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Page 14

by Alvarez, Sandy

"Yes," I agree slipping my hands between our bodies, fumbling with the button of his jeans.

  Lex shakes his head and stands. "I'm not taking you tonight."

  "But I thought," I protest.

  "No. Tonight is for you. Tonight, my mouth is going to claim your pussy," he declares pulling his shirt off over his head, rewarding me with tan skin and six-pack abs. "Do you have a problem with that, baby?"

  I shake my head. "No—no problem here."

  "Good. Now sit up," he orders, and I obey. Crouching down to the floor on his knees, he grips the hem of my sweater, pulls it off and tosses it to the floor. Next to go—my bra. Lex clearly intends to take his time because once my breasts are exposed, he takes a moment to admire them. "Fucking perfect," he says before cupping them in his large hands. Leaning forward, he takes my nipple in his mouth.

  "Dios," I cry out.

  Once he's had his fill of feasting on my breasts, he gently urges me to lay back on the bed, where he then removes my leggings, taking my panties with them, exposing me. Using his large hands, Lex grips me under my knees and pulls me to the edge. Spreading my legs, he fixes his gaze on my bare pussy. Using the pad of his thumb, he parts my lips. "So, fucking wet. Is all this for me? Tell me, Leyna; whose wet pussy is this?" he questions pressing his thumb down to my swollen clit, causing my hips to buck.

  "Yours. It belongs to you. Only you."

  "Damn straight," he growls just before his mouth is on me and I'm unable to hold back the startling cry coming from my lips.


  Like a man starved, he licks and nips at my center. I feel my orgasm building, and my legs start to quiver. I'm getting close, and Lex must feel it too. Sliding his hands underneath me, he grips my ass and pulls me closer. The moment his tongue plunges inside of me, I fall apart. White flashes of light burst behind my eyelids, and I come. My orgasm rips through my body, and I ride the wave of pleasure with Lex's name on my lips. Coming down from my release, I feel Lex pepper lazy kisses on the inside of my thigh. He then climbs on the bed and settles in behind me. Wrapping his arm around my middle, he pulls me close to his chest. The last thing I remember before falling asleep is Lex kissing me on the sensitive spot below my ear, "sleep, beautiful."

  Some hours later, I wake when I hear murmured voices. I reach out in the bed beside me only to find it empty. Rolling over, I look at the clock on the nightstand beside me and see it's three in the morning. Climbing out of bed, I scoop Lex's shirt off the floor and cover my naked body. Strolling down the hall, I follow the sound of his voice. I find him in his office on the phone. "Yeah. Okay. Have you called Kai? Sure, I'll be there in twenty." With a heavy sigh, Lex hangs up the phone.

  "Everything alright?" I ask from the doorway, and Lex spins to face me.

  "That was Kurt. I'm sorry, baby but I have to go to work." Striding up to me, Lex takes my face in his hands and kisses me. When he pulls back, I see uneasiness in his eyes. "Will you do me a favor, beautiful?"

  "Of course."

  "Can you stay in today. I don't want you going anywhere. I'll be back in time to take you to Rumors."

  I study his face and desperately want to ask him why, but I don't. I trust his reasoning for such a request. "Okay, Lex. I'll stay home." When relief flashes over his face, I know I just gave him what he needed.



  As hard as it was not to take things further with Leyna last night, I meant what I said—it was all about her. She tasted as sweet as I imagined she would, and the way she threaded her fingers through my hair; feeling her body tremble with every stroke of my tongue. I will never get enough of her.

  It was even harder leaving her this morning after getting an early wakeup call from Kurt. There has been another homicide following the same pattern as the other three. That's four murders in two weeks. Usually, we don't see them this close together, even in more severe cases investigated in the past. Kurt feels we may need to use the media outlets to flush the killer out. It's a good idea. The public already knows about the killings but not the fact we believe it is the workings of a serial killer. For all these reasons, I asked Leyna to stay in today.

