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Winter Love

Page 35

by Kennedy Fox

  Every night this week, they’d retreated to his suite at the end of her day and proceeded to spend hours wrapped up in each other. But maybe this sort-of date had been enough to scare him off.

  She breathed out a laugh, even as disappointment swept over her. “It’s twenty feet away, in our fenced backyard,” she said. “And I make this trek nearly every night.”

  “And I watch you from the door every night, so this isn’t much different. Just humor me.” He held open the back door for her, gesturing her to walk through first.

  “You don’t need to worry about me. I’ve taken self-defense. My cousin Mac taught me. I can handle myself.”

  “Of that, I have no doubt.” But he still didn’t let go of her hand. Still didn’t stop his gaze from tracking their surroundings, no doubt looking for any threat, which was utterly laughable.

  They stepped onto her tiny front porch, and she used the keypad to unlock her front door before pushing it open. He still hadn’t let go of her hand. Hadn’t stepped back. Hadn’t made an excuse to leave.

  Turning around to face him, she asked, “Why’d you feel the need to walk me back here?”

  He brushed his thumb against the back of her hand. “You remember what I said durin’ the carriage ride?”

  “You said a lot of things. What item, in particular, are you referrin’ to?”

  “I said I’m not subtle. If I want something, I come out and say it.”

  “Yeah, I remember.” She dropped her gaze to his lips, her body humming at the thought of those on any part of her tonight. “Any reason you’re bringin’ that up right now while you’re standin’ on my front step? You wouldn’t be anglin’ for an invite in, would you?”

  “I’m not anglin’ for anything, firecracker.” He placed his hand on her hip beneath her jacket, his thumb tucked under her sweater, brushing maddeningly against her skin. “I’m sayin’ I wanna come inside. I’m sayin’ I wanna strip you naked and fuck you over the arm of that couch. I’m sayin’ I want you to sit on my face until you come all over my tongue and I can still taste you in the mornin’.” He ducked his head into the crook of her neck, sweeping his lips against her sensitive skin, flicking his tongue out to lick at her pulse point. “I’m sayin’ I wanna hear you scream my name inside these walls.”

  She swallowed hard, her clit throbbing from his words alone as she tilted her head and allowed him more access. “That’s…that’s an awful lot to live up to in one night.”

  “Maybe, but you’ve been with me enough times that you know I’ll make good on every single promise.” He kissed a path up her neck and along her jaw until their lips brushed with his every word. “What do you say, firecracker? You gonna invite me in?”

  Instead of answering with words, she gripped his coat and tugged him inside, shutting the door behind them. Cole might not be hers for forever, but, just like the snow, she intended to enjoy whatever time they had together while it lasted.

  Chapter Twelve

  Cole woke up the following morning and blinked into the unfamiliar room. It took him a moment to realize he was in Sadie’s bed. Instinctively, he reached out, searching for her, but her side was cold.

  It’d been so long since he’d done this whole morning-after thing. In fact, he’d…never done it. He and Amber had been high school sweethearts, so there’d never been an awkward morning after. And since his divorce, he’d never put himself in any situations where he might get attached—like staying the night with someone. He had no idea what had come over him last night to make him stay.

  But…no. That wasn’t true. He knew exactly what had come over him. Sadie. She’d wormed her way inside, despite all the ways he’d held himself apart and closed himself off. And now what the fuck was he supposed to do?

  He threw off the covers and climbed out of bed, uncaring of his nakedness as he collected his articles of clothing they’d strewn across the cottage the night before. He’d done to her exactly what he told her he would. He’d fucked her over the arm of the couch, his chest pressed to her back as he’d swirled his finger around her clit with one hand, cupping her breast with the other. She’d shaken in his arms, her body clenching around him as she’d begged for more. Begged for him.

  After, he’d fallen into her bed and hauled her up his body until her dripping pussy had been directly over his mouth, and he’d devoured her. Guided her hips against his face when she’d been apprehensive, until she’d settled into it, gripping the headboard as she’d rocked against him, bringing herself to her own release.

