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Winter Love

Page 21

by Kennedy Fox

  I sniffle, unable to meet her gaze. "Stellan and I talked about having children and he said that he wanted to wait a year…" My voice breaks on the last word and I bite back a sob.

  Pippa pulls me into her arms, shushing me. "It's okay, Margot. It's all gonna be okay. So what if you can't wait a year…"

  I hiccup. "He said that it is the tradition in the royal family."

  She rocks me gently back and forth. "So? You guys haven't done anything according to tradition. You are the entirely wrong kind of girl for that. First of all, you’re American. You are the opposite of privileged. You were a fricking journalist when you guys met. And yet you won Stellan's heart just by being yourself. Do you think that he will not be out of his mind with excitement when you tell him? Because I think that he is going to be elated."

  I wipe at my eyes. Looking up at her, I shake my head. "I don't know…"

  Pippa grabs both my hands, looking me directly in the eye. "But I do. I've known Stellan since I was a kid. And I am telling you that he loves you and he will be excited. You were planning on doing this anyway, eventually. It's just a little sooner than you planned."

  I suck in a shaky breath, shaking my head to clear it. "Are you sure you read the test right?"

  She squints at me. "Yes. But just to be on the safe side, you should go see a doctor tomorrow morning. I can make the arrangement for you if you like. Then you can be sure."

  My heart races. I looked down at my body, at my flat stomach. Frowning a little, I manage to center myself somewhat.

  A baby.

  I know that it's what I wanted anyway, but it's just so much sooner than I had expected…

  Pippa draws me to my feet, snapping me out of my thoughts. She looks at me, pulling my hands together. "Tell me you're excited."

  I bite my lip. Am I excited?

  My pulse is racing. I'm mostly overwhelmed. But underneath all of that, a little spark of joy has been lit.

  Slowly, I nod my head. "I think I am. It just… just took me by surprise, that's all."

  Her lips twitch. She hugs me then, quick and hard. And I hug her right back, glad that she is my best friend.

  "Thank you for making me take that test.” My voice breaks on the last word and I start sobbing again. Pippa pulls me against her chest, rocking her body from side to side. "Come on. Let's get you in bed. Then we can talk about tomorrow and the doctor and everything that comes after that. It will be great, just you wait and see."

  I take a deep breath and nod, leaning on Pippa as we head out of the bathroom. I feel so overwhelmed and so stunned by the news, but under it all, I feel joyous…

  Chapter Five

  It's officially Christmas eve, or Jul as we Danes call it. Normal families gather around the Jul tree and have elite lunch together. But seeing as how I'm not remotely normal, I have to attend the royal banquet during the afternoon hours. Everyone is dressed to the nines, completely glamorous in their tuxes and ball gowns. The scene is every bit as glamorous, the grand ballroom set up with long tables decorated in white and red, snowflakes hanging from the high ceiling.

  Everyone who's anyone is here today, a ton of Denmark's finest families stuffed in one room.

  Margot is right beside me, her white crinoline dress and pink hair making quite a statement next to my traditional black tux. I shake everyone's hand and smile until I'm sure that my face will never be the same again.

  At the end of it all, I grab Margot and duck out of the ballroom, ripping my bow tie off. I glance at Margot, who has been very quiet all day. She looks at me, her smile cool. "I take that as a sign that you are done?"

  I slip my hand around her waist, pulling her to my side. "Beyond done. I don't think that anyone could possibly have asked for more from me. Nor you, I suppose."

  A sigh leaves her lips. "What's next on the day’s agenda?"

  I pull her toward the grand staircase, eager to get to our private chambers. "We have this family gathering later this evening… but there are a few hours of downtime penciled in to our schedule. And I plan to take full advantage of them. Just you and me, exchanging gifts. How does that sound?"

  Her brows rise as she hits the staircase, climbing the steps. "Really? It's been a while since we've just spent a couple hours on our own. No press, no family members…"

  My lips quirk. As we hit the end of the stairs and head down the hall, I hug her to my side. "I know. You should've heard the fight that I had with the royal press office to get this little reprieve today.”

