Follow Your Bliss (Bliss Series Book 2)

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Follow Your Bliss (Bliss Series Book 2) Page 4

by Marji Spicer

  Denver was happy being a bachelor. Having a wife while he worked out of town would be a disaster. And, if she were beautiful, things would be worse. Beautiful women had power, and they knew it. His mother was a beautiful woman. She had several affairs while his dad worked out of town. He’d heard a lot of arguments between his parents while he was growing up. His dad warned him that beautiful women were dangerous. Stick with the plain ones he told him. Denver knew he spoke the truth. His dad was nothing but a broken shell of a man when his mother left. He would stick with his dad’s advice. If he ever got married, it would be to a woman other men didn’t want. They made the best wives.

  Denver dated beautiful women, but he wasn’t stupid enough to get into a relationship with one. He only dated women from out of town. That way, they couldn’t get too clingy. Six to eight weeks on a job, and he’d head out. Love em’ and leave em.’ That was the only way to keep a woman’s claws out of you. He’d met a couple of women who thought they could change him. They could get inventive in their ways of trying to keep him around. None of their tricks ever worked.

  Maybe he was too set in his ways to settle down and get married anyway. He liked the single life. He wasn't sure if he wanted to settle for just one woman. There were too many to sample. Denver raised his beer in the air to toast Karin. Thank you for saving me from making the biggest mistake of my life.

  Who the hell wants a nagging wife anyway? Mark did. Denver had a lot of fun making his friend Mark jealous. Mark finally wised up about Krista and proposed. They were planning their wedding right now. Things had been rough going at first, but they worked it out. Mark and Krista were good together. He was happy for them. Mark thought the same trouble was headed his way. No way! He was way too smart for that. Mark could have his happily ever after. He would stay a happily single man.

  Denver sat down, leaned back in his chair, and stretched out his legs. Life was pretty good in this small town. Boring maybe, but it was peaceful and quiet. It was a nice warm night. The sky was clear and full of stars. Another nice thing about living in a small town was there wasn’t a need for a lot of streetlights. You couldn’t see the stars in big cities like you could here.

  Bliss was also a very safe town. He couldn’t remember the last time he heard of any crime being committed. They could probably get away without having the small police force they did. He could list off a handful of women in Bliss who knew everything that happened at all times. Just give them each a badge. Well, maybe not Gladys. She had it in for him. She would run him out of town for sure.

  Chapter Nine

  Joy drove to Bliss in her white convertible Volkswagen bug. She yawned as she glanced at the clock radio. She’d been on the road for hours. Thirty more minutes and she would arrive at her new home.

  Tomorrow, the construction company she hired would start to install a privacy fence around the backyard. She wanted a quiet private spot for herself. Later, it would be a safe place for her child to play. After the fence was up, she would start on her flowerbeds. She thought of different ideas as she drove and couldn't wait to get started.

  Joy arrived in Bliss a half-hour later. It seemed to be a quiet little town. She was used to bright city lights and a lot of noise. Things were going to be different. She was ready for a change, though. It looked like the town had just rolled up. Everything was closed, even the gas station. She passed a small diner that would be a short walk from her house. She would no longer cook big meals for a man. It would be nice to order take-out.

  Joy pulled up to the Victorian. Her house. She felt giddy. There weren’t any houses next to hers. She looked across the street. There were a couple of Craftsman-style houses and a small apartment building. Most of the houses were dark. Everyone was already asleep. Either that or they watched the 11:00 news before they turned in for the night. At least that’s what she imagined. It didn’t look like there was much to do in Bliss.

  Not everyone was asleep, though. Denver was still very much awake. He took a drink of his beer as he watched the VW Bug pull into the driveway of the Victorian. So, this was the new owner.

  Joy got out of her car. She wore a black tank top, cut off denim shorts and flip flops. She pressed her hands into the small of her back and groaned. Sitting in a car for hours was hard on one’s back. She took minimal breaks because she was so excited to see her new home.

