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The Discovered

Page 4

by Maggie Sunseri

  “Yes!” I exclaimed, exasperated. He said I had enough power to end him, easily. What wasn’t clicking? I couldn’t tell if he was being arrogant, just putting on a good poker face, or maybe something far more sinister.

  “You’re very endearing,” he said. “Did you have a human boyfriend or two back on earth?” He searched my eyes, waiting for me to answer.

  I scoffed, my eyes widening. Then I blinked at him, incredulous. “Are you flirting with me?”

  “No, just curious.” He shook his head slightly, almost as if he was scolding himself, and just like that, his features returned to stoic. The muscles around his sharp jawline tightened, and he picked up my plate to take to the sink.

  I sat helplessly in my seat, wishing my ankle was healed enough to retreat to my room without any help. If only I could read his energy and figure out what the hell he was playing at. Rena always said that my gift was cheating, but with so many people in the world with concealed bad intentions, I saw it more as a necessary line of defense. I usually knew who was up to no good. But all I felt from Daelon was only what he wanted me to perceive, or what he let slip in his body language. It was maddening.

  I regained my composure as Daelon turned back around to me after cleaning up. The witchy painkillers were working a little too well, and I was suddenly exhausted again. My eyelids began to droop. At least it was dark outside now.

  “I’m tired. I’d like to go to bed.”

  “Okay.” Daelon was impassive. “I’m surprised you lasted this long, honestly. You obliterated one of the most powerful protection spells ever cast in order to channel an extreme amount of energy impulsively… without any sort of invocation or preparation.” He sighed. “Just unbelievable. That had to leave you pretty drained.”

  “My mothers’ bracelet,” I murmured to myself. And what did he mean by invocation? I opened my mouth to speak but Daelon cut me off.

  “Okay, time for bed,” he said curtly. Then in one swift motion he scooped me up.

  “Daelon, enough! Stop doing that,” I squealed, brushing my long copper hair out of my face. “You don’t need to—”

  “It’s just easier.” He strode into the bedroom I awoke in earlier and set me down gently on the bed’s plush comforter.

  “Are you going to tuck me in too?” I mocked.

  Daelon smirked. “Would you like me to?”

  “No. I want you to go away.” That sounded way more childish than I intended, and I cringed as Daelon stared at me, quirking an eyebrow. I pulled down my dress that had bunched up slightly, revealing more of my legs than I wanted Daelon to see.

  “Goodnight, Áine,” was all he said before he left me bothered and confused in this dark, unfamiliar bedroom.

  Chapter 3

  I glided through the air like a ghost, below the clouds but above everything else. I peered down at the barren trees below, whose branches stretched out toward me as if to pluck me from the sky. The air was cold and dry, prickling my skin like tiny needles. I soared quicker now, and the scenery began to shift as a massive, dark castle loomed in the distance.

  I didn’t want to fly anymore. I wanted to go back to the earth where I was safe, but a force stronger than gravity pulled me past the forest, above the castle, and then sharply toward one of the many towers. A light flickered in a window near the top, and in an instant, I took a swan dive like a fallen angel through an open window.

  I rolled gracefully onto a velvety, golden carpet. The inside of this place held an energy I had never felt before. It reeked of pleasure and pain and sheer power that felt unnatural, cold, and blinding. Candles lined the wall of this lavish interior, their flames suddenly growing and moving erratically. Down the hallway to my right, I heard a rising din of laughter and voices, and to my left was silence. I chose the silence, levitating once more so that my feet hovered above the ground. The hall was bathed in mostly darkness other than the occasional candle lamp jutting out from the walls and the flickering chandeliers above. The walls were intricately carved stone with golden accents. It was like something out of a fairytale, if not for the rotten, decaying energy that seemed to ooze from the stone like blood.

  I halted before a large set of dark, wooden double doors with lavish detail. They flew open suddenly, startling me to the ground.

  I hesitated as I faced the darkness, but a force—a sinister, bone-chilling power—pulled me toward the abyss. I wanted to scream but couldn’t as I reached out for something to grab onto. I dragged my fingernails across the carpeted floor.