  She grins up at me, her heart-shaped face making my heart grow two sizes in my chest. "I'm glad that you did. I've been trying to find the time to give you your presents."

  We make it to the door and I swing it open, holding the door for her. She gathers up her skirts and hurries into the living room with an excited murmur. I follow right behind her, a little smirk on my lips. I'm thinking of what I got for her for Christmas and how surprised she is going to be.

  Margot goes right over to the little crate where we are keeping our new puppy. She lets her out and looks back at me with a soft smile. “I’ve been thinking about what we should name her. I was looking at some popular names and Luna stuck out at me. What do you think?"

  She scoops the puppy up in her arms, giving her a kiss on the nose. The puppy gives a sharp bark and licks Margot’s face, making her laugh.

  Closing the door behind me, I follow her footsteps, unable to resist my wife holding the puppy as she cradles her in her arms. I'm not thinking about the name that Margot proposed in the least.

  No, I’m thinking instead of how amazing Margot will be as a mother. I don't know why exactly, but watching Margot and this puppy together is pushing a lot of buttons for me.

  God, my cock is halfway hard. I bite my lower lip and nudge Margot’s hip with my lower body. She looks at me with a laugh.

  “You’re not even listening,” she accuses. She doesn’t look cross, though.

  “I was! You suggested that we call her Luna." I wrinkle my nose as I look down at them both. "That sounds perfect."

  Luna wiggles and demands to be put down. Margot complies, a smile on her lips. She watches as the newly named Luna runs around the room, sniffing the couches. Margot arches a brow at me. "Are you ready for presents, then?"

  I give her a grin. "Very."

  Margot smiles wickedly and heads over to the tall Jul tree that we have set up in the room, looking down at all the gold-wrapped presents. She picks up two small presents, one in a small box the size of maybe two lemons and one in a wide flat package. She hands them over to me, wiggling her brows.

  I accept the presents, looking suspiciously at them. Neither one weighs much of anything. I shake them gently, wondering what they could be.

  Wrinkling my nose, I set the packages on the couch and then retrieve Margot’s presents. One is a large flat box and one is a gift wrapped set of papers. She throws herself on the couch and holds her hand out to me, beckoning for her presents. I hand them to her, taking a seat beside her and watching her.

  She looks at me, biting her lip. "Who goes first?"

  I give her a tiny grin. "I think you do, by virtue of being more excited about them than I am."

  She flushes. "When you come from a disadvantaged background like I did, you tend to get excited about every little thing. Don't shame me."

  I laugh. "No shame intended. I just enjoy watching you, that's all. It's secondhand excitement, you might say."

  She scrunches up her face and picks up the larger of the two presents, shaking the box a little. She looks at me with a mischievous smile and then starts tearing the gold wrapping paper off the box. In seconds, the whole box is shredded, and she is pulling out the most inexpensive of my presents. I watch the look on her face as she holds up a particularly naughty garment. It’s a black and pink négligée, reminiscent of the one she wore the very first night she and I met.

  Her cheeks turn red and she gives me an embarrassed grin. "You know my taste, apparently."

sp; I grin at her. "And mine too, if that's not patently obvious by now."

  "I'll have to model that for you later." She gives me a wicked grin. She sets the entire thing aside, picking up the sheaf of papers. They are loosely held together by a gold wrapped manila envelope. It takes her a minute to rip off the wrapping paper and undo the twine but then she is looking at the papers, her brow puckering in concentration.

  I know exactly what she's looking at: a trust that I've started or a children's charity in her name.

  When she looks up at me, her eyes glitter with tears. “Ten million dollars? You started a charity for me for ten million dollars?"

  I begin to nod but in the next second I am knocked nearly breathless by her sudden lunge towards me. She wraps her arms around me and buries her face against my chest. "Oh Stellan, I don't know what to say. Thank you. Thank you so much."

  I am surprised at her reaction, though by now I suppose I shouldn't be. Of course her favorite thing that I got her was not even really for her. I put my arms around her, rubbing circles on her back. "Of course. To be clear, you don't need my permission to do anything like this. I just figured that I would get you started."

