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Sorcery & Sirens

Page 5

by Iris Woodbury

  "Yes, yes. Very good. See you around then." And without ceremony, he backed away and quickly disappeared amid the golden leaves and branches.

  Crystal breathed a great sigh of relief and was soon lost herself in the folds of black fabric.

  A Lost Friend

  Crystal pressed through the heavy drapes, her heart beating rapidly, and she didn't release her breath until the final curtain fell behind her. At last, she was back. It was such a relief to see the shop's ornate silver mirror, with her own clothes loosely draped over the hook. Her backpack hung carelessly over the top support and she made a frightened dash for it. After all this time, surely someone had stolen her cash. Her fingers shaking, she unzipped her backpack and reached inside. Her money was just as she'd left it, and all her things remained undisturbed.

  "Thank God," she gasped. Crystal threw her bag loosely over her shoulder and fought her way through the curtains again. This time, thankfully, she had no difficulty getting past them, and soon found herself inside the costume shop.

  The assistant sat at the entrance just as before and didn't look up as Crystal stormed through the racks of clothes toward her. She was about to lay into the woman when she saw Nic and John, heading her way. Both had a cheesecake on a stick and chewed contentedly away, as if they hadn't been worried about her at all.

  "Hey," Nic smiled. "Nice costume. That looks really good on you. I'd get it myself if it came in my size. Do you think it does?"

  "What the?"

  "Are you okay", John asked. "You look really flushed. I guess it's hot in the back of the store. Where's Stu?"

  "Are you kidding me?" blasted Crystal. She threw her hands in the air and turned away from them both, taking a moment to compose and adjust her thoughts. After a few seconds, she turned back and faced them. "Didn't you miss me one bit?"

  John looked at Nic, who returned his confused stare. Both had open, blank faces, and for a second, both stopped chomping on their cheesecakes.

  "Sure we missed you," Nic laughed. "For all of about five minutes. There was a bit of a line at the cheesecake stand but nothing for you to get all funny about. We came back as quick as we could."

  Crystal's mouth fell open, speechless.

  John waved the said cheesecake under Crystal's nose. "Would you like a bite?" he asked. "It's pretty good."

  "No, no. Thanks, but I'm not hungry. So, you're telling me, I haven't been away for more than a few minutes?"

  "Ten at the most," John said with a shrug. "Where's Stu?"

  Crystal looked around. There was no sign of him. "That is an excellent question."

  She was pretty sure Stu hadn't been in the shop when she rampaged through it. They all looked about the faire but he was nowhere to be seen. Crystal's gaze fell once again on the costume shop assistant. If anyone had any answers, she reasoned, it would be her.

  "Are you going to rent that costume or not, my lady?" the woman said. Her inscrutable green eyes looked straight through Crystal. If the woman knew anything at all about what happened, she guessed those unfathomable eyes would never betray it.

  "I very much doubt it," Crystal said. "Truth be told, I don't think I want to go inside this moth-eaten place ever again."

  "Well, my lady, I'm afraid you'll have to, at least once, to recover your things and return the dress. That, or I'll have to call security."

  Cow. So much for the my lady crap. "So it seems. Look, alright, I will in a minute. I just need to know - the young man that was with me, Stu. Did you happen to see him leave?"

  "No, I did not, my lady."

  Crystal thought the my lady act was wearing a little thin. Her face must have betrayed her thoughts.

  The woman continued. "Look, he followed you into the changing room and I haven't seen him since. I thought he was back there, with you. I know what you young people get up to when you have a chance."

  "Well, really!" Annoyed, Crystal looked deep into the back of the store. She strained her eyes; perhaps she'd missed him in there after all. "You must be mistaken. I never saw him back there."

  "Go take a look if you want," the woman said. "And if you're not buying that costume, then I suggest you change back into your mundanes."

  Crystal brushed passed the assistant and headed for the rear of the store. John and Nic were about to follow when the assistant blocked their path.

  "Sorry, but no food or drink allowed in the store. Finish your cheesecakes outside, please."

