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Fair Trade For Love: A Billionaire Bad Boy Romance

Page 5

by Weston Parker

  “I did.” Liam nodded. “Though she didn’t realize she would be staying here.”

  “What?” I blinked and looked up.

  “She was very shocked when I showed her the bedroom where she’d be staying,” Liam said sympathetically. “I don’t think Mr. Newman told her very much about this deal of yours.”

  “Well, she knows now.”

  Liam’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t argue. I returned to my breakfast without another word. It wasn’t my fault that Rick kept his daughter in the dark. If she was upset about the arrangement, she could leave. It wouldn’t upset me in the slightest to see her back as she walked out my front door.

  “I wonder if there’s something we can do to make her more comfortable,” Liam said slowly. “I think she feels a bit like a prisoner.”

  “That’s not my problem,” I said shortly. “She’s here to work. Did you show her the office?”

  Liam paused. He eyed me closely. I knew him well enough to know when he disapproved of my actions. He was angry with me, but I didn’t care.

  “Yes,” he said. “She knows where she’ll be working. After breakfast, I’ll go over her tasks for today.”

  “Thank you, Liam. That would be helpful.”

  “My pleasure, Mr. Andrew.”

  Liam’s voice was still tight. I glanced at him again, but his face was once again impassive. He kept it wiped clean of all emotion.

  While I ate, I thought about the moment we shared in the living room yesterday. Looking at my father’s picture together was something I couldn’t have done with anyone else. Liam, unlike the rest of the world, saw both sides of my father. He knew the kind-hearted, loving man that George Hopper showed the world, but he also knew the father who often made me feel abandoned. For that, Liam had sympathy for me. He understood why I distanced myself from everyone around me.

  Part of me wanted to mention it, to say something about how I felt when I saw that picture. I turned to face Liam and tried to speak. Words failed me. I quickly gave up and returned to my food.

  “Good morning,” a bright voice said from behind me.

  I spun around in my chair to see Sophie Newman bouncing over to the table. She smiled warmly at Liam. He smiled back, though he seemed somewhat confused by her presence. My own confusion was quickly replaced by irritation when Sophie pulled out a chair and sat down beside me.

  “What are you doing?” I demanded.

  “Having breakfast,” Sophie said. “Or am I not allowed to eat?”

  “Of course, you can eat,” I snapped. “But do so in the kitchen.”

  Sophie looked at me with a blank expression. “You’re kidding.”

  “I’m not,” I said firmly. “Liam can serve you in the kitchen. That’s where you’ll eat all your meals.”

  “That’s ridiculous,” Sophie said, shaking her head. “Liam shouldn’t have to shuffle between two rooms just to serve us both breakfast.”

  “What Liam does is not your concern,” I said. “He works for me.”

  Sophie narrowed her eyes and sat back in the chair. She was challenging me. I felt my cheeks flush with anger, but I quickly checked myself. Getting into it with Sophie on her second day here wouldn’t help either of us.

  Instead, I wiped my mouth with my napkin and pushed my chair back from the table.

  “Are you finished, Mr. Andrew?” Liam asked.

  “I’ll eat the rest in my study,” I said.

  “Conversation is healthy, Andrew,” Sophie said. “You should try it sometime.”

  My entire body tensed at her words. I couldn’t believe the audacity she possessed. After all, she was in my home to work off her father’s crime. Who the hell did she think she was?

  I picked up my plate and coffee before turning to face Liam. He looked from me to Sophie and then back again, clearly nervous about how the situation was going to play out.

  “I’ll be in the study if you need me, Liam,” I said. I walked over to him and lowered my voice. “It is your responsibility to keep her away from me.”

  “Yes, sir,” Liam said simply.

  He glanced back at Sophie. Even with my back to her, I knew she was watching us closely. I didn’t give her the satisfaction of a backward glance. I gripped my plate and mug tighter in my hands and left the room, feeling needles of anger pierce my back as I walked.