  She looks up at me, tearful. "It's exactly what I wanted. You got it exactly right."

  She kisses me then, her lips sweet as wine. I cup her jaw and deepen the kiss, amazed at how giving and generous she is. It seems that there are few boundaries that Margot will not cross for the sake of children. And I find myself feeling exceptionally lucky that I fell in love with her.

  I may have had to move heaven and earth to keep her at my side, but by god, it was worth it.

  She breaks away, pushing me back a few inches. She dashes tears from her eyes. "You still have to open my presents."

  I splay my hands. “If that’s what you want, sure.”

  She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and reaches around me. She pulls the small box and the wrapped piece of paper onto my lap. I look at her as I unwrap the box first, smiling lightly as I produce a kiwi fruit. Raising a brow, I cock my head.

  “Are you saying I don’t eat enough odd fruits?” I tease.

  She blushes. “It’s the only thing I could think of to represent the present I got you. I figured since your father has been ill, you two might like to spend some time together. So I booked you both a trip to New Zealand in the New Year.” She bites her lower lip. “I’ve already told him about it, so I hope you are excited.”

  Opening my mouth, I freeze. My heart beats loud in my ears. I look at her, speechless.

  “Of course I am. I… I love that you thought of me,” I eventually say, reaching over and squeezing her thigh. I shake my head, shocked. “I’m really surprised. I haven’t really thought of spending time with dar.”

  She beams at me. “I know. But I feel like one day, you will thank me.”

  Pulling her close, I kiss her lips. “I’m grateful now. Really, I am.”

  She sighs. “Oh, good. I’m glad.”

  Wiggling my eyebrows at her, I take a bite of the kiwi. Margot pulls a face.

  “I’m not sure you’re supposed to eat the whole thing like that.”

  I shrug, grinning. “We will see, won’t we?”

  I turn to her second present, unwrapping what seems to be a single thick piece of paper. I glance at her and find her biting her lip, looking very anxious.

  I pull the paper away and find a grainy black and white photo of…

  I squint.

  It looks like a wall of grainy gray with a perfect black bubble on the left side. Inside the black bubble, there is… a bean?

  I slide Margot a look. “You’re going to have to help me out here. What am I looking at?”

  She surprises me by pulling the kiwi away from me and lacing our fingers together. “It’s a baby, Stellan. Our baby.”

  For a few solid seconds, I am not sure I heard her right. “Come again?”

  An unsure expression ripples across her face. “I’m pregnant, Stellan.”

  My eyes tear up as I look back at the photo. “You’re… you… this is our baby?”

  She nods, wiping away a tear. “Yes,” she answers softly.

  “I’m going to be a dad?”

  She nods again. “Yes, Stellan.”

  Moving so suddenly that Margot’s breath leaves her lungs, I hug her hard. “Oh my god.”

  I bury my face against her neck, out of breath. I gulp, my emotions almost overwhelming me.

  I can’t believe that I’m going to be a father.

  Pulling back, I cup Margot’s face and kiss her lovely lips so sweetly. She kisses me back, her lips curving under my own. I grin and shake my head, disbelieving. “Fuck, skatter.” I lean back, shouting to the sky. “I’m going to be a dad!”

  I hug her again and she laughs as I pull her down onto the couch, kissing her.

  “Does that mean you are happy?”

  I nod, grinning and wiping at my eyes. “Ja, skatter. I am very happy.”

  Then I find her lips again, deepening the kiss, so happy I could explode.

  Chapter Six

  “Get naked,” he rasps, his voice nothing short of an order.

  It causes goosebumps to break out across my skin. I make a needy noise. He’s already out of patience, his hands rending the front of the fancy dress I’m wearing.

  “Stellan!” I laugh, pushing at his hands.

  His lips twitch. “I need you bare and writhing, begging for me to fuck you. Now get naked.”

