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Page 8

by Alvarez, Sandy

  "Bye, Leyna."


  Hanging up the phone, I sigh as I lean back in the black leather chair I'm sitting in. During lunch, Reid, one of Gabriel's brothers and part owner of Kings Construction closes the office for one hour at lunch time.

  "You okay, Leyna?" A deep voice asks from the doorway of the office—Quinn's.

  "Of course," I reply standing. "Reid was kind enough to let me use his office during my break. But if you're here to see him, he's not made it back yet. I'm not sure when he will," I inform Quinn.

  "Darlin', that's why I'm here. I just saw Reid. He had some club shit to take care of and won't be back. He tried to call you, but it went straight to voicemail. He knows you switch the office phone to the answering service during lunch. I told him I'd come by and let ya know. Reid said you could knock off for the day."

  "Great. Thanks for letting me know, Quinn." Walking back out to the front of the office to grab my purse, Quinn follows behind me. "You need a lift back to the clubhouse, sweetheart."

  "That'd be great," I smile. Slipping on my coat and scarf. With the snowfall, the guys haven't been riding their bikes as much. Some are hardcore and ride no matter what kind of weather we have. After setting the alarm and locking the office door, I follow Quinn out to his car. We ride together in comfortable silence for about five minutes before he speaks. "What's on your mind, sweetheart?"

  "Nothing," I lie. "I'm fine," I add, and Quinn snorts.

  "Yeah, my bullshit o-meter is not buyin' it."

  "I don't know what you're talking about." After getting to know Quinn, I am not surprised he's calling me out. Of all the guys at the club, Quinn is the most perceptive. Sure, he's a hopeless flirt and goofy to no end, but he sees people; really sees them.

  "Look. I love my brother. You know I respect the hell out of him, but right now Gabriel is so wrapped up in his woman he can't see his sister is drowning." Pulling up to the clubhouse, Quinn shifts the car in park and turns to me. "Your business is your own, but I'm gonna say what needs to be said then let it be. I know you love your brother. You've been tryin' your damnedest to make a go here with him in Polson. I get it, and I understand why. But one thing you need to realize, is at the end of the day you have to ask yourself, what it is that you want. What will make you happy, and fuck what everyone else thinks."

  "That's just selfish, Quinn," I protest.

  "Fuck no it's not. What's selfish is someone who claims to love you holds you back because it's what they want."

  Letting out a deep sigh, I lean my head back on the headrest. "It's not that simple."

  "Taking that leap of faith is never easy, darlin', but claiming your reward on the other side is fuckin' worth it in the end."

  Later that night as I toss and turn in bed. I can't help mulling over Quinn's words. Everything he said is true. Even the part about my brother. I don't begrudge Gabriel's happiness. He's finally gotten the love of his life. He and Alba have been through the wringer since she returned home at Christmas. It just so happens my brother is going to be a papi. Alba showed up at the clubhouse a couple of months ago; pregnant. Long story short, she and Gabriel shared a night together before he pushed her away and she left for college. Due to Gabriel's poor behavior Alba was afraid to tell him about the baby after leaving for college. What's worse is she had to leave school because a crazy person has been stalking her. Now my brother and the club have been trying to hunt this person down. If the Kings handle the situation the way they handled Santino, then rest assured they'll find whoever is after Alba.

  Rolling to my side, I reach over to the nightstand and grab my phone. The screen lights up with the time—11:47 pm. Taking the chance Lex may be awake, I type out a text.

  Me: You up?

  Lex: For you…always.

  I can't help smiling at his words.

  Lex: Can't sleep?

  Me: No.

  Lex: What's on your mind, beautiful?

  Me: I called Deborah.

  Not two seconds after I send the last text my phone rings. "Hey."

  "Did you really call?"

  "Si. I talked with her at lunch. She emailed me some paperwork to fill out. I already did and sent it back. Now I wait."

  "I'm happy for you, beautiful. Have you talked to your brother?" his gravelly voice asks.

  "Not yet. But I will soon. He's got a lot on his plate with his girlfriend." I hear Lex sigh on the other end of the line.

