Follow Your Bliss (Bliss Series Book 2)

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Follow Your Bliss (Bliss Series Book 2) Page 5

by Marji Spicer

  I thought she looked hot before. But up close. Damn! Denver felt like he'd been punched in the gut. She was almost too pretty. She reminded him of a young fifty’s starlet. If there was one look he liked, it was that of a pin-up model. She was probably 5'5”. Maybe 130 lbs. if that. Her breasts were a perfect size. A lot more than a handful. She had a tiny waist. He couldn't tell the shape of her hips because of the loose skirt she wore. He bet they completed the hourglass shape. She was all dangerous curves.

  He’d love to tangle his hands into her long, curly black hair. Her eyes were a dark blue indigo. And, those lips. Lush red lips that were made to wrap around a man's—well, he wouldn't go there right now. Especially with Pearl in the room. That woman didn’t miss a thing.

  Denver glanced at her hand but didn’t see a ring. No way could this woman be single. No woman with her looks and body would be alone. He knew what Pearl would have in mind for him if she were single.

  Denver turned his attention back to Pearl. He wanted to continue to stare at the woman, but he didn’t want to give Pearl any motivation. Now that Mark was engaged, Pearl and Eunice were trying to get him married off.

  Denver shook his head. She was the type of woman his dad had warned him about. Now he knew why. He just laid eyes on her, and already he was falling under her spell. If ever a woman was made to fuck, it was her. And, he wanted to fuck her. She was a complete little sex kitten.

  The little shake of his head gave him away. While he sized her up, he had found her lacking. He didn’t try to hide the fact that he was checking her out. No doubt, he liked dumb women with fake boobs. He looked like the kind of man who went for everything fake.

  Joy knew how her looks measured up. She was too curvy, her hair too wild and curly, and her lips were too big. Her eyes were a nice color, but everywhere else, she was lacking. She was not model material. Joy needed to stay clear of this man. He was gorgeous and well aware of it. It would be hard not to fall for him.

  Denver noticed right away that she didn’t seem to like him. She’s a cold one. He would make her warm up to him. And he’d make sure she enjoyed every minute of it.

  Denver stuck his hand out. Joy reluctantly placed her hand in his. She felt a little jolt and tried to pull her hand back. He held on tight, smiled, and tugged her close to him. Too close. If there was one thing he liked, it was a challenge. She was one he couldn’t resist.

  “Yes,” he said.

  Joy snatched her hand back. Yes? What did he mean by yes?

  Pearl’s eyes darted back and forth between them; she watched with avid interest. They seemed to be under some kind of spell. Interesting.

  Denver was going to be a problem. He was not a part of her plan to start over. It was time to leave.

  “I enjoyed our little chat. I need to go now. I’ll talk to you later. It was nice to meet you Pearl,” she said. “Oh, and you too Denver,” she added as an afterthought.

  “Likewise,” he said. Denver tried to act like he didn’t care that they’d met. What a little snob. Nobody dismisses me, especially a little bit of fluff like her. His dad was right. The beautiful ones were dangerous. She knew what her looks did to him. He watched as she walked out the door.

  Denver sat down to place his order. He wasn’t hungry, but now he had to eat. He’d look like a total dumbass if he just left.

  Whew, Pearl thought. What in the hell was that? She felt the heat and attraction that swirled around those two. It was like being caught in an electrical storm. She was surprised her hair wasn’t standing on ends.

  “I take it, you two hadn’t met yet?” she said. “Joy lives in the painted lady across from you.”

  “Is that who that was?” As if he didn’t know. He knew who she was. There was no way in hell he was going to let on to Pearl that he’d been watching the woman. He’d never hear the end of it. Pearl would take that bone and run with it. She’d get together with her nosy sister Eunice and would start to plot the end of his freedom. That was not going to happen to him. Ever!

  Denver could see the little wheels turn in her head. “Forget it, Pearl.”

  “Now, honey, you don't even know what I'm thinking about.”