  With my job there comes a price. Long hours, shit loads of paperwork, people hating me for wearing this badge. It's all worth it when one more monster is off the street; one more missing person is found, or several lives were saved. When I first started with the FBI someone once told me you have to harden yourself, become immune to what you see, detach yourself to do the job. How? Every case feels personal to me. In my line of work, I've seen the underbelly of society—the ugly, dirty, inhumane parts. The things the public hear or read about don't even scratch the surface of the evil in this world. And I don't have the worst end of the madness. The victims are the ones who have honestly seen it all. Many of them have starred in the eyes of the devil himself. Some live to tell the tale—some do not.

  I'm sitting at my desk redirecting my focus when Dean walks up dropping another file onto the pile accumulating there already. "I know you're already knee deep in these homicide cases, but our guys dug up some interesting information on how someone was able to hack the bank account belonging to Miguel Santino." Taking the file from the pile, I flip it open. "Hackers?"

  "Yeah, and the team was able to determine the source disabled the bank's intrusion detection system. After examining the metadata files, they didn't find any trace evidence. The hacker wiped their tracks clean. I heard someone put a call into another guy—a freelancer kept off the books to take another look. They're hoping he might be able to dig a little further," Dean explains.

  Leaning back in my chair, I close then toss the file back on the growing pile sitting on my desktop. "Thanks, Dean." We have no answers. Only the knowledge that a brilliant hacker made his way through a bank security system, stole cash, and covered his tracks well enough our experts haven't found any evidence left behind leading us anywhere.

  Dean checks his watch. "I'm clocking out. Taking the wife and kids to Canada this weekend to see her sister."

  "How is the family?" I inquire. I've been so deep into these two cases and my personal life I haven't taken the time to ask him.

  A tired yet genuine smile pulls at his lips. "Everyone is good. Long nights but worth it." Dean and his wife have been through a lot. It's nice to see them happy. "I'll catch you later." He turns to leave the office.

  Standing, I grab my jacket from the back of my chair and dig my car key from my pocket. I've been at it since 4:00 am this morning. All I want to do is go home to my woman. I ride the elevator down with Kai to the garage.

  "See you at dinner tomorrow?" Kai climbs into his truck.

  "Yeah," I open my car door.

  "Taking your woman?"

  "I am," I state, and he nods.

  "I'll catch you tomorrow." Kai closes his door, starts his truck, backs out of the parking spot, and exits the garage. Getting into my car, I do the same. The ride home feels lengthier than usual as I continue to run over what little evidence we have to go by on the murders. We watched the press release given by our local police. Hopefully putting the word out there will help the public become more vigilant of their surroundings and possibly have someone coming forward with any information we can use to find this monster. With us and local authorities working diligently around the clock on this case I can only hope something turns up a new lead.

  Arriving home later than usual, I walk into the apartment and find Leyna asleep on the couch with her kindle laying on her chest. Leaving her to sleep, I stride across the living room and enter my office. Picking up the bottle of scotch I keep in here along with a glass, I pour myself a drink, then walk back out to the living room carefully sitting on the other end of the couch so that I won't wake my woman. The moment I go to set my glass on the coffee table I notice a note written on pink stationery and pick it up.

  I still love you,


  You have to be shitting me. Even after demanding she stop. April showed up at my apartm
ent? I fist the paper in my hand, crumpling it into a tight ball. What the hell is she up to? I stare up at the ceiling then glance down at my woman. Her green eyes settle on mine. "Hey, beautiful."

  "Hey," Leyna whispers.

  I sigh. I thought April would stay in my past, but that isn't going to happen. "April is my ex." Leyna shifts, sitting upright against the arm of the couch.

  "Lex, you don't owe me—"

  "Yes, Leyna, I do. April and I were high school sweethearts. I was with her for years," I keep my eyes on her, "I even asked her to marry me at one point. Long story short she cheated—slept with my best friend of ten years. I found out they had been having an affair for almost an entire year."

  "Lex, I'm sorry."

  "I'm not. It angered me more knowing my best friend had betrayed me." Tugging on her feet, I slide her body toward me and I settle my body above hers. "I want no one else but you. Got it?"

  "Si." Her hands threaded through my hair, pulling my head down until my lips lock on hers—giving me what I need in her kiss.

