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Lady of Way

Page 18

by Rosemarie McCants

  She kept stealing glances at the bartender, but it was like he could see here even with his back turned and would look at her when she did. Keisha’s lips were still tingling and her loins were still on fire from that kiss. He was so intimidating and overbearing. They were feet away and she felt so surrounded by him.

  “It’s clearing out. I can take a cab,” Felicia said. Keisha shook her head. “No, take my car,” she said to Felicia. Felicia arched her brow but took Keisha’s keys.

  “Go. There is no one left at the bar,” Felicia said as she nudged Keisha in that direction.

  “What if he is dangerous?” Keisha asked.

  “I have a feeling he isn’t. Besides, you like danger,” she said. Keisha pursed her plump lips. She was very right about that.

  “Yeah. See you later then,” Keisha said. Felicia hugged her goodbye and whispered a very naughty command into Keisha’s before leaving.

  Keisha’s bottom lip was nervously stuck between her teeth as she made her way over to the bar. His back was turned to her at the sink, rinsing off glasses. She sat at the bar and then he turned around, knowing she was there.

  “Hello again.” His voice was so deep, yet familiar already.

  “Hi.” Keisha smiled timidly.

  He chuckled and continued cleaning up the bar, barely acknowledging her presence. It wasn’t usually like this for Keisha. He was very different. She was used to men tripping over her, as awful as it sounds. He was so calmly collected and unaffected that Keisha wasn’t sure what to do.

  “What’s your name?” Keisha asked him. He glanced at me, his silver eyes shining in the dim light. “You need to know my name?” She nodded. “Yes… what will I moan?”

  He flustered for the first time the entire night, a beer glass nearly lipping from his hands. He racked the glass and then looked her right in the eyes and said, “You can call me Town.” Of course someone like him had an unknown name, Keisha though. “And what should I moan?” he asked Keisha in return. She stifled a smile and said, “Keisha.”

  He took a deep breath, his shoulders rippling with the motion.

  “I’m almost finished. Meet me in the back room.” His voice was back to its normal, deep hue.

  Somehow Keisha didn’t miss a beat before doing what he said. Town looked and sounded like he never had to say anything twice. When Keisha learned about wolves and these clubs, she never expected to meet one of them, let alone do what she was about to do with him.

  Keisha found her way back to that room and shut the door. She found the light switch and flicked on the lights. Now it appeared to be more like a small apartment. There was a bed, a small kitchen and there was a bathroom behind one of the doors.

  She looked around, but there was nothing really to see. Even the bed covers were a plain black color. It smelled like him though, that cinnamon and wood smell. Keisha wondered if all wolves smelled like that, but she had a feeling it was just Town.

  Town. It must be a nickname. Keisha thought it was a cool name though. Oftentimes, she would meet a guy with the same name as someone from her past who she would rather not remember. But Keisha had to admit that she had never met anyone named Town, and she had a feeling he wouldn’t be like anyone she had ever met either.

  Keisha sat on the edge of the bed and tried to relax, but she was still pretty much on edge. She stared at the door, pretty much waiting for it to open. When it did, Keisha was floored.


  “Who is this?” Keisha asked. Her voice was shaky and unsure. Town walked in the room with another man who was just as tall, but had light brown hair instead of brown, and a thinner beard. But he was just as striking with his brown eyes, and similar broad muscles. “Johnny. A pack mate.”

  Keisha looked right at Town and said, “That’s nice, but what is he doing here?”

  Town smirked and then walked closer to her. Johnny stayed where he was and looked at nothing in particular.

  “Relax,” Town said. Keisha seemed to relax right as he said to.

  Her eyes did not leave Town’s as he moved right in front of her. Town’s crotch was level with her face, but she couldn’t bring herself to look away from his intense, dark and hooded eyes.

  When Town’s hands touched her, she sighed with relief. Kiesha had missed the feeling of his hands on her—hot and heavy. His hands traced her skin from her shoulders down to her elbows. Then, Town brought his hands back up Keisha’s front. She shivered as his hands ghosted over her breasts. Her nipples hardened in a way that left her wondering if they would fall off.