  Hello there, a deep voice boomed in my mind with acoustical prowess, and in a single moment of pure panic and desperation, I was sucked through space and into the void. My ability to scream had been restored, and soon I was caught in an endless, deep well of pain.

  You’re so weak, the voice mocked as I struggled against the darkness. You are nothing. No one. And there is nothing for you in this realm but more suffering and grief.

  I couldn’t see anything but obsidian black, and thick smoke burned through my lungs like fire.

  You are all alone. And you always will be.

  The voice wrapped around me like a boa constrictor and squeezed and squeezed until I was hollow. Until I was nothing. Just like it said I was.

  “Wake up, Áine,” a voice urged.

  I jolted awake. My breath caught, and beads of sweat formed along my hairline. I felt like I was in the abyss still—where both my psychic and physical senses had been completely overloaded, and all of my deepest desires and hidden thoughts rose to the surface—where I was mocked and called weak and pitiful. What was that place?

  Where was I now? I sat up quickly, my confusion and panic waning as I brought myself back to reality.

  Daelon stood over me, his face etched with concern. “It was just a dream,” he murmured.

  A dream? I didn’t think so. I hadn’t had a dream so vivid in my life. I guessed this was just another witch thing I was going to need to get used to.

  I began to shake, overwhelmed and feeling lost. The dream—or nightmare—had been so realistic, and it had struck a chord deep within my psyche. Something powerful was out there in this realm that I didn’t understand, and it yearned for me. It had always yearned for me, and now I was here on its home turf. I was wholly unprepared to confront whatever—or whoever—it was. This was all too much.

  “Hey,” Daelon consoled, clearly sensing I wasn’t fully focused on him yet. “You’re safe.” With his steady eyes locked on mine, he willed me back into the present. The way he spoke with such authority made it hard not to believe him.

  “How—” I couldn’t finish the question. I hugged my knees to my chest. I hated how pathetic I probably looked right now. I needed to keep up my front to protect myself from Daelon and his carefully concealed intentions, but I was scared and exhausted. I couldn’t shake the sinister voice from the dream that told me I was weak. That I was nothing. And that there was nothing for me in Aradia but loss and pain.

  I stared at a spot on the comforter in front of me. “Why are you here?”

  “I heard you scream. I wanted to make sure…”

  I lifted my head up to look at him when he trailed off, seeming to self-censor. His normally impassive, in-control vibe had been shaken, worry etched into features that seemed out of proportion to a nightmare. What wasn’t he saying?

  He broke our gaze, composing himself. “I could lay next to you, if you want. Above the covers, of course.”

  I hesitated, unable to admit how soothing his shielded, protective presence had been when I’d returned from that hellish void.

  “I promise not to bite.” And just like that, he was back to his usual antics, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

  Absolutely not, I thought, but I said, “Okay,” instead. Frustrated with myself, I laid back down and let out a sigh.

  Daelon seemed surprised, but quietly walked to the other side of the king-sized bed. I felt his weight settle into the mattress next to me.

  “You can get unde
r the covers,” I said, feeling guilty about making him uncomfortable in his admittedly sweet gesture. “But don’t try anything.”

  “How generous,” Daelon taunted. “And I wouldn’t dare.”

  He didn’t have to make it sound like that preposterous of an idea. I shook my head at myself. I needed to go back to sleep.

  As we lay quietly together in the darkness, I resolved to ask him more about where he came from and why it was his purpose to help me. I knew that it might’ve been insane to allow this stranger to get so close, especially when I didn’t know my friends from my foes. I knew I had enemies here; my nightmare was a good reminder of that. The sooner I got to the bottom of who they were—and who I was—the better.

  And where did Daelon fit in? As much as I wanted to remind myself that without my clairsentience he was as good as an enemy to me, I couldn’t deny the sense of safety that washed over me as he lay beside me.

  And with him there, I drifted off easily into a dreamless sleep.

