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Just a Purr

Page 6

by Lynn Hagen

  “Sweetheart, I enjoyed every second of our conversation.” This time when Cyril tried to kiss Jeremy’s forehead, Jeremy tilted his head back, dying to know how Cyril’s lips felt on his.

  A desperate hunger began to rise up in him as Cyril stared into his eyes, his sultry voice skimming over Jeremy’s body. “Are you aiming for a kiss?”

  Jeremy wrapped his arms around Cyril’s neck as the man tilted his head to the side, eating at Jeremy’s lips just as desperately as Jeremy was sucking at his. He wrapped his slim legs around Cyril’s waist, trying to get as close as he could.

  Cyril gripped his sides and shook his head. “Not while you’re this vulnerable.”

  “Shut up,” Jeremy growled as he kissed Cyril again, more passionately this time. He wanted to forget about his loss, to drown himself in Cyril’s scent, to feel the man’s body pressing him into the mattress.

  It had been two years since Jeremy had had sex, and his body was desperate for relief.

  Cyril hesitated for a heartbeat before he spun them and laid Jeremy on his back. The kiss deepened as Jeremy pulled at Cyril’s underwear, trying to get them off.

  But Cyril grabbed Jeremy’s wrist and pinned his arms to the bed. The kiss was messy, desperate, and so damn agonizingly delicious that Jeremy was ready to beg the man to fuck him. He hissed when Cyril pulled at his hair, his skin buzzing as a shiver raced over him. His cock was so hard and full right now that Jeremy only wanted release.

  “God, I want you,” Cyril moaned before he nipped Jeremy’s lower lip, sending a spark of heat shooting down to his groin.

  Jeremy shook when Cyril brushed his hair aside, biting down gently on his shoulder as he unfastened Jeremy’s pants. He felt the tears gathering in his eyes, the relief at knowing Cyril was going to do something about the pressure threatening to send him over the edge of darkness.

  He bucked, and Cyril pressed his weight harder into Jeremy, letting him know that he wasn’t going to let him go. Jeremy didn’t want the man to release him. Sheltered under Cyril, trapped between the man’s hard body and the bed, Jeremy—for the first time in a very long while—felt safe, able to breathe, and as though the misery wasn’t crushing him.

  Cyril buried his face into Jeremy’s neck, sniffing him, inhaling his scent. “Tell me to leave your bed. Tell me you don’t want any part of me touching you.”

  “But I want you, too.” Jeremy knew Cyril was giving him an out, but he didn’t need one. This was exactly where Jeremy wanted to be. This was what he wanted, needed, was desperate for.

  He moaned when Cyril’s nails scraped along his side. Jeremy was on the verge of an orgasm, and he was ready to beg the man to ease the growing storm inside him.

  Jeremy helped when Cyril yanked at his clothes. In a matter of seconds he was just as naked as Cyril was. Except Cyril was still wearing his boxers. Jeremy wanted to see the man’s hard cock, wanted to taste it, too.

  One of Jeremy’s hands slid lower, his fingers searching for and finding the heated length of Cyril’s cock that was trapped in his boxers. Thick and iron-hard, throbbing beneath his touch, the silken flesh was like a flame in Jeremy’s hand.

  “Oh god.” Cyril closed his eyes as a purr rumbled through him. His hips arched against Jeremy’s fist as Jeremy began to slowly stroke his lover’s heated flesh. Cyril gave a low growl as he tugged at Jeremy’s hair again, and Jeremy hissed as pleasure surged through him.

  They were all hands and lips and tugging and stroking, and Jeremy loved every goddamn second of it. He loved feeling so alive again and liked the fact that someone wanted him.

  He shoved aside the thought that he and Cyril were mates. Jeremy slammed a lid on the idea as he slid his hands up Cyril’s powerful sides, bucked underneath him, and gripped Cyril’s cock even tighter.

  Then Cyril leaned to the side, pulled the nightstand drawer open, and retrieved a bottle of lube. Jeremy wasn’t going to ask why there was one in the guest room.

  He didn’t care. He just wanted to hear Cyril purr again.

  Cyril slicked his fingers, tossed the bottle aside, then spread Jeremy’s legs. Their mouths fused as Cyril drove his fingers into Jeremy’s ass.

  Holy fuck! Jeremy hissed before his mouth fell open and strange noises emerged.