  “To hell, I don't. I know what’s going on in that head of yours. I don't need help to get a woman. If I did, I wouldn't want that stuck up little snob.” To hell, you don’t. It took all he had to stop himself from standing up and following her. “I don't need a woman. What I need is a goddamn beer.”

  “You watch your mouth around me, young man.”

  Denver laughed. Pearl tried to act like a prim and proper woman, but she swore like a sailor. She fooled no one.

  Pearl smiled to herself. Whatever happened in the short time, those two were in each other’s presence hit Denver hard. She could tell he was annoyed. They were going to cause some major fireworks. Hot damn! Another one bites the dust.

  Joy was what Denver needed—a challenge. She would give him a run for his money. Joy hadn’t seemed to be a bit impressed by Denver. It was as if she couldn’t get away from him fast enough. This was going to be good.

  Pearl changed the subject. There was no sense in getting Denver riled up any more than he already was. “How was work, honey? Did you have to fire Don?”

  “Is there anything you don't know about?”

  “Not really,” she laughed. “I know about everything that goes on around here. I knew about Mark and Krista, didn't I?”

  “Yes, you did.”

  “Do you want me to make a prediction about you?”

  “Hell, no,” he grumbled.

  “You and Joy will end up together sooner or later. I don’t know what just happened, but I know you felt it too.”

  “I have no interest in that little bitch. Did you see how she dismissed me? Me, Denver Lorde. No one treats me that way. Like she wasn't glad to meet me,” he fumed. “I can tell when a woman wants me. That woman wants me.”

  Pearl had never seen Denver, so worked up before. Joy was already under his skin. This was going to be one passionate relationship. Pearl felt the sparks fly. His charm hadn’t worked on her. Joy bruised his ego with the way she dismissed him. It was about time he had to work for something.

  Pearl planned another wedding while she listened to Denver rant. Mark and Krista were getting married in a few months. That didn't give her much time. She had plenty of time to plan for Mark. He was a very stubborn man. After a lot of prompting from Denver, Mark finally proposed to Krista.

  Denver was a fast worker. When he saw something he wanted, he took it. No one got in his way. She might have to slow him down the way she had to speed Mark up. By the way, he watched Joy walkout, and the way he rambled on, Pearl knew he wanted her. She did not doubt that Denver would get what he wanted. He always did.

  “Here's your dinner, honey. Eat up.”

  “She'll be sorry,” he spat.

  “I know sugar, just go easy on her.”

  Oh, I’ll be on her, alright. Even if it were to prove a point. He wouldn’t be going easy on her either.

  Denver calmed down as he ate his food. “Thanks, Pearl. I'm off to get that beer now.”

  “Ok, have a good night.” I sure hope that beer cools off those raging hormones. Oh, to be young again.

  Pearl couldn't wait for Eunice to get back. There was bound to be excitement in Bliss again. Just when they'd given up on Denver, along came Joy. I could shout for Joy. That's if she didn't feel sorry for her. Joy wasn’t going to know what hit her.

  Denver wasn’t going to let her dismiss him. Most women were after that man and wouldn't let up. He knew how to deal with women who fell all over him. Joy might be the first one who hadn’t fallen at his feet. This was a new experience for Denver. He didn’t appear to like it.

  At least he wasn’t with someone like Naomi. That bitch sure gave Mark and Krista a lot of trouble. She almost cost them their relationship. They were together now, and that was what was important. Naomi had finally given up and slithered out of town for good.
br />   Now it was time to focus on Denver. Boy, what I wouldn't give to be around when those two met up again. If her guess was right, he was on his way to her house right now.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Denver walked down the street towards her house. Damn, did they fuck up when they named that little snob? He didn't know why he was so irritated. Joy hadn't done anything wrong. She only got away from him as fast as she could. He knew she was single now. Pearl wouldn't be planning their wedding if she was married. And, he knew she was. Sorry Pearl, not happening. Joy would be the last woman he would pick for a wife. He wouldn’t marry a version of a man’s sexual fantasy come to life. That would be a life in hell. He knew her type well. Women like her knew what effect they had on men.