  Town’s long fingers inched under the lace and cupped her breasts in his hands. Keisha’s mouth opened with a gasp as he fondled my nipples. She almost forgot that someone else was in the room with them as she wanted Town to touch her more.

  Keisha thought it would be quick, fast, but Town was going so agonizingly slow that she did not want to leave. She raised her hands to touch him, but he countered her quickly and drew her up to his lips in one breath. Keisha moaned into his mouth immediately as his tongue lapped over hers. Keisha’s loins were on fire again and her sex was dripping for him.

  Town ripped her bralette off, literally ripped it in half and began suckling her breasts. Keisha’s eyes lolled at the sensations of his tongue on her skin. Town moved faster now, ridding her of her jeans and even his own clothes. He wore no boxers and her eyes widened and breath hitched at the sight of him.

  Town moved them on the bed so that he was behind her, bending her over on his knees. Then Johnny came forward and Keisha looked back at Town uneasily.

  “Trust me,” Town said. Keisha furrowed my brow. Trust him? I just met him. But Town gave her this look like he didn’t believe she had never done this before.

  When Keisha turned back around, Johnny was standing naked in front of her, his cock erect and in her face. There was no point in holding anything back, it could be one, fun time. Just like the other time… anyway.

  Keisha licked her lips and took Johnny in her hands. He jerked and Keisha took him in. As she worked Johnny in her mouth, Town entered her in one swift movement. She had no time to adjust to Town’s size before he started moving, taking her over and over and driving Keisha insane with the sensations.

  Keisha’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as Town gripped her hips and hit the perfect spot every time. She held herself off as she had Johnny in her mouth. Their deep groans filled the room and spurred her on.

  But Keisha couldn’t hold off any longer. Her body was tight as a coil and it took one more thrust from Town to send her over the edge. Keisha moaned deep, her mouth tightening around Johnny as she rode out her climax. Town was still pummeling into Keisha when Johnny came in her mouth.

  Johnny leaned away from Keisha, looking down at her as he panted. Looking at Johnny didn’t do the same thing to her that looking at Town did. He glanced over her and then Town moved them both.

  Town dropped her onto the bed like she weighed nothing, and continued working her on their sides. Keisha looked into Town’s eyes as he drove her mad again. She barely noticed when Johnny came behind her and his hands ghosted over her body. Keisha was too focused on how good Town felt, filling her up to her core.

  “Oh…” Keisha moaned when Johnny’s fingers flicked over her clit. She was already so swollen. It felt so good it almost hurt.

  Keisha was already on the edge again. From that point on, it was an endless flow of sensations. Keisha’s nails dug into Town’s side, and then she took the opportunity to explore his muscles. Every ripple of his skin flowed under her fingertips.

  She could tell Town was close to climaxing when his body went rigid. She had already cum again twice from Johnny’s fingertips and Town pulsing inside of her. Town froze and groaned deep, almost a growl as he emptied himself inside of her.

  Keisha was so breathless and tired that she felt weightless. She was barely aware that she was between two incredibly sexy men—werewolves—nonetheless. Town kissed her again, silencing her gasps. His mouth mo
ved so easily against hers. His beard tickling her skin. Keshia latched her fingers in his thick hair, slightly aware of Johnny tracing mindless outlines on her skin.

  “Keisha,” Town said. She shuddered at the sound of her name on his lips. “Do you want Johnny?” Her breath paused at the question, but curiosity overcame her. “Yes,” she whispered.

  Johnny gripped her waist firmly and moved her onto her knees in front of Town. Town was right in front of Keisha’s face, still erect. “Oh… yes,” Keisha mewled when Johnny entered her slowly, inch by inch. She felt every bit of Johnny until he was at the hilt.

  Town drew his hand through her hair and moved her to look up at him. His eyes shined brighter as he watched Keisha get fucked by Johnny. Keisha was barely aware of the “unh-unh-unh” noises she was making. She never made noise since it was never this good. Town worked himself with his hand as he watched. Johnny was slow and tender. Town was rough and demanding. Keisha liked it both ways.