  Cyril chucked into the kiss. “That long?”

  “What do you think?” Jeremy asked.

  “Then you need to dive back in.” Cyril bit Jeremy’s lower lip. “It only gets better from here.”

  “I’ll hold you to that promise.” Jeremy closed his eyes and rolled his head back, arching his back as Cyril’s fingers rode in and out of his ass.

  It had been extremely rare when Lily topped, but god, Jeremy missed feeling something in his ass. He missed the pleasurable burn, the anticipation, the heart-pounding raw need to feel a cock inside him.

  Then his fingers were gone. Jeremy opened his eyes and looked into Cyril’s as Cyril lined the head of his cock to Jeremy’s hole and drove inside him.

  “Fuck!” Jeremy curled his legs around Cyril’s waist and held on as his lover pounded into him, damn near rattling Jeremy’s brain. He coiled his arms around Cyril’s neck, pulling the man down to him so he could taste his soft, sweet lips again.

  His hands slid down Cyril’s powerful back, up his sides, and curled around his biceps as Cyril ate at Jeremy’s mouth and punched his hips, fucking Jeremy like a dream.

  Needing air, Jeremy pulled away from Cyril’s lips and cried out, digging his nails into Cyril’s biceps, writhing beneath him and loving every second of his lover fucking him.

  Cyril purred, and Jeremy damn near lost his mind. It should have been really weird hearing a man purr while having sex, but it was erotic as hell, and Jeremy wanted to hear the sound again.

  Until Cyril bit into his shoulder. Jeremy came so hard his damn head hurt and his balls felt as if they’d shriveled up.

  But he also felt something inside him…he wasn’t sure how to describe the feeling. Like he and Cyril had become one. Even in Jeremy’s head that sounded kooky, but that was how it felt.

  Cyril removed his sharp teeth, licked where he’d bitten Jeremy, then thrust hard and deep, fusing their mouths together as he stiffened and growled, his cock pulsing inside Jeremy’s ass.

  Jeremy chuckled. “I think we both need to learn stamina.”

  Cyril’s grin was wide and beautiful. “I think you’re right.”

  He rested his arms on either side of Jeremy’s head and used the pads of his thumbs to brush circles over Jeremy’s cheeks.

  “Has anyone ever told you how gorgeous you are?”

  “Once or twice.” Jeremy wasn’t going to bring Lily up when they’d just finished having sex, but that had been one reason he’d loved her so much. Lily had always told Jeremy how handsome he was.

  After a while he actually believed her.

  And now Cyril was telling Jeremy the same thing. Not that Jeremy thought himself ugly. He was okay, but nowhere near as sexy as Cyril.

  “I think your beard is kinda growing on me.” Jeremy hissed when Cyril eased out of his ass.

  “What, you don’t like my beard?” Cyril pulled at the long hairs. “I think it makes me look rather dashing.”

  Jeremy cracked up. “Like a rogue pirate?”

  “Exactly.” He gave Jeremy a quick kiss. “A rogue pirate. I like that.”

  “A rogue pirate cook.” Jeremy ran his fingers through the strands. He was expecting the hairs to feel abrasive and dry, but they were silky soft. They had tickled Jeremy’s face while they’d kissed.

  “You know we’re bonded now, right?” There was hesitation in Cyril’s gray eyes. It was hard to imagine such a strong, dominant male feeling insecure. But Jeremy guessed even the biggest and baddest needed words of encouragement once in a while.

  “I know.”

  “Are you okay with that?”

  “I’m adjusting fairly well.” Surprisingly, Jeremy was. Over the past two years he thought he would never find anyone who w
ould mean anything to him as much as his wife had meant to him, but Cyril was quickly growing on Jeremy. He would even go so far as to say he might’ve developed some feelings for the guy.

  “Fairly well.” Cyril grinned. “For now, I’ll take that.”

  He slid off Jeremy and rested next to him, propping his head on his hand.

  “You have to admit things are going kind of fast between us.”

  Cyril ran his hand down Jeremy’s chest. “When a preternatural finds his or her mate, they don’t waste time. A mate is a precious thing, and we tend to hold on to them with both hands.”

  Jeremy curled into Cyril, inhaling his masculine scent and enjoying their time together.

  But a part of him still wanted to run and hide, wanted to drown himself inside a bottle. He hadn’t been lying when he said they were moving kind of fast.