  * * *

  With a couple of Cuban dishes sitting on the back seat along with a couple of bottles of wine, Leyna and I hit the road making the forty-five-minute drive to Tacoma. "Are you sure you're okay with meeting the rest of my family?" I ask her one more time.

  Throwing her head back in laughter, Leyna reassures me, "Si. I believe you're the one who is nervous. I'm fine meeting your family, Lex. I only hope your mother won't mind me bringing food."

  Bringing it to my lips, I kiss the back of her hand. "You have nothing to worry about."

  A short time later we're pulling up to my childhood home. "We're here." Turning off the car, I climb out, go around to the passenger side, and open the door for Leyna. With food and wine in our hands, we make our way to the front door. Dad has the T.V so loud no one hears us come in. Shutting the door, I set the dishes down on the table next to the front door and help Leyna remove her coat before taking mine off and hanging them on a hook. With her by my side, we enter the kitchen.

  "They're here." My baby sister jumps from her seat at the table. My mother turns, then wipes her hands on the front of her apron and moves pass my sisters who have already given their hellos and hugs. "Lex," mom kisses my cheek. She turns her attention to Leyna.

  "Mrs. Taylor, it's wonderful to meet you," Leyna smiles. Placing her hands softly on Leyna's arms mom gives my woman a full look over before returning a warm smile of her own. "It's nice to finally meet you too, " then glances at the dishes in my hands.

  "Leyna, cooked for us," I tell her. Striding across the kitchen, I set them down on the kitchen counter next to the other platters of food.

  " Beautiful, thoughtful and she cooks," my mom gushes.

  "Can I help with anything?" My woman offers. At this moment my Nonna strolls into the kitchen. Bending down I kiss her cheek. "How are you today, Nonna?"

  She pats me on the forearm. "I'm good, sweet boy. Introduce me to your lady," she maneuvers her walker toward the table and takes a seat in her chair. Grabbing

  Leyna by the hand, I guide her over to the table. "Leyna, I'd like you to meet my Nonna."

  "Come down here a little closer, dear?" Nonna gestures with a small wave.

  Leyna squats directly in front of Nonna allowing her to get a good look at her. My Nonna studies my woman for a moment before cradling Leyna's face in the palms of her soft aged hands. "So, you are the beauty my Principino has given his heart to," she tells her with warmth in her tone. "I see strength in your eyes. This is good. He needs a strong woman at his side. I told him he would find you one day."

  On the ride home, I keep my hand resting on Leyna's thigh. After spending the day together with my family, I'm happy to have her all to myself finally. "Your family is wonderful, Lex, and Nonna—she's something special," Leyna confesses.

  "She's the best," I smile.

  "Your family is very close to one another. I like that about them. You take care of each other. Your sister invited me to one of her dance recitals a few weeks from now."

  "Oh yeah?" I rub circles moving a little higher up her thigh, still a few inches away from touching her elsewhere.

  "Mhmm," Leyna hums.

  Pulling into the garage, I park, and soon we enter the elevator. Before the door closes, I have Leyna's back pressed against the wall and my lips on hers. Our tongues meet tangling furiously. Her legs come up circling my hips. The heat between her thighs fuels my want for her. The sound of the door sliding open causes us to break our connection. Leyna's legs lose their hold, and her body slides down mine until her feet touch the floor.

  Without a word, we walk down the hallway. Both knowing this isn't over. As soon as the apartment door is closed and locked, I pull her to me. Standing there in the foyer, I run my palms down her back. "You ready for this?" I don't have to elaborate on what I mean. By her heated stare, my woman already knows.

  "I want you."

  That's all I need to hear. With her ass in my hands, I scoop Leyna off the floor. Her legs settle over my hips as I carry her across the living room and down the hall. Along the way, Leyna pulls her sweater over her head and tosses it to the floor. The next item to go is her white lace bra. Dipping my head, I take one of her nipples into my mouth.

  "Oh God," she throws her head back moaning with pleasure. The moment Leyna rocks her hips against my body seeking relief, I want nothing more than to give it to her. Laying her down on the bed, I remove her boots before peeling her black leggings from her body exposing her barely there thong.