  This time when I awoke, I was calmer. Working through grogginess, it took me a moment to realize there was a weight on my chest. I opened my eyes to see Daelon’s arm wrapped around me like a vine. He was fast asleep, his head buried into the comfortable silk pillow. So much for not trying anything… maybe he wasn’t as immune to me as he let on.

  I slipped out from under his grasp, and he stirred but didn’t wake. I was surprised to find that my ankle wasn’t aching. I pulled it out from under the covers and sat up to rest on the edge of the bed. I gasped in astonishment to see that the bruising and swelling had disappeared. Tentatively, I stood, putting some weight on the once-injured joint. It felt tight, but not painful. Delighted not to be so helpless anymore, I made my way to the lavish en suite bathroom to brush my teeth.

  The witch realm seemed to agree with me, I thought, as I studied myself in the tall, gold-framed mirror. The reddish hues of my long copper hair shimmered, and my green eyes looked bright and alert. My fair skin with golden undertones was clear and practically glowing. What was in the water here?

  Somehow Daelon had obtained most of my belongings from my apartment, and I wondered if his mysterious, magickal ways included a run-in with my roommates. What must they think of me? And everything that had happened? Their terrified faces flashed in my mind, and my heart ached. I missed them more than anything, but with my power returning, no one around me was safe anymore. The best thing I could’ve done for them was leave. Who knew how many witches like the fake cop were already on their way to me as soon as that taxi crashed through the glass? I shuddered, remembering how it felt to have him syphon my energy. It was cold, intrusive, and cruel—like a leech digging its teeth into my soul, draining me. Daelon was right. Anyone who had the gift of magick and chose to use it for that was the scum of the earth.

  I went back into the bedroom to pick out clothes for the day. I wasn’t really sure what witch training would entail, but I thought it best to ensure full range of motion. I settled on black athletic leggings and an olive-green tank top. Although Daelon seemed to be fast asleep still, I slipped back into the bathroom to change. To get my hair out of my face, I swept my long locks into two French braids that rested at my shoulders, with a few strands left out to frame my face. I stole one last glance into the mirror, my eyes jumping to the lace trim of my bralette peeking out from beneath the tank. I pursed my lips and pulled the fabric up.

  Daelon was still sprawled out in my bed when I returned, his arm resting where my body used to be. I walked slowly to him, studying his relaxed features in the morning light. I was perplexed by how much softer and more innocent he looked this way, as unconsciousness kept him from putting on any carefully constructed—and often downright domineering—fronts. His facial muscles were relaxed, the hollows of his cheeks shifting slightly with each slow intake of breath. His dark hair was a bit messy from sleep.

  I wanted to read him so badly. It was a compulsion. Maybe he was more vulnerable in his sleep. I moved to stand over him, closing my eyes in concentration as I reached out with my mind, feeling around his energetic field for anything perceptible. I was met with only resistance, like an impenetrable steel wall. The hairs on the back of my neck prickled in warning before a psychic shockwave knocked me out of my concentration.

  My eyes fluttered open, and I gasped in surprise to find Daelon staring straight back at me.

  “What are you doing?” he snapped. He glared at me, and what was once soft in his features hardened. As if remembering where he was, he quickly pulled his outstretched arm back from my side of the bed and sat up. He stretched and flexed his taut muscles as he frowned at me.

  I tried to replace my shocked embarrassment with a smirk.

  “Did I—” He looked appalled.

  I crossed my arms. “Try to spoon me? Yes,” I teased, feigning the scolding tone he’d been all too comfortable using with me.

  “Sorry about that.” He shook his head, but then narrowed his eyes again. “You were trying to get inside my mind,” he accused.

  My cheeks heated up, but I tried my best to remain impassive. “Can you blame me?”

  He considered my words for a moment. “Don’t try it again,” he ordered. “Not that you’d ever be able to.”

  How frustrating. I shrugged as if unbothered. “We’ll see.”

  Anger flashed in his eyes. He got up from the bed quickly and strode to the door. “It’s in poor manners to force your way into another’s mind, on par with energy syphoning without consent.”