  Jeremy needed time to adjust. Baby steps. But Cyril was moving full steam ahead, and that frightened him.

  Especially after seeing Alan today and being reminded of how much he had truly lost.

  Chapter Six

  Jeremy usually wasn’t one to answer someone else’s door, but whoever it was, they were leaning into the doorbell. Since Cyril was in the shower, Jeremy didn’t think there would be any harm.

  “Can I help you?” Jeremy said as he stared at the stranger. The guy had on work boots, worn jeans, and a tight T-shirt. He also had a red bandana wrapped around his head, hiding a headful of dark hair. The guy was hot as fuck, but he was also a complete stranger.

  “That depends.” The guy looked Jeremy up and down as Jeremy looked past the stranger and saw a work truck parked in the driveway. That would explain his clothing.

  “Depends on what?” Jeremy gave his attention back to the guy as Samson and Davidson sniffed at the stranger. Samson cocked his head to the side as he stared up at the man while Davidson gave a low growl.

  “That depends on whether or not you can handle the dogs. Cyril is always around to keep them under control. I don’t think they like the scent of my cat.”

  There was kindness in the man’s dark gray eyes, but that didn’t mean Jeremy would trust him. Davidson didn’t seem to like him, and that was good enough for Jeremy.

  “Cyril’s in the shower. Why don’t you come back?” Jeremy was ready to close the door, but the guy held his hand out, stopping Jeremy from closing it. He noticed a sleeve tattoo on the guy’s right arm, as well as a smaller one on his left. He wore a metal bracelet on his wrist, too. On his left wrist was a silver watch.

  “No can do. I told Cyril I’d be here bright and early, and I have a schedule to keep.” He stuck his hand out. “Russell Hughes.”

  Jeremy just looked at the hand. “I’m gonna close the door, and if you stop me this time, I’ll let Davidson eat you.”

  The guy’s laugh was hearty and made him look even more handsome.

  “I’ll be by my truck. Tell Cyril I don’t have all day.” Russell smiled as he walked away. Jeremy finally closed the door and looked down at Davidson.

  “You’re such a good boy.” He patted Davidson’s head as the dog wagged his tail. Samson whimpered, as though he wanted to be praised, too.

  “And you’re such a…curious boy. That’s not always a good thing, Samson.” Jeremy scratched the dog’s head before he walked to the hallway and stood outside the bathroom door and listened to the shower. He imagined Cyril washing his amazing body as Jeremy thought about last night.

  He touched his shoulder, but the bite mark was already gone. Jeremy had checked when he’d gone to the bathroom this morning. But Cyril’s words kept ringing in his head.

  By the way, we’re mates.

  He knew what that meant because Lily had explained it to him. She might not have shifted in front of him, but she’d schooled Jeremy on a lot of preternatural things. And for that, he was grateful.

  Jeremy had been so deep in thought that he squealed when the bathroom door swung open. Steam escaped as Cyril looked down at him.

  “There was…” Jeremy’s gaze slid over Cyril’s naked body. The guy wasn’t even wearing a towel. His cock was half-hard as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

  “There was what?” Cyril asked. “Did I hear the doorbell?”

  Jeremy chucked a thumb over his shoulder. “Davidson…and…a growl…” Shit. He couldn’t focus. Not with all those muscles right in front of him.

  “Was it Russell?” Cyril placed his hands on Jeremy’s shoulders and gently moved him aside. “That’s the only person Davidson ever growls at. He doesn’t like the guy’s cat.”

  “Davidson doesn’t like cats?” Jeremy lifted a brow. “But aren’t you technically a cat?”

  “I raised them from pups, and they know who’s boss.”

  “What does that have to do with Russell owning a cat?”

  Jeremy sighed as he watched Cyril walk to his bedroom. Damn, what a nice ass the guy had, rounded and muscled, and Jeremy wanted to squeeze it.

  “I made him wait outside,” Jeremy said as he followed Cyril to his bedroom, which was far nicer than the guest room. It was large, decorated in dark furniture, and the view was amazing. Cyril’s window overlooked the backyard, but there were a few pine bushes butted up against it, giving the view a foresty look.

  He also had a large maroon area rug that was soft under Jeremy’s feet. Under the rug was a polished wooden floor.

  Jeremy sat in the chocolate-colored barrel chair that was close to the foot of the bed and watched as Cyril pulled clothes from his dresser.