  Nic shrugged and snarfed down the last remnant of hers, and John took the used sticks and dumped them in a trashcan a few feet away. They then sauntered past the assistant and joined Crystal.

  "You must think I'm mental," Crystal said.

  "Out of your tree," Nic agreed. "As always. But it's weird that Stu isn't anywhere to be seen. Maybe he found another costume he likes and is trying it on?"

  "Yeah," John said. "That seems a likely explanation. Want me to go in there after him in case he's not decent?"

  Crystal, who had raised the first curtain and was on the point of looking in, couldn't help but smile. She hadn't even thought of that. "Yes, good idea. Perhaps you'd better."

  John slipped under her arm and in a moment, the curtain fell behind him. In that instant, a terrifying chill came over Crystal. What if, instead of finding Stu, John found his way into Caducus? Her body stiffened and she reached for Nic's hand. She squeezed it pretty hard.

  "What's up?" Nic asked.

  Crystal ignored her. "John," she shouted at the top of her lungs.

  The curtain opened once more. "I'm here," John replied. "There's no need to shout."

  Crystal clasped her chest in relief. "Thank goodness."

  John shook his head in bewilderment. "He wasn't in there, though your clothes are, Crystal. Look, you're getting crazy upset. What do you think's gonna happen to a six-foot dude, dressed in a funny costume? He's around somewhere. He probably went lusting after something naughty in a bodice."

  Crystal rolled her eyes. "He's not likely to do that."

  "What, you think he's gonna mope about pining after you?"

  Nic nudged him and trod on his foot. "Ow, what did I say?"

  Crystal's jaw dropped. Deep down she's suspected Stu might have a thing for her but she'd never truly entertained it before. She'd been too wrapped up in chasing Jake.

  "Look," John said. "Why don't you get changed and I'll call him?"

  "Good idea," Nic agreed.

  John pulled up the number and dialed it. They all waited anxiously for Stu to respond. But after a little while, John shook his head. Nothing.

  "Maybe he left his phone in the car?" Nic suggested.

  "Maybe," John said. "In any case, he's not answering now. Look, go and get changed and we'll go look for him in the faire. He's probably already on his way back here right now, with a turkey drumstick or something."

  Crystal was about to argue but thought better of it. If she told them about Caducus they would think she was off her rocker. She took a step forward towards the curtain, and then froze. Once again, she grabbed Nic's hand. "Come in there with me. I don't want to get changed on my own."

  Nic looked at Crystal, then at John. "Sure," she said.

  "Don't go anywhere," Crystal said to John.

  "Don't you worry, I'm staying put."


  Ever so cautiously, Crystal opened the drape and stepped inside. Nic followed close behind her. "Can you hear me, John?" she called out through the curtain.

  "Of course, I can hear you. Hurry up and change will you, the day's wasting away."


  Crystal couldn't get out of the dress fast enough. She changed as quickly as she could and quickly left the fitting area. She hung the costume back on the wall where she found it, and in the next second, the three were back out in the faire ground, ready to search for Stu. The woman only glanced at Crystal to check she hadn't taken the dress.

  "Okay, shall we form three search parties?" Nic suggested.

  "Noooo," Crys
tal said. "Please, can we all stick together? I'm worried enough as it is."

  "Sure," John agreed. "Are you okay? I've never seen you this nervous before."

  "Yes, yes I'm fine. Just worried about Stu." And that crazy other world I found on the other side of the curtain. She wished she could explain, but if it sounded wacky to herself, how would it sound to them?

  Nic and John winked at each other.

  "Oh, I don't mean that way," Crystal said. "Just, I dunno, just because."

  With every second that passed, her anxiety grew. She looked in glass shops, armories, leather and craft shops. They stopped at every stage performance and scoured for his familiar face somewhere in the crowd. In twenty minutes at a brisk pace they'd completely circumnavigated the grounds. There was no denying it now. Stu had vanished into thin air.