  Shaking my head, I wriggle out of the dress, wrinkling my nose before casting it to the ground. Stellan turns me around, roughly ripping my panties and bra off.

  There is something so primal about his touch, about how badly he needs me, that just adds to my usual arousal. I lean into his kiss before I am even certain what is happening. His hand cups my chin and controls my head. With my head lifted towards him, his lips are on mine. I can taste nothing but the flavor of him, clean and masculine and raw.

  He sits down on the couch, drawing me with him.

  When his tongue slips between my lips, I let out a moan, meeting it with my own. My back arches, my chest presses up against him. He explores the stretch of silky skin at my hip, and slowly moves lower, lower. He drags out every moment, an exquisite torture.

  He grabs my thigh and drapes it across his lap, leaving me exposed. His hand travels up toward my center, kneading and squeezing my thigh as he goes.

  When his fingers brush my core, he finds me already wet.

  “This?” he says, his voice gone to gravel. He teases my crevice again with the lightest of touches. “This is mine.”

  I can do nothing but gasp and nod.

  He grins and squeezes my ass as he pulls me on top of his lap. As I straddle him, I can feel his cock between my legs, wrapped in his jeans. I’m already wet, but can’t help grinding against him. Even through his pants, I feel his hardened cock.

  I’ve never been so ready for him before. I’m ready for him to tear off the rest of his clothes and fuck me right this second.

  It’s never that easy or fast with Stellan, though. He likes to take it slow, to tease and torture me.

  His mouth moves from my lips to my jaw and travels to my neck. A part of me feels suddenly shy, even though this was far from our first time together. He tweaks my nipple, drawing a gasp from my lips.

  Stellan smirks at my shyness. “You know that you are probably the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen?”

  He shifts me, raising me up above him so my nipples meet his mouth. I feel his fingers digging into my ass cheeks, dangerously close to my pussy, as the warmth of his mouth consumes one nipple, and then the other.

  I whimper as I feel my nipples harden against his tongue. I want desperately to be lower, to be able to rub myself against his cock again, but he keeps me firmly poised inches above his lap.

  I squirm and his hands that clutch my bare ass shift closer to my center. His fingers slowly, slowly spread me apart. The ache of emptiness is unbearab

  “Fuck, you’re wet,” he tells me between sucks on my nipples.

  “Stop teasing me,” I say, frustrated.

  “Is this what you want?” he asks as he lowers me back down.

  Instead of letting me go completely, he slides a finger inside my pussy and pushes his thumb against my clit. I shudder at the surprise of it—and the pleasure of having some part of him inside me.

  I can't bring myself to reply, but I move against his hand eagerly. His hands are deft, with practiced flicks against my G-spot and just enough pressure on my clit to get me halfway to orgasm.

  But no closer. He knows exactly what he’s doing and it’s driving me insane.

  I kiss him deeply, my eyes squeezing shut. All I want is to come.

  “Slow down,” he tells me. “Enjoy the ride, skatter.”

  There is a part of me that thought maybe he’ll just stop. Maybe it is all just a game, a power trip. I ride his hand harder, lifting my head, and offer my breasts to his lips again. He spanks me once on my ass, hard.

  “I said slow down,” he growls.

  The slap surprises me, but even as the sting fades and I feel my ass turning red, I also feel a new gush of wetness between my thighs. My pussy is on fire, and I need him like I’ve never needed him before.

  He slips his finger out of my pussy and flips me onto my back. The coolness of the couch is a shock to my skin. He kneels and spreads my legs wide.

  “You really are ravishing,” he tells me. “And I’m about to ravage you.”

  I smile and let my head fall back as he kisses his way down my thighs. When he reaches my mound, he kisses his way across it, trailing his tongue against my sweat-slicked skin. He comes so close to tasting me, really tasting my pussy, and yet he pulls back.

  I shake my head back and forth, ready to burst.

  “Fuck! Stellan, come on!” I cry, pounding my fists.

  “What do you want?” he asks me, smirking.

  “Stellan, please,” I say, arching my back as far as I can.

  “You’re going to have to tell me,” he says tauntingly.


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