  Cyril’s body was the perfect specimen of masculinity. Jeremy found it hard to think while all the flesh was exposed. He wiped at his mouth to make sure he wasn’t drooling as Cyril slid on a pair of blue boxers, exhaling softly while he watched the material slowly slide up Cyril’s powerful thighs.

  He wouldn’t mind a repeat of last night but knew they had to get ready for work. “Why is Russell here?”

  Jeremy kept his hands clasped between his knees to stop himself from reaching out and fondling Cyril.

  “He’s the local handyman. I hired him to do some work around the house since I never have the time.” Cyril went to the closet and rummaged through it, coming away with a pair of jeans and a white button-down short-sleeved shirt.

  Jeremy hated to see Cyril cover his body, but smiled when his…mate…He needed to get used to saying that word. It wasn’t like Jeremy could call take-backs and unmate Cyril. And did he really want to? Ever since they had met Jeremy hadn’t been sitting in his house drowning his sorrows.

  He had become a productive member of society again, even if it had been only one day. Still, he liked being outside, doing something besides drinking himself to death.

  So he smiled as his mate stood in front of the mirror and braided his beard. Cyril’s fingers moved at lightning speed, and when he was done, he placed a small black rubber band at the end.

  Cyril sprayed some fruity-smelling mousse into his hands and then carded his fingers through his hair.

  “You need to get dressed instead of watching me.” Cyril winked at him in the mirror. “You keep staring at me like that, and for the first time ever, I might open the diner late.”

  Jeremy’s body flushed as he stood and went to the guest room. Cyril had gotten up last night and washed Jeremy’s clothes. The guy was such a sweetheart. His mate had even folded them and placed them on the dresser in the guest room.

  Jeremy took a quick shower then dressed, combing his hair to the side. Cyril popped into the room to give Jeremy a stick of deodorant. “It might not be sanitary to share this, but we don’t want you getting ripe.”

  “God forbid,” Jeremy teased.

  Cyril gave him a quick kiss. “No time for coffee. We have to be heading out.”

  “What about Russell?” Jeremy set the deodorant on the dresser after using it.

  “He’s done work for me a few times in the past. I trust him here alone.”

  “Hello?” Jeremy waved at the bedroom door. �
��What about the dogs? Davidson looked like he wanted to eat your handyman.”

  “That’s because he’s a cheetah shifter.” Cyril grinned.

  “Seriously?” Jeremy had just assumed Russell was human and had been talking about owning a cat, not being one. Now it made sense when Russell had said the dogs didn’t like his cat scent.

  “I’ll put them in the sunroom,” Cyril said.

  “You have a sunroom?” Jeremy hadn’t noticed one. Then again, the first time he’d been there he’d been drunk. Last night Jeremy had been too exhausted to explore Cyril’s home.

  “Yep. It’s screened in, and I’ll set their bowls out there.” Cyril left the room.

  Curious, Jeremy followed. The sunroom was on the other side of the house down a hallway Jeremy hadn’t noticed before. All three sides of the sunroom were screened in, and there were wicker chairs with soft-looking cushions. There were also plants and two large cushions on the floor, which Jeremy assumed were for the dogs.

  “This is nice,” Jeremy said.

  “Thanks. Russell built it for me a year ago.”

  Jeremy snickered. “And who knew the room he built would be the same room you had to cage the dogs in so they don’t eat him.”

  “Pretty ironic.” Cyril chuckled. “I just wanted somewhere I could sit while not getting attacked by bugs.”

  Jeremy narrowed his eyes. “You could have told me about this room last night.”

  “You were too busy absorbing things.” Cyril whistled, and Samson and Davidson came into the room, taking their places on their cushions. Cyril brought their bowls in then closed the door to keep them out there.

  Jeremy headed to the front door and waited. Cyril did a few more things in the kitchen and then joined him.

  He let Russell in, and they talked for a second, and then Jeremy and Cyril headed to the diner.

  Jeremy grinned when he spotted Moose waiting outside. Although he’d been friends with Moose for almost a month, there were times when Jeremy was still amazed at just how big the guy was.

  His dang head reached the top of the diner door.

  “Now that’s what I’m talking about,” Cyril said as he parked his Charger. “An employee who shows up before his shift. Remind me to give him an extra dessert.”


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