  “Fuck,” he mumbled, scrubbing a hand over his face as he diligently ignored his erection that seemed to be ever-present with thoughts of Sadie.

  While there was no doubt he’d wanted to do all of those things to her, he couldn’t deny that he’d said them to hide his need to be with her last night. He’d done so in order to distance himself from what he was powerless to stop from happening between them. A hell of a lot of good that had done him.

  Each time they’d slept together, he’d fallen a little bit more for her. How could he not? Sadie was gorgeous and intelligent, selfless and loyal, kind and funny. He loved that she wasn’t afraid to put him in his place. Loved that she challenged him every second she was in his presence. Wasn’t timid or shy about giving it as good as she got—at least, not with him.

  There certainly wasn’t anything timid or shy about their attraction to each other. He’d never, in all of his thirty-three years, experienced this kind of explosive chemistry. It was intoxicating and had to be why she was on his mind constantly. He couldn’t fall asleep without thinking about her, couldn’t wake up without her face being the first thing he saw in his mind, couldn’t talk to his sister or his momma without wondering if they’d like her as much as he did.

  And that thought scared the hell out of him. He’d lost himself once to love. Had fallen down a rabbit hole of coupledom, where even their names couldn’t be said separately. After the divorce, he’d had to learn at twenty-nine how to be his own person. Years later, he was finally starting to like who he’d turned into, who he’d become. And he refused to box himself into another codependent relationship with someone dead set on controlling his every move.

  Ignoring the voice in his head that reminded him Sadie hadn’t attempted to do that, he reached for his jeans hanging over the back of the couch and tugged them on, finding a scrap of paper tucked into the pocket. With a furrowed brow, he pulled it out and unfolded it, running his eyes over the loopy script.

  I had to run and start breakfast for the inn and didn’t want to wake you. Make yourself at home. Feel free to use the shower and help yourself to whatever. The door locks on its own, so you don’t have to worry about that. Thanks for last night. xo, Sadie

  He ignored the way his gut tightened, same as his chest, at how familiar this all felt. How terrifying. He hadn’t let anyone in since his ex-wife. Hadn’t wanted to. He’d been happy on his own, figuring out his shit. Being the man he wanted to be and not some version of someone else’s ideal. He’d had no intention of complicating that.

  And then, three years ago and only months after his divorce, Sadie had come along and knocked him on his proverbial ass. Even from afar, he’d been drawn to her. Had felt it like a tug under his skin, as if they were magnets drawn to each other. And that pull had only intensified over time. Had intensified to the point of bursting when he’d picked Starlight Haven to stay during his renovations.

  “You’re a fucking idiot,” he mumbled to himself, pulling on his jacket and strolling out the cottage’s front door without a backward glance.

  If he had no intention of entering into a relationship with her, why the hell had he started something? Why the hell had he spent his nights getting lost in her body? Spent the actual night wrapped around her, her curves settling perfectly against his body? He’d known from the beginning she was a commitment girl down to her bones. She wanted a happy ending for herself, and he’d already watched his first marriage crumble. He had absolutely no d
esire to put himself through that again simply for a chance this one might stick.

  Using the code Sadie had given him several days ago, he unlocked the back door and strode through the inn, intent on getting to his room and washing off last night, along with the emotions it had conjured up that were suddenly crackling under his skin.

  He heard Sadie’s voice before he saw her, the sound like honey coating his insides, all warm and sweet. He rounded a corner and stopped abruptly as soon as she came into view. She stood behind the front desk, her hair a chaos of waves around her face and a man he’d never seen before leaning too close to her for anyone who wasn’t an invited guest in her bed.

  “I was thinkin’ maybe you’d finally be able to show me around,” the man said. “Try out that restaurant you’ve been tellin’ me about.”