  Denver leaned forward. Damn! Now that looks like trouble. Joy did some stretches. She bent over and touched her toes. Shit! He liked watching her, especially since she couldn't see him. He sat hidden in the shadows.

  Someone watched her. Emma warned her that people would be nosy. They probably didn’t have anything better to do.

  Joy was exhausted. It had been a long day. She needed sleep and lots of it. She was dying to crawl into bed. Too bad, she had to sleep on a hardwood floor. She hoped the movers would carry her bed upstairs and set it up for her. She leaned into her car, grabbed her small suitcase, sleeping bag, and pillow. Joy walked to the front door, unlocked and opened it. She couldn't resist, and she waved to the person who watched her before she shut the door. She sensed that it was a man.

  Damn, was she one of those psychics? That’s just what they needed. Those people needed their own little planet. As much as Denver liked what he saw, he would stay away from her. She might be married with a half a dozen kids. A single woman would not buy a house that size. She’d have to be rich or a dingbat.

  He knew better than to get involved with a local woman. That was asking for a whole lot of trouble. The women he dated wanted the same thing as he did. Sex and that was all. He wasn’t arrogant, but he hadn’t met a woman yet who didn’t want to be leg shackled to him.

  Chapter Ten

  Denver came home from work the next night. Pete Harris was at his neighbor’s house. His crew was installing a privacy fence. Of all the assholes to have work for you, she picked the biggest one. Why was she having a fence put around her backyard? That’s going to go over really well with the people of this town. Everyone here wanted to know what was going on all the time. What they couldn't see, they made up. Soon, they'd have her sacrificing goats in her backyard. Oh well, that's her problem.

  It had been a shitty day. He had to fire a guy who never pulled his weight. In the morning, he had to start to interview people. He needed someone dependable who would show up every day. Someone who wanted to travel and work more than forty hours a week. Decent help was hard to find anymore. Right now, all he wanted a shower and a cold beer.

  Joy looked out her living room window. A man got out of a white Chevy truck. He strode towards the apartment building across the street. Holy Hotness! The sight of him made her heart beat a little faster. From what she could see of him, he was the hottest guy she'd ever seen. Tan, muscular, and she bet gorgeous up close. She wished she had waved to him last night. Yeah right. That man would have been in bed. Probably not asleep or alone, but in bed none the less.

  Joy had rotten luck when it came to men. She probably encouraged some egotistical stuck on himself kind of a man. She couldn’t stand arrogant men.

  The hot guy was probably married and had a few kids. No man that looked like him would be single. She sighed. If he were single, she would pick him for #4. He was yummy. I bet he’d show me what it was all about! He wouldn’t be interested in her anyway. She wasn’t his type. His wife probably looked like a supermodel. Perfect, skinny and beautiful. Far from who she was.

  After his shower, Denver grabbed a beer and walked out onto his balcony. Now that he was cooler, his mood improved drastically. All I need is that woman across the street underneath me, and I'd be a happy man.

  Christ, why did she pick Pete to install the fence? Why hadn’t she called a fence company? Pete must be hurting for work if he now installed fences. She’d be lucky if it stayed up.

  Pete followed the woman into her house. Denver was annoyed and a little jealous.

  She could be ugly up close anyway. Not that he judged women by their looks. Denver liked
women period. There was only one woman he couldn’t stand, and that was the bitch Naomi. He shuddered when he thought about her. Even with his eyes closed and a bag over her head he wouldn’t have been able to stand her. Naomi had slithered out of town after Mark and Krista became engaged.

  Denver looked at his watch. Why is Pete spending so much time in her house? A half-hour had passed. Not that he kept track. What could they possibly be doing? He hoped they weren’t doing what he wished he was doing. Denver was a carefree man. It wasn’t like him to be jealous. Women didn’t get under his skin. He got under theirs.

  The woman liked to flirt. She waved to him last night. Now, she was holed up in her house with Pete.