  It wasn’t until I reached my study that I was able to breathe. I pushed the door closed behind me and hurried over to my desk. As I collapsed into my chair, I exhaled sharply and closed my eyes. All I could do was hope that Sophie would get the message. I didn’t want to see her. I didn’t want to talk to her. I simply wanted her to do her job and leave.

  I managed to forget about Sophie’s presence as the day progressed. Spending all day locked away in my study was the best option for everyone. If I ventured out, I might run into Sophie and an argument would ensue. That would only serve to anger me, upset her, and make Liam even more uncomfortable.

  By lunchtime, I’d sunk into a familiar rhythm. I answered all my emails for the day and began to catalogue the latest shipment I’d received. The office was sending over a crate at a time, so I could go through everything individually. When I was done cataloguing, I priced the items and sent them back to the warehouse. There, they were prepared for auction or for private buyers.

  In just a few short hours, I’d managed to make it through an entire crate and a half of merchandise. I felt great about myself, more productive than I’d felt in weeks.

  When my phone rang sharply, I was already grinning. Nothing could ruin my mood. Not even Sophie Newman’s presence in my house. So long as she stayed in the opposite wing, I would be just fine.

  “This is Andrew Hopper,” I said, putting the phone to my ear.

  “Andrew!” a chipper voice echoed through the phone. “It’s Antoinette!”

  “Anti,” I said with a chuckle. “If it isn’t my favorite collector in all of France.”

  “Andrew,” she said sternly. “You know your flattery does not work on me.”

  “And you know that’s a filthy lie.”

  Antoinette laughed jovially and launched into the reason for her call. She had a lead on a new dig somewhere in Africa. I didn’t recognize the name of the city she mentioned, but I wrote it down all the same.

  “I want you to head over there,” Antoinette said. “See if you can’t find me something invaluable.”

  “Anti, you know I can’t just up and travel to Africa,” I said firmly. “I have a business to run.”

  “Then, send someone,” Antoinette said. I could practically see her wave her hand casually over her shoulder. “Just find me something, Andrew. I’m counting on you.”

  “Have I ever disappointed you before?” I asked playfully.

  “Only that night is Barcelona, my love.”

  “Now, now, Anti, don’t hold that over my head.” I laughed again.

  “I’ll be furious with you forever, Andrew Hopper,” she said, laughing softly. Her playful nature was just one thing I had always loved about Antoinette.

  Despite our twenty-year age difference, Anti always made it her business to flirt with me. Whenever she visited the states, I was in for at least a few butt grabs and coquettish winks. I loved her attention because it was harmless and entertaining.

  “I’ll get someone over there,” I said. “I promise.”

  “Ah Andrew,” Antoinette said, cooing into the phone. “You are certainly my hero.”

  I opened my mouth to respond, but my office door suddenly swung open. I glanced up, expecting to see Liam standing in my doorway, but it wasn’t Liam. It was Sophie.

  She took a confident step inside the office, her eyes locking on my face. When she saw that I was on the phone, she mouthed a silent apology and gestured for me to continue my conversation. I just stared at her, open-mouthed and dumbfounded.

  “Hold on just a second, Anti,” I said into the phone.

  I laid the phone down on my desk and began to rise from
my chair. The glare I fixed Sophie with was sharp and instant. She took a step backward and frowned, clearly surprised by my anger.

  “Get. Out.” My voice was low and dangerous.

  “What?” Sophie blinked. “This will just take a second, Andrew. I found something.”

  “Get out!”

  Before either of us could get another word out, Liam appeared in the doorway and quickly ushered Sophie away. He pulled the door closed behind him. I sank back down on my chair and put my head in my hands. This woman was going to kill me.

  “Anti,” I said as I picked up the phone again. “Let me call you back in a few.”

  “Don’t keep me waiting, Andrew.”

  “Never, my darling.”

  We hung up, and I leaned farther back in my chair. My hands were shaking with uncontrollable anger. I longed to run across the house and give Sophie a piece of my mind.