  Cole tightened his hands into fists at his sides, anger and irritation rearing their heads inside him so quickly, he barely had time to process it before he strode toward them. Didn’t even bother to remove what was no doubt a murderous expression written on his face, but he’d be damned if he let this fucker hit on the woman he’d been inside just hours before.

  “I’ll be happy to get you a reservation there, but I don’t think my boyfriend would like it too much if we went out,” Sadie said, her tone friendly but firm.

  Cole’s steps faltered. Boyfriend? Was that what last night meant to her? Jesus, he’d really fucked up if that was the case. He’d put the needs of his cock over her feelings, and now he was faced with a situation he’d never intended to be in again.

  She lifted her gaze to him, the tension immediately seeping out of her features as relief replaced it, and he ignored the urge to comfort her. To cup her face and crash his lips down against hers. Let this jackass know who she belonged to.

  He ignored it because it was absolutely fucking crazy. She didn’t belong to anyone, least of all him.

  “Hey, baby,” she said, the tiniest hint of apprehension bleeding into her voice, and he pretended his chest didn’t tighten at the endearment falling from her lips. “You sleep all right last night?” Her tone was stilted, her eyes pleading as she stared up at him, attempting to communicate something. Gone was the taunting lilt he was so accustomed to hearing from her, the one he loved so much, and in its place was this saccharine tone she’d never used on him before.

  “Fine.” He stopped himself a mere foot behind the jackass, and the other man stood upright sharply, knocking over the cup of pens on the desk as he whirled around to face Cole.

  “Oh, oh… Uh, excuse me.” The man scurried off without another glance toward Sadie as Cole glared at his retreating form.

  He had no idea why he felt this burning jealousy deep in his gut or where it had come from. He’d never been jealous with his ex-wife, even though he’d very obviously had good reason to be. He didn’t know if this emotion was innate in him, and something Amber had just never managed to tap, or if it was only Sadie who brought it out.

  Regardless of why it was there, he needed to shove it down deep and never speak of it again. Needed to ignore it entirely, because Sadie wasn’t his, and he had no right to feel this sort of possession over her. They didn’t have a commitment to each other. If she wanted to go out with that guy—or any guy, for that matter—she could. Cole couldn’t do anything to stop her.

  And he hated the very fucking thought of it.

  Cole had had an absolutely shit day. He’d tried to shove his morning out of his mind, tried to shove Sadie out of his mind, but it’d been no use. He’d spent the entire day with his head in his ass, thoughts of her and their interactions overtaking his attention when it should’ve been on Jemma’s case.

  This was getting out of hand. He’d had to come into the office on a Sunday, for fuck’s sake, because he’d spent half of the prior week imagining Sadie spread out on his desk. This was beginning to affect his career and the level of work he was producing for his clients. He’d had to redirect his focus more times than he’d care to admit, and when he typically worked in billable hours—Jemma’s case notwithstanding—that meant it was not only costing him his sanity, but also his time and money.

  All he wanted to do was go home. Back to his house where he didn’t have to interact with anyone. Where he could open a beer, veg in front of the TV, and do absolutely nothing. Instead, he had to go back to his temporary home at Starlight Haven—the place he’d begun to view as the root cause of all this. Maybe if he’d chosen one of the other options in Havenbrook, none of this ever would’ve happened.

  Was that what he wanted, though? Even though Sadie was causing disruption in his life, he couldn’t say he’d take a different path if he had the opportunity to do it over again. True, if he hadn’t picked Sadie’s inn to stay at, then, more than likely, Nat wouldn’t have found him and asked him to partner up with Sadie for the photography shoot, and thus, his life wouldn’t have been thrown into chaos.

  But then he also wouldn’t know how she got that sparkle in her eyes when she was about to rib him or how kind she was, leaving notes on his plate of muffins each morning, or how hard she worked at her goals. He wouldn’t know the tenor of her moans or how her thighs quivered when she was close to coming or exactly how she looked, her hair falling like fire around him, as she rode them both to climax.

