearily. “We’re all tired, I know it. I want you to look forward. We have a mission to carry out. We need to strike back at the Elvasi for their attack on the road. We need to make sure the scum understands that none of us are targets. We’ll fight back and we’ll crush them. Every time. We don’t lose. In that effort, relax tomorrow. Recharge while you make preparations. Clean your gear, and patch it up. Think of why we’re going on this mission, even though we’ve had it hard the last couple of months.” He grinned. “We’re mercenaries. We hunt bounties - we’re not subject to them.”

  There were some pleased growls at their leader’s words. There was even some chest thumping. She didn’t partake in the maleness of it all, but she was feeling just as ready to strike back at the Elvasi. She didn’t see a better way to start her new freedom with the Company. What was better than killing some of the pointed-ear bastards that made her life hell?

  “Where will you be?” she asked him. “If we need you for something?”

  “While in the village, everyone reports to me,” Luykas explained. “Alchan doesn’t stay here. When we’re back from the mission, I’ll show you the way to his home, in case of emergency, but it shouldn’t be necessary for such a short stay.”

  She nodded, accepting the answer. That was all she needed to hear.

  “Luykas, I want you and Kian to come see me,” Alchan continued. “He needs to be caught up and we don’t need the entire Company for that.”

  “Of course.” Luykas nodded in acceptance.

  Mave listened like the rest of the Company. They were waiting to be dismissed, and honestly, she had no idea what to do or where to go from here. She didn’t understand what had just happened either. She knew mativa Jesvena was the leader of the village and everyone would follow the old female’s lead. Leshaun had explained the community system of mativa, Council, then royal house to her. When he’d taught her that on the ship, she hadn’t been expecting that Alchan was the head of the entire thing.

  “Everyone, fall out and get clean.” Alchan waved a hand, dismissing them. It was like a leash was taken off them.

  “Can I see Senri with Mave while you’re with Alchan?” Mat called out, grabbing her hand to pull her along to talk to Kian before he left.

  “Why do you need my wife?” Kian asked back, ignoring how Luykas and Alchan were waiting on him. Nevyn and Varon stepped closer, nosy and wanting to listen in. She could tell by Nevyn’s sly smile, he wanted to know everything.

  “Mave needs some things set up before winter,” Mat explained to him. Mave was still waiting for him to explain it to her. “Senri is the only female I really trust with it…”

  Kian looked at his friends, the lovers. Luykas turned away from all of them, obviously about to laugh. When Kian turned back to her male and her, Mave had a sneaking suspicion he knew something she didn’t. “Yeah, you can talk to Senri about it. She’s probably not going to be too helpful. My wife is terrible at these things.”

  “Better than Allaina,” Mat mumbled.

  “Oh, I’m not getting into the middle of that.” Kian shook his head.

  “Let’s leave Matesh to his mess and Mave. He’ll sort it out or she’ll have his balls.” The mutt jerked his head towards their leader directing where to put the carts. She didn’t know what he meant by the comment. She had yet to find a reason to get that mean with Mat. There had been a few times in the pits she threatened her male like that, but not any time recently.

  I like his balls where they are.

  “Fine. Let’s go.” Kian followed Luykas away, not bothering to say goodbye to anyone.

  “Hey!” Nevyn yelled out. “We wanted to talk to him first!”

  “Later,” Luykas replied. Nevyn threw his hands up, looking at Varon for support. The mute just shrugged. A moment later, the couple waved at her and Mat, excusing themselves and launching into the air.

  “Hold on for me?” Mat asked her. She didn’t answer, just waving at him to do whatever he needed. She could stand and wait. She wasn’t in any rush to dive into things alone.

  Matesh jumped up and began to fly to a high platform, knocking on the door loud enough for her to hear it. She was beginning to realize a serious problem with the village. She couldn’t fly. She couldn’t live in one of the cliff-side homes or even visit anyone who did live in them. She pushed her hands into her breeches pockets, considering that. Over their trip to the village, she had kept working on her wings, but it would be months yet before she could fly, from Bryn’s diagnosis. It was late summer and she was looking at mid-winter before she was allowed to attempt feeling the wind beneath her wings.

  Finally, Mat jumped back down, soaring low and gracefully landing. She always found it attractive to see him fly. Well, any Andinna male. It was perfection in her mind, the way their large bodies could cut through the air with a grace that defied how they appeared. After him, three more Andinna flew down swiftly, landing around him.