  They were now back at the costume shop. Crystal knew in her heart where Stu was. She stopped in her tracks and stared at her feet. They're gonna think I'm nuts. But what else could she do? She had to tell them about Caducus now. She inhaled deeply, and then her body went limp.

  "What is it?" Nic asked.

  "Before I start, let me just say, I'm not crazy, okay?"

  "You are a bit," Nic said.

  Crystal waved her hand dismissively. "Please. Be serious. Well, I got stuck in the curtains of the changing room, and when I did get out, I was in some strange land. And I ran into Jake ––well––I think it was Jake, and he had a tree house, well, it's not like a house really––it's more under ground, and Ella was there, apparently, and they called it Caducus...."

  "Wait, what?" John said. "Slow down, take a breath."

  Crystal paused and looked at them both. They clearly didn't believe a word she'd just said.

  "I'm sorry," she continued. "I know you think I'm looney tunes but hear me out, okay?"

  "Alright," John agreed. "But slow down. You're making my head spin."

  Crystal took a deep breath, then continued telling them about her little adventure. Their faces had remained incredulous throughout, and when she was done, she closed her lips tight and waited for their response. It sounded insane in her own ears - it had to be unbelievable to them. And she could see it was. Their mouths hung open. It was a few moments before either said anything.

  "I get it. You two are making fun of us, aren't you?" John stood up straight and looked around the faire. "So, where's Stu hiding then? Come on, it was funny, definitely different, that's for sure."

  "Ooooh, right. Nic suddenly caught up with John's thinking. "Wow, you guys are so funny. What a cool idea, coming up with that here. I'd never have guessed."

  Crystal rolled her eyes impatiently. "No guys, really, that's not it. I'm being serious, dammit."

  "Yeah, yeah," Nic laughed. "Good one, Crys."

  Crystal took hold of Nic by both arms and looked her straight in the eye. "I'm not kidding. I think he got into Caducus. He might be in trouble. What if he can't get back like I did? What if he didn't make it to the other side, and got lost in the curtains? It's like a maze in there, you open a curtain and there's another one behind it, and then another, it just goes on forever! It took me ages––well, it felt like ages––to find my through them, and then to make my way back here again. If Stu's having the same problem...."

  John pulled Crystal gently away from Nic and stared intently into her face. Crystal sensed he was trying to read her mind. After a moment, he said, "Okay. I'm not saying I believe you, but I'm willing to play along. It's not like I haven't role-played before. I just never imagined you had."

  Crystal was about to protest but John raised his hand. "Look, if this is gonna amuse you, then so be it. It might even be fun. Just tell us what you want us to do so we can get on with it."

  Crystal, normally so composed, choked back a tear. She had no desire to go back to that place, the very thought terrified her, but what could she do? Stu could be in trouble, and she could hardly leave him there alone. She racked her brain for any possible alternative, but it was futile. They had no choice.

  "There's only one thing to do," she said. "We have to get back to Caducus."

  "And how do you propose we do that?" John asked.

  "Why, go back through the curtain of course."

  "Well, why didn't the room work last time?" John said. “We've all been inside the fitting room. No mysterious world, just musty curtains and an ugly silver mirror."

  "You think it's ugly?" Nic asked. "I thought it was rather pretty."

  John pulled a funny face. "If you say so."

  Nic just laughed. "Well, I dunno anything about any of this. I've never role-played in my life."

  "Well," Crystal said thoughtfully. "I guess the first time I went in, I was wearing a costume. I picked it because it looked like the dress I designed for Homecoming, and the colors were just like Stu's costume. To be honest it felt a bit odd when I put it on."

  "How do you mean?" John asked.

  "I dunno. I just felt - different."

  "Okay, then why don't you try the thing on again and see what happens."


  The three stepped over to where the blonde assistant remained seated by the entrance to the shop. She looked up as they approached, and Crystal wondered whether she saw a glimmer of satisfaction in those strange, fantastic eyes.

  "I'd like to try that costume on again."

  "Of course, my lady," said the assistant. "I'll get it for you." Her tone so blasé it might as well have been the first time they'd conversed. When she rose from her seat, Crystal noticed this time that she practically floated, rather than walked across the floor. Crystal waited until she'd returned with the dress before returning to the back of the store. Nic and John followed right behind her.