  Joy watched him walk towards her. Oh no. Here comes the poor little boy with the bruised ego. If a woman didn't fall at his feet, he wanted to know why. She was not the type of woman to fall at a man’s feet. At least she wasn’t anymore.

  “I could have done a better job on this fence,” he growled. “Why in the hell did you have Pete do it? You should have called someone that knows what the hell they’re doing. This was a total waste of your money. You’ll have to replace it within a year.” He shook his head in disgust.

  “I like the fence. It's good enough for me,” Joy said. “Pete did a good job, and he’s a very nice man.”

  Denver snorted. “Why'd you put it up anyway?”

  “I like my privacy, not that it's any of your business.”

  “You'll find out soon enough about small-town living. You don't have any privacy. Everyone knows your business. And, what they don’t know, they make up.” Denver looked her up and down. “I bet you'll be out of here within a year. You don’t look like a woman who likes living a boring life.”

  “What in the hell does that mean?” she snapped. How could one man piss you off so much? And, in such a short time?

  “Darling, there is nothing about you that says boring. You have good time written all over you,” he smirked.

  Ooh, she wanted to smack him. What did he know about her life? The man’s arrogance knew no bounds.

  Joy jabbed her finger into his chest, “For your information, I know all about small- towns.” She pointed to her house. “This is my house, and I'm not going anywhere. Why don't you stay on your side of the street, and I'll stay on mine?”

  “Already putting your foot down and barking out orders? You sound like the typical bossy woman. Do you always have to have everything your way?”

  “Is there any other way to have it?”

  “I bet you’re used to men who fall at your feet. Are you another one of those women who uses her looks to get everything she wants?”

  “Of course, I do,” she purred. “With my looks, why wouldn’t I use them?” she asked. “Too bad, you aren’t my type.”

  “What in the hell is that supposed to mean? You don’t think I’m good enough for you?” he asked in disbelief.

  “You’re too rough around the edges for me. I like my men a little more refined.”

  “Honey, it doesn’t matter anyway. You’re not my type. I’m not into women who look like gypsy vagabonds. I might not look like a pencil pusher, but that doesn’t mean I can’t get a woman with class.”

  What is he getting at? Does he think I look classless? She’d had enough. “Just go away.” Such a typical man. What a joke? Like I’d get far on my looks.

  “That’s fine by me,” he growled.

  Mark and Krista heard everything as they walked down the street towards them.

  “Way to go, Denver. I see you've lost your touch with the ladies,” Mark smirked.

  “Go to hell. Hi Krista, I see you're still with him. Sorry about your luck.” He stomped across the street and into his apartment building.

  “What was that all about?” Krista asked.

  “That man is a total jerk,” Joy complained.

  “Well, about time, we get someone in town that thinks like I do,” Mark grinned.

  “Shut up, Mark,” she said. “I'm Krista, and this is my fiancé Mark.”

  “I'm Joy. Sorry about all that. I normally don't react to strangers this way.”

  “He sure is strange,” Mark laughed. Krista jabbed him in the side. “Ouch, babe, why'd you do that?” he asked, rubbing his side.

  “We're on our way to get our daughter Maddie. She had a playdate with Brandon today. Have you met Melanie and Brandon?”

  “No. It was late when I got here last night.”

  “We’ll have to get together for lunch. You, Melanie, and me. There might be a couple of little ones running around.”

  “That would be great. And, I love kids,” she smiled.

  “Denver's a sweetheart. I’ve never seen him act this way before. It’s the strangest thing,” Krista said.

  “I’m sure he’s a great guy. We just got off on the wrong foot,” Joy lied. Denver was an ass!

  Joy felt a headache coming on. She didn't want to fight anymore. She wouldn't have a choice with Denver. He was a jerk. He's the one. No way! No how! Never!

  “It was nice to meet you. I’ll get in touch with you about lunch.”

  “Ok, that sounds great,” she said. Joy walked into her house to get something for her headache. She needed to avoid that man at all costs. Either that or become dependent on aspirin.