  Great, and now he was strolling into Starlight half hard courtesy of the woman behind the front desk. After his divorce, he swore that he’d never be tied down again. That he’d never commit himself to someone who wanted so much more from him than he could give. Who wanted him to be someone he wasn’t. But it was times like this, when Sadie’s smiling eyes fell on him, a tiny, playful quirk to her lips he swore was just for him, that he thought he might enjoy being tied down again, if he were tied to her.

  “Hey,” she said, sweeping her gaze over him before cocking an eyebrow. “Long day?”

  He blew out a breath and ran a hand through his hair, not bothering to lower his messenger bag from his shoulder. “What, no crack about how I look like shit?”

  “I figured I could give you a pass tonight, considerin’ you spent an entire Sunday workin’. You don’t seem to be on your game like usual.”

  “You could say that.”

  Despite the late hour, she didn’t press him for any more details, didn’t push him to tell her what the problem was, though the space between her eyebrows pinched slightly. “I didn’t get a chance to tell you this mornin’, but thanks for playin’ along with that whole boyfriend thing. I’ve used the excuse before, but that guy won’t take no for an answer. I’m just glad I had someone to point to this time.”

  Cole’s jaw tightened, his teeth clenching over the thought of anyone harassing Sadie to the point where she had to utter, “He won’t take no for an answer.” “He’s bothered you before?”

  She rolled her eyes and waved a dismissive hand. “You don’t have to get all growly about it. I can handle myself, but this is just easier. He’s a businessman from Tennessee, and he’s been comin’ here once a month for about a year. I’ve always told him I have a boyfriend when he asks me out, but he doesn’t care. So when you strolled in, I saw an opportunity to shut him down once and for all. I hope that’s okay.”

  He ignored the part of him who wanted to be her excuse. Wanted to be the reason she said no to men who asked her out on dates. Wanted to be the reason she had that smile on her face. But he’d buried that part of himself years ago, and he had no intention of excavating it now.

  “It’s fine. Hopefully now, he’ll leave you alone.”

  “Fingers crossed he gets the picture this week while he’s here.” She grinned at him, a teasing pull to those full lips he loved so much. “Don’t worry, though, I won’t ask you to the New Year’s Eve ball or anything to prove it.”

  “No?” And just why the fuck did it bother him that she discounted him for an event he had absolutely no intention of attending, with or without her?

  “Well, obviously not.” She swiped a hand through the air
as if the very thought of them together was preposterous, and he didn’t know why that cut so deep. “You know what they say about a kiss at midnight.”

  “What’s that?”

  Her gaze dropped to his lips, and she wet her own. The tiny flick of her tongue against that pale pink flesh was enough to harden him completely, his cock a thick, throbbing nuisance behind his zipper. Christ, why could he never control himself around her?

  When she spoke, her voice came out rough and low, just how it got after her first orgasm. “The person you kiss at midnight is who you intend to spend the rest of the year with. And we both know your feelings on commitment.”

  There it was, out in the open, impossible for either of them to ignore any longer. They’d had these differences the entirety of the time they’d known each other—both distantly and since he’d been staying at Starlight Haven—but they’d never specifically come out and said as much. Deniability wasn’t an option anymore.

  He dropped his bag to the floor and braced his hands on the desk, meeting her eyes. “We do. Which begs the questions…what’re you doin’ with me, Sadie?”

  Her brows pinched as she regarded him. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean…it’s pretty obvious that I’m not right for you.”

  She swallowed and averted her gaze to the papers fanned out across the desk and gathered them before stacking them into a pile. “That’s a bit presumptuous, don’t you think? Who said I’d want you in the first place?”

  He breathed out a laugh and shook his head. “Always with the smart mouth.”

  Lowering his gaze to her lips, he looked his fill, remembering when she’d dropped to her knees in his suite and sucked him deep the second time they’d been together. For as long as he stayed there, he’d see her in every corner of his room. Remember every piece of furniture he’d fucked her against. Every place he’d made her come.


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