  "Jesus," I rumble letting my hands travel up her thighs, my eyes settling on her covered pussy, eager to taste her again. Leaning down, I let my warm breath drift over her center.

  "Lex," her hips rise off the mattress pleading for more.

  Hooking my fingers in the waistband of her panties, I slide them down over her hips, stopping mid thigh and run my tongue through her slit. "Your mine." Flattening my tongue, I rub small circles around her clit before taking her nub into my mouth.

  "Tell me, Leyna." I suck her clit again.

  "I'm yours," Leyna moans the words I want to hear.

  I finish pulling the strip of lace down her legs, ridding her of her last piece of clothing and drop them to the floor. Standing, I look down at my woman—the moonlight shining through the bedroom window dances across her tan skin. Slipping down the bed, Leyna rises to her knees. Reaching out she unfastens my pants and eases them over my hips. Kicking them to the side, I pull my shirt over my head letting it fall to the floor. My eyes stay fixed on Leyna as she brushes the length of my cock with the palm of her hand. I shut my eyes and moan at how undeniably good her touch feels. When I open them, her eyes are locked on mine. Pulling her up, so we are face to face, I kiss her again, and she leans into me pressing her breasts against my chest. Slipping my hand between her thighs, I work her sensitive bundle of nerves. "That's it, beautiful," I whisper in her ear as her body begins to tremble.

  "Lex, I'm going to come," she pants.

  "Show me." That's all it takes. Her thighs clamped against my wrist.

  Before she can recover from her orgasm, I lay her back against the mattress and hover my body above hers. Reaching over, I pull the top drawer to my nightstand open and grab a condom. Sitting up, I tear the package open and watch as Leyna observes me roll it on. "You ready?" I ask her one more time before going any further.

  "Please, Lex," her legs spread allowing me to settle between them.

  Lining up with her entrance, I slowly slip inside, stealing her breath for a moment as I push through her barrier. I still when I feel her body tense underneath me. "Just relax, baby. Take a deep breath." Once she has relaxed enough to accommodate my size, I pulled back and push back in until my cock is buried completely inside her. As I worked her body into a steady rhythm, Leyna wraps her legs around me and tightens her thighs on my hips, finally finding the pleasure to be found beyond the pain. Dipping my head, I flick one of her nipples with my tongue before latching on
to it and rolling it against the roof of my mouth. I then move to the other breast giving it equal attention.

  "Lex." I feel her body quiver beneath me, then circles her hips.

  I wanted to take things slow; savor the moment but as Leyna begins to match my thrusts with upward movements of her own, I become hungry—desperate to give her what she needs. My lips hover above hers and our harsh breathing echoes through the room as I drive into her. "Come for me, beautiful." My mouth dominates hers as another orgasm rips through her body. The moment her tight pussy clamps down on my cock, a tingle shoots up my spine and pleasure radiates throughout my body as I chase my own release. After catching our breathes, I lean on my elbows above Leyna. Pushing the hair from her face, I stroke her cheek. "You okay, beautiful?"

  "More than okay," she places her hand on the nape of my neck, pulling me closer until my lips press against hers.



  "Are you sure you don't mind coming with me? You know you can always drop me off then come back and pick me up in a couple of hours." Lex gives me an irritated look at my suggestion. We are seconds away from pulling up to Bella and Logan's house. Today is the day my brother is marrying Alba. I knew this day was fast approaching and I've been a nervous wreck the whole drive to Polson. Alba invited Lex since she knows we are together, and she assured me Bella gave the okay. They both know how The Kings feel about Lex, but both parties have decided to put aside their differences for one day. The guys know how important it will be to Gabriel having me here, but they also know Lex is a part of the package.

  "You know better than to even suggest some shit like that, Leyna. Where you go, I go. I'm not worried about your brother or his friends."

  "I know. I just don't want you to be uncomfortable."

  "Is this about my being uncomfortable or about you not wanting them to see us together? They already know I'm coming with you, Leyna. Sooner or later they will see us together. Whether or not they accept the fact is up to them. As for me, as long as I have my woman by my side, I don't give a shit about the rest."


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