  Denver sat in his apartment, sulking. It was bad enough dealing with the little bitch. But Mark had to hear it. The one thing that always bothered Mark was his way with women. Then to have that little sex kitten embarrass him like that. He would make her pay. Somehow and someway. She could protest all she wanted, but she wanted him. He wanted her, and he would have her too.

  Joy took a nap and was glad that her headache went away. Denver was no longer around when she went back outside. She walked around the house and tried to decide where she’d put her first flowerbed. She couldn’t wait to get started. But it would have to wait until tomorrow. It was getting late, and she still had a lot of unpacking to do.

  Maybe she could get Pete to come back and help her move some of the bigger furniture. The movers showed up early, but they were of no help. They had unloaded everything and left. Joy was sure Pete would help her out. No way would she ask Denver for any favors. He’d probably insist that they try the bed out. Jerk! She’d never get into bed with that man. Not in a million years. Liar.

  She needed was to get her bed set up. Spending the night on the floor had been hell on her back. Maybe that was why she was so cranky. Tonight, she was going to sleep on the couch downstairs.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The next day Pete stopped by to see how she liked the fence. Joy didn’t understand why Denver didn’t like him. He was a very friendly person. She was about to ask Pete for his help with moving her furniture when his phone rang.

  Pete looked at his phone. “I have to go.” Maybe next time she saw him, she would ask. She walked him out to his truck. “Would you like to go out to dinner sometime?” he asked.

  She hesitated. “I’m not looking to get into a relationship or anything.”

  “I’m not looking for anything either,” he said. “I meant as friends.”

  Joy wasn’t attracted to him like she was to Denver. Pete was a nice-looking man, but there wasn’t any chemistry there. At least not for her. She hoped he was being honest when he said he wasn’t looking for any involvement. She was going to stay single. Pete would make a good friend. And dinner out would be nice.

  “Sure, dinner sounds great.”

  “Ok, I’ll be in touch.”

  When Denver came home from work that night, he decided to change his tactics. He wasn’t going to stay in his apartment and avoid her. He would make sure she had to see him. Denver took off his shirt and grabbed a couple of beers. He sat down in a lawn chair underneath a tree in front of the apartment building.

  Joy was making a flowerbed in front of her house. She used an old garden hose to lay out the outline for the bed. She would have
someone deliver some rocks for the border. That would be cheaper than building boxes. Joy made a list of the flowers to buy in a small notebook. She felt the hairs rise on the back of her neck. She spun around and looked towards the balcony of Denver's apartment.

  “Over here, sugar.”

  Joy followed his voice. Denver sat underneath the shade of a Maple tree. It had been a sweltering hot July day. Now she was soaked with sweat. He was shirtless and cool looking. How could one man irritate you so much?

  He raised his beer as if to salute her.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Just sitting outside, darling.”

  “I'd appreciate it if you didn't watch me.”

  “Who says I'm watching you? There's more to see out here than you. You sure think highly of yourself.” He smiled and waved to a woman as she jogged by.

  “Whatever,” she muttered. She turned her back to him.

  Denver talked to a neighbor who had just come home from work. When he left, he turned his attention back to Joy.

  Enough was enough. Joy crossed the street and stopped in front of him. “Don't you have anything better to do than watch me?”

  Denver tipped his head back and finished his beer. “No, I guess I don't.”

  God, he loved to rile her up. She was such a little spitfire. Now, he had someone to annoy. He grinned.

  “Why are you grinning? What is it you find so damn funny?”

  “Nothing, honey. Oh, by the way, you're on the wrong side of the street.”

  Joy swore as she crossed the street back to her house. She went inside and slammed the door behind her.

  Joy stayed inside most of the week. She needed to finish unpacking anyway. There were so many boxes and so much to do. She figured this was a good time to get busy.

  Denver drove by Joy’s house on his way home for lunch. He saw Pete go inside her house. What in the hell? Damn, the woman had terrible taste when it came to choosing men. Joy was not going to hook up with him. He’d put an end to that real quick. Pete was still there when Denver left to go back to his office. His mood was ruined for the rest of the day.


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