  "I have a feeling when it comes to your brother there will be no good time. Trust me. I have four sisters, all of them younger. Best to rip the band-aid off and get it over with."

  "You're right. I need to quit being a chicken. I'll talk to Gabriel tomorrow."

  "I'm fucking proud of you, Leyna," Lex says in a raspy voice.

  "Get some sleep. I'll talk to you soon, okay?"

  "Yeah, okay. Thanks for the talk, Lex."

  "Anytime, babe."


  "Bye," I return ending the call.

  The next morning I'm at work, and I just finished drafting and printing a contract for a job when Logan, the club's VP, and Bella's husband burst through the front entrance of Kings Construction. The grim expression on his face tells me something is up. "I need you to lock up and come with me," he states. Without argument, I gather my purse from the filing cabinet beside my desk and follow Logan out to Bella's car where she is sitting in the passenger seat, visibly shaken. Climbing into the back seat, I scoot forward and place my hand on her shoulder.

  "What's going on?"

  When a sob breaks from Bella's mouth, Logan answers the question for her. "Alba was in a car accident. All we know is Gabriel is with her in the ambulance, and the rest of the brothers are on their way to the hospital."

  "Dios," I breathe out and slump back in the seat. Closing my eyes, I say a silent prayer for Alba.

  When we make it to the hospital, Bella rushes inside and up to my brother, eager for any news on her sister. While Gabriel updates us on her condition, which is not much, just that she's with the doctors now, I silently stand off to the side and listen. A minute later, Jake, the clubs President rushes through the E.R entrance. I listen as he begins dishing out orders to his men; telling them to get Alba's truck back to the shop so they can inspect it for tampering. If I had to guess, I'd say they are thinking the man who has been stalking Alba had something to do with her accident.

  After sitting in the waiting room for a couple of hours along with the rest of the club, we get word Alba is going to be okay. Since Gabriel is staying with her, I'm able to catch a ride back to the clubhouse with Logan and Bella. When we get there, I feel completely overwhelmed, so once I've bid everyone a goodnight, I head straight to my room.

  Plopping down on my bed, I rest my elbows on my thighs and place my face in the palms of my hands. I let my thoughts drift back to the conversation I had with Lex the night he brought me home after being questioned at the police station. He asked me did I really know who my brother was. I told him it didn't matter what Gabriel has done in his past or his present; that he was my brother and none of that mattered, only I'm beginning to think it does. I'm starting to feel this life; the life of an MC is more than I can handle. I'll never blame my brother for what happened to me, or for what's happening to Alba, but the truth is, it's all too much.

  * * *

  A couple of weeks later I'm getting ready to go to Gabriel and Alba's house. Gabriel called and said he had some things to take care of and wanted me to sit with Alba while he's gone. I'm wondering what the hell kind of business would involve him getting out in a snowstorm, but that's his business, not mine.

  I'm finishing getting dressed when my eyes cut over to the envelope peeking out from my purse sitting on my dresser. The same envelope I haven't had the guts to open for two days; the one marked Seattle University. Biting the bullet, I snag the letter from my bag and tear it open. "Quit being a chicken shit, Leyna."

  Taking a deep breath, I unfold the paper. The first word I r
ead is Congratulations. "Dios mios." On unsteady legs, I slump down in the chair beside my bed. I'm stunned. A part of me didn't believe I would get accepted. Not only did I get accepted, but the grant will cover the entire cost of my tuition.

  Smiling, the first person I think of is Lex. If not for his help this wouldn't have been possible. Picking up my phone, I shoot him a quick text before I rush downstairs to catch a ride to my brother's house.

  "Okay girl, spill it," Alba hedges taking a seat on the sofa beside me.

  "What?" I feign innocence as I slide my phone into my back pocket.

  "Don't what me. I'm not blind. Now tell me who he is. And before you try denying it again, I know it has to be a guy. Only a man could put a smile like that on your face. Not to mention you're blushing," Alba adds.

  I roll my eyes. "It's nothing really. It can never be anything because my brother would hate me and kill him."

  Alba scrunches her brow. "What does Gabriel have to do with anything? He just wants you to be happy. As long as this guy is good to you, that's all that matters."