  “Mave, let me introduce you to Kian’s family. Senri, his amanra.” He gestured respectfully to the female, even bowing slightly. She was just shorter than Mave, but built the same. Broader shoulders than Elvasi females, a robust muscular build that showed power. She was a pureblood Andinna with piercing orange eyes, and black tatua over her face and upper body, from what Mave could see. “These two are Willen and Gentrin. They’re her other two bodanras, her husbands along with Kian.” Mave looked them over too, but not as long. She had seen hundreds of male Andinna. Senri was her first female Andinna in her prime. She was something new.

  Senri smiled kindly, walking closer. Those orange eyes warmed, glowing like an inviting fire. “It’s a blessing to meet you, Mave.”

  “You as well,” Mave replied, exchanging a quick Andinna handshake with her, locking into a battle of will. They were staring each other down, but it didn’t feel like a war like it had with Jesvena.

  “What do you and Matesh need of us? We’re more than willing to help those new to freedom.” Senri had a charm to her, but her eyes didn’t drop, not for a long moment. She nodded respectfully when she finally gave in.

  I can’t bring myself to look down for them. Why do I keep challenging them? Why do they keep letting me?

  “I was hoping I could get you three started on some things Mave is going to need. The Company purchased her fabric for a more appropriate off-time wardrobe, as well as stones for jewelries. I can pay-”

  “No, no,” Senri shook head. “I don’t charge the Company for anything. You know that. You are Company now, right?” She looked over Mave. “Kian said something when he came back, but he didn’t know too much. He declared Alchan tossed him away the second they were reunited. It was pitiful.”

  “He wanted someone to let the village know we were on the way and close. One of us was probably going to fly in if he hadn’t shown up.” Mat chuckled. “She’s Company, our newest member and…” Mave nearly rolled her eyes at how Mat’s chest pushed out, making him look even larger. The other two males began to chuckle, as if they knew where the display was coming from. “My amanra.”

  “Oh!” Senri’s gasp practically echoed off the cliffside. “This is a story I really must hear. Come along. We’ll sit down and talk. I’m going to assume you can’t fly yet, Mave. Is that correct?”

  “It is. I know it must look bad-”

  “No slave can fly when they’re recently freed. Don’t worry. We’ll get you in the air as fast as we can.” Senri smiled. “We’ll keep everything ground-level until then.”

  “They both stink from the road,” Willen commented quietly. “Maybe we should take them
to the springs with some small offerings of real food. They might like that. I’m sure everyone has cleared out, knowing most of the Company is headed there right now.”

  “Aye, Willen. Good idea.” Gentrin elbowed the other male with a good-natured spirit that reminded her of Nevyn.

  “That is a very sound idea. Gentrin, show them to the large spring. I bet every Company male is there now.” Senri chuckled, shaking her head. “Mave, normally we females use a different one, a smaller one, but I expect you’ll want to stay near some Andinna you know. The males aren’t allowed at the female spring, but we’re allowed at the male one.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because if we let them there, we females would never have a private moment to ourselves and the spring would end up being a place where everyone would always be trying to fuck.” Senri laughed. “Go on, you three. Willen and I will get food and catch up.”

  “Are you sure you want to go to the male spring, love?” Willen was still quiet.

  “It’s nothing I haven’t seen from the Company before, or my own warriors.” Senri snorted, turning on her heel and walking away. Willen sighed, looking desperately at Gentrin, who shook his head.

  “Can’t help you, my friend. She doesn’t care about cock hanging around. You’ve been trying to make her for two thousand years and it’s never going to work.” Gentrin laughed to himself as Willen followed after his female, defeated by Gentrin’s words. Turning to them, Gentrin looked them over. “It’s good to see you alive, Matesh. Kian was worried about all of you, especially you and Rain. He was eaten up by the idea that the young ones were taken by the Empire.”

  “We’re out now,” was all Mat had to say. His tone made it sound like he wasn’t up for any of that discussion.

  With that, Mave found herself following the two males out of the village and up a trail. Gentrin informed her that they normally flew to the springs unless their wings were tired, which is why the trail even existed. She could hear the shouting and cheers of the males she knew well now. As they approached the deep, clean hot spring, she got an eyeful of male.


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