  Johnny finished inside of Keisha and Town emptied himself across her chest. Town pulled her up toward him and kissed her roughly. When she broke away, Johnny was gone.

  “You didn’t tell me about him,” she said breathlessly.

  Town held her against his chest. He was so big it was like lying on another bed.

  “It would have ruined it. Did you not enjoy it?” Town asked. Keisha then blushed. His thumb trailed over her cheek where she was sure she was extremely red.

  “Yes. Mostly you,” Keisha said. He smirked then.

  Keisha traced the tattoo on his arm, the howling wolf. Keisha thought it was odd being this comfortable with a complete stranger.

  “What’s your real name?” Keisha asked him. He furrowed his brow but looked at her thoughtfully.

  “Why do you want to know?” he asked. Keisha shrugged. She folded her hands on his chest and rested her chin on them. “I just do,” she replied.

  Town smoothed her hair back and held her closer. Keisha wondered if he did this with everyone. He was so warm though, she did not want to leave.

  “Timothy,” he said. She mouthed it back. It was a nice name, why change it?

  “Why do you go by Town?” Keisha asked.

  “I just do,” he said. She just rolled her eyes. Fair enough.

  Keisha rested her head on his chest. They lay there in silence, only their breathing filled the room. Keisha was tired enough to fall asleep, but she wanted to do something else more.

  Keisha stirred against him, and trailed her fingers farther down his hard body until she reached him. Town inhaled sharply as she took him in her hand, his eyes looked into hers again, almost shining with desire. Keisha bit her lip softly as she smirked at him. He gripped her hair tighter and brought her lips to his.

  Keisha expected a hot, rough kiss like before but Town was softer with it. When he released her, she sighed with content.

  “Can it just be us?” Keisha asked. Town smiled and answered her for the rest of the night.


  Keisha woke up feeling like she had run three miles. She was sore everywhere. Then, she jolted up when she realized where she was. Keisha clutched the sheet to her chest and looked around.

  “Morning.” Keisha heard it out of nowhere and gasped. She then turned to the voice. It was Town. He was in the kitchen shirtless, wearing only a pair of jeans with the button undone.

  “I didn’t mean to sleep over,” Keisha said. She got up frantically and started looking for her clothes. Then she remembered that Town had ripped her shirt in half. Keisha also had to text Felicia and let her know she was okay. Keisha grabbed her phone, but it was dead.

  “That’s okay,” Town answered with an even tone.

  “No, I don’t ever sleep over.” Keisha tugged my jeans on but still held the sheet to her chest. How do I ask to borrow a shirt?

  “You’re already here, so just calm down,” Town said. He sauntered over to Keisha and handed her a cup of coffee.

  “I am calm,” Keisha lied, but she took the coffee anyway. It had just the right amount of sugar and cream. She glanced over at the clock and groaned, it was after eleven. She definitely never stayed this long.

  “Thank you,” Keisha said after a few sips.

  “No problem. Did you drive here?” Town asked. Keisha didn’t know why she was the slightest bit of disappointed that he was trying to get rid of her.

  “Yes, but my friend drove my car home last night,” she replied. He nodded and went back into the kitchen.

  “I can take you home after we finish eating,” Town said as he headed back to the kitchen. We?

  “O-okay,” Keisha said and didn’t protest. “Can I, um, borrow a shirt?” Town looked over at her and flashed a sheepish grin. It was the first time Keisha had seen him smile. It was nice. She wanted to ask him why he didn’t smile very often but it didn’t exactly seem like one-night stand conversation.

  “Sure,” Town said walking toward the dresser. He went through his drawer and brought out a crimson t-shirt. He handed it to Keisha, and once he looked away she put it on. Keisha wondered why she was being shy when they had already explored each other’s bodies fully last night.

  “You like eggs?” Town asked. The he grabbed two plates from the cabinet.

  “Yes,” Keisha answered.

  Keisha sat at the stool by the counter, and he served her a plate of eggs and bacon. Town’s amount was about three times larger than hers. They ate in silence, and he cleaned up after. Keisha kept staring at him, and he kept catching her.