  Denver was relieved to see Pete come out, get into his truck, and leave. Why did he put so much thought into this woman? She might not even be single. He didn’t plan to get involved with her anyway. The farther away a woman lived from him, the better. She lived too close for comfort. Denver walked back into his apartment, grabbed another beer, and went back outside.

  The woman walked down the street towards Pearl's Diner. Earlier she wore shorts and a t-shirt. She had changed into one of those loose-fitting gypsy skirts, a tank top, and sandals.

  He thought about waving to her, but she never looked up.

  Someone was watching her again. She had a feeling it was the same person. She didn't want to see who it was. If she looked up, she would have seen the man she ogled earlier. Now he only wore a pair of jeans. She definitely would have stared.

  Joy had sworn off men like him. They looked good, and they knew it. Keeping a man like that was too much work. Life was hell on you when every woman wanted the guy you had. You always had to be on your guard. She’d dated that type before. It was a recipe for a heartache. Joy was done with men!

  Well, after the last fling thing was over, she would be done. But that would be only about sex. Once the fling was over, she would figure out how to get pregnant. She needed a guy for that too.

  Chapter Eleven

  Joy entered Pearl's diner. The place had a fifties style theme. The walls were a soft buttery yellow. The linoleum was a black and white checkered pattern. Pictures of Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, and old model cars hung on the walls. In one corner stood an old jukebox.

  The tables were white Formica with red vinyl chairs. Towards the back of the restaurant were a couple of small tables with long tablecloths. They must be going for a fancier restaurant vibe.

  Should I take a table and eat here? Or order something to go?

  Pearl waved her over to the counter. “Well, hello, honey. I haven't seen you here before. I believe that I know everyone here.”

  “I just moved here.”

  “Oh, you must be the new owner of the painted lady. I saw that it sold. Nice folks use to own it. Are you kin to them? I guess Bliss wasn't too blissful for them,” she laughed. “We have to make our own entertainment here. Listen to me, go on and on. You have to jump right in, dear.”

  “I'm not related to the previous owners. I moved here for some peace and quiet,” she said. “I don't need to be entertained and I like to keep to myself.”

  Pearl smiled to herself. The woman was in for a shock if she thought she would get peace and quiet in Bliss. Everybody would to be in her business. She had a feeling one man in particular would love to entertain her. Pearl looked the woman over. He wouldn’t be able to keep away from this one. She was just his type.

  “Are you married, honey?” Pearl asked.

  “No, I'm not.” Pearl got a little gleam in her eye. Joy could read people. The woman was up to something. She’d better set her straight right away. “I like my life the way it is. I love being a single woman.”

  “Well, sure you do, dear,” she agreed. “I'm Pearl, by the way. I own the diner. My sister Eunice helps out a lot. She's not here today. You'll meet her later. Her oldest grandson, Joe, just had his first baby. Great Grandma went up north to see the new one,” she rattled on. Joy thought her head would start to spin. Pearl sure could talk. “Well, sugar, what can I get you to eat? You look like you could use a little fattening up.”

  If only Mike could hear her. He certainly has a different opinion about my weight.

  Pearl sounded like her grandma, who always tried to get her to gain weight. Joy was 5’4”, weighed close to 150 pounds and already on the verge of having to buy new clothes. Now that her life would be stress-free, she would no longer binge on sweets. Men and chocolate were the worst combinations for her. When the first one was in her life, it usually led to the second one.

  Pearl handed her a menu. Joy looked it over and ordered an omelet. Pearl added toast, hash browns, and bacon and sat the heaping plate of food in front of Joy.

  “Dig in, sweetie.” Denver needs someone bigger than this girl. That man is pure muscle. He would probably crush her. Joy looked like a feisty one. She would give Denver a run for his money. Just what he needed. Pearl continued to plan Denver’s wedding in her head.