  What was she thinking, just barging into my office that way? Didn’t she know what her father did? Didn’t she realize that this office was the exact place he’d tried to steal from me?

  I was so angry that I saw red. My head was spinning as I tried to calm myself enough to work again. It was no use. After several minutes, I was still just as upset as before. I pushed away from my desk and paced around my office, hoping that movement would help calm my fried nerves.

  It worked, but only a little. My face cooled, and my fists unclenched. I still couldn’t believe Sophie. When she walked into my office, I thought for sure I was imagining things. I couldn’t fathom how anyone could possibly be that stupid.

  If there was one place that was off-limits to Sophie, it was my office. After what her father tried to pull, I didn’t want a single member of the Newman family anywhere near my valuables. This office was full of priceless merchandise and ancient artifacts. I didn’t trust anyone to be around them, let alone Rick Newman’s daughter.

  I continued to pace around the office until I was certain my anger was gone. I took a few deep breaths before I sat back down at my desk. My hands were no longer shaking, so I picked up the phone to call Antoinette back, hoping she would distract me from the annoyance that was Sophie Newman.



  “Come with me, Miss Sophie,” Liam said firmly.

  He placed his hands on my shoulders and spun me around, pushing me gently toward the hallway. I stumbled out awkwardly. As Liam led me quickly out of the office, I sputtered my confusion.

  “I don’t understand,” I said. “What’s going on?”

  “Mr. Andrew is on a call,” Liam said simply.

  “I don’t mind waiting,” I said. “I have some questions for him. Plus, I found something in the books that I think might help. He should really take a look.”

  “Mr. Andrew wishes for you to stay in the other wing of the house,” Liam said. “He doesn’t want to be disturbed.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense…” I trailed off with a frown.

  Liam had finally released my shoulders and was walking beside me as we made our way toward the far staircase. My office and room were on the opposite side of the mansion. It took almost five minutes to walk from my office to Andrew’s. Suddenly, I realized there was a reason for the distance. I didn’t understand it at first, but Andrew’s reaction to me being in his study was nothing short of outrage.

  “How am I supposed to do my job properly if Andrew won’t speak to me?” I asked as Liam held open my office door.

  “Any questions you have can be directed to me, Miss Sophie,” Liam said kindly.

  I nodded, but still didn’t fully understand. Something didn’t add up. If Andrew wanted me to sort out his books, I needed to talk to him about it. Speaking through his butler was only going to confuse and complicate things further.

  “Why is he so cold?” I asked softly. “What’s wrong with him?”

  Liam sighed and gestured for me to sit down. I slid into my chair and pulled myself closer to my desk. Liam sat in an empty chair across from me. His brown eyes shone with kindness and warmth. Liam had a grandfatherly presence about him, a quality that put me at ease without effort.

  “He’s just working right now,” Liam said. “He’s inherited quite a mess from his late father. Mr. Andrew isn’t always this way. The stress is getting to him.”

  “I understand that,” I said slowly. “I really do, but if he wants me to do this job, then this set up seems difficult for no good reason.”

  “Just do your best, Miss Sophie,” Liam said. “I can answer most of your questions, and those that I can’t, I’ll consult Mr. Andrew for you.”

  “This just seems so juvenile,” I said, shaking my head. “We need a go-between just to do business?”

  “It’s the way Mr. Andrew wants it,” Liam said.

  He didn’t say anything else, but I could tell he didn’t agree with his boss’s behavior. There was something hidden behind Liam’s eyes, something dark and full of frustration. I wanted to ask him about it, to find out more about Andrew Hopper, but I thought better of it. The last thing Liam needed was for me to get him in trouble.

  “Thank you for your help, Liam,” I said with a smile. “And for picking up my bag of clothes for me. Honestly, I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t here. This place is…”

  “It can feel quite cold at times,” Liam said with a nod. “Give it a chance. You may warm up to it faster than you think.”

  I scoffed. “Doubtful.”

  “Try the back courtyard,” Liam said. “Whenever you’re ready for a break, just go down the stairs and to your left. You’ll see the glass doors. You can’t miss them.”