  Keisha realized that she didn’t want the day to be the end. She actually liked him, well, what little she knew of him. But once Keisha put her shoes on, and he put on his olive-green t-shirt and leather jacket, she knew it was over.

  “Ready?” he asked. Keisha nodded yes.

  Town led her out of the bar, which was now pretty much empty. She wondered if he owned it, and if that was why he lived in the back. But she didn’t ask. Maybe if she talked to him less, she wouldn’t miss him as much.

  “This is yours?” Keisha asked, a bit scared when he stopped at a scary looking motorcycle.

  “Yes.” Town smirked and helped her put on a helmet.

  “Are you scared?” he asked. Keisha lied and shook her head. Town smacked her ass as he turned around. “Good.”

  Keisha latched herself to him, her thighs gripping him and the bike as he took off. Town saved no speed, and went as fast as possible. He didn’t even know where she lived, but once he got to the apartment complexes, Keisha directed him to the right place.

  He stopped in front of Keisha’s building. Her car was there so Felicia must still be inside. She sighed with relief since she thought that Felicia would be worried and scour the whole town looking for her.

  “This is me.” Keisha got off the bike, her legs were a little wobbly. Town helped her with the strap of the helmet.

  “I don’t think this can be the last time I see you,” he said. Keisha’s eyes widened at his words, but she wasn’t protesting at all. “Me either.”

  His tense muscles seemed to relax. “I have to work tonight,” he said. “You can come over if you want. I’ll tell Johnny.”

  Keisha’s brows dropped at the mention of his name, but she played it off. “We’ll have time to be alone,” he said. Keisha liked the adventure of it, but a regular thing wasn’t something she expected. It was exciting for her anyway… being touched by two men. “Okay,” she said.

  Town gave her his phone and she put her number in it He told Keisha that he would text her later. He didn’t drive off until he was sure she was inside. Keisha then leaned against the closed door and sighed with a smile.

  “There you are!” Felicia seemed to appear from nowhere.

  “Here I am…”

  “So, what happened?” Felicia asked.

  “We don’t usually talk about it.” Keisha made a face and kicked her shoes off. She needed a hot shower.

  “I know, but this time it was a werewolf,” Felicia said.

nbsp; Keisha dropped down onto the couch. “Two, actually,” I said. Felicia squealed.

  “What?” She sat next to Keisha and invaded all her personal space.

  “Yeah um… I had sex with two.”

  “Like, this morning and last night?” she asked.

  Keisha shook her head. “No, last night. At the same time… it isn’t the first time.”

  “I know, but they’re wolves.”

  “It wasn’t all that different, honestly.”


  “Anyway, I’m seeing him again tonight. Them.”

  “So, it’s a regular thing?” Felicia asked.

  Keisha again shook her head. “No. I don’t know what it is. I know I… I mean I like Town a little bit.”

  “Town?” Felicia said.

  “Yeah. The bartender.”

  “But you want to be alone with him?” Felicia asked.

  “Yeah. I mean, I was alone with him last night for a while, and I slept over by accident.”

  “Do you think he won’t come if you tell him you want to be alone with him?”

  Keisha thought about and said, “No, but it isn’t even that. I… don’t mind the both of them.”.

  Felicia giggled “I bet!” She then smacked Keisha’s arm playfully.

  “Were they both hot?” she asked.

  “Yes, very. Literally and figuratively.”

  “They say wolves are naturally very warm… so he wasn’t rough?”

  “Not any more than normal. It didn’t really make a difference at first, but something made it different.”

  “Uh huh. Did you eat already?” Keisha nodded yes. “Whoa, he fed you too?” Felicia asked in shock. Keisha laughed a bit.

  “Shut up. I need to go shower.”

  Keisha went to take a hot shower and shampoo her hair. She was prepared to do nothing all day and enjoy her weekend.

  “Do you want to go to the mall with me?” Felicia asked when Keisha returned to the living room. She groaned out loud, “Not really.”

  Felicia shook her head. She knew the mall was extremely crowded on weekends. “Fine, but you know you have to drop me off.”


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