  I shake my head. "No. I know my brother would not approve. It would never work, Alba," I insist.

  "Who is it, Leyna?"

  Sighing, I throw my body against the back of the sofa. Feeling Alba clutch my hand, I turn toward her and groan. "Lex." At her confused expression, I clarify. "As in Agent Alexander Taylor." Alba's mouth falls open as recognition falls on her.

  "You mean the FBI agent who rescued you?"

  "Si, the one and only."

  "Holy shit," she says.

  "You see why I can't tell my brother? The club and the feds do not mix. You should have seen them the day Lex rescued me and brought me to Gabriel. If looks could kill, they both would have dropped dead on the spot." Waving my hand in dismissal, I continue. "It doesn't matter anyway. We're just friends."

  Alba continues to push. "Just friends?" When I don't answer, she keeps on. "Friends don't make you smile the way you've been smiling every time you pick up your phone." Alba places her hand on my shoulder. "I don't want to overstep but may I give you some advice?"

  "Yes. I think I could use all the advice I can get."

  "I say go for it with this Lex guy. Life is too short to worry about what other people think, Leyna. The most important thing I have learned over the past eight months is if you spend all your time worrying about what others think and trying to please everyone around you, then you are wasting the precious life you have been given. Will Gabriel be upset? Probably. You know I love your brother more than anything, but who cares what he thinks. As long as you are happy, and Lex is good to you, then Gabriel will eventually have to come to terms and except that. Please, Leyna never be afraid to go after what is going to make you happy. I will stand behind you when it comes to your brother."

  I let Alba's words sink in for a minute, and I know she speaks the truth. "I know you're right, Alba. But I also know it's going to be easier said than done."

  "No," Alba says. "Giving up is easier. Standing up for what you want is going to be hard, but worth it in the end."

  "You're very smart in the ways of the world for someone so young," I laugh.

  "Trust me I'm not that smart," she chuckles. "I just had to live and learn the hard way and suffer some consequences along the way. I don't want to see you do the same."

  I'm just about to respond when my phone chimes with another incoming text. "He's relentless," I smirk. Once I reply to Lex, I go on to tell Alba about how we have become friends. I tell her how we talk on the phone and text almost daily. That's a partial lie. I don't want to tell Alba the full truth before I tell my brother.

  After my talk with Alba, I'm feeling like a small portion of the weight I've been carrying around has been lifted off my shoulders. Alba goes about ordering us pizza for dinner as we settle on the sofa, she picks up the remote. "Want to watch a movie?"

  "Yeah. Something funny though." When the doorbell rings Alba and I both look at the clock.

  "No way is that our Pizza. I just ordered five minutes ago," she remarks.

  "Maybe it's Reid. Wasn't he supposed to be here?"

  "Yeah, but he has a key. Maybe he forgot it." I faintly hear Alba disarming the home alarm the moment my phone rings. Pulling it from my back pocket, I notice it's Lex calling, and I answer. "Hey."

  I don't get a chance to hear what Lex says on the other end because I suddenly hear a commotion over by the front door. Setting my phone down on the coffee table, I go to check on Alba. I'm shocked at what I witness when I turn the corner. "Alba, what's going on here?" That's when I see Alba on the floor bleeding from her nose.

  "Oh, God!" I gasp running over to help her off the floor. That's when I notice the man standing over us. He's maybe 5ft 11in tall with brown hair, and glasses framing his brown eyes. The one thing that stands out the most is the pure animalistic, look on his face. "Who the hell are you?" I demand.

  Producing a gun, the man in front of us aims it directly at me. "Shut the fuck up, bitch," he seethes. He then begins to rant about how Alba is his and how she was stolen from him. The guy is talking crazy. Little by little I'm able to put the pieces together. This is the guy stalking Alba. He's the one the club is looking for.

  When the deranged man begins spewing about how he left one of our biker trash friends lying on the side of the road, Alba loses it and darts around me, charging the guy. "Alba, no!" I shout, but it's too late. She's able to land a blow to his face, but the guy quickly recovers and backhands Alba across her cheek. Luckily, I'm there to catch her before she falls.