  I nodded as Liam got to his feet. He smiled at me one last time before leaving me to my work. It wasn’t easy to focus, not after my latest encounter with Andrew. All I could think about was how angry he looked. His anger didn’t make sense. Whatever my father did, surely it wasn’t bad enough to make Andrew hate our entire family with such intensity.

  Not for the first time, I thought about calling my father. He still needed to explain exactly what happened between him and Andrew. If I knew the whole truth, maybe I would finally be able to understand Andrew’s animosity toward me.

  I picked up the phone and dialed my dad’s number. On the first ring, I changed my mind. Dad would tell me everything when he was ready. Forcing the issue would only make us both that much more upset. Besides, there was a small part of me that wasn’t sure I wanted to know.

  The rest of the afternoon passed by in a blur. I tried to familiarize myself with Hopper Antiquities’s books, but they were muddled and unclear. Whoever was running their accounting department obviously didn’t know what they were doing. Everything from the past five years was off by at least a few thousand dollars.

  My head was spinning. There was only so much I could wade through before I needed a break. I sighed and leaned back in my chair, closing my eyes and trying to center myself. It wasn’t easy. Everything about this mansion made me tense and nervous. I couldn’t stand to be here, and I wasn’t sure how much longer I would last. The only thing that kept me going was the knowledge that I was helping my father.

  It wasn’t yet time for dinner, so I decided to take Liam’s advice and spend some time in the back courtyard. He didn’t show it to me on our tour, but I was sure I could find it. Getting to my feet, I stretched my arms upward and took a deep breath. I’d only been in this house for two days, and already, I missed my own home.

  “Heading out, Miss Sophie?” Liam asked when I passed him in the hallway.

  “I thought I would check out that courtyard,” I said with a smile.

  “Excellent idea.” Liam smiled and pointed me down the hallway.

  I hurried forward, my eyes quickly falling on the glass doors. When I stepped outside, I was hit with a familiar smell that brought a smile to my face. I spun around, my eyes scanning the grounds until I saw the source of the smell. Horses.

  My grin widened as I hurried forward. The courtyard was more like
a huge backyard. I knew it was enclosed, but it was so large that I could see only land extending in all directions before me. The stables were positioned to the right of the glass doors. I ran toward them, already seeing a few horses poking their heads out of their stalls.

  “Hey there,” I said softly when I reached the first stall. “How are you doing?”

  I rubbed my hands over the horse’s face while she whinnied and nestled against my hands. I laughed and played with her a bit more, taking in the sight of her beautiful brown coat and warm eyes.

  “You’re so pretty,” I said softly. She whinnied again and pressed her heavy head into my palms. I laughed and kissed the side of her face. “I wish I had something to feed you.”

  As if on cue, I heard a pair of heavy footsteps coming up behind me. I spun around, afraid that it would be Andrew. Luckily, it wasn’t. It was a young woman, not much older than me, with long strawberry-blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

  “Hi,” the woman said. “Can I help you?”

  “Oh,” I said nervously. “I’m sorry. I’m working for Andrew, and I just came out here for a break. I hope that’s okay.”

  “Of course,” the woman said with a smile. “These guys need some company. Most of the time, it’s just me.”

  “No one rides them?” I asked with a frown.

  She shook her head. “Not in years.”

  “Wow.” I looked back at the horse in front of me. “I can’t imagine owning horses and not spending all my time with them.”

  “I feel the same way.”

  She smiled at me again. I took a step toward her and extended my hand, realizing that I hadn’t yet introduced myself.

  “I’m Sophie,” I said.

  “Amy,” she said, shaking my hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “You too.” I smiled.

  “Do you want to feed her?” Amy asked, gesturing toward the horse. “I have some carrots and sugar cubes inside.”

  “Please,” I said eagerly.

  Amy nodded and hurried inside the stables. When she came back, she had a few carrots and a bag of sugar cubes in her hands. She handed the carrots to me and watched while the horse ate from my hand.


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