  Just as she raised the curtain to change, a new thought occurred to her. "What if I go in, and you can't follow me?"

  "Let's all go in at the same time, then."

  "We went in before, and nothing happened."

  "Perhaps because Nic and I were wearing... what was that term Stu used?"

  "Mundanes?" Crystal suggested.

  "Yes, mundanes," John said. "Perhaps we should all dress up?"

  "Stu didn't," Nic pointed out.

  "A-ha, yes, but Stu was already in a costume," John reasoned. "So perhaps it didn't matter."

  Crystal sensed John still didn't believe her, but she couldn't bear the idea of doing this alone, so said nothing. "Well, it wouldn't hurt for you to dress up, too." She lowered her voice to a near whisper. "And we're only trying them on; it's not as if we're actually gonna rent them."

  All three nodded in agreement. Like Crystal, Nic and John selected from the older costumes at the back of the store. In just a few minutes they were ready.

  "Well, you go in first," John said. "I'll follow in a minute."

  "No!" Crystal cried, her voice louder than she'd intended. They both looked at her. "We all have to in together. If we go in and change separately, something could go wrong."

  "I don't mind if you girls don't," John laughed. His cheeky grin broke the tension just a little and the two girls giggled as quietly as they could, not wanting to attract the assistant's attention.

  "Okay, let's all go in together. But you have to keep your back to the curtain while we change, or else," Nic said.

  "And no peeking in the mirror," Crystal added.


  A few minutes later the three friends were out of their mundanes and stood admiring each other in the silver mirror.

  "Wow, these clothes make us look a lot more stylish than I could ever have imagined," Nic beamed .

  "I think it's the mirror," Crystal said. "I noticed that the last time I was here."

  Crystal watched as Nic pushed down her blood-red costume and admired the unusual cut of the neckline. It was very gothic, with strong sharp angles that complimented her shoulders and rather full bosom. Unfortunately, the dress slashed across her midsection, changing to a dark-brown, which didn't flatter her at all. Crystal de
sperately wanted to help her chose another but didn't want to step out of the changing room in case the magic was broken. So she bit her lip and turned her attentions to John.

  Like Stu, John selected a pirate costume; only once again, the cut of the costume was rather peculiar. It was almost, effervescent, with not a speck of dust on it - like it had been made only seconds ago. Crystal suspected the same designer had been responsible for them all.

  "So, what do we do now?" Nic asked. She and John both turned to Crystal and waited for further instructions.

  "Well, I suppose now we just go through the curtain."

  "Where?" John asked.

  "Same way we came in."


  John lifted the heavy fabric, ready to play along.

  "Wait!" Crystal cried. She ran back to the mirror and collected their bags and hid them all under a small flap at the bottom of the curtain. "That's better. You can't be too careful."

  "What about our phones?" Nic asked.

  "I don't think we're gonna need them where we're going," Crystal replied.

  "Huh," Nic said. "Well, if you say so." She didn't look too convinced.

  "You know I still think you have Stu hidden in the curtains back here somewhere," John said. There seems to be a hell of a lot of them, after all." And with that, he began pressing forward through the dense drapes.

  Crystal jumped behind him, just as the last curtain swished silently down to the floor.


  They could hear the birds singing loudly somewhere up ahead. As the three friends emerged through the curtains, their song ceased. It took only an instant for the birds to ascertain the strangers meant no danger, and they were soon singing as loudly as before from the trees. Crystal, John and Nic all shielded their eyes. The sun was so bright on the other side of the curtain, they needed a moment to adjust.

  John instantly turned to check behind him. Crystal kept her eye on both her friends who were still trying to make sense of what they were seeing.

  “Jeez Crystal," John said. "You really weren't shitting us after all! I thought you'd snorted some soda or something!" He took a good look around. "Wow. This place is pretty cool. No wonder you guys came up with this plan. Who would have known this was back here."


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