  “Wow, that’s a lot of food.” Her grandma always fixed her big plates of food too. “You remind me a lot of my grandma.”

  “Well, I'm sure that's a compliment, honey.”

  “I'm sorry; my name is Joy.”

  “That's a right pretty name. This town needs a little more joy, and here you are right on time. This town also needs more young people. Too many seniors here. Back in the day, it was a hopping little place. We need to make this town busy once more. The young ones up and move away as soon as they can. We need to think of a way to get people to stay and new ones to move here. Any ideas Joy?”

  “I’m not sure. If I think of anything, I’ll let you know.”

  “Now tell me, have you met anyone yet?”

  “No, I haven't. It was late when I got into town.”

  “Now let’s see, there are Mark and Krista. They’re a nice young couple who have a little girl named Maddie. They live about five miles out of town. Krista comes in here a lot. She was one of my best waitresses until Mark stole her from me,” Pearl grinned. “There’s nosy Gladys. You’ll meet her whether you want to or not.”

  “Oh no, that doesn’t sound good.”

  “She’ll either find you God-Fearing or a prevert.”

  “Prevert? Do you mean pervert?” Joy asked.

  “Oh, honey, just wait. I won’t say anymore. I’ll let you decide what you think when you cross paths. Gladys is too hard to explain.” Pearl shook her head. “Who else is there?” She pretended to think, as she tapped her finger on her top lip. “Oh, of course! How could I forget? Have you run into Denver yet?”

  “Who’s Denver?”

  Why your soon to be husband. “Denver’s your closest neighbor. He lives across the street in apartment 10B.”

  “Does he sit on his balcony?”

  “All the time,” Pearl laughed. “He'll probably never go inside now that you live across the street. He does leave town a lot for work, though. Maybe now, he’ll stay around more. He's a popular one with the ladies, and he happens to be single too.”

  Oh no! I am not going to go there.

  “I'd be after him myself if I was forty years younger.”

  Joy could only imagine what a man would look like that Pearl would find attractive.

  “My time has come and gone. Those days are in the past for me. Now Denver, he has sin written all over him. Nothing wrong with doing a bit of sinning, is there Joy? Lord knows, I sure did my share back in my day,” Pearl grinned. “I’ve got some stories that are real doozies.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Denver had to go check out his new neighbor. The suspense was killing him. After he finished his beer, he grabbed a t-shirt and pulled it over his head. Denver walked down the stairs and left the apartment building. He checked out her new fence as he walked by her house. Pete did a shitty job. As usual, he took no pride in his work. He worked as fast and cheap as possible. Denver gave the fence a year tops before it fell over. He shook his head and continued towards the diner. He opened the doo
r and walked into the diner.

  “Well, speak of the devil,” Pearl said. “I was just telling Joy here about you being her neighbor.”

  Joy had her back to the man. She turned slowly in her chair and watched him walk towards her. Devil was right. It was the man that drove the white Chevy truck. He was gorgeous. How can he be single? Her heart began to race. She felt a strong magnetic pull towards him. There’s your #4, a little voice said. No way! Bad idea! But you promised, the voice said. Remember the first guy? I bet he could show you what it’s all about! This man would be trouble. Trouble was the last thing she needed in her life.

  Joy had to get out of there. Fast! Her hormones were having a major tizzy right now. She stood up to leave.

  “You don't have to get up for me, sweetheart,” Denver said.

  Those eyes! She'd never seen eyes that color before. Ocean blue framed by eyelashes a woman would kill to have. He had to be over six feet and at least two hundred pounds. He was pure muscle; his biceps strained against his tight white t-shirt. Dark brown shaggy hair touched his collar and began to curl. She bet his hair felt like silk.

  Denver wore an arrogant smirk. Her face flushed when she realized she’d been staring at him. He knew exactly what he did to her. She bet he was used to this reaction from all the women he met. Denver looked at her like he was sizing her up as his new play toy. She wasn’t about to become his newest anything. She had to put him in his place.


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