  "You stupid fucking, whore!" the lunatic shouts and I place myself in front of Alba, desperate to protect her and her unborn child.

  With his weapon still trained on us, we're ordered into the kitchen. "Sit," he motions toward the table. Minutes pass. Alba, and I continue to watch the man pace back and forth in front of us, mumbling to himself.

  Feeling Alba squeeze my hand, I cut my eyes toward her. She motions to the floor beneath where she sits. I see her water has broken causing a puddle on the floor under her chair. Darting my eyes around the kitchen, I try to think of a plan. I need to do something—anything to get us out of here.

  Alba goes onto ask the guy questions. I know she's doing this to buy us some time. So far, it's working because the guy who I now understand from his creepy storytelling of events, is Alba's former professor. The next words that come out of his mouth sends a chill down my spine. I have to act now.

  "You were a bad girl Alba, giving away what was mine. But don't worry, as soon as we get rid of that little problem, you'll be mine," he says pointing his gun at Alba's pregnant belly. The moment the professor makes his way toward Alba, I take advantage of the fact he is no longer paying attention to me.

  Running around the kitchen island, I start pulling open drawers. The second one I open has what I'm looking for. Grasping the large knife in my right hand, I stalk up behind the man who now has Alba cornered. Without a moment's hesitation, I drill the blade into his back, right between his shoulder blades and he lets out a roar of pain. Not missing a beat, I clutch Alba's hand in mine, and we make a run for it. Just as we turn the corner, leading away from the kitchen, a shot rings out. I feel a piercing pain in my stomach and fall to the floor. It takes me a second to realize I'm bleeding. With weak arms I bring my hands to my stomach to try and stop the flow of blood, but it's no use. I watch as my blood begins to seep out on to the wood floor beneath me. With my vision becoming blurry the world around me begins to fade. The last thing I see is Alba struggling with the man before another shot rings out. I try with everything I am to stay awake, but it's no use; darkness takes me.



  When Kurt walked in at headquarters this morning saying one of us had to make a trip to Polson about the Santino case, I jumped at the chance. It proved to be the perfect opportunity to surprise Leyna that I would be coming to town. So, I'm on the road and have been all morning when I decide to pull the SUV into a tru
ck stop about an hour and a half outside of Polson to grab a coffee. During that time, I decided to text Leyna which lead to me calling her. After her confession about being accepted into the university, I was about to tell her I would be in town today, and we should celebrate when she told me to hold on; that's when all hell broke loose.

  I start hearing a commotion in the background and strain to listen to what is going on. "Leyna?" I ask her, but she doesn't respond.

  Shit. I wait but get no response. That's when I hear the raised voice of a man followed by Leyna's and another female's voice. As much as I don't want to believe it, I'm positive an intruder has made his way into the home. My stomach fills with dread.

  "Leyna!" I roar into my phone hoping she can hear my voice. Leaving my coffee sitting on the counter inside the convenience store, I sprint out the door to get to the SUV.

  Jumping in, I started the engine and peel out of the parking lot determined to get to Polson as fast as I can. I continue to listen to the man terrorize them. Rage takes over the helpless feeling that settles over me, and my grip on the steering wheel tightens until my knuckles begin to turn white. I'm not there—Not being able to protect my woman guts me.

  A moment of silence had me hold my breath before a raging male's voice breaks in followed by a gunshot.

  I stop breathing.

  My heart sinks.

  Seconds go by before another shot rings out.

  All of this took place just moments ago. Now, the worst kind of silence surrounds me as I continue to hang on the line. The grip I have on my cell phone tightens as the minutes tick by. "Come on baby. Let me know you're okay." My cell beeps and I quickly look at the screen. Call lost. I throw my phone at the console beneath the radio and slam my fist into the center of the steering wheel. "Fuck!"

  Mile markers along the interstate fly by as I speed past them. Forty-five miles left to go before I make it to the Polson exit. For a moment, I lose all train of thought as my mind plays out different scenarios. Get your shit together. Snatching my cell, I call Kai.


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