  I frowned, considering an apology as the weight of his words sunk in. But he had to understand how impossible of an ask it was for me to trust him on his words alone, given everything that had happened.

  “Eat some breakfast, and then be ready to train,” he said without turning. “Glad to see your ankle is healed already.”

  I crossed my arms, flustered by him ordering me around like that yet again. The phrase hot and cold seemed to have been created just for him. But he was my only hope of surviving this new world at the moment. As soon as I had a better grasp of my abilities and the nature of this realm I wouldn’t need him anymore—or anyone, for that matter.

  And I couldn’t help but grow excited to feel the rush of my power again.

  After I made coffee, I waited for him in the living room while considering the fireplace I had lit yesterday with my magick. I leaned back on the plush, black suede couch. Daelon had disappeared into what I presumed to be his bedroom, and I made a mental note to explore the rest of the cabin later. Growing impatient, I set my coffee down on the table in front of me and walked over to the tall windows to gaze at the beautiful scenery. It reminded me somewhat of the Pacific Northwest, or maybe Colorado, with its tall evergreens and mountainous terrain.

  Suddenly a chill slithered down the length of my spine, carrying with it a familiar feeling of a dark, alluring power. Power that didn’t belong to me—yet was just as intense and all-consuming. I scanned the trees, taking an instinctive step back as a figure emerged in the distance. Its outline was hazy as if made from blackened smoke.

  My breath caught in my throat. “Daelon?” I called, trying to quell the rising panic in my voice. In an instant the imperceptible figure vanished, leaving me to wonder if I had really seen it at all. But I couldn’t deny the energy that had called out to me from deep within the woods—strikingly similar to the abyss in my dream. It was such a fleeting energetic read that I couldn’t be sure, though.

  At the sound of footsteps, I whipped around to face Daelon, who studied my face with just a hint of worry. He straightened, his features tensing at my no doubt bewildered expression.

  “Yes?” His right eyebrow shot up.

  “I thought I saw someone out there, but I’m not sure,” I said, peering out the window again. The trees swayed slightly in the wind, and a hawk flew in the distance to land on a jutting branch.

  Something flashed in Daelon’s eyes. Concern, maybe. “That’s impossible.”


  “You’re probably paranoid right now. Which is perfectly understandable after your nightmare. The witch realm can be highly… impressionable, especially by someone as powerful as you. Your thoughts, and especially your emotions, can have a tangible effect on Aradia’s physical reality. Don’t let it go to your head. The cabin and its surrounding land are heavily protected by multiple spells. I’ve completely masked your power. No one can find you here.”

  I was skeptical still, but his words seemed to resonate. If the power mirrored my own, maybe it really was just an extension of myself—the darker part of myself—the part I feared loved this power despite the pain it had caused in my life. Or maybe it was just the nightmare resurfacing to haunt me.

  “Okay,” I finally said, but I was still going to keep an eye out.

  Daelon visibly relaxed. “Have you eaten?”

  “I don’t eat breakfast. I drink it.” I gestured to the coffee.

  He scowled. “You need your strength, Áine.”

  “You can’t control everything,” I snapped. “I’m sure caffeine will be more than enough fuel for ninja warrior witch training.”

  Daelon looked like he was debating on whether or not to force food down my throat, but he settled on a slight roll of the eyes and a disapproving look.

  “Come on, then.” He spun on his heel and walked away. “Ninja warrior witch training,” he muttered under his breath, chuckling quietly.

  I smiled, feeling a bit triumphant in amusing him. He led me past the kitchen, past my room on the right where the door was ajar, and then past a closed door further down the hall to the left that I figured was his. The home opened back up again in design, with the far wall in front of us made completely of glass, overlooking a vast deck with a firepit and seating. There was a bar with tall barstools, another seating area, and possibly more space that wrapped around where I couldn’t see. It seemed like a home I figured celebrities owned—sleek and modern, yet comfortable and built for entertaining. Yet, it was just Daelon and me here.


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